Cadmus Tyro Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 (edited) “Last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship.....” Unknown author, Terra, M2 “Brothers, fellow warriors, We have sat in the shadows and have watched our legion descend into madness. We have endured the uncontrolled rage of our so called father. We have been shunned for our enduring loyalty to the emperor, banished to the corners of the galaxy to seek and destroy terrors that stalk the night. But our loyalty runs deeper, we lay down our lives for a vision vast in its ambition and millennia in its creation. A vision that is threatened by the actions of one who we once recognised as warmaster. It is clear to us now, that Horus has rebelled against the imperium. His reasoning is unclear but our gene father stands by his side, the loyal remnants of our legion lie slaughtered on the sands of Istvaan III. But we will not succumb to this heresy, and we will bring honour back to the name of our legion! We are shunned because we are feared and rightly so, for our fury comes from a deeper well, natural, innate, not manufactured by a fools design. We will endure and we will exact vengeance for those loyal to the XIIth, those murdered on Istvaan. For the emperor!” Endryd Haar. Extracts taken from a speech to loyal members of the XIIth legion under his command. M32. ——————————————— Greetings fellow warriors! Welcome to my new WIP log, I was intending to finish my iron hands and alpha legion projects before embarking on this, but my desire to start a new project has overcome my ability to focus. I’ve always found following what you enjoy in the hobby, rather than forcing yourself to do something you “should” do is more productive in the end! Ever since we saw the first images of betrayal and the models that accompanied the release, I have always wanted to start a world eaters force. The Typhon in glorious blue and white was such an awesome sight to behold! Even before that, I remember reading various index astartes articles about the traitor legions before their fall to chaos. Alas, I was distracted by bringing my 40k iron hands into the 30k universe and more recently by the beautiful metallic alpha legion airbrushed paint schemes. But now I return to what first drew me into the heresy, the XIIth legion. I’m a loyalist at heart (I know, I know), and reading about Endryd Haars background really got me inspired to produce a loyalist world eater force. He has so much character and the mystery of his background is intriguing. He is also a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop..... So this is the start of my loyalist world eater blog, with a twist. I will be using the blackshield rules to represent the force on the table. The Chymeriae rules (option 3: Fleet, fear and rage) really represent them well, still ferocious but subtlety different to their world eater kin and distrusted by everyone around them (no allies). I also couldn’t resist the modelling opportunity of having marines wielding chain axes and shotguns! I aim to slowly build a 2000 point list, which you can peruse here: The force will be modelled and painted in the time just after Nuceria and the legions reorganisation after the discovery of Angron. So they will be painted in the blue and white of the XIIth legion. I hope you enjoy it as much as I am! Cadmus. Edited February 7 by Cadmus Tyro Astartes Consul, Petitioner's City, Loquille and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 Looking forward to your take on these guys, I've always liked the idea of loyalist XIIth, using the Blackshield rules is an interesting twist. IamAlphariusxx20 and Cadmus Tyro 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
choppyred Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the golden throne! bloodhound23, Cadmus Tyro and AlexisSonOfDorn 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cadmus Tyro Posted April 11, 2020 Author Share Posted April 11, 2020 Vexilla “Mortis” Attributed to the company early in the great crusade, the vexilla has taken many forms along its path of evolution to what we can see today. Originally presented to the company by Constantin Valdor after a particularly bloody campaign fought alongside the legion. It is rumoured that Valdor felt no other word could describe the character of the company other than”Mortis”. The outline of a generic legion vexilla can be seen as the basis for what is now more of a company standard, rather than a squad vexilla. Various additions to the vexilla have been made over time, recording the various battle honours of Endryd Haar and the “fangs of the emperor”. The parchment detailing the deeds of notable, now deceased, warriors under his command. No record of the vexilla falling in battle has ever been recorded..... Majkhel, Kizzdougs, Loquille and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varyn Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 Very excited to see this project develop, having seen a few sneak previews I am keen to see more! Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 You had me at the Denethor quote. Cadmus Tyro and Lord Raven 19 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cadmus Tyro Posted April 17, 2020 Author Share Posted April 17, 2020 ####Archived file retrieved..................................................... ####security level OPAL confirmed..................................................... File type: Pict Capture File Location: Monitoring station Beta-four.six.three security imaging. Commentary: this pict capture, taken from the image banks of an orbital monitoring station far into the outer reaches, depicts a member of the XIIth legion. Squad digital identifiers mark this warrior as part of the 19th assault company, under direct command of Endryd Haar. The non standard equipment of the legionary is typical of Haars company, given their predilection for close assault and zone mortalis actions. The original location of the data repository tells us just how far the 19th company ranged in pursuit of [REDACTED]...... A few more pictures for you: Looking forward to your take on these guys, I've always liked the idea of loyalist XIIth, using the Blackshield rules is an interesting twist.Thanks Pearson, I like the difference that the rules represent, and yet the similarity. Haar (and presumably those under his command) refused the nails, but maintained their own level of uncontrolled savagery. It certainly brings some more interesting modelling opportunities and the imposed restrictions make sense in the fluff as well. -1 BS, given their preference for combat. No allies, representing the unknown loyalties around the time of Istvaan. Limitation on vehicles, representing their lack of resources. Hopefully as we go through, I can flesh out the fluff a little. Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the golden throne!Ha ha, we don’t need trophies to honour a false deity, for we are death incarnate. Very excited to see this project develop, having seen a few sneak previews I am keen to see more!Thanks mate, although, FW being closed and the lack of decals is hampering my progress somewhat! You had me at the Denethor quote.Yes, it just seemed very fitting, I love the little quotes through Unremembered Empire that reference literature from various authors we know today. Thanks for looking all, as always, would be great to hear your opinions! Cadmus Pearson73, Varyn, Zebulon and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Vespasian Posted April 17, 2020 Share Posted April 17, 2020 (edited) Awesome I Love the 30k world eaters colour scheme and these guys look sufficiently brutal Cant wait to see em in colour Edited April 17, 2020 by Marshal Vespasian Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cadmus Tyro Posted April 20, 2020 Author Share Posted April 20, 2020 (edited) Kasatar Ser-Jena - recruited into the XIIth legions ranks as part of the first Luna induction. Kasatar spent most of his early life in Nomadic claves of Northern Albia, perhaps the oldest surviving member, bar Endryd Haar himself, Kasatar met the riven hound early in his induction process and since that time he has never left his commanders side in battle. For this, Kasatar was given the honour of vexilla bearer for veteran squad Balearicus. Pict capture taken from hostile battlefield surveillance monitors depict Kasatar just after the muster at Bodt, the fangs were issued newly acquired MKiv plate. Kasatar can be seen with an augmentic left arm. It is rumoured that his arm was lost during the Cerberus Insurrection, early in the Young warriors career. After several failed implantation processes the warrior decided the loss of his arm would serve as a reminder of the fate of those who choose the path of rebellion. Inscribed into the ceramite of the augmetic, the ancient text reference Mt5.29-30 can be seen under the wrist, the meaning of which is now lost, following the warriors death, shortly after the start of the heresy. Few more pics: Awesome I Love the 30k world eaters colour scheme and these guys look sufficiently brutal Cant wait to see em in colour Thanks Marashal, I’m really looking forward to getting paint on these guys, but I’m in desperate need of a decal sheet! I have been experimenting with blues and whites over the last few days. If anyone has a spare World Eater decal sheet they want to part with, PM me! Cadmus Edited April 21, 2020 by Cadmus Tyro Raziel-TX, Elzender, RolandTHTG and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted April 21, 2020 Share Posted April 21, 2020 (edited) The muster was actually held on Bodt, but but otherwise, looking good :) Incidentally I've never seen a WE character who was specified to be from Bodt, so that might be something for you to add. Edited April 21, 2020 by bluntblade The Scorpion and Cadmus Tyro 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cadmus Tyro Posted April 21, 2020 Author Share Posted April 21, 2020 The muster was actually held on Bodt, but but otherwise, looking good :) Incidentally I've never seen a WE character who was specified to be from Bodt, so that might be something for you to add. Thanks for the input! I have edited the text. Cadmus tychobi 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raziel-TX Posted April 21, 2020 Share Posted April 21, 2020 Color me interested. Love the inclusion of Matthew quote and his bionic arm. Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 21, 2020 Share Posted April 21, 2020 These two are really well posed, as per your usual, chain axes and shotguns are such a savage combo and suit the XIIth down to the ground. Having said that, Kasatar retains some nobility in bearing. Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cadmus Tyro Posted April 22, 2020 Author Share Posted April 22, 2020 File type: Pict capture File location: Remembrancer Illias Mercer, personal pict capture device. Commentary: the majority of the images we have access to regarding the 19th company and their campaign into the outer reaches originate from Illias Mercer, a remembrancer attached to the cohort. It is postulated that Illias perished during the engagement pictured above, as all other Picts, apart from this image, show some form of post editing or are accompanied by Illias’ personal commentary. Ship records do not however, contain official record the remembrancers death. Given his perceived lack of importance, an unfortunate commonality of view held by most legions with respect to the remembrancer project, this fact is perhaps unsurprising. The image depicts the XIIth legion engaging an unknown foe, presumably of human origin, but the enemy warriors bulk and stature suggests heavy genetic augmentation. The warriors panoply of war is unfamiliar to me, his equipment perhaps echoing an imperial aesthetic. Interestingly, the lightning bolt design appears on his baroque armour in several locations, similar to that seen in legion astartes pre-unity wargear. However, the lightning bolt symbol is common amongst many enemy organisations. Therefore, we should not draw any definite conclusions about the warriors identity based on presumption. Color me interested. Love the inclusion of Matthew quote and his bionic arm. I though it fitted, Albia is a state from pre unity times, I believe it may be a reference to the UK, or what remained of it. I like the idea that Kasatar grew up with some ancient religious beliefs, drummed into him in early childhood. A faith at odds with his calling as a legionary off the XIIth, that he took to the stars but naturally hid from his peers. Thanks for the comment! These two are really well posed, as per your usual, chain axes and shotguns are such a savage combo and suit the XIIth down to the ground. Having said that, Kasatar retains some nobility in bearing.Cheers Pearson, yeah, that’s the only reason I’m doing them as blackshields! Shotguns and chain axes! I imagine the loyalist XIIth, from early induction, had more nobility about their persona. I’m glad it’s coming through! Cheers for the likes and comments everyone! Stay tuned Cadmus Varyn, bluntblade, RolandTHTG and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varyn Posted April 22, 2020 Share Posted April 22, 2020 I don't fancy the thunder warrior's chances! Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raziel-TX Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 Keep the good stuff coming. Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Raven 19 Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 File type: Pict capture File location: Remembrancer Illias Mercer, personal pict capture device. Commentary: the majority of the images we have access to regarding the 19th company and their campaign into the outer reaches originate from Illias Mercer, a remembrancer attached to the cohort. It is postulated that Illias perished during the engagement pictured above, as all other Picts, apart from this image, show some form of post editing or are accompanied by Illias’ personal commentary. Ship records do not however, contain official record the remembrancers death. Given his perceived lack of importance, an unfortunate commonality of view held by most legions with respect to the remembrancer project, this fact is perhaps unsurprising. The image depicts the XIIth legion engaging an unknown foe, presumably of human origin, but the enemy warriors bulk and stature suggests heavy genetic augmentation. The warriors panoply of war is unfamiliar to me, his equipment perhaps echoing an imperial aesthetic. Interestingly, the lightning bolt design appears on his baroque armour in several locations, similar to that seen in legion astartes pre-unity wargear. However, the lightning bolt symbol is common amongst many enemy organisations. Therefore, we should not draw any definite conclusions about the warriors identity based on presumption. Color me interested. Love the inclusion of Matthew quote and his bionic arm.I though it fitted, Albia is a state from pre unity times, I believe it may be a reference to the UK, or what remained of it. I like the idea that Kasatar grew up with some ancient religious beliefs, drummed into him in early childhood. A faith at odds with his calling as a legionary off the XIIth, that he took to