Messor Posted June 21, 2019 Share Posted June 21, 2019 (edited) Tau Forces of Thal'asa: Shan’al Aloh’shas – The Cold Fire Coalition Home World No Man's Land “Why do we keep answering the humans’ calls for parlay?” the younger Shas’la mused, “We come willing to make peace, and every time, they undermine it, and we are at war again.”“It’s as the Aun’el says; we are the river and they, the rock,” Answered his Shas’ui with a shrug, “It is inevitable that they will be worn down, whether to acceptance of the Greater Good, or oblivion. All we need to do is be patient.”“We could take them though. If they could get help, they would have by now. We could—” “Trust your Ethereal, boy.” Thal’asa (alternatively called Taal’asa) is a world of shallow acidic seas and rocky, windswept continents. Within scant decades of its colonization, the surface is now dotted by biodomes in which the colonists shelter from the great storms that roam both land and sea. Under the care of the T'au terraforming engines, what was once highly corrosive acid rain and seas has become only mildly acidic rain and seas, now navigable by conventional T'au vehicles. Though it is still hazardous to be exposed directly to the elements, it is only a matter of a few years before the planet’s water becomes tolerably safe. The sector Thal’asa occupies is fairly spacious, but on the far side of it sits an isolated Imperial mining world, Acro, with which Thal’asa has experienced ongoing conflict. Like Acro, Thal’asa has valuable mineral deposits, mostly concentrated on the beds of its seas. Most of the Cadre’s battles have been fought to gain footholds on Acro, repel invasions from Acro, and in boarding actions against fleets from Acro. Interestingly, the two forces have often joined to repel incursions from roving Orc fleets, and against all odds a burgeoning black market has developed in both cultures for small goods and novelties from the other. Organized near the beginning of the fifth sphere expansion, simultaneously with the colonization of Thal’asa, The Cold Fire Coalition is the main protection and expeditionary force for the sept. Most Cold Fire cadres specializes in ambush tactics using both Kayon and Mont’ka philosophies. Kauyon strategies center around a “spark” unit or units intended to lead hostile to a kill zone, “igniting” fire from the carefully placed ambush units. Mont’ka maneuvers usually target moving columns. As is typical of T'au, the cadres avoid sieges, attrition warfare, and protracted battles wherever possible, and they manage to be fairly successful with this approach despite operating most often in claustrophobic urban environments.Due to their often limited space in ground battles, the coalition favors battlesuits, Piranhas and strong air support over heavy vehicle deployments. Rather than a dedicated armored interdiction cadre, the handful of Hammerhead tanks and Sky Ray gunships in the coalition form a reserve cadre that provides armor to other cadres and contingents on an as-needed basis. Organization +++Hanyon Hive Outpost. . .Acro+++Gir’hos stood at a window overlooking the battlefield in the distance. The door behind him hissed open, framing Hollowheart in the doorway. She entered unbidden, but the guards didn’t stop her, and she stood silently. He felt her eyes on the back of his head, felt her aggression. Some thought of her as calmer than her brothers and sisters from Vior’la, but he knew better. She was, if anything, more hot-blooded, just better at controlling it. He reminded himself how closely she needed to be watched.“I’m told you have some new intelligence on our enemies, Commander,” he said evenly.“Ostensibly, Aun’el,” came the reply, terse, clipped, “I believe we have an actionable lead on the source of the attack that killed Aun’o Ai’tor. The gue’la...were not responsible.”“I see,” he turned at last, and nodded to the honor guard, “Some privacy, please.”The two guards stepped silently out of the room, and the door slid closed.“Tell me, Commander. What have you found.”Shas’o Taal’asa Tsai’ran – Commander Hollowheart Thal'asa Central Command “Have you noticed anything curious about the Commander recently?” asked Lastinglight under her breath.“Yeah, she’s much angrier than she was yesterday. She about tore my face a new hole over the state of my battlesuit this morning,” Stunningsword grumbled, waving his spoon.“That’s not what I mean. Meeting Aun’el Gir’hos always seems to...wear on her.”“Mmm,” Stunningsword nodded sagely, “bearing the weight of an Ethereal’s counsel is surely an intense experience.”Lastinglight opened her mouth to answer, but paused and thought better of it, shaking her head. Hollowheart was raised and trained on Vior’la and was a veteran of the third sphere expansions who entered cryogenic stasis in anticipation of future expansions. She was fortunate to have escaped the fate of the fourth sphere and been awakened for the fifth. She led the coalition in colonizing Thal’asa, then known as the Thal’asa Expeditionary Force, and then reformed it into the Cold Fire coalition once the planet became an official sept world. As a gesture of commitment to the colonies, she replaced her sept of origin name with that of their new world.As her personal name suggests, Hollowheart is