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Nemesis warlord is what one of my buddies on FB is insistent on, the layered armour is from some warlord concept art and the plasma weapons definitely look upgunned! Makes sense to pop some AA guns on the carapace if you arent mounting something bigger too.

I mean warlords really should have AA guns anyway but thats a whole nother discussion :D 

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Very exciting news and a real shot in the arm for the game, I feel. Nemesis Warlord is my bet too, although it is hard to say really (which is no doubt deliberate!).


Either way it's clearly a larger Titan rather than something small like the Rapier. Between the Warhound and the Knights I feel there are already a lot of units at the smaller end of the spectrum, and a different option for larger engines will be really good I think.

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Nemesis warlord is what one of my buddies on FB is insistent on, the layered armour is from some warlord concept art and the plasma weapons definitely look upgunned! Makes sense to pop some AA guns on the carapace if you arent mounting something bigger too.


I mean warlords really should have AA guns anyway but thats a whole nother discussion :biggrin.:


Nemesis Warlord would be an interesting one because it would suggest we go from two revear(ish)-scale weapons on the carapace and two warlord-scale weapons on the arms to a nearly empty carapace, bar the AA guns, and two extremely hefty warlord+ weapons. It'd be an interesting trade off.


Either way I don't think that we're looking at torso/thighs/guns of a brawler titan, for which I'd expect more along the lines of power fists, chainfists, lascutters, meltas, etc.

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Look at that hip joint. It doesn't actually match a Warbringer or Warlord, so based on that I'd expect this is a new Titan class. There's a distinct possibility that the hip joints are different for Nemesis variants due to different weight distribution, but that makes less sense from a kit design standpoint where you probably want things sharing sprues to save cost. The Nemesis Warbringer sprues aren't really laid out in a way that allows for a regular Warbringer, but the Warlord sprues definitely are, so probably a no on the Nemesis Warlord.

It's a regular Warbringer or something at scale 7, 11 or maybe even 12. That's my best guess, anyway.

Edited by LetsYouDown
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I'm not seeing a regular non-nemesis Warbringer here at all to be honest. I could kind of get why a regular Warbringer might be more heavily armoured than its backfield artillery equivalent but for it to have more (and more elaborate) armour than even a Warlord, to the point where its hip gyros are partially enclosed, would be seriously strange. And those arm guns are way bigger than the reaver-scale weapons the warbringer has.


I'm thinking either Nemesis Warlord or something new at scale 11/12 as LetsYouDown suggests. Quite possibly something which will get slapped with one of the names FW seeded throughout the black books: the Komodo, the Carnivore, or the Apocalypse. The Nightgaunt's been mentioned as well but as FW are big ol' nerds, I'd expect them to hew to its older character as an under-gunned fast-moving close quarters titan, whether it winds up as a warlord variant or a new titan.

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Yeah, I've just been through some of the N&R discussion and I don't see it as a Warbringer at all now either. Not scale 7. Probably 11/12.

I don't think it would be the Carnivore, as that's been mentioned as a mid-class a few times now. The Nightgaunt is called a mid-class in Atarus's black book section, too. Apocalypse seems possible. Eclipse, Maines, and Death Bringer are a few more hats we can toss in the ring of contenders that I can remember. I'm sure there are more, though.

Another thing about this size of Titan is that we could see that larger-than-Warlord siege Titan from Titandeath show up as a resin variant of this or something.

Dreading the potential for something with a 3/4" move though :sweat:

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Good point about the Carnivore and Nightgaunt. Death Bringer used to be something like the standard Warlord loadout and the Eclipse a slightly lighter variant, so those could be minor marks against them as appropriate names for what's looking like some sort of up-armoured Warlord sized thing with heavier weapons.


I think we're bumping up against the weirdness of the titan naming system regardless. Warhound, Reaver, Warbringer, Warlord... and then Nightgaunt, Carnivore, Komodo. These are all cool but they feel more Heavy Gear or Battletech mech names than 30k/40k, you know?. Don't know what's going on with the Maines titan either. This is a very minor complaint though.

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Laser pointer on the right of the plasma coils? Any way to use that to infer the size of this titan?

The guns seem to be connected to the weapons' hard points in the same way as those of the Warlord.

