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Ritual of the Damned - Psychic Awakening


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Yeah if GK article posts with the Tau short story, then that would probably confirm that TS on Tues and DA on Wed like the web guy said so it's soon guys. Good luck

Well the T'au short story is up...

It was a good read, actually.

To get it back into DA.


... So. Dynamic Insertion?


May this mean a possible Deathwing Stratagem to get us closer than +9" in for a deep strike deployment?


There's a possibility we get as PA4 stratagems the ones we got in Chapter Approved few months ago :




Can we keep this DA related at least? Makes no sense to have a thread in DA section that focuses on general discussion, right?

Understood, I don't think it veered more than one or two posts though really.


Problem with the WD stratagems is in that context they're for a fallen battle only. Here's hoping they get made a permanent feature though.


Can we keep this DA related at least? Makes no sense to have a thread in DA section that focuses on general discussion, right?

Understood, I don't think it veered more than one or two posts though really.


Problem with the WD stratagems is in that context they're for a fallen battle only. Here's hoping they get made a permanent feature though.


The way I see it, it could be that GW has had a time to evaluate this stratagems. After all, they went straight into some of the key criticisms people have with the Deathwing. This WD Article and Scenario gave a chance to try and see how game breaking they would be, on a controlled enviroment.


Now that time has passed, and we have seen stratagems that go along the same route, it might just be that we get these new abilities as standard. Deathwing need something to improve their mobility, and this stratagem (although costly) is good enough without making us overpowered.



Can we keep this DA related at least? Makes no sense to have a thread in DA section that focuses on general discussion, right?

Understood, I don't think it veered more than one or two posts though really.


Problem with the WD stratagems is in that context they're for a fallen battle only. Here's hoping they get made a permanent feature though.


The way I see it, it could be that GW has had a time to evaluate this stratagems. After all, they went straight into some of the key criticisms people have with the Deathwing. This WD Article and Scenario gave a chance to try and see how game breaking they would be, on a controlled enviroment.


Now that time has passed, and we have seen stratagems that go along the same route, it might just be that we get these new abilities as standard. Deathwing need something to improve their mobility, and this stratagem (although costly) is good enough without making us overpowered.



Even if we do get in PA4 Retribution of the Inner Circle, i would prefer using a Jump Pack chaplain with Master of Maneuver + Canticle of Hate bubbles :


- stratagem can be used on only one unit VS chaplain get 6'' bubbles affecting multiple units/characters

- 1D6 is very swingy so you may have to use a reroll strat' on top of that (3CP total) VS chaplain bubbles means over 80% chance to make the 9'' charges (0CP investment)

- bonus you consolidate at 6'' with the chaplain bubble



Even if we do get in PA4 Retribution of the Inner Circle, i would prefer using a Jump Pack chaplain with Master of Maneuver + Canticle of Hate bubbles :

- stratagem can be used on only one unit VS chaplain get 6'' bubbles affecting multiple units/characters

- 1D6 is very swingy so you may have to use a reroll strat' on top of that (3CP total) VS chaplain bubbles means over 80% chance to make the charges (0CP investment)



What makes RotIC appealing to me is that one could use it in a pure DW list without having to walk a Chaplain in Terminator armour up the board first.




Even if we do get in PA4 Retribution of the Inner Circle, i would prefer using a Jump Pack chaplain with Master of Maneuver + Canticle of Hate bubbles :

- stratagem can be used on only one unit VS chaplain get 6'' bubbles affecting multiple units/characters

- 1D6 is very swingy so you may have to use a reroll strat' on top of that (3CP total) VS chaplain bubbles means over 80% chance to make the charges (0CP investment)



What makes RotIC appealing to me is that one could use it in a pure DW list without having to walk a Chaplain in Terminator armour up the board first.



You cannot use Canticle of Hate with a Deep Striking Terminator Chaplain : litanies are used at the start of the turn, your Chaplain isn't on the table yet.

I guess I could have been more clear. The "without walking up the board first," was referencing that to use a Chaplain instead of RotIC would require walking the Chaplain up the board because Litanies are before deepstriking so one could not DS the Chaplain.



There will be a whole bunch of new Strategems that let you do things against <Fallen>, especially for Deathwing. They make Deathwing some of the best units in the game when facing <Fallen>.


...too bad no one plays <Fallen>...


Enter “Suspicions of Treachery” Strategem where you designate an enemy unit to have the <Fallen> keyword for all rules purposes.


Better to kill a suspect and be proven wrong then allow a single Fallen to escape.

I mean, we already have something similar. That stratagem, that allows rerrolls on charges against a character you nominate?

GW might go that way... which I think would still kinda suck, because, in the end, you are taxing the Deathwing out of their already small pools of CP, to be effective on the board. And, even then, against one specific unit, and that's it.

Rumor from dakka: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/5670/780018.page


Dunno if true, you know how it goes. 






Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, the range characteristic of all Heavy and Rapid Fire weapons equipped on DARK ANGELS units with this ability is increased by 6", and the range characteristic of all Assault and Pistol weapons equipped on Dark Angels units with this ability is increased by 3"
If this litany is inspiring, then when a friendly DARK ANGELS INFANTRY unit that is within 6" of this unit and did not ADVANCE or FALL BACK this turn is chosen to shoot with, models in that unit can shoot with ranged weapons as if their unit had remained stationary.


They also get a 2CP stratagem to let a deathwing unit deepstrike within 6" of a ravenwing unit, and outside of 6" of an enemy unit. And a bunch more stuff.