coldly efficient, presenting a steely and aloof demeanor to her troops and enemies alike. She fully embodies the aggression that Fire caste warriors of Vior’la are known for, but has never shared their typical hot blooded temperament.On the battlefield she rarely takes prisoners and enemies who turn down her first demands for surrender are unlikely to get a second chance. Her name has become an epithet among the humans defenders of Acro. Other Leadership Aun’el Thal’asa Gir’hos - The Empire’s interests in the Thal’asa sept were originally overseen by a small council of young but experienced Ethereals. During the initial campaigns to secure the region, however, a series of daring attacks from operatives of the Imperium led to the deaths of all but one. Though each loss was a tremendous blow to the morale of the burgeoning sept, Gir’hos held the T’au forces together, even leading from the frontlines. He is an enigmatic figure, reclusive in his councils and deliberations, but bold and impassioned when he joins the Fire Caste on the battlefield. Some Fire Warriors believe he has a greater revence for and appreciation of combat even than members of their caste. Shas’el Thal’asa Mont’da’erra - WarghostA Pathfinder commander of no small renown, Mont’da’erra spends almost as much time in the field as he does coordinating the coalitions intelligence gathering reconnaissance units. He has proven equally dangerous to the enemy in both roles, with a propensity for slipping through secured perimeters that has often strained credulity among other divisions upon receiving his reports. Shas'el Thal’asa Lunsuoi - LastinglightUncharacteristically even-tempered for a Fire caste warrior, even a commander, Lunsuoi has served as Hollowheart's second in command for several years. She sees herself more as a bodyguard than an advisor, and her battlesuit prowess serves her well in that pursuit, but she understands Hollowheart better than anyone and knows that her counsel bears weight, which has saved lives on more than one occasion, both T'au and Gue'la alike. Shas'vre Thal’asa Cal’Tuk - HardhoofA highly decorated Fireblade, Cal'tuk is a tough and demanding front line commander, but also very close to the Fire Warriors under his command, and the loyalty he has earned has inspired acts of bravery that have been referenced even in the great Fire Caste academies on Vior'la itself. Shas'o Thal’asa Ty’Salash - QuietwaveAs quiet as her name suggests, Ty'Salash always seemed a perfect fit for a Stealthsuit squadron, and her successes early in the 5th sphere expansion quickly earned her a place in command of the coalitions stealth forces, often working closely with Mont'da'erra. Despite protests from Commander Hollowheart, she also spends a great deal of time leading from the front, though her results can hardly be argued with. Shas'el Thal’asa Sai’nan - StunningswordRecently promoted, Sai'nan is an accomplished battlesuit pilot with an energetic, intense, personality and a passion for the Tau'va that inspires others, as well as a troublesome thrill-seeking streak. More experienced than most with close combat fighting, Sai'nan's battlesuit is frequently equipped with prototype equipment in need of field testing. Shas'vre Thal’asa Mon’kir- BlackdogCommanding the coalition's relatively small contingent of armor, Mon'kir has earned great favor with Hollowheart for his aggressive tactics, often surprising enemy with the sudden appearance of both light and heavy armor in unexpectedly close positions. Auxiliaries Remnants of the Tio’ve Mont’sha, the Dead Wind Contingent +++Rouen Hive Area of Operations. . .Acro+++The glow was still receding and the heat trail still rising from the barrel of Mont’sha’s plasma rifle when Hollowheart landed next to him.“I’m supposed to be the one with the reputation for not taking prisoners on this battlefield, Mont’sha,” she transmitted privately to his suit, eyeing the slagged remains of gue’la against the wall in front of them, their weapons clearly cast aside.“They knew nothing of value,” he said, voice barely a whisper over the comms, lowering it’s weapon.“You have been told before, that is not your determination to make. Do not allow your past with the humans to become a stumbling block to the greater good.”There was no reply.“You know from experience where that road leads,” she said pointedly, “You have had a second chance, but there will not be another.”Another moment of silence, before the thrusters fired on his battlesuit, “Permission to secure the next sector, Commander?”