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The Strat just says +1 Atk, so they're basically Veteran Intercessors, which is somewhat sad that GW doesn't seem to recall that WG are not just Veterans, they're a different beast altogether.


Any known CP cost or limits on that one yet? I don't see it in the article, and guessing is often not reliable.


If it's 1 CP, that at least makes sense.

2 CP seems a bit steep, but likely, sadly, as well.

3 CP? Waste.

Guest Triszin

A Rune Priest with Jump Pack, Fury of the Wolf Spirits and Touch of the Wild for exploding 4s. That is a lot of potential hits. Add Talisman of Storms for a little extra MW fun.

I dunno, I read touch of the wild as ( one to hit roll of 4+ generates 1 additional hit)

I dont read it as all hits generate an extra hit

Edited by Triszin

The Strat just says +1 Atk, so they're basically Veteran Intercessors, which is somewhat sad that GW doesn't seem to recall that WG are not just Veterans, they're a different beast altogether.


Any known CP cost or limits on that one yet? I don't see it in the article, and guessing is often not reliable.


If it's 1 CP, that at least makes sense.

2 CP seems a bit steep, but likely, sadly, as well.

3 CP? Waste.

I would imagine it will be in line with the others 1cp for a unit of 5 and 2cp for 6+.


Primaris Wolf Guard?

Yeah, apparently they lost their power axes and Relic bolters somewhere, but they do like to beat people to death with bolt rifles of varying types...



Primaris Wolf Guard have yet to be mentioned.


Veteran Intercessors are exactly what it says on the tin - Intercessors that have seen a lot of combat during the Indomitus Crusade and have become extremely effective at bludgeoning people to death with Bolt Rifles of varying types.




The Strat just says +1 Atk, so they're basically Veteran Intercessors, which is somewhat sad that GW doesn't seem to recall that WG are not just Veterans, they're a different beast altogether.


Any known CP cost or limits on that one yet? I don't see it in the article, and guessing is often not reliable.


If it's 1 CP, that at least makes sense.

2 CP seems a bit steep, but likely, sadly, as well.

3 CP? Waste.

I would imagine it will be in line with the others 1cp for a unit of 5 and 2cp for 6+.



Yup. The 2cp for 6+ is a bit steep given you only get one mini (Sergeant) per squad that can tool-up to take full advantage of the extra attack.


Still, a 5-man Vet Intercessor squad with PF or TH plus a beatstick Primaris character in an Impulsor or on foot can introduce a reasonably good melee unit for purely Primaris SW armies.


For example:


Primaris Wolf Lord - PP & PF, Saga of the Wolfkin, Wulfen Stone. Attacks are 5 + 1 (Shock Assault) + 1 (Saga) + 1 (Wulfen Stone).


That's 8 S8, AP-3 Dd3 attacks hitting on 2+, rerolling 1's.


Veteran Intercessor Squad - PF. Attacks are:


Sergeant: 3 + 1 (Veteran Strat) + 1 (Shock Assault) + 1 (Wulfen Stone) = 6 S8, AP -3 Dd3 attacks hitting on 2+ 3+, rerolling 1's.

Intercessors: 2 + 1 (Veteran Strat) + 1 (Shock Assault) + 1 (Wulfen Stone) = 20 S4, AP0, D1 attacks hitting on 2+, rerolling 1's. 


Those 14  8, 2+ and 6, 3+ Power Fist attacks are going to do some work. Plus, once your Wolf Lord has smashed 5 foes to pieces - add another attack to that squad if they're within 6".


Now slam your Doctrine into the Assault phase, engage Savage Fury and have some fun. :devil:


...and don't forget the Lone Wolf Stratagem if the squad gets whittled down to the Sergeant. :wink:



Edited by Ranulf



Primaris Wolf Guard?


Yeah, apparently they lost their power axes and Relic bolters somewhere, but they do like to beat people to death with bolt rifles of varying types...


Primaris Wolf Guard have yet to be mentioned.


Veteran Intercessors are exactly what it says on the tin - Intercessors that have seen a lot of combat during the Indomitus Crusade and have become extremely effective at bludgeoning people to death with Bolt Rifles of varying types.

