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BIG Preview Speculation

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Characters should only die if they are removed from the game and moved to legends.


I don't want another captain Tycho situation.

Having dead characters wasn't too uncommon back in the day. Uriah Jacobus died from a plague on a swamp world, Canoness Praxedus had died holding the line against Nids and we had an Abbess go missing all in 2nd Edition.


And they nuked Celestine in the same story they introduced her in during 3rd.


Not everyone has to be alive in 40k. Heck I'm a big fan of using them as "count-as" for players to make their own characters who fight in similar manners.

Yes but there wasn't a developing story back then. 40k was a setting with background lore, now it's a plot moving forward with models to reflect that.

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I don't think they need the "Suffered grievous harm so had to risk Primaris and now he's a Primaris" justification any more. Just have the characters go through the process and now they are version 2.0 in Primaris form.

Calgar and Ko'Sarro both made the transition despite not dying.


And then Calgar almost died to Abbadon anyways.

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the teaser trailer obviously means Necron reveals this saturday, wich lines up with "9th" edition starterbox rumors from late last year.

Those text blurb teasers clearly indicate the "inquisitional" elements ( the whole scope, including battlesisters and black templars.)

It could be that the power armored humans that oppose Necrons are not space marines at all, but rather a reboot of the inquisition faction (and we might have already seen what their armor looks like .. with the grand inquisitor coming with Pariah.)

It could also mean that those text blurbs actually tease another saturday reveal related to inquisitors... either a return/reboot of Inquisitor or Kill team : Inquisition or something similar.

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Characters should only die if they are removed from the game and moved to legends.


I don't want another captain Tycho situation.

Having dead characters wasn't too uncommon back in the day. Uriah Jacobus died from a plague on a swamp world, Canoness Praxedus had died holding the line against Nids and we had an Abbess go missing all in 2nd Edition.


And they nuked Celestine in the same story they introduced her in during 3rd.


Not everyone has to be alive in 40k. Heck I'm a big fan of using them as "count-as" for players to make their own characters who fight in similar manners.

Yes but there wasn't a developing story back then. 40k was a setting with background lore, now it's a plot moving forward with models to reflect that.
Arguably all the more reason why we should see more dead characters. I mean Guardsmen die all the time and having them represent a typical commander of their regiment more than a still living commander makes sense.


They don't have to be involved in the plot forever and should exist as a good example of what the ideal X is.

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The "God Emperor" references shuts down most of SM chapters.


Do GK worship the Emperor as a God?

No, only the Black Templar worship the Emperor, the other chapters that do worship him are barely a couple of paragraphs of lore so if it has to do with "Faithful Marines" then thats Black Templars.

Not true. While it's rarer (considering that recruits worship the God-Emperor I never really got why more chapters don't as standard) others do worship the Emperor. Like the White Templars.



Here, let me highlight the part that agrees with you


the other chapters that do worship him are barely a couple of paragraphs of lore


So yes, there are other chapters but they are nothing but a small bit of lore and a color scheme so if something does come out for a chapter that worships the Emperor then its unlikely it will be for them when the Black Templars have more support and are closer to the spotlight.


Not sure why you tried to correct me when in same phrase I agree with you.

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The "God Emperor" references shuts down most of SM chapters.


Do GK worship the Emperor as a God?

No, only the Black Templar worship the Emperor, the other chapters that do worship him are barely a couple of paragraphs of lore so if it has to do with "Faithful Marines" then thats Black Templars.
Not true. While it's rarer (considering that recruits worship the God-Emperor I never really got why more chapters don't as standard) others do worship the Emperor. Like the White Templars.

Here, let me highlight the part that agrees with you


the other chapters that do worship him are barely a couple of paragraphs of lore


So yes, there are other chapters but they are nothing but a small bit of lore and a color scheme so if something does come out for a chapter that worships the Emperor then its unlikely it will be for them when the Black Templars have more support and are closer to the spotlight.


Not sure why you tried to correct me when in same phrase I agree with you.

Because I am eating lunch while posting and missed it.
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I wonder if release date of HH Book 9 will be given at the end of preview. Technically it's 40k.


