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TIAT I finally got a game against General Zodd, who was kind enough to give me a 1K demo game. I lost 20:5, but there were some really fun moments and I definitely learned a thing or two about positioning.



The score didn’t do you justice, though, it felt a great deal tighter than that! One more damaging hit on my Princeps Senioris and he dies and your warlord lives, controlling the objective!


Good fun game, though, pleasure getting a game in with you finally!

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TiAT, I’m heading to my first AT event! It’s a tournament style event at Kirton Games near Exeter in the SW of the UK. I shall report back how I do outside of my local meta over in Northern Ireland!


My second event will be the one that Brother Dallo and Gryphonicus Walks are attending in Bangor next month! You wait three years for a Titanicus event, then two show up at once…

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I hope you roll less Double Heat results with your Reavers. ;)



My reactors were behaving themselves *much* better, thank you! Ended up winning the event, which was a nice surprise! My loyalist Legio Atarus list was;


Corsair Maniple;

Reaver with Infernus Apoc Launcher, Melta and Gatling

Reaver with Infernus Apoc, Volcano and Turbolaser

Reaver with Megabolter, Melta, Power Fist and Aquila Benedictus


Ferrox Maniple;

Reaver with Megabolter, Gatling and Chainfist

Warhound with Plasma, Megabolter and Bastion Shielding

Warhound with dual Megabolter and Bastion Shielding


Then three armoured casings to round it out to 1750.

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I've put together my Asterius. I thought people might be interested to see its size, compared to a Porphyrion and Warhound. 


The hulls of the two knights are the same but the Asterius' bigger arms make it seem quite a lot chonkier. I thought about trying to give it a walking pose but couldn't face attacking all the tiny resin pistons. It's pretty solidly fixed standing still - which to be fair is what it'll mostly be doing.



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Been working on some extra bits to add on the bottom of my building design. Note that these bits could be added anywhere else a well. These are just the first three designs, I've currently got about 15 such parts done (vent systems, cogitators, libraries, etc) and will most likely do a whole bunch more of them.



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I've put together my Asterius. I thought people might be interested to see its size, compared to a Porphyrion and Warhound.


The hulls of the two knights are the same but the Asterius' bigger arms make it seem quite a lot chonkier. I thought about trying to give it a walking pose but couldn't face attacking all the tiny resin pistons. It's pretty solidly fixed standing still - which to be fair is what it'll mostly be doing.



Hey Brother, how much were the legs posable? Standard AT Knights level, actual FW mini level or something else ?

I'm assuming the first one due to you pic but worth asking...

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They're essentially mono-pose. The legs, crotch, feet and the side armour on the legs are all separate. So to repose them you'll be cutting the joints and re-doing the pistons. Not a hard task with soft resin but fiddly as hell :D


I much prefer this model that the normal Acastus. Him having arms making him look so much more than a Knight rather than a... well, a murder turtle. I did cave and bought one. Although I'm now considering getting two more.

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Preview/review of Traitor Legios up!

Tempestus got some significant changes. Right off the bat, we have:
  • Glory in Death now fires at -1 to-hit, which is actually a nerf
  • Fury of the Machine was completely reworked. Instead of re-rolling AMS results, once per round a Tempestus Titan can add +1S to one of its weapons if it's suffered a point of critical damage, to a max of 10, and this can explicitly function in conjunction with Glory in Death.
  • Combat Drop got a significant rework. It can now be triggered on any round from turn 2 onwards, can be used for a Titan of scale 7 or less (buffed from 6), and the dropped Titan can be activated in the damage control and combat phase the turn it's dropped in (but not strategy or move phases). It still scatters and can die on terrain or if it lands on too big of a Titan.
  • Their Adamantium Resolve Personal Trait lets you auto-pass a command check once per battle. The other two traits just had their wording cleared up a little.
  • There's a cool bit of info in their Material Strength section that mentions the Traitor Tempestus gave their new allies of Estaban III a bunch of STC data, enough to produce at least one Iconoclast for them

I'm gonna keep looking through until I run out of time this morning, and I'll edit this post with what I see.


  • Lots of minor changes in how rules are worded, but I'm pretty sure there's not much change in function
  • Remains of the Fallen no longer increases command characteristic, instead applies -1 to command checks
  • Warmaster's Beneficence cost went up 5 points, but now functions this way: Once per game, at the start of the Strategy phase, you can add +1 to the strength of a single weapon the titan is equipped with for that round. Seems better
  • Rotten Heart functions the same normally, but now has a secondary section that works with the Corrupt Titan rules. If you Awaken the Entity, you can roll two dice, re-roll duplicates, and choose your result from those 2 options.
  • Pitiless now adds +1S against an enemy that has suffered at least 1 point of Critical Damage, so that's a buff
  • New color plate for a Mortis Iconoclast, the Excoriator Vita, & the blurb mentions Mortis probably had the largest share of Warmasters & Iconoclast Titans of any Titan Legion. Fair enough.

