Inquisitor Balor Posted May 14, 2019 Share Posted May 14, 2019 Greetings Fellow Commanders,Ive had the pleasure of speaking to a few of you know and it was suggested i start a WIP thread for my army where i can show off painting progress,Lists, and battle reports so here i am. As for me im just getting back into 40k i last seriously played in the very beginning of fifth. Im having a grand time now that I have the fincial resources to play the army ive always wanted and over a couple weeks researched purchased and assembled round about 2500 points maybe a bit shy. Im a relaxed guy and im always willing to hear someone out on their opinion so please feel free to share. Now then Introducing The Cadian 420th Honor Gaurd. A Hand picked regiment assembled by the glorious Creed himself before his disapearence and the death of the beloved Color Sergent Kell. Though our planet may have fallen, our Commander Missing and our brothers in arms scattered we stand firm. For the planet cracked before our men and we shell persevere. The orginial intention of our unit was to work as as a spear tip in dire consequences where an assualt was deemed vital yet near impossible. A unit Commander Creed could rely upon over all others to get the job done even at the cost of everyone one of our lives for we ready to sell them as dearly as possible at a moments notice. Now we continue to fufill our dutys as a spear tip. Though it is not a seige we fave but the overwhelming task of rebuilding. The Cadian 420th Honor Gaurd now stands as a force under the direct power of the Ordo Malleus. We are being used as the command center to rebuild the cadian gaurd and damn the costs. Our objectives are simple. We search for our beloved commander, a world to call our own, and to strike feircly at the arch enemy and make them rue the day they thought they broke Cadia. For as Long as a single Cadian has a las gun in his hand, CADIA STILL STANDS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 Now for what ive started to paint and my painting goals for 2019. So my goals for 2019 are to have a competitive 2000 pts list assembled and painted fully. I want this to include a full brigade detachment and at least a core of three leman ruses. I figure this will give me a solid base to start really learning the game and i can walk into a tournament and not be the guy with grey plastic everywhere. So far ive Painted Commissar Faldrak I actually painted him as the first minature i had painted in about 6ish years. I wanted to see if i just took as much time as it took and really tried how well i could do. So hes sort of my before and after im planning on buying the exact same model at some point and making it the last model i paint for my 2k list as a sort of before and after. Then i started with a set of the static pose 5 man cadian box set and followed the video on how to paint cadian shock troops posted by games workshop tv on youtube. I tried immitating what he said and then minor changes to the technique to see what worked best for me and figured out a step by step process. Then i sat down with the task of figuring out how to paint tanks. I choose the Leman Russ with what i consider to be a basic load out leman russ for my force. so now i have my techniques down and its just a matter of taking the time to sit down and do it. I descided whats gonna work best for me is to go through all my infantry men and do just the base colors first so tan,dark green, black, and flesh tone and then a layer of earthshade wash. This is like maybe 35% of the paint job but gets it to look table top ready at the very least. So im gonna do that on all of them by the end of june and then knock out the rest of the armys tanks and such before going back and finishing the infantry proper. Im planning on spending all day tomorrow and wednesday painting as i have them off for my birthday so im hoping to get lots done. In other words expect an update and more photos soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 Ah then time for battle reports. So far i have a whopping two games under my belt of 8th edition. One against the Vile Green Skin Hordes and another against the never ending tide that is tyranids. Unfortunatly the machine spirit in my phone is acting up so a lot of the photos i took i cant find. Hopefully ill apease the spirit at some point and find them. Until then heres what happened and what photos i have. ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS, Orks orks orks orks, ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS So my first game of 8th edition was against the orks i forget what the kulture was called but it gave all his boys 6+ invunerables. His list from what i remember contained 4 bricks of boys on foot, 3 trucks of boys, 3 big meks with kff, 3 pain boys, a brick of lootas, a brick of tank bustas, a battlewagon with a Killa Kannon and deffrolla with ard boys inside. My list was . So i ended up tabling him but he was a good sport and rather then get big headed i tried to focus on what was effective and what caused me to table him. It was Big Guns Never Tire and we did length ways deployment zone 12 inches from center of table. We get all set up hes going first and i manage to seize. I unload everything at his tank bustas and lootas. The lootas are making saves all day but the tank bustas get ahnialated for first blood and a vp for killing a heavy. Nothing else to exciting happens but almost as an after thought i shot the battle cannon leman russ at his battle wagon and brough it down to 4 wounds in a single volley. His first turn he rolls a 3 as his highest roll to advance with anything and the vast majority were 1s even using his rerolls. He kills nothing. Turn two i pop his battle wagon and erase the ard boys