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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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Yea, but odds are the opponent uses more than one strat. 5+ twice is better odds than 4+ once, and the helm does not risk helping the enemy.

Yes, in those rounds where your opponent has CP. If an aggressive Blood Angel player dumps half his CP pregame and then burns the rest on Turn 1, you're out of luck on Turns 2-5 (or 2-7). And yeah, you can also cash in Gaze of Fate for the 1, depending on when you cast it in relation to starting the Battle Round.


EDIT: Gaze of Fate wouldn't be in effect. Prot is correct.


There are also some Space Marine lists that can run on 6 or fewer CP and spend them all early, using Doctrines and stuff to make up the difference. Imperial Fist Razorback Spam comes to mind.

Your right I modified my post on that.


Though the warlord trait is a one trick pony you could place SOTs then redeploy them into reserves for some mind jobbing fun.


Ahriman is almost always my warlord anyway.

Yes, they confirmed that the Tactical Perfection strat from Emperor's Children, which redeploys according to normal rules, can put units into reserve if they could normally go there. This could therefore do the same thing. SOT's deploying, baiting out the opponent and popping into reserve could be rather helpful. Goonhammer thinks that's going to be one of the best competitive advantages for EC coming out of the current FAQ, but we'll see if it works as well for us, since we have fewer units that can do it and it's a Warlord Trait, not a Stratagem.

Maybe too soon to tell, but I see nothing indicating I can't use these rules as well as a Tzeentch Daemon detachment. I do like that there will be universal stratagems regardless of whether you take a cult or not.

Also....Risen Rubricae+massive amounts of Warpflamers.....thoughts?

Maybe too soon to tell, but I see nothing indicating I can't use these rules as well as a Tzeentch Daemon detachment. I do like that there will be universal stratagems regardless of whether you take a cult or not.


Also....Risen Rubricae+massive amounts of Warpflamers.....thoughts?

Yep. 20 man brick with lots of Warpflamers. Start off with Risen, Move, Advance, Warp Time to do both again. Murder stuff. Fly someone over with  Sorcerous Facade, teleport them somewhere else on the battlefield to repeat the trick or avoid being overwhelmed....including after being charged.

Why no Gaze of Fate if I roll a 1? What am I missing?


Yep, Rubrics with both bolters and flamers could be fun.

Gaze of Fate is cast in the Psychic Phase and the reroll goes away at the end of your turn. If you go first, you haven't cast it yet at the start of the Battle Round. If you go second, your turn is over before the start of the next Battle Round and it's worn off. I believe that's how it works.



Maybe too soon to tell, but I see nothing indicating I can't use these rules as well as a Tzeentch Daemon detachment. I do like that there will be universal stratagems regardless of whether you take a cult or not.


Also....Risen Rubricae+massive amounts of Warpflamers.....thoughts?

Yep. 20 man brick with lots of Warpflamers. Start off with Risen, Move, Advance, Warp Time to do both again. Murder stuff. Fly someone over with Sorcerous Facade, teleport them somewhere else on the battlefield to repeat the trick or avoid being overwhelmed....including after being charged.

Why no Gaze of Fate if I roll a 1? What am I missing?


Yep, Rubrics with both bolters and flamers could be fun.

Gaze of Fate is cast in the Psychic Phase and the reroll goes away at the end of your turn. If you go first, you haven't cast it yet at the start of the Battle Round. If you go second, your turn is over before the start of the next Battle Round and it's worn off. I believe that's how it works.
Thanks, I am bit Rusty (dusty).


Now we need some strats to mitigate perils, add to dmg, maybe a cult switch mid game or a strat that negates cult loyalty for a round.



Maybe too soon to tell, but I see nothing indicating I can't use these rules as well as a Tzeentch Daemon detachment. I do like that there will be universal stratagems regardless of whether you take a cult or not.


Also....Risen Rubricae+massive amounts of Warpflamers.....thoughts?

Yep. 20 man brick with lots of Warpflamers. Start off with Risen, Move, Advance, Warp Time to do both again. Murder stuff. Fly someone over with Sorcerous Facade, teleport them somewhere else on the battlefield to repeat the trick or avoid being overwhelmed....including after being charged.

Why no Gaze of Fate if I roll a 1? What am I missing?


Yep, Rubrics with both bolters and flamers could be fun.

Gaze of Fate is cast in the Psychic Phase and the reroll goes away at the end of your turn. If you go first, you haven't cast it yet at the start of the Battle Round. If you go second, your turn is over before the start of the next Battle Round and it's worn off. I believe that's how it works.
Thanks, I am bit Rusty (dusty).


Now we need some strats to mitigate perils, add to dmg, maybe a cult switch mid game?


The Capricious Crest could conceivably help with Perils on a snake eyes. Just change one of those 1's to a 6. Gaze of Fate can also help a bit.....but yes, we need a little Perils help in the Stratagem department. We're also a bit low on casting rerolls.


EDIT: We also need some sniper defense. A relic/strat/power that allows Rubricae or SOT's to tank wounds for characters like the Deathshroud do would be a blessing.

But correct me if I'm wrong here, with risen...all you can do is deploy 9" away. And the range is still 8". You count as moving, so there is no turn 1 flame attack. Your gonna have to sit for a turn and weather the storm before attacking.

But correct me if I'm wrong here, with risen...all you can do is deploy 9" away. And the range is still 8". You count as moving, so there is no turn 1 flame attack. Your gonna have to sit for a turn and weather the storm before attacking.