Man I hope it’s not devastator doctrine. I want some sweet ap -4 plasma weapons (not plasma cannons mind you). That would help greenwing and Ravenwing. Tactical doctrine would be the best and then I would be ok with just a range boost.

Man I hope it’s not devastator doctrine. I want some sweet ap -4 plasma weapons (not plasma cannons mind you). That would help greenwing and Ravenwing. Tactical doctrine would be the best and then I would be ok with just a range boost.

I mean it's not a bad doctrine, I suppose, if it's true that is. Means rapidfire Hellblasters are shooting twice at 18 inches, and gives them a threat range of 36(or 42 if you move them first) inches. I also want a Plasma Doctrine though.


The Ravenwing Teleport Deathwing Strat sound neat.



Valrak's got a lot more than just the Doctrine. I hope you can use the strat to induct a character into the Deathwing and then give them a Deathwing strat. I'd love a Deathwing Slash captain.

Copy and pasted from the rumor forum.



"Chapter Master Valrak with the DA Leaks:  


Doctrine kicker: While in Devastator Doctrine, Heavy and Rapid Fire weapons get +6" range, Assault and Pistol weapons get +3" range


DW Warlord Traits:

1. DW units within 6" reroll melee wounds versus CHARACTERS or models with 8+ Wounds

2. Wound rolls of 1 -3 automatically fail.

3. Once per battle may Deny the Witch, unlimited range, auto pass

RW Warlord Traits:

1. RW units within 6" move and fire heavy at no penalty and Advance and fire Assault at no penalty

2. Once per battle at start of round, select an inactive Doctrine, RW units within 6" may use that instead of the active

3. Start of first round, Warlord and one other RW unit may move up to 12", no Advance, must stay outside of 9"


A bunch of the vanilla SM Codex Stratagems (incluing Vet Intercessors and their shooty ones)

Combined Assault (2 CP): Teleporting unit of DW may set up within 6" of a friendly RW unit that hasn't Advanced and outside of 6" from enemy

High Speed Focus (1 CP):  RW unit targeted by shooting counts as having Jinked that turn.

Full Throttle (1 CP): RW unit that just moved immediately moves again, may not shoot or charge that turn

Targeting Guidance (1 CP): Pick an enemy unit within 12" of a RW Land Speder and visible, DA units may reroll shooting hits against it this phase.

Outnumbered Never Outmatched (1 CP): DW unit chosen to fight gets +1 A when fighting enemy unit of 10 or more models

Evasive Assault (1 CP): RW unit that charged or has been charged is chosen as a target, it gets 5++



Reliquiary of the Repenant: RW Bike only, Enemy models within 3" reduce invul by 1 to minimum 6++

Corvus Occuls: Talonmaster, +6" to range weapons and +1 to hit with range weapons

Standard of the Unforgiven Hunt: RW Ancient, +1 Advance/cherge for RW within 6"
Blade of Burden: DW Master w/ power sword, S+2 AP-4, D2, natural wound of 6 is 2 MW

Pennant of the Remeberance: DW Ancient, 5+ Fnp for DW INFANTRY within 6"

???? - DW only, +1 S and A

Special Issue Wargear
Adamantite Mantle, Artificer Armor, Mastercrafted Weapon, Digital Weapons

Arbititer Gaze: Ignores shooting and BS penalties, Overwatches on full BS

Angel's Ambit: +3" to aura abilities

Bolt of Judgement: pick a bolt weapon, it may fire a bolt of judgment, makes one attack at AP -2 and 3 D, wounds on 2+ excpet Vehicles/Monsters 6+



Standard Primaris Master Line (W6 A5)

Emity's Edge S+2 AP -4 Dd3, reroll wound and damage vs Psyker

Spiritshield Helm: 6" 5+ FnP versus MW aura (or something similar)

Intractable Will: Built in Only In Death Does Duty End"



LAZARUS'S SWORD ISN'T TRASH! YAY! So happy. A lot of good stuff here. Doctrine is the only thing I have to think about more just because it's Devastator.


Ravenwing Teleport strat+Deathwing Knights+Master with Master of Maneuver= 6 inches rerollable charge on the Knights. Yes please.



While in Devastator Doctrine, Heavy and Rapid Fire weapons get +6" range, Assault and Pistol weapons get +3" range.


This is very good until you realize going into Tactical/Assault Doctrine nerf you. So T2+ we have to close down with our opponent if we want to switch doctrines.

Still good though, Tactical with 30'' Bolter Discipline range, Hurricane Bolters and Combi Plasma with 15'' Rapid Firing range, Aggressors with 21'' range, ...


Have to get to work so i don't have time to look into the rest.

This is huge people. Better than I ever dreamed


36" Hellblasters, 18" rapid fire

Move and double tap Aggressors with that Litany

INVICTOR incindium cannon now 18"

RW move and fire without penalty


There's more but those are what I see first of all

Interesting no deathwing aggressors as of yet, which I highly suspected, and instead company veteran primaris?


I like the doctrine, surprised it’s not plasma based as well, but being a shooty army that increased range is pretty glorious.


Nice to see Lazarus’ sword is base d3 and not just d3 vs psykers. The helm’s an alternate take on the lion helm, so it really feels like Laz is GW’s way of saying “here’s a primaris pseudo-Azrael!”

We’re going to see a lot more Talonmaster warlords now. No penalties to hit, and over watching on normal BS? Yes please!


Also, think the 20” range of a land speeder squadron is going to be very useful now...


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