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Raziel-TX's Dark Angels


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15 hours ago, Raziel-TX said:

Tank cupola lenses at this scale are…hard 



Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how I wan to do mine. I might use a white .03mm pen and then a drop of red quickshade. I had some success just using a drop of grey on a small brush for the AI fire raptor ball turrets.

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What white ink pen are you using? I’ve had great success with a black pen but haven’t found anything comparable for white ink. 

For this I used a small detail brush with lots of wiping off of excess paints. 

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1 minute ago, Raziel-TX said:

What white ink pen are you using? I’ve had great success with a black pen but haven’t found anything comparable for white ink. 

For this I used a small detail brush with lots of wiping off of excess paints. 


Oh, I haven't picked one up yet, just planning. I've used black 005 Micron effectively for pupils and I have two red 03 Micron that I'm intending to use for drawing crude DA symbols on 8mm DA shoulder pads.

For white, Sakura makes white gel pens and there are some off brands on Amazon. There are acrylic paint pens, but I haven't seen anything with a sharp enough tip for that, mostly just something that could be useful for edge highlighting.


I haven't tried any of them yet, but its something I've been wanting to try for 30k checker patterns as well.

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Almost done with my mini Kratos squadron. Just need to round up some bases and maybe some kind of unit markings. Pretty happy how they came out. First time using oils so that was some good lessons learned there. 

I need to work on better pictures. Haha. 







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Looking good. :Flyer:. For the pictures, I discovered that just using a white sheet of paper with a painting light directly on it works great. Even better is a large piece of that flexible poster board you can get from dollar stores. I totally forgot to pick some up when I was there yesterday, but need to grab some. Just tape it to a box and let it curve naturally and put the models on it. You photograph so close you won't see the edges.


Printer paper is a bit harder but works in a pinch.

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Also posted in the LI section but would like my fellow Dark Angel input to the following. 

How’s everyone tackling the infantry bases?  I’m not too keen on doing an urban themed base and was thinking of using something to the 6mm tufts. I’m wanting something that will contrast starkly with my green Marines so either the yeti blue or the purple. 


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