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  On 6/1/2019 at 6:49 PM, Majkhel said:


  On 6/1/2019 at 6:01 PM, Zebulon said:

Yeah I wouldn’t mind if someone double checked my point tally too, as it’s based on the 8e Codex (paper copy) so if any points values have changed I might be in trouble :ph34r:

I've sent you a PM with my findings :)

Really appreciated, thanks. Have edited my Vow post.


Hmm, I need that group “before” photo too don’t I. That will come tomorrow I think... dark here currently.

  On 6/2/2019 at 3:22 AM, Zephaniah Adriyen said:

Wait, Battlescribe is questionable? Could, uh... could someone check my points for me? I don't think I've done anything illegal/wrong, but I'd still like a second opinion.

BattleScribe is OK currently. At least for us.

Update on progress: base coat has been strengthened and first shades applied to the infantry. I've also done heads for the Aggressors and started highlighting with Mephiston Red on the Captain.


Right... 8 BAs so far... vs. 17 of Space Marines and 27 of Chaos Space Marines. Just saying... :whistling:

At this stage by far the most important metric is participation levels. Big vows may come later but even that won't be enough if participation is low... :wink:

Congrats to the newcomers - best of luck everybody!






I Redshadow rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels forum and vow to complete 33 models (listed below) of total value 1446pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Captain 124pts

Jump Pack, Storm shield, Thunder hammer

Primaris Captain 86pts

Master-crafted auto bolt rifle, Power sword

Primaris Chaplain 77pts

Primaris Librarian 101pts

Force sword

Intercessor Squad 85pts

4x Intercessor, Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifles

Intercessor Sergeant, Chainsword

Intercessor Squad 85pts

4x Intercessor, Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifles

Intercessor Sergeant, Chainsword

Intercessor Squad 94pts

4x Intercessor, Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifles

Intercessor Sergeant, Power fist

Primaris Ancient 69pts

Primaris Apothecary 68pts

Redemptor Dreadnought 161pts

Heavy onslaught gatling cannon, Icarus rocket pod, Onslaught gatling cannon, Two storm bolters, 2x Storm bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought 161pts

Heavy onslaught gatling cannon, Icarus rocket pod, Onslaught gatling cannon, Two storm bolters, 2x Storm bolter

Hellblaster Squad 335pts

9x Hellblasters, Plasma incinerator

Hellblaster Sergeant, Plasma pistol












  On 6/2/2019 at 9:59 AM, Captain Antargo said:

Question: Would you recommend getting Commander Dante now in his resin model or wait until he is released in plastic?

There is no indication he's getting a plastic model outside of some winks and sly smiles from the game Devs.


I'd go for resin at the moment or convert one.

  On 6/2/2019 at 9:59 AM, Captain Antargo said:

Question: Would you recommend getting Commander Dante now in his resin model or wait until he is released in plastic?

Frankly we cannot say if he will ever be released in plastic in his current old-marine form.

Speculation: if he gets released in plastic, he will also get a new model. Quite possibly Primaris one, like Calgar. However this will not happen soon, otherwise we wold get something from the Rumor Engine by now. 

Additionally BA got some attention form FW recently, so all the more reasons for GW to take care of something else than Dante in the nearest future (SoB, some xenos, more chaos,...?)


Unfortunately I cannot say if I would recommend getting the finecast model either as I myself own a metal one.


EDIT: fast Charlo :P

I ,Thoridon, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels and vow to complete the following units of total value 2099 2135 points on or before September 1st, 2019:

1x Stormraven (Twin Lascannon, Twin Multi-Melta, 2x Hurricane Bolters) - 282 334

1x Land Raider Excelsior (2x Twin Lascannon, Grav Cannon, H-K Missile, Multi-Melta, Storm Bolter) - 438

