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Discussion on the new C:SM & Possible BT supplement

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Two BT ships, one mech and someone claimed a BA ship but I was not looking that close.  


If you look at Ciler's image in the top on right behind the head you see a ship.  Just left of the center of the next pair of bars center hall you can see the cross.  Fairly small compared to the other one.  The same ship can be seen at :07 so there is at least two BT ships in this mix.

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Is that the eternal crusader, or just a strike cruiser? Hard to tell scale really, but all the other ships would have to be MASSIVE if it was right? So odds are its just a fleet of strike cruisers or similiar? 

its a battle barge. This is what other chapters use as a flaggship. It means a big crusade - at least like one  company .. and maybe there are more then 2 ships...

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Watch GW pulling the carpet under our feet and present a SW vs Orks.

The guy in the French forum is sure that Primaris Ragnar will face Ghazghull.


If we get something, might be a wake the dead type of box.


Dont overhype, we still might be in for a kick in the shins.

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Watch GW pulling the carpet under our feet and present a SW vs Orks.

The guy in the French forum is sure that Primaris Ragnar will face Ghazghull.


If we get something, might be a wake the dead type of box.


Dont overhype, we still might be in for a kick in the shins.

I'm with the guys who think that named characters won't appear in a boxed set. If I'm not mistaken, this never happened before and there's little reason for this

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I can see our involvement in this thing heralding a supplement where we are featured, the first event seems to be BT and Inquisition knocking on some Eldar door so maybe it will be in November/December since GW does like to put events and box sets around that time and if it is like that then SoB might also feature in the campaign as they are also being released in November. Now that could mean an IF supplement or this fabled Black Templar only supplement PLUS the campaign, another possibility that can explain all these rumors is that we arent in the IF supplement or getting our own but rather a section in the campaign for us. It all seems very plausible and it sounds like this series of campaigns is GW way of updating armies without necessarily giving them new books.


Personally I wouldnt mind being the IF supplement, I would prefer that then to be left with nothing but the idea of something coming soon amd I've had enough of that.

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you can.... like in the 6th Edition rumors about an own Codex and later on the Chapter tactics. And later on in 7th Edition Codex as we thought we getting a better Treatment after this 6th Edition SM Codex dumb...


( i mean the carpet Thing )

Edited by Medjugorje
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you can.... like in the 6th Edition rumors about an own Codex and later on the Chapter tactics. And later on in 7th Edition Codex as we thought we getting a better Treatment after this 6th Edition SM Codex dumb...


( i mean the carpet Thing )

And before that there was a 5th editon codex in the works by Kelly that promised us Knight Cavalry, so yeah... Don'r believe it untill I see it

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Watch GW pulling the carpet under our feet and present a SW vs Orks.

The guy in the French forum is sure that Primaris Ragnar will face Ghazghull.


If we get something, might be a wake the dead type of box.


Dont overhype, we still might be in for a kick in the shins.

I'm with the guys who think that named characters won't appear in a boxed set. If I'm not mistaken, this never happened before and there's little reason for this

I agree. We might have a lieutenant and sprues, and that ain't half bad.

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Our identity should be relentlees crusaders bringing emperors light and not of jerks who kill their navigators after every warp jump (as these witches were obviously trying to sacrifice us to dark gods by bringing the ship into immaterium, hur hur).


Black Templars aren't too dumb to live in the setting but they're a dystopian setting's fanaticism and war crimes knights not the polished armour and courtly love knights from some rose tinted misconception of feudalism.


'Jerk' is a pretty mild term for someone who travels the galaxy conquering people over cultural disagreements.



Watch GW pulling the carpet under our feet and present a SW vs Orks.

The guy in the French forum is sure that Primaris Ragnar will face Ghazghull.


If we get something, might be a wake the dead type of box.


Dont overhype, we still might be in for a kick in the shins.

I'm with the guys who think that named characters won't appear in a boxed set. If I'm not mistaken, this never happened before and there's little reason for this



7th edition's Deathmasque was a clear predeccessor to Wake the Dead/Tooth and Claw and had Eldrad and Artemis so I wouldn't be so sure.

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Our identity should be relentlees crusaders bringing emperors light and not of jerks who kill their navigators after every warp jump (as these witches were obviously trying to sacrifice us to dark gods by bringing the ship into immaterium, hur hur).


Black Templars aren't too dumb to live in the setting but they're a dystopian setting's fanaticism and war crimes knights not the polished armour and courtly love knights from some rose tinted misconception of feudalism.


'Jerk' is a pretty mild term for someone who travels the galaxy conquering people over cultural disagreements.

My point was that rooting the chapter identity in a single 'we hate psykers' statement is limiting and not what I want to see fro mthe army I play. If I absolutely have to pick one identity bullet point, I want it to be something more. 'Treating Emperors as a gos' is nuch broader one, even if I personally don't like it due to recency bias. 

Imagine you have pick one out of three:


* we excell in combat with a mix of clinical precision of the Space Marine and the savage butchery of the fanatical psychopath;

* we continue a crusade started millenia ago out of sheer stubborness and force of will refusing to relinguish our duty no matter what;

* we hate psykers so much we turn this hatred into an armor against them and stop at nothing in the extermination of the witch.