inside. and kill all but one truck.i then start laying all guns avaible into the now foot slogging horde heading my way. By the end of two turns of gun line gaurd laying into him his army has lost basicly all its momentum I moved my ogryn to the left side of the board where he had funneled his forces hoping a mass push would break my lines and he could manage to sweep me off the board with boys. THEY WERE DEVASTATING running the priest behind them on the charge they are just mean. They softened the 50 some odd slugga choppa boys squad(combined squads) with there frag bombs using the grenader strategem and then charge they took out 15 some odd boys and in return lost a single wound. the rest of his army was now essentially stuck behind this mass of boys who were effectively stuck in combat. they could not physicly disengage with out the entire army back stepping and thats what they did. Back stepped, the melee unit retreats and then they opened up with there guns and did..... well nothing to be honest. At this point the game just consisted of me shooting what he had left off the board. All said and done he had a single big mek that he chose to just run off the table turn 5. In return he killed a entire 10 man flamer squad though they took out 9 orks in the overwatch fire alone when they were charged despite only consiting of the sergent the vox and a flamer. They nearly wiped the Bullgryn Squad they held off that giant blob and forced there army back then managed to survive a charge by the same squad of boys with a single man left standing. He was promoted to a BoneEad Immediatly. That was it though. 10 men 5 bullgryns and in return i kille roughly 120+ orks and assorted vehicles. It was a ton of fun and a great way to dip my toes back into the game. The only picture i have is of said giant squad of boys from this match. it was a really fun match and the dice were kind to me :D Now the next game proved to be very very different.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 So the next game i played was against an old friend Jeremy who is easily top ten in washington state and is just an amazing tabletop gamer in general. Hadnt played him since 5th and i knew i was up against and virtually unwinable fight how ever i also knew that i was about to get a extreme crash course in 40k and i had a blast doing it. So I dont know the nids like at all so i apologize for not knowing there names that well but ill try my best. using games-workshop cataloge. He had a full squad of melee gaunts and two shooting. The shooting unit was a 50/50 mix of two guns im not sure how many options they have or what they were called though. He had a squad of venom thropes, a flyrant, 8 hive gaurd with the str 8 , 36 inch range guns (these guys really hurt) The flamer Tyranofex, a 3 pack of carnifexs with the 20+ shot gun a turn and the upgrade that makes them harder to hit, an exocrine, and a tervigon. Im sure i messed something up but thats the best i got from memory. My list was the exact same as the last game but i shifted points around to accomodate the veteran squads heavy bolter becomming a las cannon which ended up being an amazing idea. The game mode was once again big guns never tire and it was once again table ends up with a weird arrow head deployment zone. He ended up going first and i didnt seize what insued i would describe as a controlled slaughter. He knew his army, his movement, and his phases I was looking nearly everything as we went and basicly played my own game. Rather then win i wanted to hold on to the objective in my deployment zone as long as possible. I wanted to make it 4 turns, i survived 5 and was tabled with a smile on my face. So rather then a play by play which would consist of me making poor descions and then realizeing moments later here are some pictures and what i learned from the match. Things i learned: I need aggressive units that put preassure on the enemy. I had no real way of controlling the battle field against so many bodies and the only real threats i had against his bigger bugs were Knight commander Pask, Battle Cannon Leman Russ and Bullgryns. I do not like the eradicator nova cannon, i believe thats the one that ignores cover. Its not that great againt anything really and doesnt have the fire power to really put a hurt on most infantry squads or the umph to hurt big stuff. Bullgryns need to either be screening with in cover or they need to be aggressive. They took a lot of punishment to get rid of but in two turns they were down to one man and no longer a threat. Yet they had 0 effect on the board. When picking deployment sides i need to make sure i know what i can see through and what i cant. This caused commander pask to not be able to issue orders to another leman russ despite being right next to each other as i didnt realize that one side of the building had 0 windows. I also had 0 Los blocking terrain in my deplyment zone. Had i chosen the other i would of had at least one building to properly hide my basalisk and mortar teams behind. Target priority is key. So i saw the big flamer bug it was the big scary thing in the center of the table and i poored everything into it turn one and got it down to half health. Then by the time he had finished his second turn i was starting to get the picture of how the list functioned and what needed to go. Had i focused the venomthropes first and then got rid of the hive gaurd it could have been a extremely diffrent game. If you spend your frst turn getting something half dead...... finish the job. So yea i realized i had chosen target priority completely wrong so switched and while i had more effect at that point i should have finished the flamethrower zilla. Lesson learned. Mortars are amazingly points effective. even when they have a flyrant make it there personal mission to destroy them. Two turns of shooting and i more then got there point value back. Tucking your warloard against a solid wall and then surrounding him with mortar teams is a great way to keep him from getting assainated by a flyrant XD The laurels of command on a tank commander seems real real dumb. I realized half way through i could give it to him and that it would allow up to two leman russes to possibly have pound them to dust and strike and shroud on the same turn. This seems amazing for a first turn barage and then hunkering down for return fire. I really really missed this game. I missed everything about it and im glad im back to playing. Expect to see a lot from me lads. I have the emperors work to do! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted May 14, 2019 Share Posted May 14, 2019 Brilliant! If you haven't already sounds like you should start taking the Cadia stands series. It discusses a lot of what happens to the remaining cadian forces and New Cadia. I haven't read the second one yet as I'm waiting for it to hit paper back. The painting is coming along nicely. The GW videos are very helpful. I wouldn't fret too much on speed and quality of painting you don't want to burn yourself out. Youll also notice there's a few in the barracks going back to repaint their armies this year as individual skills and standards have improved. Unfortunately the Eradicator and Exterminator this edition aren't in the greatest spot. However variants and IG in general are in great spots this edition. ;) Dont forget you can always magnetise the tanks too. It's relatively easy to do. :tu: Bullgryns are great as you say play them aggressively. I usually don't bring them to friendly games any more (and I u have 9...). Where in WA are you? I believe one other commander here is in that general vicinity and I also know some people who game in Seattle. Looking forward to seeing this thread progress! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 15, 2019 Share Posted May 15, 2019 Your Commissar and the Leman Russ are well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 15, 2019 Author Share Posted May 15, 2019 @duz_ Im up near canada on whidbey island in a town called oak harbor. Im also up in Mt vernon and Bellingham frequently. I will most certainly look up the series and thank you for your kind words. @Bjorn FIrewalker thank you kind sir So i spent the day carefully disaseembling my eradicator main turret and side turrets and managed to get them back together with a completely new load out. I didnt glue in the front gun and side guns so i can magnatize them later the main turret i was lacking all the parts to properly put the punisher cannon on im not sure if i used them on another or if i just lost it. Long story short i didnt notice till i had it apart so i did the best with what i had. Im now planning on running this as a horde/infantry killer and a distraction. The first load im trying is the Punisher cannon and three Heavy Flamers and im gonna see what that does. This is what it looks like all said and done. Be honest if you think it looks bad and ill just order a new turret somehow. The gun still has full movement up and down and rotational and the only thing i was really missing was the bottom of the mount for the punisher cannon so i freinkensteined another turret base off an auto cannon to fit in the slots for up and down movement with the punsher cannon and the half of the hosuing i had. Then used the little metal plates that i have laying about to fill in some of the armor parts. Im hoping when is painted it wont look awful. The tank can be seen here being inspected and recieving its final blessing before being based tomorrow by Tech Priest 0b110100100 Alpha So i have a question im not sure where to post so i guess im just gonna ask here. I have a chimera i never intend to use and i need fast attacks. From what ive seen the hell hound is build on a chimera chasis. Could i in theroy kit bash a chimera into a hellhound? Would it be allowed in tournaments is my main concern. Thanks to anyone whos reading this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 20, 2019 Author Share Posted May 20, 2019 I appreciate everyone help and advice as i tried to get reaquainted with 40k. Unfortunatly 40k just isnt fun at least not for me any more, so im quitting. I already invested a huge sum of money and based on what im seeing with how the game works its a never ending pit. I dont want to have 5 pdfs open, the core rule book, the imperium book volume two, and my codex to write a pure gaurd list. The game has gotten aggresssive to the point of stupidity. In 4th i remember if you charged turn two you were doing awesome. Yesterday i got assaulted turn 1 by an enemy that was 45 inches away at the start of his turn. Before i got my first turn that single unit chewed through An Hq, Two Elites, 2 troops then tied up two of my leman russes going into my first turn. It feels like theres way less interaction between players in the worst way. For example smite. Nothing you can do against it doesnt need to roll to hit just go off, tyranid smitegoes off on a 6 on 2d6 with a reroll. Three max squad of zonethropes getting 2 smites a squad they were erasing tanks and squads of bullgryns a turn. Now i would have no problem against this had he shot said tanks or bullgryns off the board but that would require some level of interaction instead we get this. I roll 2d6 with rerolls i need a 6 with the reroll your gonna get the 6 85% of the time. You dont have to roll to hit so any mods i paid for for dont do anything. Doesnt matter what my toughness is smite just wounds. Doesnt matter what my armor is because there mortal wounds. 