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As much as I'm trying to stay level headed here I sadly feel like we are going to be stuck with Assault Doctrine. Which means we have to slog through two turns of being average before we go off like Blood Angels. I'm hoping against all hope that we get Tactical but... To be honest we can get to combat if we use vehicles mixed with a decent screen/danger unit. A lot of people around my area still fear TWC so bringing one unit to run alongside my Rhinos and Drop Pods usually means they soak Turn 1 fire. We will have to wait until March to see though which is kind of lame Edited by The Saint Ragnar
We will have to see what GW puts out next. It seems likely we will see some more sisters release between PA4 and PA5 as they are already previewing more kits. So if PA4 is coming out the weekend of Jan 25 then I'd expect PA5 to be pre-order around Feb 8 or Feb 15 so that means we might see mid-late March. Again, rough estimates with no actual facts until we start seeing PA5 previews. We already have the new model and short story for Tau featuring Death Guard

If we are in pa6, then someone stuff should hopefully leak about pa6 in the next 3 weeks if we are lucky.


I half expect pa6 will be the end of March, putting about 5-6 weeks between pa5 and pa6

PA6/models should be shown off at LVO on the 24th?

I'm pretty excited to see if we get anything previwed tonight. My hope... is a new ragnar, or new kit similar to the new DA kit because options are good. Edited by Black_Star

Not sure, age of sigmar is set to show off the moon elves/light evles army revamp very soon. Either lvo or adepticon blow out


Very interested to see what they do with the elves. 


I just hope that what ever Space Wolves get that it is fluffy and useful. Would really dislike it if they got a cool rule like the Flesh Tearers got just to have it FAQed away a week later.

If they follow what Grey Hunters do compared to Tactical Marines we might miss out on the Heavy Doctrine to get Tactical, Movement and Assault.

Personally I'd be happy with them in that order but that's just me wishlisting.

Add it to the wish of paying CP to grant a single whole unit of Primaris access to the Melee weapons and Storm Shields.

Edited by Wishful Thinker

I suspect at this point that we are joining the Black Templars in the "GW isn't really sure how to make us work with Primaris" box.


The lack of melee units in the Primaris range, combined with the fact that we are so divergent from the normal Marines in both flavour and rules, probably means we're going to be on the backburner until GW have done the entire Primaris line and then move onto the divergent Chapters - similar to the shift in 4th/5th Edition.

Well heres hoping they break with their one model per PA trend they've established. But not too much hope at this point.


The blood angels melee is rather potent out of their PA so I dont really expect us to get hosed in the rules portion. I mean primaris certainly lack melee but goodness knows we have more options than primaris.


Just like how BA use old marines units to fill the gap in their melee, likely we will too.

Classic... Don't get too hyped cause we are probably getting "second part" in this book unlike BA and DA. At least I hope the rules we get to be good for a change...

Looks like guard and possibly deathwatch will be in our book too, so still hipeful on unique doctrines as well as usual stuff as that only takes up 5 pages but not expecting new datasheets or strats to upgrade characters as thats much more page intensive


Boxset looking less likely. Still think well get a primaris character

Guest Triszin

I will say this, it is a bit odd they show the factions of pa7, before the factions in pa6.


Atm, I still say expect only rules.



I will add this.


Ghaz will be a standalone model.

A primarch tier release.


As of now nothing had been officially stated about pa6.



So late all be old wolf scouts, watch and wait patiently. :)


It seems like most of the PA's do right be the factions, so I'm excited to see what happens for wolves

Edited by Triszin

If indeed PA 6 will focus on 13th company, I hope they don't mess up the mythos of the wulfen anymore than they already have. 


Honestly I'm just expecting yet another Pyrrhic "victory" where nothing of note happens, the Wolves probably take more heavy losses and see more "visions of Russ" or something suitably baity without fully committing. 

If pa6 has ghaz in it? I expect imperials to be defeated

Especially if it's beast ghaz.

Ghaz is going to get the ball starting with the next event I expect. I am holding back expectations about Ragnar or SW model, unless they announce a box. The Imperium is going to lose this battle, it has to for the story to move on quickly.

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