the stars but naturally hid from his peers. Thanks for the comment! These two are really well posed, as per your usual, chain axes and shotguns are such a savage combo and suit the XIIth down to the ground. Having said that, Kasatar retains some nobility in bearing.Cheers Pearson, yeah, that’s the only reason I’m doing them as blackshields! Shotguns and chain axes! I imagine the loyalist XIIth, from early induction, had more nobility about their persona. I’m glad it’s coming through! Cheers for the likes and comments everyone! Stay tuned Cadmus Albia being Britain makes sense as the Arthurian Legends name Britain Albion Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cadmus Tyro Posted April 25, 2020 Author Share Posted April 25, 2020 File type: pict capture File location: Illias Mercer, personal log. File commentary: I have finally managed to capture a picture of veteran sergeant Balearicus, sporting his full panoply of war. A fascinating character, using dark humour as a mask for his past. I think he has told of at least five events which led to the loss of his right eye, I suspect non of which are true, despite having inherent entertainment value for the listener. Whilst an experienced warrior, he is perhaps not most senior amongst his peers. It would seem the esteemed Lord Haar chooses his squad leaders based on ability rather than time served in the legion. Balearicus exudes an unnatural level of calm, quite an anathema within the ranks of the XIIth. There is a certain delight in his demeanour, observing the sport his brothers have in the heat of combat, rather than being overwhelmed by personal need to participate. Exacting his own, cold efficient violence when joining the fray. Perhaps this is why he has been chosen to lead Lord Haars personal squad. Illias Mercer I don't fancy the thunder warrior's chances!Thunder warrior? It is common knowledge that all thunder warriors were killed decades before the great crusade even began, valiantly battling the foes of the emperor. I have passed your heretical comment to the adeptus arbiters for judgement......;) Keep the good stuff coming.I will try! Thanks for the encouragement. @raven Lord 19 - there’s such a wealth of fiction to explore surrounding pre unity. I hope Black Library cover it at some point! Cadmus Stix and Zebulon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raziel-TX Posted April 25, 2020 Share Posted April 25, 2020 Some reason this guy makes me think of the saying “I’m here to kick BLEEP and chew bubble gum. And I’m all out of bubble gum.” Definitely has the BAMF aura around him. Job well done. Cadmus Tyro and bloodhound23 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cadmus Tyro Posted May 2, 2020 Author Share Posted May 2, 2020 “Bodt, a planet that inspires wonder, at the scale of operation, and simultaneously, revulsion. Whilst resupply of munitions, armour and personnel is an appreciated necessity, I cannot but balk at the hideously efficient processes that enable the mechanism. Most training facilities I have known, build a sustainable symbiotic relationship with their planet. There are rumours here that the entire human populace was inducted into servitude, there will be no more recruits from Bodt after this time. The warriors they have produced here have too much akin to my wayward “father”, the world reeks of his influence. I have however, managed to save a few from the nails, the only few that will join me on the campaign. These inductees are foolhardy, headstrong and yet untested in battle. They must be broken, like the stallions of ancient Terra. They must earn their place by my side on the front line of my company.....” Endryd Harr, extract from personal log, muster at Bodt. Thanks for the comments, views and likes everyone! I’m really enjoying this project! My decals arrived yesterday.....bring on the airbrushing! Cadmus bluntblade, Varyn, Pearson73 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Vespasian Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 Love the quotes and background you weave in here. Also gotta say the posing of your marines is very inspirational for me Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varyn Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 Glad you managed to track down a transfer sheet. I am very interested to see how the scheme turns out, your Alpha Legion and Iron Hands armies are superb. Agree with Vespasian, the posing is great - they look very dynamic. Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
okonomiyakimarine Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 nice posing! and also kudos for the direction of the narrative you are sketching out! Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raziel-TX Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 Keep the good stuff coming. Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted May 3, 2020 Share Posted May 3, 2020 Really nice posing, looking forward to seeing these guys in colour! Cadmus Tyro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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