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+++ Muster of the Unforgiven +++


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I was planning on expanding my Dark Angels roster for this ETL, but then to celebrate me clearing my entire backlog (except for a couple of terrain pieces) i ordered 2 imperial knights (and my wallet wept)

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It's gonna be a light one for me this year; maybe a couple or three Dark Talons, maybe, maybe not.


I've booked a massively expensive family holiday to Europe in October that has hammered my hobby funds and probably a fair bit of time too.


But, there will be something from me.



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It's gonna be a light one for me this year; maybe a couple or three Dark Talons, maybe, maybe not.


I've booked a massively expensive family holiday to Europe in October that has hammered my hobby funds and probably a fair bit of time too.


But, there will be something from me.




Blah blah I'm a slacker? :P

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It's gonna be a light one for me this year; maybe a couple or three Dark Talons, maybe, maybe not.


I've booked a massively expensive family holiday to Europe in October that has hammered my hobby funds and probably a fair bit of time too.


But, there will be something from me.




Hah, in october I'm doing a long vacation at your northern neighbours. We might cross paths :biggrin.:

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I'm excited, will be the year I finish a decent 2000 point list!


Hoping to vow:


Vow 1:

- 6 plasma inceptors

- Sammael in sableclaw

- 4 Ravenwing Bikes

- 2x Company Champions

- Smash Master

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Is the ETL event always 3 months long and starts from 1st of May to 1st of August?

I still have plenty in my backlog to build and paint, some of it is semi built as well. From reading the FAQ for last years it seems the best way would be to have all 5 vows built and at most primed and ready to go!?
I shall have to do some thinking and planning. I'm feeling ambitious - my hobby productivity has never been higher (still no where near the level of some of you gents) - so I would love to get 5 vows done in my first ETL

My problem is that I start many projects but never to completion! Maybe this even can help teach me to just finish the things haha. 

Count me in brothers!

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I'm looking at something silly for my vow.  I need to work out points but I'm hoping to start with a Knight Lancer and follow up with a huge Primaris lot... it hinges on assembly, which I am currently on track for.  Problem is the Primaris dudes will likely be a relatively low points amount as it's all infantry and no Hellblasters :biggrin.:

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I have a few vows in me this year, been saving some characters, hellblasters and devastators for the ETL. Won't be able to go crazy on points like last year but I will do what I can for the DA!

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Traditionally ETL is May 1st OR May 15th for 3 months, if it was a May 1st start this year, we'd have heard about it by now, so I'd say it's more likely a later start this year :thumbsup:

Thank you :) This should give me enough time to prepare and quickly finish off a couple other projects still on the fly.

​Okay so I've done some thinking and planning for my vows! I'm planning on 3 big vows I should be able to accomplish in 3 months.  With room for 2 more vows for undecided characters if I'm going ahead of schedule. I've got Ezekiel, the primaris gravis captain, terminator interrogator chaplain, or a smash captain to plan a kit-bash and build and paint.
Vow 1 will probably be a Relic Deredeo dreadnought I've had for about 3 years :blush: This is pretty much nearly build, just some magnetizing and priming to do.
Vow 2 will probably be Sammael on corvex the fine-cast model. This is mostly built but I rushed it and need to re-glue parts to fit together and fill gaps...
Vow 3 will probably be Talon-master. Mostly built and the conversion ideas are all there, just some minor mold lines and scraping to do and finish building...
I'll be working on having all 3 of these ready to paint for the start of the event to give myself the best chance of success!!!
Good luck to all!


Random question, has the Dark Angels won this before?

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Thank you :smile.: This should give me enough time to prepare and quickly finish off a couple other projects still on the fly.

​Okay so I've done some thinking and planning for my vows! I'm planning on 3 big vows I should be able to accomplish in 3 months.  With room for 2 more vows for undecided characters if I'm going ahead of schedule. I've got Ezekiel, the primaris gravis captain, terminator interrogator chaplain, or a smash captain to plan a kit-bash and build and paint.
Vow 1 will probably be a Relic Deredeo dreadnought I've had for about 3 years :blush.: This is pretty much nearly build, just some magnetizing and priming to do.
Vow 2 will probably be Sammael on corvex the fine-cast model. This is mostly built but I rushed it and need to re-glue parts to fit together and fill gaps...
Vow 3 will probably be Talon-master. Mostly built and the conversion ideas are all there, just some minor mold lines and scraping to do and finish building...
I'll be working on having all 3 of these ready to paint for the start of the event to give myself the best chance of success!!!
Good luck to all!

Random question, has the Dark Angels won this before?



Hmm I have a Talonmaster to get done too.  Thanks for reminding me!

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Random question, has the Dark Angels won this before?



ETL results as follows,


1 - Black Templars

2 - Dark Angels

3 - Chaos

4 - Chaos

5 - Chaos

6 - Blood Angels


'So what you're saying is...' Dark Angels have won the 4 times! :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: 


Wonderful thank you. LETS DO IT GUYS! Are you getting hyped!?:teehee:

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I think this year I'll be joining the First. I have quite a backlog to do, and my Dark Angels need the love.


And lucky me, I have an un-built squad of Hellblasters ready and waiting. And some Terminators.



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Well, I decided to start the build. Question... can we apply more than one "base" colour? By that I mean can I spray different parts different colours? Can I spray the interior Ushabti Bone and the exterior Caliban Green for example? Oh yeah, I settled on a Mastodon :smile.:, I was quite suprised at how many parts there were just for the interior.



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I was told last year by Cpt. Semper that I could do one colour on the chassis for my Castigator and one for the armour plating, so you should be just fine doing a couple of different spraytans for in- and exterior.

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any starting date then?


Not that I've heard, but if I were Frater's here I'd start getting things assembled/basecoated in preparation. We really need to stick it to our pesky Sanguinius loving brethren.

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