Lord_Ikka Posted February 8, 2019 Share Posted February 8, 2019 (edited) "They came out of the dark between the stars, destroyed the Xenos scum that we had been fighting for two long months, and then left. They were clearly Astartes, but their armor was of an ancient pattern- black like the night with some sort of crimson wing or sword on the shoulder. Never a word did they say, save for a single vox transmission as the left the planet, "The Forgotten have returned to fulfill our vows." They were gone as suddenly as they arrived." - Report from Comru PDF Colonel Urla Vannick, Comru Xenos Raids M41 "You've heard the recording, that's all they said. We were there raiding along the borders, but those damned black Space Marines came and killed all my boys. Why are you asking me about your own troops?" - Interrogation exerpt of void pirate Kaneor the Faithleech, Ordos Hereticus Ultima Segmentum detention "I've never heard of these Forgotten, or whatever they are called. They appeared on my planet, slaughtered my hand-picked retainers, and left me in a life pod. Of course, I was lucky enough to be picked up by you..." - Testimonty from Interrogator-Chaplain Evora's redemption of the Fallen Tremian, former Sergeant of the 1st Legion and lately Governor-General of Cylpa (Ultima Segmentum) Of late in the Ultima Segmentum, a mysterious force of Astartes has appeared. No known Chapter has been deployed to the engagements where these Space Marines have been roperted, nor have any Deathwatch deployments been authorized that match the scope and resources used. Xenos raids, local rebellions, and Chaos incursions have all been thwarted by these "Forgotten", as they so label themselves in the single message that has been received in all confirmed contacts. The livery on blurred recording does not match any current known Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, though it bears some relation to the Heresy-era 1st Legion. Further investigation is warranted. Inquisitors Kembrah, Felkir, and Thoren have been entrusted by the Conclave Ordos Ultima to investigate and report. - Order from Ordos Ultima Headquarters to Inquisitor Thoren, Ordos Hereticus "Supreme Grand Master, I have uncovered a mystery in the Ultima Segmentum. Along with Squad Helver of the Deathwing and Squad Ysil of the Ravenwing I will make haste to determin if it is indeed a problem worthy of our attention. For the Emperor and the Lion!" - Vox transmission from Interrogator-Chaplain Evora to the Rock. Alright, enough fluff. So after over a decade away, I started up 40k again. Basically I was reading Horus Heresy novels and thought that making a 30k army would be fun. So two years ago I began scouring eBay and bitz sellers for stuff on the cheap and had built up a decent sized Dark Angels force. This 30k army has transitioned to 40k, with the release of 8th edition and me finding a guy at work who also plays 40k. So this will be my log of stuff. The first post after this will be an explanation of my painting thought process/concept for the army, after that will be the fluff, and then a continually updated post that will show my leaders. Thanks for looking. Edited February 8, 2019 by Lord_Ikka Interrogator Stobz, Galloway, Berzul and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 8, 2019 Author Share Posted February 8, 2019 (edited) My general concept outline is this- the secrets that we know bind us tight. What that means is that the secrets that the Forgotten are privy to have made them unable to leave a certain path. Originally, I had designed the Forgotten to be a 30k army, and they were being painted to that standard. I didn't want them full Heresy-era, but rather wanted them to be from directly after, from the Scouring. When I switched them over to 40k, this took a bit of head-scratching to fit them in, but I soon had a decent idea- warp shenanigans. Clichéd I know, but I'm both lazy (ie- didn't want to repaint, and I like the black better than modern DA green) and it works. So the Forgotten are a Scouring-era Dark Angels force called the Trinity Guard, that was out hunting both Traitor Legions and secretly the Fallen when they were lead into a Warp-trap that catapulted them ten thousand years forward in time and across the Imperium's area. So that is the general idea behind the Forgotten. So what do I mean about secrets? Well, the whole force of the Forgotten know about the Fallen- they were a three Chapter-strong force designed to hunt the Fallen under the guise of attacking Traitor strongholds, known as the Trinity Guard of the 1st Legion. With the knowledge of the Fallen