0 interaction just hey remove that thing because i said so. When an army does have something fun or cool to play around with its almost gauranteed to get nerfed as soon as that codex isnt flying off the shelf any more. Hell even if it its not that amazing it just take the right group of players to be vocal it seems and stuff will get nerfed to the point it might as well not be in the codex to begin with (looking at you conscripts) Im just not interested in the game it doesnt seem fun at all and im not gonna dump even more money into it hoping it gets fun eventually. The experience has even left a bad taste in my mouth for the universe as a whole so im stepping away. So thank you all very much for your time and if anyone is looking to pick up a massive surge of gaurd ill be posting a link to the ebay page when i get it up. Ill be starting it off cheap i just want them gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mordian Glory Posted May 20, 2019 Share Posted May 20, 2019 I'm just gonna be honest, quitting and selling your army because you lost a few games is a foolhardy thing to do. Most people loose their first 5-10 games before they get a win. But every loss is important as you learn not to make the same mistakes again. Eventually you get that win and it feels amazing You say that you got assaulted turn 1 and smite was an issue? Sounds to me like you were not screening properly at all. Cheap infantry should always be upfront ready to absorb the first turns of damage. Also this is the Guard son, we are meant to to take horrific casualties! But as I always say in my videos, the Guard get hit hard, but they can hit back even harder! Taking the gameplay out of the picture, they best thing about 40k is the community. All the hobbying, painting and converting is just as fun as playing the game itself. At the end of the day, you can do what you want and what you think is right. What ever you decide, I wish you good fortune in the ways to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 20, 2019 Share Posted May 20, 2019 Indeed, it's unfortunate you feel this way but while the game is not perfect it is a social one, and there is a contract involved accordingly. If your opponent is beating you silly, talk to them. Discussing games is the best way to assess them for mistakes to correct, and who better to know those mistakes than the person that exploited them! It sounds like your opponent is experienced, so maybe he wasn't aware you were starting out? It's in your opponent's interest to have good games too, so they'd not want such lopsided games either - and if they do: that's all the sign you need to find others to play! As Mordian says it takes some games to get into your stride, and learn the rules. Guard isn't the simplest army either so you can't pick them up and go, understanding everything. There's a lot of combined arms and mutual support required, again as Mordian says once you get on top of these you'll be able to dish out some pain of your own You learn more from a defeat than any victory, it's just a matter of processing the information and taking steps to correct the mistakes, and improve your gaming. Fortunately in the barracks you have all the help and advice you'll need to assist with this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 20, 2019 Author Share Posted May 20, 2019 Sorry i must not of gotten what i was trying to say across very well. Its not a matter of losing im generally a really good sport and if im learning something every game i dont care if i lose and infact the game im refering to wasnt a complete crap shoot but that one unit won him the game turn 1. My problem is i have yet to see a game that wasnt extremely one sided, and as stated above theres no interaction. I roll dice against nothing now take mortal wounds. I screened my units and infact had the only other gaurd player in the area give me pointers on how to do so. We were playing corner deployment and he got to pick deployment and put me in a corner where there was exactly one spot my bane blade could fit and i had to pack everything in like sardines. Which i did i packed everything in the far corner as i could i screened my tanks with bulgryns and my bulgryns chaff infantry squads. I had a company commander and nork deddog between the bulgryns and chaff units. A single unit of ravenors managed to charge into my screen starting from 45 inches away from it. They chewed threw my flamethrower special weapons team ad my infantry squads. They consolidate and rap around engaging Pask and my tank commander nork deddog the company commander and the bulgryns. Uses a strategem gets to immediatly attack again. Kills nork deddog the company commander and 2 bulgryns. So turn one a single unit has Moved 48 inches across the board killed special weapons squad killed a infantry squad killed a company commander killed nork deddog killed 2 bulgryns prevented a leman russ punisher tank commander from shooting prevented a plasma executioner russ Pask from shooting Yea i got to attack back with a bunch of stuff after he consolidated i even killed 2 and wounded another with everything combined. But i packed my self as far away as possible. I screened my units the best i could and he was tieing up elements of my rear line turn one. I was forced to disengage with my tanks and flattened the ravenors on my turn but at that point it was to late. He moved his three max squad size zoanthropes and all his other psykers up the board a little and smited pask and the bulgryns off the board. How do you fight that? It seems like every game i play or watch is one sided to the extreme. Ive won two games and didnt even really have that much fun because i could tell my opponent was not having fun at all. I go into my games