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Psychic Awakening 2 Chaos factions


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Talent for Murder is a thing when you play a game of Astartes versus Astartes. When you play an elitist faction it's useless in most of match-up (tyranids, orks, astra militarum etc...). 


Night lord should have got the Alpha legion legion trait (-1 to hit at distant) and the very situation -1 to Cd. Seems broken ? You can get that with a random successor chapter nowaday.. (and even if the range of the -1 to moral is shorter, it doesnt stop at -3).

And ofc the ambush stratagem, fit much more the NL lore. 

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Yeah, fairly certain that isn't happening, especially since Loyalists and Traitors use far fewer common units and rules in 40k. It wouldn't just be OP, it'd be a nightmare of conflicting rules and strange interactions. Would be funny, though. :smile.:


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that rule won't come close to a 40k rulebook! :D It would be hilarious if it did, hahaha


I'm quite sure they won't update our traits in any way, shape or form in this release anyway. I mean, where would that be in this index?



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Yeah, fairly certain that isn't happening, especially since Loyalists and Traitors use far fewer common units and rules in 40k. It wouldn't just be OP, it'd be a nightmare of conflicting rules and strange interactions. Would be funny, though. :smile.:


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that rule won't come close to a 40k rulebook! :biggrin.: It would be hilarious if it did, hahaha


I'm quite sure they won't update our traits in any way, shape or form in this release anyway. I mean, where would that be in this index?






if it where a thing it would be on the faction splash page. there wouldn't be much need to a 3rd lore page in a book which seems to be predominately rules


getting another page of lore in a book isn't impossible but thats the hope i have at least, if not itl be Legion X is doing this in this situation which hopefully is completely unnecessary 

Edited by Guzzlrr
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The current legion traits in the 1.5 codex are all on 1 half of a double page spread in "The Lost and The Damned" section which I can only see as being the equivalent to each individual chapter page in this new book, so I suspect if they are included they will be on the single main legion page.

Does anyone know where chapter tactics are page wise in the new SM supplements? especially one with multiple successor chapters included that have different traits?

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Well, I dug up my Vigilus Ablaze book, and here is the content page for The Black Legion with pages in () :


Black Legion (189) - Mostly rules about using the warlord traits and relics/strategems...but also the Black Crusaders Legion Trait, which was straight up a copy from the codex.

Strategems (190) - A page with eight...well duh, strategems...

Relics (191) - six relics

Warlord Traits (192) - Six warlord traits

Tactical Objectives (193) - Six tactical objectives



So those are the facts we have to play with. IF the new book is following the same structure, we really don't know. Probably not though since Vigilus was a Black Legion centric campaign and here all the rest are pressed together into one book.

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Yep each page will probably be in sixes. The Champions of Ruin page will most likely just be an updated wording in being battle forged, cultists not getting the legion trait and the legion trait now (hopefully) affecting the whole army. Then it will probably be 6 warlord traits, 6 strategems, 6 artefacts, 6 tactical objectives and then a name generator. Don't forget there will probably be snippets of artwork on these pages or fluff quotes etc to fill out the pages.

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I think its a safe bet that the legions are getting the same treatment as Black legion did with Vigilus, the pages follow the same layout. It's another very small patch for chaos, it's not whats needed IMO but after they released the codex 1.5 about 6 months ago, I don't think it'll be redone any time soon.

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So in the future to play my Night Lords in an official store or up Warhammer World with decent rules I need:


Codex CSM 8.0 - For my datasheets/rules etc

Codex CSM Errata - For all the changes

CA 18 - Updated points

Chaos Datasheets download from Shadowspear

Vigilus Ablaze - For Raptor detatchment

PA: Faith & Fury - More Night Lords rules


This is getting somewhat silly. They seem to have gone back on their commiment at 8th edition launch about carrying multiple books etc to run formations or the equivalent.