To me point 1 or 2 are more substantial than point 3, but reading those comments I initially reacted to, I've got the idea that to many this third point has more importance than to me. I wanted to know why and so far got the responce in the vein of 'no because no'

Edited by Smirnov
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* we excell in combat with a mix of clinical precision of the Space Marine and the savage butchery of the fanatical psychopath;

I apologize for just focusing in on one word in one sentence you made in your post. But I just don't find the word savage fits Templars at all. Space wolves are savage. Charchadons are savage, Blood letters are savage. World Eaters were savage.


Ours is a cold and calculated hatred. A collected disdain for the enemy. And yes it can and does manifest in hot fury as needed. But never savagery.


And I realize this is just word selection, we might not even ascribe the same connotations to the word savage. You even do address what I'm aiming at, at the start of this sentence.




Anyway, to not completely ignore your question; Templar lore has been somewhat incomplete in areas for a long while. We know a lot from the old codex, but there's always been room to fill out. As such, certain facts tend to get distilled down to single catchprases and the like. No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!, but not always really expanded on why.


The stronger and more reinforced these ideas were, the more entrenched they become, regardless if they're fleshed out too much or not with background and reason. (for example, for a long while all we knew about Sigismund as the Emperor's Champion is that he was unparalleled in swordfighting, and that he beat all of chaos' champions at the gates during the siege of Terra. To a lot of people, it was then very important that Sigismund was this supreme sword fighter - his looks, background etc, was to most rather secondary to this)


Regardless, the Templars have several ideas or catchphrases that are central to the chapter, that are reinforced many times, ih the form of our old vows:


Suffer not the unclean to live!

Uphold the honour of the Emperor!

Abhor the witch, destroy the witch!

Accept any challange, no matter the odds!


Now I'm not saying these are the end all be all of our Chapter, far from it. But among these ideas one of the strongest reinforced ones was Abhor the witch. It's one of the strongest identifying traits of the Templars, even if the old codex didn't even go into clarifying detail as to why.


So wether we worship the emperor as a God, or as the first among humankind, doesn't really go against any tennet of Templar lore, (Does either form of worrship not work with Uphold the honour?). The change in worship was a change a lot fewer people take issue with (though some still did!). With Abhor, it was pretty crystal clear and reinforced many times, and would be even more of a deal breaker. It doesn't really have or need a deeper explanation, but its a strong part of the Templar identity. We Abhor the witch.

Edited by Reinhard
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Gotta ask Spanish Inquisitor if he knows anything else? I know Kikassou has posted more stuff, and basically says Ghaz vs Ragnar and if we have a BT box no IC, and a long time without anything new if I understood correctly.

Kirioth has a different rumour all together.

And I read somewhere that a dude from ITC said that all 8 chapters with a CT would have a Supplement.

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you can.... like in the 6th Edition rumors about an own Codex and later on the Chapter tactics. And later on in 7th Edition Codex as we thought we getting a better Treatment after this 6th Edition SM Codex dumb...


( i mean the carpet Thing )

And before that there was a 5th editon codex in the works by Kelly that promised us Knight Cavalry, so yeah... Don'r believe it untill I see it


Yeah, I was rather bitter when those rumors did not come to fruition.






Our identity should be relentlees crusaders bringing emperors light and not of jerks who kill their navigators after every warp jump (as these witches were obviously trying to sacrifice us to dark gods by bringing the ship into immaterium, hur hur).


Black Templars aren't too dumb to live in the setting but they're a dystopian setting's fanaticism and war crimes knights not the polished armour and courtly love knights from some rose tinted misconception of feudalism.


'Jerk' is a pretty mild term for someone who travels the galaxy conquering people over cultural disagreements.

My point was that rooting the chapter identity in a single 'we hate psykers' statement is limiting and not what I want to see fro mthe army I play. If I absolutely have to pick one identity bullet point, I want it to be something more. 'Treating Emperors as a gos' is nuch broader one, even if I personally don't like it due to recency bias. 

Imagine you have pick one out of three:


* we excell in combat with a mix of clinical precision of the Space Marine and the savage butchery of the fanatical psychopath;

* we continue a crusade started millenia ago out of sheer stubborness and force of will refusing to relinguish our duty no matter what;

* we hate psykers so much we turn this hatred into an armor against them and stop at nothing in the extermination of the witch.


To me point 1 or 2 are more substantial than point 3, but reading those comments I initially reacted to, I've got the idea that to many this third point has more importance than to me. I wanted to know why and so far got the responce in the vein of 'no because no'



I guess I am more a progressive Black Templar player, which is ironic since I've been playing them as long as they have existed.  Anyway, I am definitely in the minority here, but I don't mind one way or the other if the Templars had Librarians.  I'd use them if it were possible, honestly.  I get the fluff reasoning (Counsil of Nikaea), but I play competitively and librarians can help me win.  But since its not possible at the moment, I roll with that.  


The TLDR; To me, psykers and the Black Templar's interactions with them don't particularly matter to me.  We are kind of hypocritical in that way...using astropaths, navigators, and other sanctioned psykers (Sisters of Battle anyone?).  But then we don't tolerate others roaming the galaxy, for the good reason of potential daemon possession.  Seems whimsical.   

Edited by Marshal Laeroth
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I see the ranks are tainted.

I blame the Chaplains lack of vigilance and paddling.


Just like disciples of Slanesh aren't hedonistic, they are just progressive. ;)


I find the lack of librarians, and yet the necessity to use other sanctioned psykers a delicious hypocrisy that I actually like in the chapter.


Not judging anyone here, but if you guys want to use librarians, wrong chapter to play my dudes. Go play Thousand Sons or whatever ;)

Edited by Sete
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