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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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It's possible we'll see a stratagem that turns cultists into a psyker unit to match up the fluff.


Unlikely, as it's GW, and this book has got to be horrible given pre-order is so close and they have yet to preview ANYTHING about it.

I had wondered the same but find it unlikely. Also briefly I thought about thrall wizards but no new models so I doubt that.


....unless these new recruits are going to swell up and start taking on Tzaangor-like mutations, learn to throw flames and start wearing creepy masks. BAM! Kairic Acolytes are now a TS unit because we didn't get everything from Age of Sigmar yet :P

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It's possible we'll see a stratagem that turns cultists into a psyker unit to match up the fluff.


Unlikely, as it's GW, and this book has got to be horrible given pre-order is so close and they have yet to preview ANYTHING about it.

Previews are almost always in the week before pre-order, very rarely before (and then that's usually minis). Look at the Sister relase, they only started showing rules and stuff this week with preorders yesterday. 

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That's not what I'd consider a new unit, but as much as I'll take any improvements I really want the established units to be improved. I'm waiting to find out more (these lore bits don't cover much) as it may dictate what I have on my hobby queue...

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Ok so the pre-order preview is up. 


Doesn't look like we're getting cards, which is a shame.. I can make some with my blank template using MS Paint, though. I can't recall if the nids or Eldar got new powers and cards to go with? If not, that's fine.


Also, the Thousand Sons section in the book preview picture shows a Soulgrinder. That's interesting. It has a 4+ invul right?

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Slightly off topic if I go too far but I must say that I enjoyed the Mutalith Vortex beast. It was incredibly cheap and, unlike much of the Thousand Sons stuff, we can throw it at the enemy and not care what happens to it because 1. it is so cheap and 2. it does stuff in the shooting phase that can't be stopped and 3. it has a chance to explode and gets dangerous as it gets hurt. 


I sold it because I really just painted it up for a big 40k game and will get Ritual of the Damned with some of that money :] But it DOES work. I very much recommend one if it is your style. It's not really mine.. I like more Rubrics and predators

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Grey Knights preview up.


Some interesting tidbits. GK players seem optimistic.


Looks like they really lean in on what GK is about. Some good buffs for cc, buff to smite etc...


Hope this means we get great synergistic buffs. Double tap strat and stuff. Wish listing data sheets but I would love a plus 1 to Str and Toughness for SOT.


While I expect the strats, relics and even new spells I am curious about army wide traits or psyker buffs. I like the invuln bonus floated on here or even lose no models to morale. Though likely army buffs will be psychers specific so maybe a casting bonus that stacks with Ari and Maggie?


We seen some tidbits on psychers and I would love to see Exalted's have a mix of auras to pick from.


I did like the idea of a strat with some psychic boosting or casting cultists though not excited about purchasing and modeling some, lol.

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I'm still thinking that "leaked" preview summary was real. Nothing to back it up, and not particularly HOPING for it to be true, it just seems in line with what we can expect. 


I do not expect an army wide trait or ability beyond what psykers from the cults can choose.

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I'm still thinking that "leaked" preview summary was real. Nothing to back it up, and not particularly HOPING for it to be true, it just seems in line with what we can expect. 


I do not expect an army wide trait or ability beyond what psykers from the cults can choose.


Well no army wide trait means no penalty for including Daemons, right? This also means that the 'leaked' preview was at least wrong in that instance, correct? 


The Grey Knight 'Tides' are an army wide trait, but there is no mention of it being inactive with allies.


I think this actually shows me there is a likely hood of an army wide trait for us. Since we're being portrayed as the anti-Grey knights and we have a low end codex as well, I think we are in line for it. 

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I'm still thinking that "leaked" preview summary was real. Nothing to back it up, and not particularly HOPING for it to be true, it just seems in line with what we can expect. 


I do not expect an army wide trait or ability beyond what psykers from the cults can choose.


Well no army wide trait means no penalty for including Daemons, right? This also means that the 'leaked' preview was at least wrong in that instance, correct? 


The Grey Knight 'Tides' are an army wide trait, but there is no mention of it being inactive with allies.


I think this actually shows me there is a likely hood of an army wide trait for us. Since we're being portrayed as the anti-Grey knights and we have a low end codex as well, I think we are in line for it. 



The said it is "instead of doctrines"

And doctrines are if you have only marines.

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I think those make great cultists. I would probably want to add auto pistols and chainswords. Or even a full torso though getting them for just the heads would not be cost effective unless there is a bitz dealer that has them. Even then would need a good cult torso preferred with gun and sword all ready.


But even as is they work. I see our cultists as more, you know, "cult" than "fallout" looking.

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Im not sure, prot, but i absolutely expect access to cult abilities to hinge on having a pure ts army. We will know soon now, at least


Probably... I'm just holding out hope it excludes things already in the codex... like Tzeentch daemons.




I was just reading the Tides. Tide of Escalation is incredible against Chaos/Thousand Sons.


Do you want to put Ahriman on a disk against an army with a guaranteed 4 mortal wound smite against Daemons?


Most daemonic units do get peeled apart by Grey Knights, but this is pretty darn potent.

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I'm somewhat afraid that while imperials get proper army wide passive boosts like the GK tides, we'll just get keywords that are completely useless unless you throw CP at them (which without daemons might become harder to get) and overcosted WC powers that will require to give up smite for... Awaiting tomorrow with a heavy mix of excitement and fear of disappointment
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