Really curious to see how big it will be. 

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I'm seeing a different set of scrolling in a WB front plate, a new plasma arm for it and some hanging groin plates with hip mods and armour.

So maybe one sprue of WB accessories.

Nothing in this screams new Warlord or bigger to me.


But optimism is a wonderful thing and I'm happy to be wrong :yes:

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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Nothing in this screams new Warlord or bigger to me.


But optimism is a wonderful thing and I'm happy to be wrong :yes:

See, everything from the middle is telling me it could be either a WL or a WB... seems like it’d be silly to up armor a WB like that, but this is 40k we are talking about. The thing that has me really thinking it’s a WL variant or bigger is the arm hard points look consistent with warlords (top of the arm has a similar plate to it and the elbow connection isn’t as flimsy as the WB one) and that the shoulder has two vents which would be consistant with the warlords design (though they are side by side instead of over under). It definitely isn’t a WB upgrade frame though... like it would be literally changing all three frames of the kit from the amount that is different in addition to printing new WB data sheets to include the new weapons options. Definitely think this is a whole new class of titan, and I am leaning towards a warlord Edited by The boater
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My thoughts are it’s either a new class altogether (apocalypse) which will be scale 11/12 or a nemesis siege warlord. I’m leaning toward the new variant.



The warbringer uses reaver arm weapons and the warlord has the sun fury. It seems strange to have more warlord plasma weapons and the Titan armaments have a bit of a convention to them

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I think it's something pretty big, though it's not really possible to say how big. Anything from Reaver to bigger than a Warlord. It's weird that it seems to have plasma weapons on both arms and very little up top though. Those AA guns seem to only be paired autocannons, not quads, for example. I don't think it's a siege engine, as it seems to have guns on both arms.


Whatever it is, it's great that we're getting a new Titan. I expect we'll see more before too long. To be honest the lockdown means I haven't been able to play for months anyway, so I'm not really in a rush to get this... but I definitely will.

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A sub-warhound scout titan (almost certainly the Rapier), something between the warhound and the reaver in size, a possible regular/non-nemesis warbringer, theoretical nemesis variants of the other titans, the larger-than-warlord ‘siege titan’ from Titandeath, a handful of other chassis mentioned in the black books, an eventual Imperator... I reckon these make a varied amount of sense for the game in that they probably don’t all offer new or meaningful choices but they’re possibilities.


Chaos/corrupted/possessed titans. We know they’re coming in some form. Could go a few different ways with this but wouldn’t be surprised to see a Banelord as its own beast.


Knights: nearly all there but the other Acastus variant is presumably on the cards. Maybe armigers and the Dominus, though FW don’t seem as taken with them.


Weapons: a big honking volkite weapon was mooted previously at an open day, could be cool. Saturnine lascutter for the warlord. Additional carapace weapons for the warlord like melta guns. A handful of esoteric weapons like siege tools or old Epic weapons.


I’m probably missing some things here though.

Edited by Sandlemad
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I don't think we should necessarily assume that new titans will fill in the obvious "blanks" in scale between the existing engines. There could be new engines the same scale as current stuff, but with different characteristics.


That said, if this thing is a scale of its own then I don't think it looks like it could be scale 7, so that would make it scale 11 or more. I'm not sure that makes sense either though, as the upper hull looks roughly the size of the Warbringer's. It's a weird one.


Gameplay-wise I'd be a bit surprised if they made a bigger engine than the Warlord. Warlords are meant to be the big heavy engine in AT and producing something that outmatches them would cause issues both for the game and fluff. 


If I had to guess based on the existing names we know, I'd call it the Nightgaunt. Something Warlord-sized but without major carapace weapons. Those things on its arms could be a different pattern of sunfury, or else a different plasma weapon entirely. I think the fluff of those was that they are faster scale 10 engines often equipped for melee, and that would fit fairly well with this thing's appearance.

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They definitely confirmed they had plotted out new titans either side of all the existing ones a few times, some we know about like the Rapier and Warbringer and a few we dont so far including slightly bigger than a warlord and one between a Warhound and Reaver. Interestingly from later interviews the Warbringer at least was specifically designed to fill a niche in the game so its possible the others will too, though im not sure how (Im wildly under caffinated :D ) 

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