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So in the future to play my Night Lords in an official store or up Warhammer World with decent rules I need:
Codex CSM 8.0 - For my datasheets/rules etc
Codex CSM Errata - For all the changes
CA 18 - Updated points
Chaos Datasheets download from Shadowspear
Vigilus Ablaze - For Raptor detatchment
PA: Faith & Fury - More Night Lords rules
This is getting somewhat silly. They seem to have gone back on their commiment at 8th edition launch about carrying multiple books etc to run formations or the equivalent.


Along with many other things that have been backtracked on and conveniently forgotten by the community once the next new shiny comes out and everyone forgets that most of us want to play a game not have pretty models sitting on a shelf collecting dust.


But anyways, expect this to sadly be like the Black Legion pages in Vigilus:  A few stratagems, a few traits, maybe a couple of new relics out of which one or two might be worth bothering with, Cultists not getting the trait (but still benefiting from VOTLW kek) and that's it.  No changes to the traits, despite that being one of the major reasons why Chaos is lackluster.  I doubt there will even be points adjustments until CA so CSM will still be overcosted and underpowered.


You know, after all these years it really seems like GW doesn't have anyone on the design team anymore who really "gets" Chaos and cares about the army.  Certainly not like the days of Andy Chambers and Pete Haines who were actual Chaos players with a vested interest in making the army good.  Most of the team seems to be either space marine or xenos players, so don't care about Chaos and certainly not the non-Big Four legions.  

It's really hard to not be negative when you continually see the same stuff going on with nothing to fix the actual problems for years and years.

Edited by Wayniac
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Yeah I remember talking to Andy Hoare about 3.5 at a HH Weekender a few years back. Man GW used to have a legendary writing team. It's easy to attribute pining for the past to nostalgia but there were some real heavyweights working for the studio back in the day. One of my favourite ever battle reports was Andy Hoare vs. Pete Haines (both IW players, but from memory Haines played the studio BL army. The battle report later provided lore that was incorporated into the Honsou's canon). Great times.


But anyway as MB and I noted, the rules bloat is very real for CSM. And it speaks to a broader issue with GW's work: they recognise how popular CSM are, and how important we are to the setting - the fantastic new models we received & the constant rules updates speak to that - and yet are seemingly unprepared to invest the time required to fix the army. It's really quite bizarre.


edit: heretically bad spelling

Edited by Marshal Loss
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I've never been able to figure out GW's motives for things, it literally seems to be at random.  I know they've stated that models are designed first and rules are added later (which is silly to me but whatever) but it seems like we get anomalies like CSM where the range was redone (mostly) and the rules were basically untouched despite that being a good chance to fix them.

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I've never been able to figure out GW's motives for things, it literally seems to be at random.  I know they've stated that models are designed first and rules are added later (which is silly to me but whatever) but it seems like we get anomalies like CSM where the range was redone (mostly) and the rules were basically untouched despite that being a good chance to fix them.


I knew as soon as the new Chaos Space Marine kit wasn't Primaris, that it was going to be a rough road ahead, and that's simply because now both armies are similar, yet one is objectively better at everything. They'll try to bandaid it as much as possible, but they don't ever get where to put them. We're a good 5 years out from a solution now, and it's unfortunate.

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Got an article on the Chaos Marine Factions today.




Chaos Space Marines – Why You Need Faith & Fury


Followers of the Ruinous Powers rejoice, for your dark prayers have been answered! Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury contains loads of new rules for the Chaos Space Marines and today we’re taking a look at some of them.


First up are a selection of Daemon weapons that can be given to your characters instead of any other Artefact of Chaos. Not only are there new weapons dedicated to each of the four Chaos Gods, but there’s also an option for those Warlords that follow Chaos Undivided. For example, G’holl’ax, the Fist of Decay, is a devastating weapon that may be taken by a Nurgle Character armed with a power fist.


As well as the new Daemon Weapons which can be taken by any Chaos Space Marines, the Word Bearers, Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, Emperor’s Children and World Eaters all get new rules. These six original Traitor Legions each get additional Warlord Traits, Stratagems, Artefacts and Tactical Objectives. Let’s take a look at the new ways that you can bring ruin to the galaxy.