You don't count as moving because it's used during deployment. Before first turn starts.


Sorcerous Facade, which removes and replaces the unit, counts as moving. 

Yeah... i don't know. A stratagem that doesn't combo with the rest of what the army does. A relic that has a 50% of helping the opponent.(seriously this was a joke GW!!!)

A warlord trait that I can't take because I need all the help I can get casting those ridicules high WC powers.


I just see a couple of random stuff with little to no cohesion. I'll await my final judgement for the final book but I can't say this is making me excited at all.

Okay, so I agree, it's all a little mish mash ATM. Have hope that they had a cohesive idea and it'll show when the book drops.


That said, if all of our new toys are fully gated to detachments and only effect units of the same cult we're seeing 1kS being internally segregated. Adding further segregation (ie. Layer of CSM to cult legion, then to seperate cults) really curbs potential for an army due to lack of synergy.


That's my fear.

Look no disrespect, i mean it, yall know my personality by now but


Are yall HIGH?


We have The Key back. We can bring back a scarab occult who died from a stray failed armor save. We have The Key back.


Did I mention we have The Key again?


Tbh no, this preview isnt earthshaking but i didnt even expect to be on SM level. If you did, we already have pages where we tell each other to prepare for disappointment


I love all this stuff, its exactly what needed translation to the tabletop from the fiction

Look no disrespect, i mean it, yall know my personality by now but


Are yall HIGH?


We have The Key back. We can bring back a scarab occult who died from a stray failed armor save. We have The Key back.


Did I mention we have The Key again?


Tbh no, this preview isnt earthshaking but i didnt even expect to be on SM level. If you did, we already have pages where we tell each other to prepare for disappointment


I love all this stuff, its exactly what needed translation to the tabletop from the fiction

Given that it looks like you can have much of this stuff on the table together in different detachments and some of it might synergize, I'm pretty happy so far.

Yeah... i don't know. A stratagem that doesn't combo with the rest of what the army does. A relic that has a 50% of helping the opponent.(seriously this was a joke GW!!!)

A warlord trait that I can't take because I need all the help I can get casting those ridicules high WC powers.


I just see a couple of random stuff with little to no cohesion. I'll await my final judgement for the final book but I can't say this is making me excited at all.

While giving your opponent a CP is not ideal, the Perfidious Tome only gives your opponent a CP on a roll of 1. On rolls of 2 & 3 it does nothing.

Bare in mind we have sets of rules awaiting us on top of this. I agree nothing "earth shaking" but the stuff previewed is a tiny morsel compared to everything in the book. 

They showed a trait from duplicity. 
A Spell from Time

And a relic from change. 


If we can assume each of these cults now has 3 things (one trait, one spell, one relic) and we are looking at 9 pieces of gear, 9 traits, and 9 spells. *AT MINIMUM* AND Strategems. Whatever the term "host of new strategems" means will probably be somewhere around 8-12 like the other PA books. 


We got alot more coming folks. 


So obviously in our case this weekend is kind of the big moment when the reviewers finally show off the book and people get it out in the wild. 

Yeah I'm just saying we've gone through a TS subforum custom grieving process here, folks. 


1. Ritual of the Damned excitement. What does it mean?

2. Hope?

3. Skeptism?

4. Out-of-left-field random stuff in a reveal.

5. ?


Don't let #5 be pessimism. Something is better than nothing and it looks like we're getting substantial content which won't put us on SM levels but DOES, and I will be quiet on this from now on, DOES provide us with fluffy things that they have successfully translated into 40k rules for us.


Tbh I am absolutely shocked we even got this much.

So my question would be, if the army received the same exact spells relics and traits, but cults where never mentioned so you would have access to everything, would TS be possibly too strong?

I personally don't think so, mind you I might be totally wrong on this, but as things stend I find the cults an unnecessary pain, fluff or not, which might make this whole book very iffy for me as I still won't be able to take TS competitevely outside of a supereme command detachment in a soup list.

Really hope there's more interesting staff in there, atm as a mono army GK will blow us out of the water

I don't necessarily think that is the case. 


I think that once everything is out we will be more then capable of keeping up.


Also I can't seem to understand the communities outlook on this. I see some saying "Oh no we don't have a mono-faction bonus!" and others saying "No way I don't want a mono-faction bonus cause i wanna use daemons and be able to soup!" So the community itself is schizophrenic on what exactly it wants lol


I think if we (given it doesn't sound like we are getting a mono-faction bonus) are able to soup + take all these new abilities and detachments? Fine by me. Sounds like a win-win honestly. 


Yeah... i don't know. A stratagem that doesn't combo with the rest of what the army does. A relic that has a 50% of helping the opponent.(seriously this was a joke GW!!!)

A warlord trait that I can't take because I need all the help I can get casting those ridicules high WC powers.

I just see a couple of random stuff with little to no cohesion. I'll await my final judgement for the final book but I can't say this is making me excited at all.

While giving your opponent a CP is not ideal, the Perfidious Tome only gives your opponent a CP on a roll of 1. On rolls of 2 & 3 it does nothing.

I suppose this make it slightly better. Still, I don't see why this relic is suppose to be so strong that it warrants a chance to help the opponent.

Duplicity warlord woooo

Especially if Duplicity Warlord is a Sorcerer in Terminator Armor, given the Emperor's Children ruling and the fact that the wording is the same


"I'm sorry, are your snipers out of position now that they set up to kill me and I BAMF'ed away with 10 Scarab Occult into Deep Strike Reserve?"


"Too bad...."


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