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Necroshadow’s chaos collective

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Greetings fellow children of chaos. I have been a long time observer here and an even longer hobby fan, alas my time in the hobby has yielded little results to show for it, due to being afflicted with the attention span of a hobby obsessed goldfish for most of my early years in the hobby. The major highlights of my collections are a terribly painted assault on black reach ork force from back when I first picked up a brush and a small collection of word bearers.


However I have always found my mind would throw ideas at me no matter the budget or painting skills I possessed, resulting in a huge collection of notes and ideas for different forces over the years. One collection of ideas that has always stuck with me though was to collect a force from each of the chaos legions, bar the black legion who I never truly found to be my taste but recently have started to like a bit more. This would have remained as little more than an idea if it had not been for the recent chaos release and the introduction of contrast paints, now giving me the ability to produce painted miniatures at a rate that can maintain my attention and provide pleasing consistent results.


As such, I have started this topic to endeavor to produce at least a small force for each main traitor legion, possibly a small detachment of black legion and some small groups for any other chaos projects that take my fancy. Once I finish each legion I will probably return to each with the occasional addition to their forces, as well as possibly some key renegade factions like the crimson slaughter. Hopefully with my new drive and the feedback of the chaos community, I will be able to keep up my own personal long war.

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“smite down the non believers and the deceived, and they shall know the truth of the words of oblivion” excerpt from the third book of the litanies of vengeance and hate


We shall begin with my first love of chaos, the force that brought me fully into the fold of the great pantheon, the word bearers. I have sought to reincarnate my old force into the new scale and have found decent success with the new contrast paints. So without further delay, allow me to introduce to you the 22nd grand host, known to it’s foes and allies as the sigil daemonic, as they stand so far.




Dark apostle vulgrim



Chief diabolist maldiaz and his greater possessed bodyguards, malekor-Idzath and octavis-Khidzail



Squad jezial



the scourge of arkanis



Unfortunately they’re not the best pictures and the bases need some more work but I hope people enjoy them none the less

Edited by NecroShadow
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Awesome work. I love the colour combo's too.


Thanks, they’re my current project so I’m still working on expanding them. I’ve got two more 5 man units of marines in the construction process and a box of havocs waiting to be built so I’ll hopefully have them up and on show soon, either pre or post paint. Then after that I’m planning on getting a fourth unit of 5 marines and another havoc squad to flesh out the new blood. It’ll then just be a case of repainting some of my anointed terminators and my first acolyte to fit the new colour scheme. Plus adding some daemonic scripture to everyone’s armour.

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Thanks. As I said before I’ve still got bits with the bases that could do with some improvements, such as the fallen marble since my local store hasn’t had any apothecary white. It would be nice if I could figure out some other marble sections to add to the bases since the force is meant to be attacking a shrine world but I will have to work with what I can. I’ll try get some lore and backstory for my guys written up soon, just a case of rummaging through a few years worth of notes and making sense out of them all.
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Always nice to see more Word Bearers, I like the way you are using a mid-heresy type scheme for them keep it up!

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t actually registered it as a mid Heresy scheme. When I did my old word bearers I used red on the shoulders as well with black shoulders for the elites or Hq elements and I just found I preferred the black shoulder pad look overall.


Good to see you posting your stuff - your paint scheme is really sharp, and I love the small conversions like your dark apostle's head swap.


I still feel I could sharpen up on some of the painting personally, but if some of the artists I know is anything to go by that’s the issue with it. You’ll always be able to pick holes in your own work. In terms of the conversions, I’ve not had much chance to do them since I’ve been working with the shadowspear models so far, with the exception of the dark apostle. I’m hoping to do some bits for one of my next champions and some kit bashed Vakrah Jal rubric marines later down the line, probably once I get to my thousand sons thrallband and have the spares to do it. Otherwise I’ll probably stick fairly vanilla since it’s my first proper exploration with the new chaos stuff. However my next legion project I’m planning will definitely be a lot more kit bash heavy, plus a little more morbid but you wouldn’t expect any different from that legion.


That red tone is great on the WB. Also the spooky flames look much better than the regular orange burny ones here.