Unfortunately, he skips the rest of the Titan Legions for the Corrupt Titan rules so that's it on Legio rule changes for now.

Here's the gist of how Corrupted Titans work:



OK, so some of the mutations seem incredibly strong. I have my eyes on the Khorne corruption in particular... it's remarkably cheap to buy-in as a base mutation, gives an additional dice to all of a Titan's weapons with the melee trait (including Smash attacks), and lets that Titan auto-pass Charge orders. This is an incredible blessing to Vulpa players. Wow.

Last few things to note, as I'll let the video stand for itself on most of that stuff. It can be loaded at 1080p and he has good shots of all the Corruption upgrades, so I don't see a need to recap too much...

But, the Warbringer carapace weapons have been corrected back to Corridor Arcs in the weapons section, vs the Front Arcs listed in Loyalist Legios. So, that was a mistake, but they missed it in the FAQ that came out right after that release. None of the newer Volkite weapons are listed in any section.

Finally, there's the new Traitor-only equipment, which look really solid. I'll highlight a few:

  • Marks of Conquest: a cheap upgrade that applies -1 to command checks to enemies within 10", so the potential for Traitors to apply really severe command check penalties is definitely a lot stronger than it was, which in turn strengthens the Titan Legions that ignore those penalties. Nice.
  • Corrosive Ammo: an upgrade for any weapon with Rapid or Ordnance that doesn't have any other upgrade, giving +1 to armour rolls. It's literally Legio Astraman's mag-lock ammo & is priced identically, but with the caveat that it can only be used once per game.
  • Unholy Benedictions: a relatively cheap free re-roll (of a full roll, not a single die) that applies -1 to command checks until it's used
  • Focused Capacitors: expensive upgrade for weapons with Maximal Fire. Actually, pretty cheap for Warhounds... You can choose to use them when firing, and if so they reduce your Long range to 0" but you get +3S from Maximal Fire

I'm not going to do a deep cross-comparison of the Stratagems, but I didn't see anything that stuck out. The movement and order buffing strats from Doom of Molech looked about the same and that's what I was personally concerned about, though I saw Warmaster's Portion got changed from 2 to 3 strat points, so there are definitely some changes to watch out for.

Pretty cool. I'm excited! This book probably represents a bigger shake-up than Loyalists just for how wild some of the Corrupted Titan rules are, and it'll be interesting to see both how those play and how players convert up some awesome Titans to suit them. And I'm super grateful Shadow uploaded this stuff so I can froth over it a little earlier than release.

Edited by LetsYouDown
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Seems odd that they would mention Scale 7. It makes me think we'll be seeing a new class of titan in the not-so-distant future. Well, in GW sense of the phrase anyway.

From what ive heard they already have a whole bunch of extra titans done and dusted, just at the mercy of the plastic release schedule to get them out to us. Might explain why they are always a bit disconnected on AT as so much work was done early on they did most of it years ago and its just tweaks and fluff since.

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Seems odd that they would mention Scale 7. It makes me think we'll be seeing a new class of titan in the not-so-distant future. Well, in GW sense of the phrase anyway.

The Legio Audax Material Strength section mentions both Rapier Class Scout Titans and, very intriguingly, Dire Wolf Class Heavy Scout Titans, both available from the Forge World of Sarum. That makes a few mentions of the Rapier now in different sources, so that seems pretty likely, at any rate. First time they've name dropped a Dire Wolf as far as I'm aware, though.

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Some interesting tidbits that were passed to me by a buddy that got a copy early (works at a local store). Vulpa got a few big changes, rules wise: plasma gargoyles are gone and something new to affect movement was added and and DE got a points adjustment.

Multiple classes of Titans mentioned through the book, to include a Warbringer Punisher. Rapier is called a “light scout titan” somewhere in there.

Don’t have any pictures, so you’ll all have to “just trust me bro.”


I’m super excited about the corrupt Titans. Vulpa is gonna be fun, great synergy to the rules. Tempestus rules change was needed, but I still wish they had re-worked combat drop more, or gave us something else... Maybe it’ll be more useful when we see the heavy scout titan

Edited by The boater
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