1x Rhino Primaris (Twin Plasma Gun, Orbital Array, H-K Missile) - 176

1x Land Speeder Storm (Heavy Bolter) - 78 80

5x Scouts (Heavy Bolter) - 63 65

5x Scouts (Missile Launcher) - 75

5x Scouts (5x Snipers, 5x Cloaks) - 80

1x Librarian Dreadnought (Furioso Fist, Meltagun) - 174 154

5x Tactical Marines (Combi-Plasma, Plasma Gun) - 87

5x Assault Terminators (5x Thunder Hammer, 5x Storm Shield) - 205

5x Tactical Terminators (1x Cyclone Launcher, 5x Storm Bolters, 1x Power Sword, 4x Power Fists) - 203

1x Jump Pack Captain (Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield) - 124

1x Jump Pack Captain (Thunder Hammer) - 114


Mostly still unprimed. The couple of models in a dark red are primed in a Vallejo surface primer.

I've double checked the points with CA18 and they should all be accurate. I figured it was time to work through some units I've had in the painting queue for a while...

Edit: Total points should be 2099 (I forgot to include the 2 pts per SS on the Terms when I posted).

I Spyros rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels and vow to complete 3 characters of total value 224 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


1) Lieutenant with Jump pack, plasma pistol & power fist - 92

2) Lieutenant with combi-plasma & chainsword                - 71

3) Techmarine with boltgun, power axe & servo-harness  - 61


Unknown available time, so... starting with something modest and way overdue. Kit-bashed lieutenants from GBBO and one of the old ones, a metal techmarine! These three probably represent the last original astartes characters that I 'm going to paint, meaning that the possible following vows will be primaris astartes!


ETL7 vow1

  On 6/2/2019 at 9:10 AM, Captain Semper said:

Right... 8 BAs so far... vs. 17 of Space Marines and 27 of Chaos Space Marines. Just saying... :whistling:

Not to dispute any of what you said after this, Semper... and not to give you additional work, but it is a fact that we here represent just one Chapter (and a handful of successors), much like your brethren among the Dark Angels. In many ways it is amazing that we both continue to hold our own against factions which have so much scope. I would love to see statistics broken down by individual chapters and warbands, someday. Perhaps you have some minions who could assist with that...?!

Agreed! And last year you proved that it ca be done with 44 BAs vs. 55 CSMs. But you had to overcome a significant disadvantage that led to the insanely high 87% completion rate. Now you have the opportunity to even the odds and have the room to win without counting on this amazingly high (and difficult to repeat) completion rate... ;)

I ,Arkhanist, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels and vow to complete the following units of total value 663 points on or before September 1st, 2019:


Intercessor Squad 89pts
4x Intercessors, bolt rifles
Intercessor Sergeant, bolt rifle, auxilliary grenade launcher, power sword

Intercessor Squad 89pts
4x Intercessors, bolt rifles
Intercessor Sergeant, bolt rifle, auxilliary grenade launcher, power sword

Hellblaster Squad 165pts
4x Hellblasters, plasma incinerator
Hellblaster Sergeant, plasma incinerator

Hellblaster Squad 165 pts
4x Hellblasters, plasma incinerator
Hellblaster Sergeant, plasma incinerator

Redemptor Dreadnought 155 pts
Heavy onslaught gatling cannon, onslaught gatling cannon, two storm bolters, redemptor fist


I've a couple more minor conversions to make before priming this lot, such as the redemptor storm bolters, but ready to pledge. (the blue ones are easy-to-build plastic). I'm normally a slow painter and this is an ambitious pledge for me; I've planned some shortcuts including using my airbrush and Contrast, so wish me luck!



  On 6/2/2019 at 2:15 PM, Majkhel said:

Wow, some huge first vows coming!


Arkhanist, I'm super excited to see what you will come up with the contrast paints! Do you have a plan how will you use them?


It's a new scheme for my BA primaris anyway, so the contrast release timing seemed pretty fortuitous!


Current plan is to do a zenithal prime stage with the airbrush, with a bit of extra black and white in the appropriate spots, then airbrush transparent red over the top and an enamel black pinwash, based upon the new mightybrush scheme, along with a minimal edge highlight. Airbrushing over zenithal primer is already becoming my favourite style for doing other stuff, so I think that should be straightforward.