“Permission granted, Shas’el. We won’t have this discussion again.” Tio’ve Mont’sha, led by then Shas'o Mont'sha, took part in the ill-fated fourth sphere expansion. After being rediscovered and rejoining with the Empire, it became clear that the members of the contingent had experienced similar unspoken traumas to those of others from the failed expansion, with similar results. It eventually came to light that a gue’la had led a brutal betrayal, exposing them to ambush by an unknown enemy. Nearly the entire contingent, more than five cadres-worth of troops, armor and matériel, was wiped out. Further losses were incurred when Mont'sha led a retaliatory strike that was, again, crushed by the enemy. The remnant of the contingent, now barely enough to compose a cadre, is still commanded by Shas’El Fi’rios Mont’sha. He was held responsible for the destruction of his contingent and subjected to ritual punishment known as the Malk’la. After a lengthy probation and reassignment under Hollowheart, he has since re-earned his battlesuit. Uncharacteristically for those who have suffered the malk’la, the other survivors of his contingent have not shunned him, but requested to serve under him again, and as a force they remain insular. Mont'sha prohibited the restoration of some surface damage on his battlesuit as a reminder of his failure, but he continues to have a habit of brutal extermination towards enemies, particularly humans, continually toeing the line between service and censure. ISOs, Alien AI mysteries Earth Caste Blacksite R&D Lab Powering up, the peculiar disc rose off the table, vaguely resembling one of their own drones. Its edges glowed brightly, and it emitted a vibrating hum that reminded Fio’ui Ora’wra of the sounds produced by Vespid wing casings.“Satisfactory,” a tinny, masculine voice issued from the disc.“Profile seems a bit narrow,” Ora’wra commented, “Even with the light, you’ll be a bit hard to see under any strong lighting.”“Easily remedied,” Replied the disc, dipping and drifting off the table. More light burst from its edges, shifting and taking a shape. A moment later a shadow-black mirror image of Ora’wra stood there, broken up by glowing yellow lines along the edges of the garments, and pale, desaturated skin, with more light glowing from within the collar of its loose shirt. Its eyes, solid yellow, glowed slightly. It extended a hand.“A pleasure to interact in person, Fio’ui. We are Abraxas.” On the edge of the Thal’asa sector lies a nameless world of blasted wastelands and deeply buried ruins, the remains of some ancient civilization. Signs point to the Imperium having visited it long ago, but between the unlivable environment and the seeming absence of technology, they must have scavenged all they wanted from the planet long ago. When the Tau discovered it after establishing Thal’asa as a sept world, they expected to find the same. To the expedition’s surprise, their more advanced scanning tech not only located the remains of sophisticated technology, but found that some of it was still active. Excavating deep into the ruins the Tau uncovered what appeared to be powerful databanks, capable of tremendous digital storage. Most seemed to have had their physical connections severed, including power sources, but one remained active. When the Earth Caste technicians finally interfaced the Tau hardware with the alien databank they found much more than conventional data storage. They were greeted by a collective AI. After some time spent with both Earth Caste techs and Water Caste diplomats, the Tau learned that the AI, composed of countless sub programs, called themselves ISOs. They revealed that their creators had destroyed themselves in a great war over the ethics of their creation. As the only survivors, they had waited in the confines of the digital realm they’d built for themselves, hoping for rescue. While some parties among the Tau were skeptical about the wisdom of freeing such an independent AI, they eventually accepted the ISOs assurances of peaceful intent, though it is doubtless that their promise to share information on the dead world’s advanced technology factored strongly into their considerations. To build trust, the ISOs agreed to provide labor and military support to the Tau in exchange for materials, and after a period of cooperation and a promise of independence, they would give the Tau the specifications for their technology. Though they were initially secretive about what would be done with these materials, it soon became clear, along with how much they could offer. The ISO’s constructed drones to house them and grant them mobility, but more importantly the drones served as emitters from which the ISOs could create hardlight bodies for themselves. Needless to say, the Tau were impressed, and hardlight ISO units quickly integrated into the Cold Fire cadre and Thal’asa sept, most taking a similar form to their Tau allies, including mimicking their armor and weapons. Edited June 10, 2020 by Messor Kelborn, Brother Lunkhead, Fat Necron and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Necron Posted June 21, 2019 Share Posted June 21, 2019 Hello! So I read through this in its entirety and there's not much criticism I can give. If anything this is without question a solid homebrew. You've presented the Cold Fire Coalition in a very professional prose while maintaining a calm bias. Other Homebrews suggest whoever is greatest at this and that, yet when I come here, it's the opposite. Good on you, I appreciate that. I'll mull it over and get back to you on suggestions on where you could take them but as it stands, you've got gold here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted June 21, 2019 Author Share Posted June 21, 2019 Much appreciated, Necron. I look forward to anything you decide to share. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 25, 2019 Share Posted June 25, 2019 Been a while since I tried my hand at a little C&C. I'd break out the old bowling ball of mighty C&C... ...Except, I honestly don't have a lot of nits to pick, really. This is pretty good, although I feel like there are some personality touches missing. I have a clear picture of how the Cold Fire Coalition operates, but not a strong sense of who they are, if that makes sense. I wonder what - if any - personality differences exist between the Cold Fire Coalition as a whole and other Tau factions. Are their views on the Greater Good (and what exactly that means/entails) any different from other Tau? If so, does this cause any friction? How about the methods in which they pick and choose their battles? Do they have any particularly noteworthy enemies? Of course, you've no need to give any of my thoughts any particlar weight - as always they are just the rambling musings of an old Liberite - but hopefully they help you in developing your foul xenos Tau faction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted June 25, 2019 Author Share Posted June 25, 2019 Great questions, Ace, definitely worth considering. There are actually a few reasons for the thin personality. Probably first, while I love playing and painting and converting Tau, I find them very difficult to characterize. That's partly because their society/culture is difficult to relate to, but I also think a lack of lore contributes to it; it just feels like not a lot of personality has been attributed to them to begin with. I can definitely make some up, and I probably will for my own satisfaction, but part of me wonders if that's they're supposed to be, which holds me back. I was interested to learn that two spheres of expansion happened in my absence, and there was actually some interesting stuff to the Fourth Sphere that helps a bit in this regard; part of the politics of the coalition will involve Hollowheart trying to keep the censured Mont'sha on the leash to appease an Ethereal (council?) of an as yet undetermined character, and probably some internal conflict over the ISOs. So there are definitely parties within the Coalition that hold different perspectives on how the Greater Good is interpreted and who is a part of it and how things should be done. Another reason is that, while I like this concept so far, I'm still playing with the idea of making them part of the Farsight enclaves, which have even less lore. And still another struggle is the size of the Tau Empire. Even a coalition, the largest military organization I know of, have a fairly limited reach, unlike an Astartes chapter, or Militarum regiment for whom patrolling a space the size of the entire Tau Empire is pretty par for the course. As a faction, I feel like they're pretty isolated and the lack of territory to play with is constricting. I have a close friend who plays Astra Militarum for which he is also developing lore, so I do plan to incorporate references to them as notable enemies. I'll probably develop Acro and it's PDF a bit more as well, and I would like to incorporate one more significant threat, but I haven't settled on a faction yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted June 25, 2019 Share Posted June 25, 2019 Holy Moly Messor….. How do you come up with all this great stuff on such short notice?? I'm lucky to come up with one or two half baked ideas once in a blue moon. Anyway...… excellent writeup on the Cold Fire Coalition. It's very tight and informative. Looks great...… err......I mean for a filthy xeno faction Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted June 26, 2019 Author Share Posted June 26, 2019 Thanks Lunk, glad to hear it meets approval! No cause for alarm, though, it hasn't been on as short notice as it seems. I've been playing around with both these ideas for a good long while since "officially" taking up the hobby again a month or so back, and I've been hammering them out in my personal docs for at least that long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 26, 2019 Share Posted June 26, 2019 If you haven't settled on another enemy yet, I'd humbly suggest some Orks. Firstly, they're everywhere (and hostile), and secondly, the contrast between crudely equipped Orks and the hyper-advanced Tau is interesting from a story-telling perspective. Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 26, 2019 Share Posted June 26, 2019 Great read. T'au are my favorite xenos race. I once had the idea for a Sept, based on the Rebellion of Star Wars, fighting my Imperial Sons with a Thrawn-ish leader. Back to topic. I like your concept. The AI does sound a bit like Necron tech, which would be very interesting and quite a hidden threat. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that point. Though I usually agree with Ace, I'd recommend Nids instead of Orks. Tau vs Orks was so often covered in the recent codices and storied. Peter Fehervari seem to wrote some awesome stuff about Tau and Genestealers, recently. Maybe that'd be something for ya. If you need help with catching up the latest edition, I might be of help as I got some codices and Tau related novels in digital form. :) Messor and Brother Lunkhead 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted June 26, 2019 Author Share Posted June 26, 2019 Thanks for the insights, brothers. Like Kelborn mentioned, the Orks featured heavily as Tau enemies in the past, and were actually a key part of my old Mont'sha fluff. They'll definitely still be present, but this time around I'd like to dance with a different partner. I like the Nid suggestion, Kelborn, but I actually hadn't considered the Necron potential with the ISO auxiliaries. The wheels are already turning for shaking the Thal'asa sector to its foundations with the rumble of an awakening dynasty. I think some big foes to face will go a long way toward breathing some life into this Sept and its coalition. And I'll gladly take you up on the offer to read any Tau related novels you might be able to share. So far all I've had to look at are my old (5th ed?) codex, and my new one. Kelborn 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 26, 2019 Share Posted June 26, 2019 Necron ISO auxilaries would have another small nod to them: there's a theory that T'au might be the very last fleshy Necrontyr. A wild one,I know but there's potential in it. At least for some wild diy stuff. ;) Sure, gonna have a look on what I can share. Just T'au or some other stuff, as well? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted June 26, 2019 Author Share Posted June 26, 2019 Heh, let's just roll with the T'au stuff for now; start small Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted July 17, 2019 Author Share Posted July 17, 2019 Some minor edits, primarily a couple of asides that were too big to fit in sidebars, and some polish and corrections around the Tio've Mont'sha section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted July 18, 2019 Share Posted July 18, 2019 It seems a little weird having the Organisation section be comprised of a short story without any actual details on how the Cold Fire Coalition is organised. I get that the Organisation section is still WIP, of course. It might be worth moving Organisation to be after the Auxiliaries section; with perhaps some mention of exactly how the Cold Fire Coalition use their ISO allies and the Dead Wind Contingent in campaigns. I'd say put Organisation last simply so that readers know who both the ISO and the DWC are before reading about how they're used. Other than that, fine additions all around, I'd say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted July 24, 2019 Author Share Posted July 24, 2019 Apologies, Ace, for whatever reason I didn't even see this! The "organization section" is meant to encompass the sections with Hollowheart and the other leadership of the coalition. Just haven't found a good way to format it; the full length header kept breaking things. Might just have to take a couple of those out of headings, but I don't really like the look that way either. Some custom headings might be the way to go. I really like the suggestion of listing auxiliaries prior to how they're used, I'll definitely incorporate that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted July 24, 2019 Share Posted July 24, 2019 I'd suggest not making the ISOs related to Necrons in any shape or form, actually.To make it short, it makes the universe feel that much smaller.I'm aware this is part for the course as far as 'Nu GW' is concerned. And as far as several fans are concerned too, considering how many people I've seen claim that the Chromes from I Am Slaughter are linked to tyranids—because obviously there can only be one species of killer space bugs in the entire history of the Local Cluster.It's preferable to use a landmark other can recognize when homebrewing one's creations, true. But not necessary. And if one feels it is... Necrons aren't the only artificial intelligence in the Milky Way.Humanity as a whole was nearly wiped out by their own Iron Men, in fact. That's why the 'A' in AI refers to "abominable" for the Imperium.And the humans of old don't hold a monopoly on artificial intelligence. Just to use big canon names, perhaps ancient eldar were involved and wiped each other out because AI was a sin against the body and soul of their Old One-chosen people (to take a page from Stellaris' spiritualists). Maybe a bunch of brainboyz got seriously drunk on squig beer one night and created the first and only ork AI (admittedly doubtful, considering how amiable it seems to be).Or maybe the ISOs are just some dusty programs from a long-forgotten species, lonely relics which no one has wanted for millennia.That said, if you have another close friend who plays Necrons, the ISOs are a good opportunity for them to get involved with Sept Thal'asa. But again, the AI themselves don't need to be remotely related to the Necrons for them to take an interest in the Cold Fire Coalition's new allies.Now onto the praise.First, I love the article's entire format. That beautiful orbiting planet catches my eye, particularly. I liked the references to terraforming as well, though that might be the space 4X player in me speaking.I also enjoyed the idea of a tau dancing between being an asset and a liability, a ruthless murderer just a few oversteps away from dying heroically during a rearguard surgical strike that prevented a retreat to turn into a rout. It was a true shame Hollowheart arrived too late with the cavalry, but Mont'sha's sacrifice will be remembered for generations, for it turned the tide of the battle.It was nice to include black market activities as well. There's always been shady deals between the two species from what I gathered, and now they share the same sector.I'm curious about whether the Cold Fire Coalition considers the PDFs of Acro to be worthy opponents (the other way round is a no-go from the start). If they do, I'm also curious about how much time it'll take Mont'sha before he flushes a diplomatic meeting down the toilet with a bloodbath. Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted July 24, 2019 Author Share Posted July 24, 2019 I'd suggest not making the ISOs related to Necrons in any shape or form, actually. To make it short, it makes the universe feel that much smaller. I'm aware this is part for the course as far as 'Nu GW' is concerned. And as far as several fans are concerned too, considering how many people I've seen claim that the Chromes from I Am Slaughter are linked to tyranids—because obviously there can only be one species of killer space bugs in the entire history of the Local Cluster. It's preferable to use a landmark other can recognize when homebrewing one's creations, true. But not necessary. And if one feels it is... Necrons aren't the only artificial intelligence in the Milky Way. Humanity as a whole was nearly wiped out by their own Iron Men, in fact. That's why the 'A' in AI refers to "abominable" for the Imperium. And the humans of old don't hold a monopoly on artificial intelligence. Just to use big canon names, perhaps ancient eldar were involved and wiped each other out because AI was a sin against the body and soul of their Old One-chosen people (to take a page from Stellaris' spiritualists). Maybe a bunch of brainboyz got seriously drunk on squig beer one night and created the first and only ork AI (admittedly doubtful, considering how amiable it seems to be). Or maybe the ISOs are just some dusty programs from a long-forgotten species, lonely relics which no one has wanted for millennia. That said, if you have another close friend who plays Necrons, the ISOs are a good opportunity for them to get involved with Sept Thal'asa. But again, the AI themselves don't need to be remotely related to the Necrons for them to take an interest in the Cold Fire Coalition's new allies. Interesting perspective. I can dig it, but let me run the concept I was considering by you, and you can tell me how it feels with regard to that concept of shrinking the universe. It was a vassal race of the Necrontyr who created the ISOs for mundane purposes, and they were progressively improved and added onto in the simple interest of increased functionality, but a time came when some among this society wanted to be free of the yoke of the Necrontyr, and thought to adapt their technology militarily. Conflict ensued over whether to rebel or use the ISOs in a rebellion, and it wiped them out before they could make a play. So in that sense, the ISOs have indirect history with the Necrons, but they aren't of the Necrons, they basically are the last remnant of a long-forgotten species that no one has found or cared to look for. I don't want to crowd the region, but I do want a few of the playable races to feature there, as much for my own benefit as for a hypothetical friend who plays Necrons (I don't have one XD). Now onto the praise. First, I love the article's entire format. That beautiful orbiting planet catches my eye, particularly. I liked the references to terraforming as well, though that might be the space 4X player in me speaking. I also enjoyed the idea of a tau dancing between being an asset and a liability, a ruthless murderer just a few oversteps away from dying heroically during a rearguard surgical strike that prevented a retreat to turn into a rout. It was a true shame Hollowheart arrived too late with the cavalry, but Mont'sha's sacrifice will be remembered for generations, for it turned the tide of the battle. It was nice to include black market activities as well. There's always been shady deals between the two species from what I gathered, and now they share the same sector. I'm curious about whether the Cold Fire Coalition considers the PDFs of Acro to be worthy opponents (the other way round is a no-go from the start). If they do, I'm also curious about how much time it'll take Mont'sha before he flushes a diplomatic meeting down the toilet with a bloodbath. I'm glad you liked the planet! It was a little labor of love designing it, getting the old school video effect over it, and getting that loop just right, so it makes me happy it caught someone's eye. I want to do some fluff things with the black market, but haven't hit on anything really good yet. There is definitely some more in the pipeline to that will get into the CFC view on the Acro PDFs, and some intrigue surrounding their diplomacy with the Sept. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted July 26, 2019 Share Posted July 26, 2019 Interesting perspective. I can dig it, but let me run the concept I was considering by you, and you can tell me how it feels with regard to that concept of shrinking the universe. It was a vassal race of the Necrontyr who created the ISOs for mundane purposes, and they were progressively improved and added onto in the simple interest of increased functionality, but a time came when some among this society wanted to be free of the yoke of the Necrontyr, and thought to adapt their technology militarily. Conflict ensued over whether to rebel or use the ISOs in a rebellion, and it wiped them out before they could make a play. So in that sense, the ISOs have indirect history with the Necrons, but they aren't of the Necrons, they basically are the last remnant of a long-forgotten species that no one has found or cared to look for. I don't want to crowd the region, but I do want a few of the playable races to feature their, as much for my own benefit as for a hypothetical friend who plays Necrons (I don't have one XD). On the contrary, I'd say it expands the universe. As far as I'm aware, the ancient Necrontyr aren't mentioned to have alien vassals in the lore. But ultimately, it makes sense. Being realistic yet not being recorded into the lore, as I said, I find it does the opposite of shrinking the universe. I'll also note that it's your original faction, not mine. As such, the last word is yours on everything about the Cold Fire Coalition and all the others kicking around in the Thal'asa sector. I'm glad you liked the planet! It was a little labor of love designing it, getting the old school video effect over it, and getting that loop just right, so it makes me happy it caught someone's eye. The image does so very vaguely remind me of video games, but I can't for the life of me remember just in what video game I could possibly have seen something like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted July 26, 2019 Author Share Posted July 26, 2019 On the contrary, I'd say it expands the universe. As far as I'm aware, the ancient Necrontyr aren't mentioned to have alien vassals in the lore. But ultimately, it makes sense. Being realistic yet not being recorded into the lore, as I said, I find it does the opposite of shrinking the universe. I'll also note that it's your original faction, not mine. As such, the last word is yours on everything about the Cold Fire Coalition and all the others kicking around in the Thal'asa sector. For sure, for sure, but it's a point well worth considering, particularly for one of my few forces that isn't just a crossover with something else I love. So it's good to hear that the concept lands. The image does so very vaguely remind me of video games, but I can't for the life of me remember just in what video game I could possibly have seen something like that. I can definitely catch that vibe, though I can't think of a game that I've seen that before, either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted August 2, 2019 Author Share Posted August 2, 2019 Implemented a few actual sidebars, which have definitely made it clear to me that some more body is needed. I think there's room for expanding on the homeworld section, touching on some other worlds, and to provide a larger stage for conflict. I do plan to add some history, but I might hold off on it until I've finally had a chance to play a few games, to let those lend some influence to it and set the scene a bit for one more sidebar. Edit: And here are the first models of the army! Dosjetka and Brother Lunkhead 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted March 6, 2020 Author Share Posted March 6, 2020 Almost forgot to share this here, but the first XV8 of the force was finished last week. It was my first go at chipping, and I like how it turned out. I didn't want to overdo it, but I would like to feature a bit more grit and weathering on the army in future, so, something to practice. Also still working on getting good consistency and lighting with pictures. Additionally I've been picking away at creating POV narratives for some of my factions, and I've finally gotten to something presentable for the Cold Fire Coalition. I think my main aim with these will be establishing key moments in short segments, and leaving much of the in-between and behind-the-scenes things to the imagination. That's not normally my style, so we'll see how it goes. Anyway, here's the first part of the story of two of Thal'asa's most important figures (an organized version will be in the fan fiction forum as more is added). Unfeeling War Hidden Ember “On your left, sister!” Issued the voice through Lunsuoi’s battlesuit comm, as a small cloud of micro-missiles streaked over her shoulder, detonating in series against the hull of a battle tank exactly as it rolled onto the thoroughfare from the west, barrel already leveled at the pair of battlesuits standing in the middle of the road. The tank exploded with a screech of metal and a roar of fire, while human screams and shouts echoed in its vicinity. In seconds the human infantry became visible, some taking positions at the corners of the building beside the flaming wreck, others fleeing, uniforms alight. One of the two blue-green armored battlesuits withdrew its arm from over the shoulder of the other, smoke still issuing from the launch ports of the missile pod attached to the suit’s forearm, pivoted smoothly, and lifted its other arm mounted weapon, a rotary cannon in the act of spinning up. A torrent of plasma energy burst from the multiple barrels of