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Ritual of the Damned - Psychic Awakening


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I've read the article and watched the teaser. This scenario is probably the best solution. I'm a little bit sad about my Baltasar mini from the Dark Vengeance, but Lazarus is just awesome mini- and fluffwise. He has a character and DA-flavour to him - no rolling the chapter into "regular marines only green". So let's wait until the next pieces of info.

I love the model but with him being a new primaris green wing captain we are probably no closer to finding iut how the primaris will fit in the 1st and second companies.

"For the Dark Angels, this book brings the Chapter into line with recent Space Marines updates, and also includes lots of juicy new rules content, especially for Deathwing and Ravenwing commanders."


I think we'll see something. As for Lazarus, I hope it's easy to put his helmet on his head. Helmets always make more sense to me, and faces are hard to paint.

Definitely Dark Angels flavored, but he looks kinda plain imo. Definitely doesn't stir me as much as mephiston did. I'm pumped to hear about the new rules though





I think we'll see something. As for Lazarus, I hope it's easy to put his helmet on his head. Helmets always make more sense to me, and faces are hard to paint.


Well you don't get better at painting faces by not doing them! Scouts are good practice

I thought him cool at first glance. But plain. Something about him felt odd.


Then I saw this picture in a comment on facebook and it all made sense.




I hve no use for Primaris models, at the moment. But I am interested in knowing what the Primaris will have for the Deathwing and the Ravenwing.

Against psykers at least. Decent looking model overall. Due to the 5th Company badge, the color palette is less interesting, so the model seems less interesting. Good details though. A bit of red on the tabard, and perhaps a red border around the Company badge on the shield could make things more interesting. Or, better still, the shield should bear Lazarus' personal heraldry, as is common with Company Masters (an olde school affectation). I would really like some characters in dynamic "whoopin' arse" poses too though, rather than so many of these "If I had long flowing hair, it would be blowing in the wind right now." poses. Perhaps I'll paint my Primaris as 5th Company instead of 3rd Company. I should probably hold off on that until I find out if Lazarus is killed in this campaign or not though. :laugh.:

I wasn't expecting much and yet somehow I'm still disappointed. What are we looking at here? Tacticus armour (fine by me), on foot (expected). Power sword which doesn't look very fancy. Holstered pistol (which will undoubtedly be a bolt pistol). Nice tall iron halo/winged sword blend.


I'm not seeing anything here that stands out as being a source of fantastic rules. I wonder what they've done to make him special because so far I'm not seeing anything that would make me use him instead of a generic master.


The model is fine, it's just not grabbing my attention much. I think maybe it's too balanced. They've checked every box exactly once. Robes, check, sort of... Most of a robe at least. Dagger, check. Feather, check. Censer, check. Key, check. Winged helmet, check. Angel or winged sword on backpack, check. Purity seal, check. Everything, once.

Compare that to Ezekiel, lots of keys, or Asmodai, lots of knives...


I hope the rules are more inspiring, but I truly doubt it.

I don't want to be negative. I love my angels, I just don't feel excited. Not like I could be.

Like the new master. Yes, he's essentially a repose of the event-Lieutenant. But, that's the issue with the CAD designs. There's only so much you can do with them before they start to look similar. But then again: Dark Angels always had a more reserved aesthetic than other Chapters, so..... It also works?


inb4 Stobz comes in and yells at us for welcoming a Primaris marine (even though he's a Rubicon'd one :lol:)


Glorious Primaris Master :smile.: Best news ever... Instant buy for me.

Agreed. I wonder how he'll look in Black?


The only primaris model that look good enough to buy. Not as good as previous Master of the 5th company, but miles ahead of the rest primaris characters. So glad he's not Garadon'ed :biggrin.:

At least, as a Dark Angels player, I can be sure that we get the prettiest stuff.

-Blood Angels screaming in the background-

Primaris HQ is still a primaris HQ, and it will suffer with the same problems as generic primaris master - he needs to be stationary to buff gunline, but pays extra for +1W and +1A as well as fancy weapons, while chances of him getting into combat are not exactly high due to being slow and not having decent transport options. So unless he has some fantastic buffing abilities, I would not expect him to do anything that couldn't be achieved with primaris master or cheap space marine HQ.

The model is good though, but I'm afraid that's "shelf only" case.




The only primaris model that look good enough to buy. Not as good as previous Master of the 5th company, but miles ahead of the rest primaris characters. So glad he's not Garadon'ed :biggrin.:

At least, as a Dark Angels player, I can be sure that we get the prettiest stuff.

