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I'd be afraid the intercessor arms are too long to be honest. The few primaris kits I built I foubd it difficult to kitbash with firstborn marines due to scale issues.


Sarabando: i want to see more of that project! How'd you do the tabards anyways? The cloaks and loincloth were sculpted on, correct?

the ones in my IF thread? they are all GW sculpts atm with those 3 im using the Death Wing kit as its the most versitile imo termi kit.

I'd be afraid the intercessor arms are too long to be honest. The few primaris kits I built I foubd it difficult to kitbash with firstborn marines due to scale issues.


Sarabando: i want to see more of that project! How'd you do the tabards anyways? The cloaks and loincloth were sculpted on, correct?

Forgot to mention they'd be truescaled :p

Would Primaris Intercessor arms and the reinforced backpack vents spliced onto Mk IV backpacks work for "up-armoured"/ non-standard Mk IV/V Marines for Alpha Legion if the rest of the mini uses more or less Heresy marks (IV and VI)?

I'd certainly think so, MKX shares a lot of similarities with MKIV and MKVI, not to mention it could be some sort of legion specific upgrade or prototype equipment.

I'm currently in limbo with my Dark Angels. I'm waiting on a VERY LARGE order of a bunch of stuff that's OOP that I need for my Dark Angels, but has been in shipping hell for a while thanks to Covid. I'm also unsure if this upcoming Road to Thramas article is going to give a release date for Book 9/The Lion. If it doesn't, that at least lets me know my planned FW order can go without a hitch.


As of right now, all I can really assemble for my First is the Mark IIIs I have from Burning of Prospero. Though I also need to do a FW order to get the Nuncio voxes.... :laugh.:

So update on this:


It's been stuck in the post office this entire time :laugh.: Person me and my friend ordered from is going to the post office to get it sorted. Should be here soon-ish then... If it doesn't get held up in the post between where it's coming from to here.


Additionally: Since the Thramas article didn't give any release dates, I went ahead and went with the order I intended:


Edited by Gederas


Additionally: Since the Thramas article didn't give any release dates, I went ahead and went with the order I intended:




Heh, i ordered some stuff 2 weeks ago, as i feared it would go oop and as i dont trust the british government to handle even a childs piggy bank.


Got a an IF Contemptor and a Leviathan with a bunch of weapon options.

Edited by Bung

Additionally: Since the Thramas article didn't give any release dates, I went ahead and went with the order I intended:

Heh, i ordered some stuff 2 weeks ago, as i feared it would go oop and as i dont trust the british government to handle even a childs piggy bank.


Got a an IF Contemptor and a Leviathan with a bunch of weapon options.

Nice! :thumbsup:


I also got the tracking number, that should be here on Tuesday.


Now, my thought is this:


I'm wanting to go in a more narrative sense like some of the far superior threads here in the Age of Darkness than mine. I'll probably be doing a reboot of my 30k log here (different thread with a link to my old one in the first post, stuff like that) soon.

Edited by Gederas
Gederas: l absolutely understand the wish to give a more narrative touch to your painting log. I want to write a few sentences for every new model I paint as well. There is so many amazing logs on these forums with cool Photoshop work and so on

Got the main parts (legs, torsos, arms, Ed together on 9x more Assault Marines for my IX. Not anything earth shattering, but I’ve been in a funk for the past few weeks, finding a hard time to paint so just getting anything done feels good.


The good news is that I am excited for the audiobook of Saturnine. That is what has even gotten me to do the above. Bad news t I think I may no longe able to model/paint without an audiobook or podcast I am interested in. I have been slowly working on the Beast Arises series on Audible, but it’s been almost in the background at this point and I’m not excited to listen to them for them for the most part. 




My intention was to buy a Sicaran Punisher, but that was out of stock already when i ordered.

Huh. What region are you in? Because it's still in stock for me in NA?
Germany, so UK stocks :)

What part of the country are you in? Im up north.





My intention was to buy a Sicaran Punisher, but that was out of stock already when i ordered.

Huh. What region are you in? Because it's still in stock for me in NA?
Germany, so UK stocks :)
What part of the country are you in? Im up north.

To far away, in a small region infamous for to much french influence. Like our current secretarys of defence, forreign affairs and economic affairs / energy.

So 300 km from my big harbour containing city state ;)

Thats a bit far sadly. We do have one or two heresy events each year though light be worth the trip ;)

I know. ;)

I am around in the Tabletopwelt forum with the same nickname.


But first i need to finish an army, play some games with my group and get some blackmail material for my boss to get the days of i would need.

Fair enough.

I seriously want to paint with roman lappat at some point but getting to augsburg and staying there is more expensive/time consuming than going to copenhagen for me.

Then i am lucky, i had 2 Beginner classes with Roman when he travelled. First one in Trier the other in Beckingen where i could sleep at home.


But you could try to set up a workshop with Georg Damm he will travel to your area.

Its a more technical Workshop about glazing. But it really helps to Wrap your head around glazing, nmm and miniature preperation.

That Leviathan is a beauty m0nolith!


Bung: georg damm is a great idea. There is some parts of the pigment pirates in my club so that could actually work out pretty well.

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

That's mighty clean Gederas! Not running it with a phosphex discharger? Are the arms magnetized?

It's in sub-assemblies. The Phosphex Discharger kept falling off, so I left it off for the picture. The entire model is in sub-assemblies (legs+pelvis, waist, torso, torso top, head, nipple guns, arms and phosphex discharger)


Arms aren't magnetized though, no. The Flamers/Volkite Calivers are however.


Edited by Gederas

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