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Idaho - Interesting info here from Space marines errata from the 16th



Angels of Death Add the following ability to all datasheets (excluding Grey Knights datasheets): ‘This unit has the following abilities: And They Shall Know No Fear, Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault and Combat Doctrines.’


Therefore your ancient on a bike is now safe for angels of death?

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So victrix honour guard seems to work very well with gene wrought might.

Supplemented by litany here or there could work very well indeed!


Seal oath might be a nice replacement for the warden of ultramar trait from vigilus, and at least you don't need 2 cp to get there.

Only down side is stratagem loss.


I'm starting to think double battalions are the way to go. It's a shame battle forged chapters didn't get a cp boost.


Oh and tyranic war vets are keyworded as sternguard.


Chapter ancient isn't bad either. +3 to banner ability


Victrix guard specalist detachment chapter ancient or ancient in terminator armour with warden of ultramar and seal of oath relic. Is something I might try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like this Formation is back on the menu! The Ancient on a Bike is back in business with Angels of Death and can have the Standard of Maccragge Inviolate.


Rock on. We can be looking at Vanguard with dual lightning claws getting 5 attacks each!


Unfortunately the ancient on bike's non-relic banner still doesn't affect BIKES though! Silly situation where the only banner that doesn't affect BIKES is the one that is actually on a bike, as they have now added BIKES to all the others...


I saw you wanted to use him with assault squads though. I might consider doing that too!

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