Yeah, fortunately I was willing to explore outside of the recommended bases for my contrast tests, since I used mechanicus standard grey for the base coat with flesh tearer red over it to get the nice dark red result. The spooky flames were a mixture of having briefly been tempted to foray into aos nighthaunt and the history of the Vakrah Jal. I had the hexwraith flame lying around unused in my paint box and I seem to remember the Vakrah Jal were said to use flamers that spewed forth green alchemical flame. Edited by NecroShadow
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Glad to see I'm not the only Dark Apostle around here who favors both the mid-heresy scheme - with the same reasoning too - and Green Flames. How do you do yours? I tend to layer on white, then Warboss Green on everything but the bottom, then Warpstone Glow near the top with the tips painted black, followed by a watered down Glow lightly applied to all layers.

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I feel slightly bad that mine is basically two steps. I just used hexwraith flame over grey seer to get mine. When I get to doing some of my other forces I will try doing traditional layering flames but for now I just found it quick and effective for what I needed.
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Well, it might need some ironing out but here is a rough history of dark apostle vulgrim, the sigil daemonic and a brief overview of its organisational structure in their background.


The sigil daemonic

Holding a long history amongst the hosts of 17th legion, the sigil daemonic have been a force of unholy destruction upon the domains of the emperor’s faithful and the upstart greater good. For only the words of chaos hold the truth of existence, a truth that only lorgar’s blessed sons can spread.



To know the origin of the sigil daemonic is to know the origin of its dark apostle. Born to colchis, vulgrim was inducted from amongst the masses of the faithful, his belief answered as he was ascended from mortal to astartes. He served faithfully in his early years, finding himself among the forces present at the Melkeji Salvation, an event that strengthened his faith in his primarch and the emperor. It was only a decade later however that his faith in the emperor would experience its first cracks, for he was present at the censure of the word bearers, Monarchia’s destruction bringing him sorrow as it did his more senior brothers and primarch. He would not find himself part of the primarch’s pilgrimage, instead being ordered to join a new exploratory fleet, the primarch’s absence casting a shade upon his humours.


Dark enlightenment

It was upon the primarch’s return that vulgrim was enlightened to the ways of chaos alongside the rest of his legion, his brief doubts burned away in the intensity of his primarch’s oratory. It was with as fierce a fire that vulgrim would find himself fighting at the pyre of corrinos and against the orks of the chairak nebula, wielding a flamer in his new role as a special weapons bearer. His further campaigns within this time are lost until the massacre of istvaan v, his dedication in previous campaigns finding himself in the role of a sergeant at the time of the event. It is recorded that vulgrim very openly butchered his former brothers, sacrificing their gene seed to the dark pantheon as he went. It was for his actions that he found himself promoted to the position of first acolyte to his chapters chaplain, marking the beginning of great things for the warrior. He would find himself later taking part in the shadow crusade against the ultramarines, finding brotherhood outside his order with a warrior of angron’s world eaters, lieutenant Odol, upon the grounds of nuceria. Records are unclear as to whether his superior fell in battle to give him command over a renamed chapter or if he was given a newly formed one, but it is clear that come the siege of terra vulgrim now stood in command of the fledgling sigil daemonic chapter, ready to fight with all his religious zeal.


The retreat from terra

While there was no lacking in the sigil daemonic’s desire to fight, they were inevitable forced to retreat come the fall of Horus. During their retreat they united with the remnants of a vakrah jal group, the 8 warriors and 2 diabolists eventually forming the origins of the chapter’s brethren of emerald flame units. Upon their retreat to the eye and reuniting with the legion upon sicarius, the sigil daemonic would soon find themselves back to war once more, starting an unending pilgrimage of destruction to eliminate as many shrine worlds as they could find in order to shatter the weakling faith of the corpse emperors followers. Since the appearance of the tau upon the world stage however they have found their hatred being shared between both forces, for the greater good of the tau is of equal insult to the true worship of the dark pantheon as the corpse emperor’s deceit. Their most recently recorded campaign was the destruction of the shrine world Frey’s heart, eliminating the garrison force of adeptus sororitas and earning them the eternal ire of the Order of Our Martyred Lady.