The metallics, large gems and eyes will be done as per normal; I've got some warcolours gem paints coming, so I might use those for the titchy gems and lenses.


Then basically Contrast for everything else, given I'll have already zenithal'd everything anyway; I'll mask off the gun before the red, and tidy up with light colours for the rest.

Faces with guilliman flesh, gun, joints and chest eagle with Black Templar. Plasma with Aethermatic blue, skeleton horde for skulls and something for dark leather, probably wyldwood.


I may also try out ultramarine blue on the hellblaster helmets; doing them separately anyway, so might just airbrush em.


Then just knee transfers, a little edge highlighting to help the contrast out, and some light weathering with pigments and oils, and hopefully that'll be that! It'll either work really well and I'll have these guys done in 6 weeks or so, or it'll go terribly and I'll be burning the midnight all of August to try and get em finished. We'll see!

  On 6/2/2019 at 1:55 PM, Captain Semper said:

Agreed! And last year you proved that it ca be done with 44 BAs vs. 55 CSMs. But you had to overcome a significant disadvantage that led to the insanely high 87% completion rate. Now you have the opportunity to even the odds and have the room to win without counting on this amazingly high (and difficult to repeat) completion rate... :wink:


To be fair, Chaos were still suffering from old models last year which is definitely not the case this year. I won't be participating this year but I wish all my BA brothers much luck ... I feel like we are going to need it. ;)

Much larger contributions from me this year. Hopefully I can knock this out in three months!

I Dont-Be-Haten, first of his name, Sanguinary Noviate to the Carmine Blades heed the call of the E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels and vow to complete the following 4 units, totaling 13 models with a points value of 30 PL, 426points, on or before September 1st, 2019: success will bring honors to the Carmine Blades, and the Blood Angels, whilst failure shall shame me with the title oath breaker for one calander year. "For the Angel, for Haldroth!"

HQ: 127 points

Librarian in tactical dreadnought armor: force axe, combi-melta

Troops: 155 points

5 man bolter scout squad

sergeant combat knife/chain sword

6 man tactical marine squad

1 plasma gun

Sergeant combi-plasma, chainsword

Elite: 144 points

Furioso dreadnought: Blood Fist, Heavy-Flamer, Frag-Canon.

Total 426 points.

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I choose my weekends to be afk don't I? :facepalm: Will get up to speed tomorrow but in the meantime...

I [Reclusiarch Jolemai] rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the [Blood Angels Forum] and vow to complete [1 x DC Tycho, 1 x Captain with jump pack, thunderhammer, stormshield] of total value [194] on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until my vow is complete, that shall be my penitence.

  Reveal hidden contents

I The4thHorseman rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels forum and vow to complete:


2x [Relic Contemptor Dreadnought]

Cyclone Missile Launcher

Twin Lascannon

Twin Autocannon


Total: 436 Points


  Reveal hidden contents


on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

I Slothysaur rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels Forum and vow to complete 1x Astraeus Super Heavy Tank equipped with Twin Lascannons / Two Las-Rippers / Two Ironhail Heavy Stubbers at 734 points and 1x Librarian Dreadnought equipped with a Meltagun at 154 points of total value 888 Points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until my vow is complete, that shall be my penitence.



I Silas7 rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels and vow to complete:

  • Primaris Chaplain worth 77pts
  • 3 man Aggressor Squad w/ boltstorm and frag launchers worth 111pts
  • Relic Contemptor w/ Kheres assault cannon, Dreadnought combat weapon + stormbolter worth 167pts
  • Relic Contemptor w/ Twin Lascannon, Dreadnought Chainfist + Graviton Blaster worth 203 pts
  • Relic Leviathan Dreadnought w/ Stormcannon array, two Heavy flamers, Leviathan Siege Claw + Meltagun worth 297 pts

With a total value of 855 pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

For the Angel!

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:ph34r.: Ran out of my primer:ph34r.: More is on the way :thumbsup:


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