expecting to lose but the lists people play and the direction the game is going in are just flat demoralizing. I love the 40k universe even though ive been out of the table top for years ive kept reading all the books and playing all the video games and keeping up with the lore because its awesome. I love the imperial gaurd i love the idea of facing off against impossible odds against horrifying things because its your duty. Hell i love the asctetic of just models on a table. But the game has gotten to the point where i can bring a 400 point tank and before i get a turn its dead. Not because you shot at it but because ya looked at it. I think immortal wounds are a cool idea but they shouldnt be spamable especially at range or it needs to require that you hit with it there needs to be some way that it actually interacts with what its just casually erasing from existence. Maybe selling my army is extreme but i just spent a ton of money and time and effort getting an army together after wanting to get back into the hobby for years and after two weekends and 7 games im completely discouraged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 20, 2019 Share Posted May 20, 2019 It sounds like there's a lot of things at play here, and we can't know all the details but a few things stick out to me. Table set up is important, as it needs to be balanced for a fair game. Make sure that both players agree on the terrain set up, plenty of terrain and good variety is important - but there needs to be room to manoeuvre. Tyranid players are infamous for trying to make standard games look like Cities of Death, so be sure to get a fair table for both sides - nobody wants planet bowling ball either If someone does something that seems strange or overly powerful ask them to show you the rules and clarify. Sadly for some this is required to keep them honest; but a good player will have no issue demonstrating - partly because he's happy to help ensure a smooth game, but also because he's not cheating so has nothing to hide If it is legal, you'll know how it works and therefore what you can do to stop it next time I've not seen such a trick with 'nids and I've played them a fair bit, but that brings me to my other point. There are different ways of playing, neither of which is wrong, but they are most certainly wrong when put together. It seems like you're after more casual games, perhaps your opponent(s) are more competitively minded? Are there opponents who are after similar games, or willing to help you get back into the swing of things? I know it's not much of a solution, given that you can't conjure up a good opponent from thin air, but as I mentioned before 40k is a social game. That has certain expectations and requirements built in. First and foremost is communication, so be sure to talk to opponents beforehand to explain what you're after. You might be surprised, and worst comes to it you can always decline a game. Perhaps that might be the silver bullet; anyone with any sense should reconsider things if someone would rather not play them at all! As the classic saying goes: "the aim is to win, the point is to have fun". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted May 20, 2019 Share Posted May 20, 2019 Balor it is disappointing to hear that especially after the time money and effort you've already put in. I do want to continue with WFs comments though. Based on your experience sounds like you and your opponents may not have the same expectation of the game. Especially if you're new to the army playing someone who treats everything as tournament practice is probably not the guy for you. Similarly the guy who doesn't necessarily play at events but likes to see the most effective combos played out is a bad match too. These actually happen fairly often especially if you're new to a gaming group. If you think either of those might be the case then you should chat to your opponents prior to the game or look for a more casual group. Although all the things you mentioned are true they do exist in the game they're not bad mechanics if they're added for flavour. However competitive players will try and maximise this and result in a boring game. I'm not sure what area you're in or how familiar you are with your gaming group but I'd look around for another group or players who are willing to help a new player out and learn. In my area alone I'd say there's definitely 3 core gaming groups from competitive, narrative / casual and one in between. Who knows maybe after getting more reps under your belt you may want to go all out competitive. One final note, IG is considered one of the best mono faction armies right now. If your opponents are unfamiliar with you and only know you're taking IG with some Bullgryns they could well be building an extreme counter list just because of IGs current reputation with taking into account your recent introduction into the game. I hope it works out for you, would be a shame to offload your army so soon! :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 20, 2019 Author Share Posted May 20, 2019 Mostly everyone ive seen at the shop plays competively and i know a couple guys from the shop are incredibly good which i think raises the bar for everyone else? I also have really bad social anxiety so its hard for me to approach people and ask for games. I dont think im aiming to play causaly im generally very competitive in almost every aspect of my life but id also like to have fun. You rolling a grand total of as low as 6 dice to totally erase a Pask with out actually interacting with him or the other player in anyway is not fun. I dont care if you smack into my front line turn two and rip me to shreds and table me by turn 3. I just dont think you should be able