The sigil daemonic is commanded by Dark Apostle Vulgrim, controlling the spiritual requirements of the chapter with the aid of his first acolyte, malus, while Coryphaus Askaroth commands the battlefield strategy and military force. Vulgrim also has the council of chief diabolist maldiaz in matters of the warp, daemon smith arcadeus in matters of forge craft and chief apothecary Kal garan in matters of flesh craft. As a whole the force consists of roughly 282 battle capable Astartes, divided between the dark Apostle’s personal retinue of 16 warriors and the 8 congregations. The 8 congregations are further broken down into four types. The blessed congregations make up the first two, with each possessing the might of the chapters possessed warriors and daemon infused legionnaires who then fight in brutal melees with their foes. The cinerai congregations form the 3rd and 4th congregation, reminiscent of the ashen circle of the old legion, their specialty being rapid assault and the incineration of religious texts and their preachers by use of flamer wielding raptors and marines. The 5th and 6th are the iconoclast congregations, specialised in the ranged destruction of religious buildings and shrines through the use of havocs and ranged fire power. Lastly, the 7th and 8th are the orator congregations, focusing on combat flexibility and the use of their words to taint the imperial sheep of the corpse emperor into seeing the true light of chaos, forming vast forces of cultists to fight ahead of their word bearer lords.

Edited by NecroShadow
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Thank you, honestly I find it a shame they haven’t released a multipose one yet. I’d love to have a second within my force but I don’t find the idea of two identically posed ones appealing. If I trusted my conversion skills a bit more I might attempt to alter another but for now I shall stick to a lone one. Edited by NecroShadow
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“give up yourself to the great gods in body and soul. Discard all that does not benefit the greatness. The first thing to discard is the name. Your self is nothing to the gods, and your name shall be as nothing to you. Only once you have reached enlightenment shall you reclaim your name, and your self. Thus spoke great lorgar, and thus it was to be” the fourth tennant of the book of lorgar.


The nameless have been finished, the poor wretches who carry vulgrim’s relics while he strides into battle. They are nameless for as the book of lorgar states, your self is nothing to the gods. That and I have a feeling the individuals who take the job don’t live long enough for any of the blessed sons of lorgar to remember their names.





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  • 2 weeks later...

“with victories over others, we conquer. But with victories over ourselves, we are exalted. There must always be contests, and you must always win” kor phaeron- master of the faith


I believe a man once said “life finds a way”. In that case I think he was referring to dinosaurs being pains, but in my case it just seems to have found a way too keep interrupting my painting time. However despite the interruptions I have completed squad herulek and have my first squad of flamer armed brothers on the way as well, so hopefully it’ll be less of wait for them to show up on here. As a side note however, has anyone had any experience with kit bashing raptor parts onto the ashen circle models? I’m considering getting some to form the fast attack elements for the sigil daemonic.




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They are all looking great! Can't wait to see more!

Thanks, hopefully I’ll get the others finished sooner rather than later. I’ve got another 5 man squad with a flamer in the wip stage and then I’ve got a box of havocs waiting to be used up.



More daemon engines and possessed marines please.



Looks great.  btw.. what part of Catachan do you live on?

Might not have any possessed or daemon engines for a while, at least not daemon engines in traitor’s red. I’m going to hold back on possessed until we possibly get blessed with a new kit, however I have been tempted by possibly getting some gal vorbak but they’d be too big to pass off as normal possessed. In relation to where on catachan, it’s a nice little spot. Only get death lizards and the sort coming round every other Tuesday.

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“victory attained through violence is victory indeed. But when the enemy turns on itself- that is the essence of true, lasting victory” kor phaeron- master of the faith.


Here we have the third of my four planned marine squads, squad arkas. Led by brother champion arkas, they find great joy in burning down the tomes and lore of the unbelievers. It seems that arkas himself got a nice black Templar trophy from one of their previous campaigns. Just hoping I haven’t somehow messed up the colour scheme for a black Templar sergeants helmet. We should have the first of the two havoc squads next, so long as I don’t succumb to the temptations of the new imperial marines. Temptations our job anyway, they’re stealing our gig.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, been a little bit hasn’t it. Once again life has thrown bits into the path, birthdays, family events, etc etc so I’ve had little chance to do more on the sigil daemonic. However now that I have managed to return to work I wanted to paint something, but with my havocs still in bits and my unit of ashen circle having only just arrived, I decided I’d have a shot at painting something in preparation for the future. So I grabbed out one of the shadowspear marines and got him painted to prepare for the army that will come after lorgar’s sons have reached their planned point, So witness my first son of curze and legionary of the flayed gallows murder talon.






I need to get some new brushes and get more used to doing the finer detail for the lightning, but any opinions on the overall colour scheme would be appreciated.

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