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Ritual of the Damned - Psychic Awakening


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With regards to what we might hope for being revealed tomorrow, here is a recap of what was shown off at Warhammer New Year Open Day 2019:



So last year we had : (Special note : ZERO Priamris!)


Upcoming boxset preview - Chaos Master of Possession

Upcoming boxset reveal - AOS Carrion Empire


Boxed game expansion reveal - Blackstone Fortress The Dreaded Ambull

Boxed game expansion reveal - Kill Team Arena

Boxed game expansion reveal - Titanicus Titandeath

Boxed game model reveal- Necromunda Ambot

Boxed game new models - Greenskins and Nurgle


Faction expansions - Several Genestealer Cults Units


New Faction overview - AOS Gloomspite Gitz


Terrain reveal - Sector Fronteris box


New Book Expansion - Middle Earth Gondor at War

Model Reveals - Middle Earth Gondor at War




So following this example, plenty of Boxed Game reveals plus a boxed set preview or two and a single faction re-inforcements.


I predict that Sisters will be the primary focus. I wouldnt be suprised to see a new boxed set featuring Sisters to drive those $$$$$

However as PA4 is due this month, a Lazarus full kit preview or a reveal for anything else coming alongside PA4.

Will be kinda lame if they basically skip over info for our PA book in favor of the next one with Tau and Genestealer cults(?). I wanna see a Lazarus stat sheet! How do Death Wing and Raven Wing incorporate themselves in the book rules wise? lol

Will be kinda lame if they basically skip over info for our PA book in favor of the next one with Tau and Genestealer cults(?). I wanna see a Lazarus stat sheet! How do Death Wing and Raven Wing incorporate themselves in the book rules wise? lol

The reveals on open Day are all about models

The rules previews are all on WHC site

So as the only model for PA4 was already revealed (with all the several options) there is no need to preview anything about the book

Yeah. But to be expected really. Open Days are about new model releases across all game systems. PA previews have been done through WarComm.


I’m hoping we’ll get our previews towards the end of this week, and pre-orders up Sat 7th.

Yeah. But to be expected really. Open Days are about new model releases across all game systems. PA previews have been done through WarComm.


I’m hoping we’ll get our previews towards the end of this week, and pre-orders up Sat 7th.

I think you're looking at the December calander mate! Also at the end of the Sisters trailer it says pre-order January 11th, so unless it's a jammed pack weekend we might be waiting :\

With Sisters being on pre-order the 11th, PA4 is probably going to be on pre-order the 18th so we're looking at another 3 weeks before release.

My LGS being what it is with constant delays when i order stuff i shouldn't get the book before early february...


Any particular idea when the full reveal will be? Fingers crossed for a new Azrael model (primaris Azrael hype?).

We already got our new model revealed (Lazarus).



But that wasn't the full reveal, was it? Also when is the PA book dropping for us? Or at least an estimate.



Any particular idea when the full reveal will be? Fingers crossed for a new Azrael model (primaris Azrael hype?).

We already got our new model revealed (Lazarus).



But that wasn't the full reveal, was it? Also when is the PA book dropping for us? Or at least an estimate.


Yes it was the full reveal (without the rules).

My estimate is on the post before yours : release in 3 weeks.

You can always get a Master Balthasar from Dark Vengeance on Ebay.


Its a better sized model, is equipped the same as Azrael, and is an amazing proxy for him.


I actually use one (with the dog from Rogue Trader as the bearer of the shield generator)




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