to close a distance of 66% of the game board in one turn and do it before ive done anything but place models. So i wanna be competitive with out being a net list cheese lord (i feel guilty for asking advice on lists here) and i dont wanna spend hours pooring over additional rule books and pdfs when im just trying to play straight gaurd. Maybe the power creep over 4 editions is just to much of a shock and its not my kind of game any more. I used to get bitched at for having a warpsmith in my army and bringing 4 heavy support choices. That was over powered to some. Now you can have an army thats just titans and thats chill. Im gonna spend one more weekend at the shop and try and get some more casual games in and see how that goes. The shop owner offered to lend me any models in the shop for a day for me to try things out after he watched the execution that was my last game. Ill try a few cheeky lists maybe i can find something that even if im fighting pure 100% UK cheese will humor me in atleast some small way. If anyone has any suggestions for things to try im all ears. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Company Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 Honestly, I hate playing WAC players that just move and roll dice, they just are not fun. I don't care if I get tabled turn 2 so long as the player jokes and laughs with me. Now for slightly darker tone.. when I was new to my group, I got forced to play against someone that was both WAC and a provical tournament winner. The first time I met this guy, he rubbed me the wrong way by moving the models of the guy I was playing... anyways first time I played him he showed up with a list that was highly illegal for the edition we were in (4th), by having two winged Hive Tyrants and a Broodlord... for those keeping score, that was three HQ choices at the time. Granted it was an apocalypse game, but when he saw me put down a Baneblade, he cried foul that he didn't know we were playing an apocalypse game that day... (that he set up...) So I called him on his crap about his list being illegal in anything but apocalypse, that he was either lying or cheating... dude packed up and left, never to come back to the group. Moral of that little story is, don't be afraid to speak up and ask to see the rules that are letting them do it and have them walk you and someone else through those rules too, just to make sure things are on the up and up if they seem too powerful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 21, 2019 Author Share Posted May 21, 2019 i know the opponet personally and he is no cheat he is just very good. Knows exactly what hes doing and was rolling box cars like a mad man. it was a near perfect execution he pulled off and he walked me through the rules every single time i asked and always has. Hes a really good guy. Those ravenors were slithering faster then any flyer ive seen when you look at their total movement as a whole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Company Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 Well like you said he kept rolling really well, so he had a lucky game.. they happen, just as the inverse does... I mean I once lost a full 10 man terminator squad to Tau Fire Warriors in melee... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 21, 2019 Author Share Posted May 21, 2019 So a couple of guys from my local shop reached out and offered some advice and a couple offered to play some more causal games where we could even just build lists on the spot tic for tac if i wanted. One gentlemen even offered me a beautiful death korps of krieg heavy weapons team and there my favorite regiment. Im gonna play some more casual games and play a couple games against the other gaurd player in town if i can and see how he runs things. Maybe i do just need to for once do something with no intention of playing competively as someone pointed out i already have the army might as well try. Thanks for the advice and encouragment ill post an update when i figure out where things stand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 Sounds like you've got some decent games lined up, let us know how they go :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mordian Glory Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 ...Maybe selling my army is extreme but i just spent a ton of money and time and effort getting an army together after wanting to get back into the hobby for years and after two weekends and 7 games im completely discouraged. I think you are just feeling the effects of burnout, 7 games in two weekends is intense! Combine this with the fact that you appear to be playing in a competitive environment with a high skill level, and it is no wonder you are feeling sick of 40k. I play 1-2 games a week and try to go to a tournament once every 2 months and that is considered a lot by most peoples standards! After nearly every tournament I will take a week off 40ks to just chill and do something else. Try to pace yourself and make sure you are getting a good balance between games and hobby time. This will help you recharge between each match and, more importantly, it will let you process what you learned between games. Anyway I am glad you are sticking with it, I look forward to seeing your army grow :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 Good to hear Inquisitor! A lot comes down to social contracts and setting expectations. Especially if the local store is predisposed to a particular play style. A few other things just because you want to be competitive doesn't mean you have to be playing at the LVO top 8 level. You can have friendly games that are competitive too. You just need to agree on a few ground rules prior. If you do eventually attend a tournament you'll find a good portion of the middling of the pack is there to just do that. Rules wise its not too bad either. Most games the base rulebook and your codex is all you need. Battlescribe helps a lot too. Fundamental rule changes in the FAQ are annoying agreed. However most those changes are for people abusing it in tournaments or giving people the feel bads. If you have a copy on hand you only really need to check when your opponent has a question. GW answering FAQs is much better than previous editions where they didn't at all! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HallofStovokor Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 I think you are just feeling the effects of burnout, 7 games in two weekends is intense! Combine this with the fact that you appear to be playing in a competitive environment with a high skill level, and it is no wonder you are feeling sick of 40k. I play 1-2 games a week and try to go to a tournament once every 2 months and that is considered a lot by most peoples standards! After nearly every tournament I will take a week off 40ks to just chill and do something else. Try to pace yourself and make sure you are getting a good balance between games and hobby time. This will help you recharge between each match and, more importantly, it will let you process what you learned between games. Anyway I am glad you are sticking with it, I look forward to seeing your army grow :) I wouldn't say that 1-2 games per week is a lot. I typically play 1-2 a week myself. I think that he got burned out by jumping in at a high points level. It took me months of building before I knew where I wanted to be at 2000 points. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halfpint100 Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 I think you are just feeling the effects of burnout, 7 games in two weekends is intense! Combine this with the fact that you appear to be playing in a competitive environment with a high skill level, and it is no wonder you are feeling sick of 40k. I play 1-2 games a week and try to go to a tournament once every 2 months and that is considered a lot by most peoples standards! After nearly every tournament I will take a week off 40ks to just chill and do something else. Try to pace yourself and make sure you are getting a good balance between games and hobby time. This will help you recharge between each match and, more importantly, it will let you process what you learned between games. Anyway I am glad you are sticking with it, I look forward to seeing your army grow I wouldn't say that 1-2 games per week is a lot. I typically play 1-2 a week myself. I think that he got burned out by jumping in at a high points level. It took me months of building before I knew where I wanted to be at 2000 points. That is a good point, Balor why don't you try some 1000 point games? be quicker and will be easier to remember rules, less deathstars and often less competitive (unless you get THAT guy who brings 3 Riptides.... that was not a fun 1k points game). Try and talk to you opponent before so they know you are learning and ask them to bring a list that would help you learn instead of trying to win. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mordian Glory Posted May 21, 2019 Share Posted May 21, 2019 I think you are just feeling the effects of burnout, 7 games in two weekends is intense! Combine this with the fact that you appear to be playing in a competitive environment with a high skill level, and it is no wonder you are feeling sick of 40k. I play 1-2 games a week and try to go to a tournament once every 2 months and that is considered a lot by most peoples standards! After nearly every tournament I will take a week off 40ks to just chill and do something else. Try to pace yourself and make sure you are getting a good balance between games and hobby time. This will help you recharge between each match and, more importantly, it will let you process what you learned between games. Anyway I am glad you are sticking with it, I look forward to seeing your army grow I wouldn't say that 1-2 games per week is a lot. I typically play 1-2 a week myself. I think that he got burned out by jumping in at a high points level. It took me months of building before I knew where I wanted to be at 2000 points. Gamers in my area either play once a month or are at tournaments every weekend! I guess that shows how different the local meta can be :) I think its a really good point regarding the smaller games, I would say 1000-1500pts is a good level :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Balor Posted May 21, 2019 Author Share Posted May 21, 2019 Thanks for all the advice and encouragment again i think you maybe be right on the number of points. I dont have a feel for how to orchestrate anything properly but im trying to field everything and learn it all at once. I think ill try and get a couple games of like 1k or 1250 with a themed list so i can learn chunks at a time. Like a tank core list so i can get vehicles down and a infantry spam list so i can get used to placing infantry and moving it towards objectives. My plague marine army back in the day was just over 5k and i was playing apocolypse games semi regularly and i gotta realize that was nearly a decade ago at this point. I live on an island so the player base is really isolated for the most part. If i stick to it for a while longer and start having fun then i dont see why i wouldnt keep playing at least casually. How ever i will still stand by my previous statements as far as certain things just being flat out overpowered and not fun compared to the rest of the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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