and the lie that the Dark Angels told the Imperium (that there were no traitor DA and the way the Lion "died") every Forgotten member could be a liability to the modern DA. Add in the fact that being thrown through the Warp is seen by extremely suspicious to the DA, and the Forgotten have decided that they cannot let the modern Dark Angels know about them. Even if their story was believed by the Dark Angels, the chance that they would be taken as Fallen themselves has made the decision to remain apart more acceptable. They will keep their secrets safe from all, even their brothers, fighting in the shadows and leaving little trace. The Forgotten has a number of unique ranks and divisions within its forces. These divisions are known as the Brotherhoods, and they somewhat correspond to the Hexagrammaton formations of the 1st Legion. Ranks- Master: The leader of the Forgotten. Master Beleth is the only member with this rank and has been since the Scouring. Equivalent to a Chapter Master of a codex chapter or the leader of a Crusade-era Expeditionary force. Lord: Leader of a Brotherhood, with an equivalent rank of Captain in a codex chapter. The formal way to address a Lord is the Lord's name, then Lord, then the Brotherhood the Lord leads. So Caim, Lord Cambiel is the correct way to address the leader of the Cambiel Brotherhood. Sar- Somewhere between a captain and lieutenant in authority for a Codex chapter, Sar is a Calibanite term that honored a Knight of the Order. Brotherhoods: The Cassiel Brethren: The Librarians of the Forgotten, keepers of lore and wielders of psychic might Cambiel Brotherhood: Veteran fighters who guard those in command Auriel Brotherhood: Battlefield leaders, those that have the tactical and strategic gifts The Galgaliem: Scouts and Hunters, formerly known as the Ravenwing Suriel Oath-bound: Formerly the Deathwing, these Terminator-clad brothers are oath-sworn to silence Oath Names Since returning to the Imperium and the decision to not rejoin the Dark Angels, the Forgotten have discarded their old names and have taken on new oath names from Terran/Calibanite legendary angels and daemons. (Original names first, oath name second) Grand Master Maris- Beleth, Master of the Forgotten Librairan Mal Kiv- Armaros, Lord Cassiel Librarian Gaviel- Sar Andras, Cassiel Brethren Chaplain Ivar Teleca- Lord Chaplain Orobas Chaplain Vanda Sether- Retributor-Chaplain Xaphan, "The Castigator" Company Captain du'Lorne- Caim, Lord Cambiel First Decurion Morrin- The Eligor, Voted-Lord Suriel Captain Luthian- Sar Allocer, Auriel Brotherhood Vigilator Sevryn- Sar Ornias, Auriel Brotherhood Sergeant Lostith- Sar Tellar, Cambiel Brotherhood Chapter Master Ber Vallon- Morax, Venerable Dreadnought Edited February 8, 2019 by Lord_Ikka Othniel's Blade and Galloway 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5250888 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 8, 2019 Author Share Posted February 8, 2019 (edited) Timeline of facts pertinent to the Forgotten, as known by Imperium records Unification Wars: Malek Maris is made into a Space Marine of the 1st Legion. Fights in numerous battles during the Unification, is promoted to Lieutenant and later Company Master of the 2nd Chapter, 19th Order of the 1st Legion. Great Crusade: The 19th Order of the 1st Legion is decimated during the Rangdan Xenocides. Company Master Maris rises to full command of the 2nd Chapter, 19th Order as Chapter Master. Horus Heresy: Immediately prior to the Thramas Crusade, Chapter Master Maris is given command of the 1st through 5th Chapters of the 19th Order, serving as a minor Expeditionary fleet. This force serves with distinction throughout the Thramas campaign, though their loses are heavy- nearly half of the force is lost in the battles with the Night Lords. The 19th Order fleets follow their Primarch to Caliban, and are present at the Fall. The Scouring: Following Cypher's revelation of the existence of the Fallen to the 1st Conclave of the Inner Circle, Chapter Master Maris is inducted into the Inner Circle along with his surviving officers and veteran troops. The remnants of the 1st through 5th Chapters consolidate into the 1st , 2nd, and 3rd Chapters of the 19th Order, named the Trinity Guard. Chapter Master Maris is placed in command of the Trinity Guard with one mission- hunt down and destroy the Fallen. To preserve the secret of the Fallen, the Trinity Guard uses the general offensive launched by the Dark Angels against the Traitor Legion holdings to conduct their hunt. 120-156.M31: The Trinity Guard are credited with eradicating over two dozen Traitor fleets, armies, or planetary holdings. During this time, they recover or eliminate three chapter/company level Fallen officers and destroy three Fallen warbands of squad-strength or higher. 