In case a couple of folk didn't get it, I was making a joke on GW giving the Space Wolves yet another un-Wolfy squad, even if it comes from a Strat... :facepalm:


In case a couple of folk didn't get it, I was making a joke on GW giving the Space Wolves yet another un-Wolfy squad, even if it comes from a Strat... :facepalm:


I don't know, my last bland, un-wolfy Intercessor (now Veteran Intercessor) squad looks pretty wolfy to me:




They don't need to have term 'Wolf' in their datacard title to fit in with the Sons of Russ. ;)



I just can`t see myself painting any Dark Angels just to get the Buff.

Perhaps a separate discussion but suffice it to say I would think you could come up with some creative “counts as” as long as it’s not confusing.

go for non super doctrine.


lion and wolf strat


Twolf with wyrmsplitter lord hitting on 1's


some other dark angel ace hitting on 1's

lion and wolf strat on ragnar.....



ragnar hits on 1's, 11A, S7 attacks


HITTING ON 1'S !!!!!!!!


*yes I know  still , S7

1's always fail and do not include modifiers. So if you charge (and get a +1 to hit) and roll a 1 to-hit it auto-fails. If you roll a 2 it goes to 3 etc. This is a common thing I see lately that people either forget or have read wrong. The opposite goes for 6's, they auto-hit even if the enemy has a modifier.

squad looks pretty...


They don't need to have term 'Wolf' in their datacard title to fit in with the Sons of Russ. ;)

Well, I guess they do look pretty in their baby blue... ;) Looks don't make/mean everything though.


I'd personally prefer GW give a bit more thought to the actual units - such as more creative names (Jarlsguard, Saex Breakers, etc.) - doesn't have to say Wolf, rather than the cut 'n paste stupidity that they keep doing. I'd like a bit of actual non-compliance in my non-compliant Marines - if you're good with the current offerings, GREAT! I'm not - I'd rather them have just held off the Primaris for the divergent Chapters until they were willing to try just a bit.


Edit: In retrospect, Saex Fangs is just too easy to change to something that is more appropriate to glittery vampires - changed to Breakers, that’s more sufficiently savage, although still mockable...

6" consolidates and litanies are great but they didn't fix the key issue. How can we engage close combat successfully? Melee faction is worse than shooting one in 8th Ed. A slow melee faction is the worst. So far, SW is still slow and fragile. Nothing changes.
Iam with Bluescope... Still nothing of note... Gw for some reason believes that wolves getting advance and charge or additional charge dice strat or any other way to get to cc fast and reliable will break the game when most armies dish out a stupid amount of shooting that will wipe an elite melee army like wolves in 2-3 turns no matter the inv saves (2-3 turns is the amount of turns we currently need to get to cc )... Also not previewing warlord traits like with the other chapters has me thinking we will get less than other chapters... I hope I am wrong and they haven't previewed the real gems in the book...

Some thoughts:


I like what I'm seeing but I am underwhelmed so far. Space Wolves have been BY FAR the WORST army in 8th edition for the entire life of 8th edition. If any army needed the "iron Hands" treatment it was us. It seems we are getting mediocre upgrades so far. They aren't awful but they are not what was needed to get us up to snuff.


We still have two gaping issues with our army: no cheap troop options and no inherent way of getting into combat quicker. 8th edition is the most shoot friendly version of 40k. If you have an elite melee army that has no cheap troops to even screen you are going to get shot off the table. 


I do have a question about the Litanies: SW are the only Loyalist army at all that I play. I know this is something chaplains/WP get but does it take away from our WP ability to allow all rerolls in combat?

That ability is now a litany... Every chaplain has that one (reroll hits in combat) by default and you choose one more from the list if I recall correctly. You can use only one per turn at the start of the turn (yours and your opponents). Named wolf priests like ulric will be able to know more and cast more I believe :p


Wolf priests will now be a must have and they make great combo with another character thanks to strat mentors guidance which was useless until now... :p

Edited by lonewolf81
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