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Blood Ravens IA July


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Now that its confirmed legit, this is pretty cool and a good idea, as others mentioned it will be good for getting people to crossover from the computer games into physical 40k. Plus they can have a bit of fun with this



And if we get 2.0 Marine codex in a few months that covers a lot of other chapters

Not a fan.

Not gonna even mention BT,(cause they will be in the codex) but really BR?

How about any of the badab chapters? A dozen more second founding? A few of the new Primaris chapters?

There isn’t really any reason why they would deserve it over these guys though, other than personal preference. I’d like to see the Badab chapters, but the Blood Ravens are just as much part of the canon as they are, and having them now doesn’t mean we won’t ever get those other options.


Not a fan.

Not gonna even mention BT,(cause they will be in the codex) but really BR?

How about any of the badab chapters? A dozen more second founding? A few of the new Primaris chapters?

There isn’t really any reason why they would deserve it over these guys though, other than personal preference. I’d like to see the Badab chapters, but the Blood Ravens are just as much part of the canon as they are, and having them now doesn’t mean we won’t ever get those other options.
True, true, it's just a matter of preference really. Would prefer anything else to blood ravens at the moment. Just that. Still it will be interesting for DiY chapter (if they go loyalist TS route with the CT)
They have no records of their primary and have a higher number psykers (at least in theory). In the games they function like any other chapter, with a versatility of all weapons shown in the second game. So I guess their defining features very large stockpile of relics and other equipment and how their chapter master used to also be the chief librarian as well.



Well, the blood ravens had rules in the 4th ed codex alongside the raven guard, salamanders and imperial fists. That gives them a more official basis than a lot of other chapters out there.

And the whole thing of blood ravens stealing artifacts is...pretty much a meme. It's a handwavy way to have tons of relic equipment in dow2 while having an explanation that pays lip service to the fluff. Relictors use the weapons of the enemy against them. Two very different premises.


I don’t recall these rules.

I don’t see it as being that different. Both make use of unusually large numbers of librarians, both hunt for relics. One just tosses them in a vault. The other would steal from their own friends if given the chance lol.I can guarantee that if they include one piece of wargear it’s meant to be used in games, which’s makes them more like the Relictors

What does this even mean? :huh:


Just because you don't recall the rules doesn't mean they didn't exist. Relictors have gotten tiny mentions throughout the lore so I can't imagine them getting anything before, let alone at all, other more prominent chapters that GW/FW have taken a shine to - Red Scoprions, Minotaurs, Spears of the Emperor, Black Templars! just to name a few.

Relictors played a role in the past eye of terror campaign. They were featured in several original WD articles. The articles paved the way for the mini dex we get now. They got loads of special wargear, scenarios and started allies by getting their own directly linked to them. Which also included special henchmen for the radical inquisitors.


They have been around, and given special treatment long before others. All they needed to do was reprint one of the several articles.

Good, finally a space marine chapter people have ACTUALLY HEARD OF instead of these ridiculous nobody chapters I'm 90% sure are just OCs people forgot they made up.

That’s a weird way to describe the Crimson Fists which were on the cover of the Rogue Trader rulebook. Given they are the only chapter to actually get one of these.




Well, the blood ravens had rules in the 4th ed codex alongside the raven guard, salamanders and imperial fists. That gives them a more official basis than a lot of other chapters out there.

And the whole thing of blood ravens stealing artifacts is...pretty much a meme. It's a handwavy way to have tons of relic equipment in dow2 while having an explanation that pays lip service to the fluff. Relictors use the weapons of the enemy against them. Two very different premises.


I don’t recall these rules.

I don’t see it as being that different. Both make use of unusually large numbers of librarians, both hunt for relics. One just tosses them in a vault. The other would steal from their own friends if given the chance lol.I can guarantee that if they include one piece of wargear it’s meant to be used in games, which’s makes them more like the Relictors

What does this even mean? :huh:


Just because you don't recall the rules doesn't mean they didn't exist. Relictors have gotten tiny mentions throughout the lore so I can't imagine them getting anything before, let alone at all, other more prominent chapters that GW/FW have taken a shine to - Red Scoprions, Minotaurs, Spears of the Emperor, Black Templars! just to name a few.

Relictors played a role in the past eye of terror campaign. They were featured in several original WD articles. The articles paved the way for the mini dex we get now. They got loads of special wargear, scenarios and started allies by getting their own directly linked to them. Which also included special henchmen for the radical inquisitors.


They have been around, and given special treatment long before others. All they needed to do was reprint one of the several articles.

So you're saying that other chapters should have the same opportunity as one that's already had white dwarf rules?

Relictors played a role in the past eye of terror campaign. They were featured in several original WD articles.

Both is true for many other chapters. Almost none of them ever got more attention.


The articles paved the way for the mini dex we get now.

You believing so doesn't make it fact.


They got loads of special wargear, scenarios and started allies by getting their own directly linked to them.

What are you even talking about? They never got wargear or scenarios different from other codex chapters. I have no clue what you are trying to say in the bolded part.


Which also included special henchmen for the radical inquisitors.

Not for 40K.


They have been around, and given special treatment long before others.

No idea what you are on about here, they most certainly have not been given any "special treatment", especially not "long before others".


All they needed to do was reprint one of the several articles.

Some direct comments in red above.


To me it seems like you are stuck with some headcanon and fanboy-ism. Nothing inherently wrong with it, just don't pretend it being fact. Or that it means anything for somebody other than you.


Other than that: bring on the Blood Ravens IA article! I'm looking forward what it will give us. I seriously doubt any new models, but a transfer sheet is a realistic assumption. GW has done transfers for way more obscure chapters in the past.

Stratagem: A fine addition to our collection

You may chose to use one relic from any chapter or if your opponent has any, you may steal their relic and use it as your own...don't ask how we use the camo skin from tyranids, not even the alpha legion nor tzeentch knows how we got it!


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