157.M31: Last known astropathic/vox transmissions from the Trinity Guard. The Trinity Guard informed the Rock that they were pursing a Word Bearers vessel on the edges of Segmentum Obscurus. The last transmissions tell of strange emissions coming from the Word Bearer ship as it entered the Warp. 257.M31: The Trinity Guard chapters are officially declared lost in the Warp and removed from the Rock's roll of battle. 933.M40: Reports surface from Ultima Segmentum of a heavily damaged fleet. All attempts at contact by Imperial Fleet elements unsuccessful. 980.M40: Multiple instances of an unknown Astartes chapter intercepting and destroying both Chaos and Xenos raiders at the edge of the Ultima Segmentum. The reports indicate black-armored Space Marines with red winged heraldry. No physical evidence found, appearances suggest removal of wounded/deceased combatants. The only vox contact that has been recorded from these encounters is a single message, "The Forgotten have returned to fufill our vows." Edited February 9, 2019 by Lord_Ikka Othniel's Blade and Galloway 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5250896 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 8, 2019 Author Share Posted February 8, 2019 (edited) Reserved for HQ pics. The Eligor, Voted-Lord of the Suirel Oath-bound Amaros, Lord Cassiel Lord Chaplain Orobas Retributor-Chaplain Xaphas "The Castigator" Edited February 8, 2019 by Lord_Ikka Galloway 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5250898 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 8, 2019 Author Share Posted February 8, 2019 (edited) Here's the majority of my painted army so far (I painted these a while ago, and have recently restarted painting). I will be rebasing what was previously based in an astrogranite-drakenhoff-longbeard scheme to a more normal stirland mud base. 2k points worth of the Forgotten Tac Squads. Using combi-plasma and plasma to blast through the enemy. Missile Devastators Various HQ types Company Vets and Deathwing Cataphracti Edited February 8, 2019 by Lord_Ikka HorrOwl, Dark Rage and Galloway 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5250976 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Lucifer Posted February 8, 2019 Share Posted February 8, 2019 The army looks good! I would just do the bases more light so the Black Armour pops out. Cheers! Lord_Ikka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5251236 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbaeza94 Posted February 8, 2019 Share Posted February 8, 2019 im getting a loyalist fallen vibe, or at least a chapter that got whisped away along with the fallen. makes sense that they get dumped a couple thousand years in the future. im very curious on this backstory.maybe we should find that fluff thread and do some necromancy, or start a new one to share more Unforgiven stories Lord_Ikka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5251260 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 8, 2019 Author Share Posted February 8, 2019 The army looks good! I would just do the bases more light so the Black Armour pops out. Cheers! Thanks! The army will be moving to the same basing style that the two Chaplains have, as it is a more contrasting color. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5251278 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 13, 2019 Author Share Posted February 13, 2019 WIP Biker Chaplain I had an extra version of the Chaplain I used for Xaphas, but he didn't have a crozius (eBay bits buy, sometimes stuff comes damaged...). I cut him in half and put him on a bike to lead my nine Galgalium (Ravenwing) bikers. My greenstuff work is very rudimentary, but I think it is adequate in this case. Dark Rage and Interrogator Stobz 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5255893 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 23, 2019 Author Share Posted February 23, 2019 (edited) I managed to finish up some Scouts, and build some new ones lately. Slowly but surely the Forgotten are growing... Sniper Scouts, using the now discontinued Anvil Industries Black Ops bodies, designed to imitate the FW Recon Marine squads. I'm really hoping that they start a new Black Ops line, they are so nice. I also have a 5-man squad of them armed with bolters/shotguns, but they aren't painted yet. For gameplay, they are simply normal Scouts, their heavier