the cannon, tracing a nearly unbroken glow of blue fire through the air to the windows of a building a block away. As the plasma blasts tore and pitted the walls, the squad of infantry that had been taking position there withdrew to cover. “My thanks, Commander,” Lunsuoi said, raising her own burst cannon to continue suppressing the area, while her commander turned again and opened fire on the humans regrouping by the gutted tank. “It was nothing,” Commander Tsai’ran answered, “though I have to wonder at your lapse in situational awareness. The campaign taking its toll?” Lunsoi could practically hear the grim smile in the Commander’s words, but she still took them to heart. Such compromising mistakes could not be tolerated, not when the stakes were an entire world. Still, she knew that letting the Commander know that her second took the ribbing so seriously would only make her stiff and moody, and Tsai’ran was already notoriously difficult to get in a good mood, so Lunsoi was careful not to spoil it, “Simply trying to make sure you have something to do, Commander,” she replied. The two battlesuits pivoted in the middle of the road, keeping pressure on each opening the human infantry tried to exploit for another minute until a crescendo of pulse fire reached their audio sensors from the east side of the road, opposite to the battle tank’s approach. Staccato flashes of blue light filled the windows and allies where the humans had sought cover, only to find themselves now surrounded. The firefight in the eastern ruins ended quickly, and where once the barrels of lasguns had poked from openings, now there were the high-profiled barrels of T’au pulse blasters. The first volleys into the ruins and rubble on the west side of the road saw the humans make a hasty withdrawal, and the sounds of battle slowly faded. A new voice crackled over Lunsoi’s comm, coinciding with the rapidly updating tactical readouts in her suit. “Objective secured, commanders; our lines have advanced to the thoroughfare. Gue’la are regrouping among the hab blocks a kilometer to the west.” “Confirmed, Shas’vre,” Tsai’ran replied, tone more distant than when she spoke with Lunsoi, “We will have need of the XV88 teams in the next push. See that they are brought up to our frontline. Relay further reconnaissance updates to ‘Vre Cal’tuk and defer to his command for the next advance.” “Affirmative, Shas’O.” Tsai’ran’s battlesuit straightened, assured that their enemies had been fully cleared from the area, and Lunsoi followed her lead. The pair activated their jetpacks and launched upward in a cloud of dust, flying over the buildings the cadre had secured until they both hovered down into the nearest improvised outpost. A small command station had been set up in the shell of a hab structure hollowed out by artillery. Tsai’ran alighted next to it amid salutes from the handful of Shas’ui surrounding the main holo display. “Has there been any word from Mont’da’erra?” came Tsai’ran’s slightly distorted voice from her battlesuit. “No word as of yet, Shas’O,” answered the senior officer, “But they’re still pinging the beacon, so they haven’t run into trouble yet. The battlesuit nodded, and turned, making a small gesture at Lunsoi to follow, which she did without question, the pair taking off again and heading toward the advancing XV88 units. After a few moments’ flight in silence, Lunsoi spoke up. “You have Mont’da’erra on assignment? I thought he was seeing to training on Thal’asa?” “I brought him out to confirm a suspicion of mine. It is tangential to this campaign,” Tsai’ran spoke matter-of-factly, almost the way she usually addressed her other officers. But Lunsoi heard the hint of something else that no one else would. What was it? Discomfort? Concern? It had to be significant if it could distract Tsai’ran “Hollowheart”, and if it concerned her, it concerned Lunsoi, as well. She was about to inquire further, but Tsai’ran spoke first. “Come, sister,” she said, and that curious note in her voice was gone, replaced with the comfortable tone she always reserved for Lunsoi. Had she sensed it and hidden it? Or had Lunsoi imagined it to begin with? “The Broadsides will be in position soon, and we shall be the spark to their fire. We can’t let the gue’la have too long a reprieve.” Brother Lunkhead and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted March 7, 2020 Share Posted March 7, 2020 Good stuff Brother Messor I like the story muchly and the battlesuit is kickin'. I don't know how I missed your Fire Warriors back in August They are fantastic too. I really like the color scheme. It's simple but striking. It also brings out the details in your models quite well. It's nice to see some activity in the Xeno thread. Looking forward to more Tau goodness from you Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted March 18, 2020 Share Posted March 18, 2020 A great overview of your T'au Sept and definitely an inspiration for any future efforts of my own. :tu: Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted March 18, 2020 Author Share Posted March 18, 2020 Many thanks, comrades! I look forward to bringing you more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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