Word Bearers


The Word Bearers were the first heretics, turning from the light of the Emperor to embrace the worship of the Chaos Gods. The Daemonic Whispers Warlord Trait represents the otherworldly guidance that the Word Bearers receive in return.


As if having extra Command Points wasn’t enough to silence the mewling of the Emperor’s sycophants, then taking a Dark Apostle and upgrading him to know, and be able to chant, an additional Prayer will.


Night Lords


The Night Lords were born of the dark – fear is their weapon and they show no mercy to the weak. When you are about to wipe out an enemy unit in close combat, use this Stratagem to prevent them from running away.


The Night Lords also have the perfect answer to those pesky Space Marines Primaris Lieutenants. Let’s see just how noble they are when the range of their aura ability is greatly reduced.


Alpha Legion


It’s entirely possible that you are already playing an Alpha Legion army without realising it, that’s how sneaky they are. Nothing they do is what it seems – they may have already sabotaged an enemy vehicle before the battle even began.


The Alpha Legion are also famous for their use of non-Space Marines operatives. Name your Warlord a Cult Leader and make your cheap, plentiful Chaos Cultists deadlier.


Iron Warriors


The Iron Warriors are the undisputed experts at siege warfare.* With the Siege Master Warlord Trait and a few units of Havocs, no enemy bastion will be able to stand before your punishing volleys of fire.


Since this Warlord Trait also works on vehicles, take a Warpsmith to repair your tanks at the same time as giving them re-rolls to wound. The Iron Warriors have an Artefact that upgrades the Warpsmith’s mechatendrils to MEGA-mechatendrils just in case anyone gets too close to your war machines. 

Emperor’s Children


If you want to get your Emperor’s Children pumped for battle, a regular protein shake isn’t going to cut it. Combat Elixirs are much more useful – apply the effects to a 20-man squad of Chaos Space Marines to get the most bang for your Command Points.


Their Primarch Fulgrim taught the Emperor’s Children to seek perfection in all things. Help your Warlord attain perfection in combat by equipping him with the Raiment Revulsive.


World Eaters


Make your World Eaters Warlord even better at spilling blood for the Blood God and claiming skulls for the Skull Throne by naming him as a Disciple of Khorne with this Warlord Trait.


Angron, the Primarch of the World Eaters, once carried two mighty chainaxes called Gorefather and Gorechild. The latter is now wielded by Khârn the Betrayer, but you can equip your World Eaters Warlord with the murderous Gorefather.


All of this is just a glimpse of the bounties that the Dark Gods have provided for their loyal followers in Faith & Fury. The second book in the Psychic Awakening series will be available to pre-order from Saturday – grab yourself some reinforcements now so that you’re ready to continue the long war.

* The Imperial Fists? Pah! They don’t even have chevrons!



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I mean... it's still a bandaid.  The new WLTs might be decent?  It's better than nothing, I guess, but still ignoring the issue from what we can tell.


It does basically confirm no new traits though, which is a huge disappointment.

Edited by Wayniac
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Priest is a keyword on the Apostle data sheet.


Edit: soooo. I like the Daemon Weapon stuff we've seen so far. The Night Lord stuff from this preview is the most impressive, I think; shutting down withdrawals is huge for a melee oriented army like ours. The anti-DS/aura ability bubble is icing on the cake.


For my snake-bois, I'm a little underwhelmed with what they chose to show off. "I am Alpharius" is too good to swap for a cultist buff, but I do like the Sabotaged Armory strat. I wish it was an auto-explode, but going from a 6 to a 3+ is still nice.

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AHA! Just as I predicted earlier in this very thread. Very, very, very happy with this.


It also doesn't say Dark Apostle, it just says Priest. Am I nuts?


This sort of sums out how GW handles CSM.  It is nice that Word Bearers get this but all marine chapters get  chaplains with 2 litanies, and litanies are much stronger than prayers.  


Faith and Fury appears to be 2018 content.  I can't see it being anything other than that barring something extraordinary in Chapter Approved such as the rumored 2 wound cult troops which is imo a total fantasy.

Edited by SanguinaryGuardsman
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