Recon armor counting as camo-cloaks. Now my newly-built "regular" Scouts. I had quite a few Scout torsos/weapons from various eBay bits lot wins, but no legs. My last buy managed to net me not just the bike for my Chaplain, but a full 5-man sniper Scout squad. Since I had these extra bodies/arms I decided to magnetize them to give me a little extra variety, and the option to bulk up either my sniper squad or bolter squad to a full-strength team. Fluff-wise, I view these as the start of the Forgotten's replenishment initiative. They are the newest members, the first new recruits in over ten thousand years. Rather than take a tithe of youths from selected planets like normal Astartes, the Forgotten have decided to take war-orphaned infants that cannot be traced. They are the new generation of Fallen-hunters. Next up in my painting queue is a Predator, ten regular bolter marines, two heavy bolters, these Scouts (plus the other built but not painted Scouts) and 9 bikers (also re-basing all my DA currently painted). I also have a Questoris Knight (fully magnetized), Cerastus Knight Castigator, and a Fire Raptor to build for my brother's Blood Angels army. All of that while starting to play 40k with my workmate and going to some competitive X-wing tourneys/playing in a monthly league. Going to be a busy few months... Edited February 23, 2019 by Lord_Ikka Interrogator Stobz, Grand Master Belial and Dark Rage 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5262778 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted February 23, 2019 Author Share Posted February 23, 2019 In addition, I have a quick question for the brothers of the Unforgiven. I love Terminators, and my Deathwing is coming along quite well- Master in Cataphractii w/combi-melta and powersword Interrogator-Chaplain in Terminator armor Librarian in Terminator armor (ordered, should be here shortly) Magnetized Deathwing Ancient/Champion/Apothecary 5-man Deathwing Knight squad 6-man Deathwing Cataphractii squad (storm-bolters and lighning claw, sarge w/chainfist, heavy flamer) 10-man Deathwing Terminator squad (2 assault cannons/plasma cannons, 2 chainfists) Venerable Dreadnought w/twin-linked lascannon and missile launcher Land Raider I'm wondering what to get next/what would be the most fun option to get. Any thoughts from other lovers of the Deathwing? I've thought of grabbing some Tartaros armor, just to have all three variants, or bulk up my Knights to a full squad. Maybe grab another Dreadnought or a full 10-man Cataphractii squad with pure lighting claws. I'm pretty set for the bulk of the rest of my army (I've got plenty of "Greenwing" stuff and enough bikers for a small Ravenwing detachment), but think that because I enjoy termies so much there might be something I'm missing. I mean, I'm waiting with impatience for HH9 to come out and the DA to get their special terminators, but until then do any of you have thoughts? I'm not a competitive player at all (I'll stick with X-wing for competition, 40k is for casual) and am not too worried about having things min/maxed- which is fairly obvious as I'm looking at getting more Deathwing :D Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5262790 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted March 6, 2019 Author Share Posted March 6, 2019 The Forgotten and Knight House Romlas participate in an Apocalypse game. Pics/semi-write up: https://imgur.com/gallery/kItHuGD I lost, but super fun game and can't wait for the actual Apo game next Sat. It should have a minimum of 4 players, each with 275 PL armies, and could have 7 or more showing up. Since I have a fluff-based/designed army, I go into games knowing I'll probably lose, but still enjoy the battles. I do need to get more painted though, I dislike playing with half-finished models... Thanks for looking! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5271035 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted March 17, 2019 Author Share Posted March 17, 2019 A 30,000 point Apocalypse game was played, with the Forgotten participating! Pics/crappy writeup: https://imgur.com/gallery/SvI2kwS Apologies for not getting many pics beyond the setup pics, but this was a quite involved game and I had to pay more attention playing than I did photographing. Overall impressions of my first big, multiplayer Apo game- do one! So much fun to play 8 hours of 40k with massive units that don't see a lot of table time. Definitely recommended to everyone! robofish7591 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5278001 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JaM_TW Posted March 20, 2019 Share Posted March 20, 2019 Nice army, and I like the idea you have behind it. The bases could use a contrasting colour though. :) Nevertheless: it's growing quite big! It's only a matter of time before the Imperium or the DA will take a renewed interest... or perhaps not? :) "Just as planned" , maybe :D Looks good! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5280078 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted March 21, 2019 Author Share Posted March 21, 2019 Thanks! Yeah, the bases need some work- I will probably be using some sort of foliage to make them slightly better, maybe grass tufts. I am switching to the brown bases (like on the chaplains) from the dark blue bases (Eligor) to give a little more contrast. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5281003 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted May 17, 2019 Author Share Posted May 17, 2019 Been playing more than painting lately, but finished up this guy while working on night shift. Unnamed, as of yet, company champion. Dark Rage 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5315732 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted May 21, 2020 Author Share Posted May 21, 2020 (edited) So, been busy in the last few months, but haven't updated this thread (mainly because I hate having to manually enter the image info, and I'm lazy) but thought I should since I'm pretty much dones with my Dark Angels forces at the moment. I managed to get a full 4k force fully painted and based, and finished off some other odds and ends (including re-basing all my stuff to a standard base), so here they are. I've also decided to re-do their lore, instead of being warp-lost and hiding the Forgotten are now a Scouring-era force that was stasis-locked in the depths of the Rock, waiting for the Supreme Grand Master to awaken them. They have now been awakened, informed of the reasons for their return (Fallen massing, Luthor escaping, giant warp rift, etc...), have begun to receive Primaris reinforcements, and are moving towards their foes. Anyway, here's the pics.4k "Full" ArmyHQsElitesTroops Fast AttackHeavy SupportTransports Full Suriel Oathbound (Deathwing) Force Ancient (banner pending…) Librarians Edited May 21, 2020 by Lord_Ikka Dark Rage, Knight Artorias and Gederas 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5524696 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted May 21, 2020 Share Posted May 21, 2020 Now THAT is an army shot! :tu: They all look really nice. I especially like the clever use of Stormcast Eternals parts in there ;) Lord_Ikka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5524879 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted May 21, 2020 Author Share Posted May 21, 2020 Now THAT is an army shot! :tu: They all look really nice. I especially like the clever use of Stormcast Eternals parts in there ;) Thanks. I'm planning on doing another Stormcast as an Inquisitor, the models are pretty versatile. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5525083 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galloway Posted May 21, 2020 Share Posted May 21, 2020 Very cool army and theme. For your jump captain?, we’re you able to just glue the DA icon to the storm shield or did it need some green stuff work? Been thinking about best way to do something similar for some company veterans Lord_Ikka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5525094 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted May 22, 2020 Author Share Posted May 22, 2020 The storm shield is from the Deathwatch kit, and all I had to do to fit the icon on it was cut off the Inquisition symbol on the shield and sand it down a bit. Galloway 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5525180 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Rage Posted May 22, 2020 Share Posted May 22, 2020 Very nice, really like the Deathwing 'Suriel Oathbound' force, the mixes of armour variants are really cool. Lord_Ikka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5525496 Share on other sites More sharing options...
eternal_warrior12 Posted May 22, 2020 Share Posted May 22, 2020 These are great. And any fleshing out of the forgotten and not the fallen is good. Fight well brother. Soon the Lion will emerge and unite the legion. We shall fight side by side again here soon! Lord_Ikka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353698-the-forgotten/#findComment-5525572 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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