-Blood Angels screaming in the background-

I actually like Lazarus more than Mephiston. I mean, Mephiston isn't bad, and I like him, but Lazarus is the only primaris that makes me "ok, I'm buying that" :biggrin.: Especially after Calgar, Shrike and Garadon and whole phobos line.

Like the new master. Yes, he's essentially a repose of the event-Lieutenant. But, that's the issue with the CAD designs. There's only so much you can do with them before they start to look similar. But then again: Dark Angels always had a more reserved aesthetic than other Chapters, so..... It also works?


inb4 Stobz comes in and yells at us for welcoming a Primaris marine (even though he's a Rubicon'd one :laugh.:)


Glorious Primaris Master :smile.: Best news ever... Instant buy for me.




I am sure it won't disappoint.


i am looking forward to painting him red.

He is a bit plain. But, we don't know what options he will have. Already I've seen a picture of his hands where he is holding a bolter, not his helmet.


Even if I have no Primaris models, and have no intention of playing any Primaris until I absolutely have to (or something truly catches my eye), I can still apretiate the value of having a new named Master around.


I will hold final judgement on him, until I can see his rule set, but for now, even though I will not be buying one, I am glad the model exists.

I'd continue along in my current state of apathy towards the official lore Dark Angel's lore. I decided quite a while back that I wouldn't spend anytime focusing on the negative, but I'd focus on hobby projects which make me happy and positive contributions to B&C/community conversations. I'm not perfect and I've had occasional lapses in that regard. I've never played Dark Angels because of their rules. I've played them because of what the image of them in my head means to me. There's plenty of ways for me to keep that connection and plenty of space to stretch my creative-legs. So long as I use appropriate rules, no one cares that the Dark Angels army I use is from an alternate universe using my fanfiction version of their role in the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. When I feel the urge to scratch the Space Marine itch I keep working on my Dark Angel's successor chapter with the models I still haven't done from Dark Imperium. I still need to test out a lacquer black on metal paint recipe on some Tempestus Scions and decide if it would work for First Legion colour scheme for the long planned true-scale kill-team. I'd also like to finish up my homebrew version of Grey Knights.


Im curious to see what Dark Angels get in PA. Space Wolves were my first WH40k army and my start with the WH tabletop gaming. Oddly, it’s somewhat encouraging to see collectors of other chapters also feel the same level of Apathy over GWs treatment of the non-complaints and their lore/representation. I know SWs have gotten a few more releases, but other than the character in tooth and claw I don’t think anything has been that great. I have a decent sized DAs start from two DV boxes over the years and some other odds and ends. DAs are much more compliant than SWs are, if the rules in this are solid I can definitely see my self really expanding my DAs collection. I like SM chapter organizations and would like an army that represents that more. I am hoping DAs get a proper good treatment and I’m looking forward to the implication that could have for what SWs may get.

This HQ is a bit of a joke visually, I'm probably just gonna cut the pistol hand off my Zacharia and put a bolt pistol in his hand. Not like I was using him anyway. Save myself 50 bucks on this monopose boredom.


This model better do some amazing stuff or he will be just like Zacharia and do nothing at all. He's got nothing exciting about him.


I would have given him much more love, this feels phoned in. I'm thinking custom storm bolter, power axe, on a Phobos vanguard master frame for infiltrate. Now we have a "I'm gonna surprise those bastards" bitter angry boy whose only decisions in life post medical trauma was killing some thousand sons. Taking their heads and blasting them to ribbons with his cannon.


It would have been a lot more exciting then... Power armor, bolter (not even a bolt rifle ), power sword. Probably won't make it to melee but his melee isn't exciting, and his shooting it's good either so he needs to buff people but his buffs aren't worth the cost. If he costs more then asmodai imma never field him


Haven't been this underwhelmed since the saber strike tank.. starting to notice a trend here


In fact here, here is my wishlist on rules:


Rerolls of 1 to hit, on a 6+ this model and models within 12" ignore the effect of magic cast upon them, relic boltgun is s6 ap-1 , d2, 24"


Sword is psykers take a bonus mortal wound on successful hit rolls of 6.

Really like the model, but I'm worried by the phrasing of the rules teaser. Really hoping that the bonuses for ravenwing and deathwing aren't dependent on the entire force being either ravenwing or deathwing. I like to mix and match.

Really like the model, but I'm worried by the phrasing of the rules teaser. Really hoping that the bonuses for ravenwing and deathwing aren't dependent on the entire force being either ravenwing or deathwing. I like to mix and match.

Im pretty confident they wont be.


GW has moved well away from elite formations in favor of classic army structures.


The rules will probably be about getting agressors into the Deathwing and, I don't know... Inceptors? Into the Ravenwing?


Maybe infiltrators...


What I do NOT expect for this release are Primaris Terminators or Primaris Bikers.

Let's not forget they re-released Dark Vengeance for a while. I don't quite get the logic in selling Terminators and Bikers if they gonna be nerfed/discarded in the Ritual of Damned.
As for the Deathwing Agressors... I wouldn't really like that idea. Given new rules, Deep Strike (probably, if they're Deathwing after all) and Deathwing Assault, it will be just "loyalist Obliterators". Plain, powerful and boring. Just like possible Deathwing Lieutenant. I've got enough of the power creep in 6th/7th edition.

If he is playable, my Laz is going to look suspiciously like any other generic master. No reason to buy that model when we can "counts as" a model we already have. I knew The Lion was a reach to be released, but at least update the metal characters...We'll see how they fare and if more is coming in the upcoming teases. For now, I'm a hard pass on the model and an auto-buy for the book.


Im curious to see what Dark Angels get in PA. Space Wolves were my first WH40k army and my start with the WH tabletop gaming. Oddly, it’s somewhat encouraging to see collectors of other chapters also feel the same level of Apathy over GWs treatment of the non-complaints and their lore/representation. I know SWs have gotten a few more releases, but other than the character in tooth and claw I don’t think anything has been that great. I have a decent sized DAs start from two DV boxes over the years and some other odds and ends. DAs are much more compliant than SWs are, if the rules in this are solid I can definitely see my self really expanding my DAs collection. I like SM chapter organizations and would like an army that represents that more. I am hoping DAs get a proper good treatment and I’m looking forward to the implication that could have for what SWs may get.


 As a person, I don't like the "I could have done it better" feeling so I carefully promote my apathy as a defense mechanism. I did game design for table top strategy and RPG systems for a bit so there's always an afterthought of, "Here's how I'd do it," whenever I hear about an upcoming release and, because I was never a lead designer, I learned how to think and fit my process to concept bibles and how the lead thought; this adds on a level of "Here's how I think they'd do it."


The hardest part of a faction or class project is deciding how far to break the core rules in order to properly represent the concept.  As noted, the Dark Angels are relatively codex compliant (completely so in terms of combat doctrines, they just live in specific parts of that spectrum) so the Blood Angels give us a good idea of what we may see. The big question is how far does the design team go in using existing systems to support the Ravenwing and Deathwing. The low hanging fruit is three warlord traits for each (Crimson Fists got three and Flesh Tearers got three) and a number of new stratagems for how they interact within their own groups and between groups. Just stratagems would also be a reasonable guess because that is how they've been pushing major differences between how chapters play on the table top.


The Space Wolves are a very different beast :wink: . They are not Codex compliant in organization and don't look to the Codex for battle strategy. It wouldn't make sense to give them Devastator, Tactical, and Assault Doctrines. The question is whether the design team stays with the three-mode rotation design space or goes in a different direction. If they stick with the three-mode rotation, do they just reskin the rules or look for something different? Once one has the answer to these sorts of questions (and this is where knowing what the design lead is likely to approve or want comes in) then one can figure out a rules set which fits the current design paradigm (paradigm here being the rule style and trends like what sort of thing would usually get a re-roll versus what sort of thing would get a +1 to a stat versus what sort of thing would get a +1 to a roll).


Given new rules, Deep Strike (probably, if they're Deathwing after all) and Deathwing Assault, it will be just "loyalist Obliterators". Plain, powerful and boring. Just like possible Deathwing Lieutenant. I've got enough of the power creep in 6th/7th edition.


For quite a while one of the biggest strengths of the Dark Angels was deepstrike-and-shoot. Dark Angels were rather mechanically boring, if playing their strengths, for a very long time unless one was playing Ravenwing. I suppose the question of what's mechanically boring is for another thread.


I wonder if the line about Deathwing/Ravenwing commanders refers to being able to make commanders other than Belial and Sammael.


My guess is it should read as players. However, if I want to get my hopes up it would that the Deathwing Knight Master is being separated out from the unit and given a lieutenant stat line and rules. Between that and Talonmaster you'd have an aura HQ for both.


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