It won't, and it isn't. GW considers Horus Heresy to be its own IP and 30k no longer uses the 40k rules as a base, even though the Age of Darkness rulebook is in practice a modified version of 7th edition.

Edited by Marshal Loss
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If we get anything from HH I'd like to see more characters from the setting get so I rules. I mean who wouldn't like to punch Erebus in the face on the tabletop?
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Yes, but there wasn't a developing story back then. 40k was a setting with background lore, now it's a plot moving forward with models to reflect that.

Eh, 8th has really been pretty static since it’s release. 2nd Ed “moved” about the same, with lots of little, fairly unconnected events going on across the galaxy. 2nd’s dead characters were mostly dead as part of their original background anyway, not as part of a wider plot. The difference between then and now is that 40K was just kind of a fun, developing project in 2nd. Now it’s an “IP,” and anything in the background has to get analyzed by how much it’ll appeal to an audience, how much it’ll sell, etc.

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Clearly the Emperor's Children: everything they have is by extension, after all, His :teehee:

It's good that they didn't finish with "We are His Angels of Death" since then they would give away that it's the Dark Angels again. After all they were His original Legion that he led. ;)



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Hmm... I still think that expecting something 'Primarch'-big would be a bit much.


Maybe some sort of Proper Assault Primaris would be plausible. But the bikes are most likely if it is Primaris at all.


I just pray to the Eightfold Path, Khaine's shattered pelvis and the Emperor at once (and Gork and Mork) that it isnt another case of 'here is a Primaris character, a reboxing and a new book to buy'. 


Although one reason to hope for a Primarch is that I would not like to pair the Silent King up with a damned chapter master, much less a captain (again). I feel like king of the Necrons deserves a Primarch. 


...Ya know... Loyalist Fulgrim would make sense actually. There is no way that Trazlyn hasn't ticked off the Silent King and Fulgrim is basically the most 'and the kitchen sink' thing he can throw at the king without accidentally unleashing Krorks again. 


Less jokingly, I'd say Corax for a few reasons. He hates psykers almost as much as Russ, he seems to fit with the hints and he is the only loyalist we have a recent sighting of.


Also, it would allow us to see Lorgar since it would mean that there isnt an angry god-bird squatting outside his door anymore.

Edited by StrangerOrders
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I think it'll be a new grot figure. Cause a grot is small, and small is the opposite of big.

Im half expecting it to be a repack of the Grot box and a £1 price increase. 


Probably 9th ed though. 

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The "God Emperor" references shuts down most of SM chapters.


Do GK worship the Emperor as a God?

No, only the Black Templar worship the Emperor, the other chapters that do worship him are barely a couple of paragraphs of lore so if it has to do with "Faithful Marines" then thats Black Templars.

Not true. While it's rarer (considering that recruits worship the God-Emperor I never really got why more chapters don't as standard) others do worship the Emperor. Like the White Templars.


Like the Red Scorpions. They are nicely supported (through Forge World) but they lack a transfer sheet, which may conveniently return in stock. A man can dream...


Jokes aside, my money is on two things for sure: the Silent King miniature/diorama/barge/ark and the new Forge World books. 

It would also be nice if they announced preorders from the next Saturday (May 30th), for Engine War & co.

Edited by AenarIT
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Primaris Bikers and Landspeeders rumoured... Is it time for the Khan to return [Which in turn sets up a Khan Vs Fulgrim fight later on] on a sweet looking grav-bike with more than 10 wounds so he can get shot off the table T1? Lets gooooo!


In all seriousness I think it'll be Dark Imperium's replacement, whether it be for a consolidated 8.5 or 9th.
Necron vs Blood Angels [which would be non-specific Marine units so every Marine player gets stuff] Bikes, Landspeeders, Assault Marine equivalents and outside that box a series of updated units exclusive to the Blood Angels like a anti-grav Baal Repulsor or something along with Primaris Sanguinary Guard [Like they did with Victrix Guard but with more options], Astorath, Dante and a Redemptor Libby dread - Lemartes and the Death company stay as the old Marines so they go out in a blaze of glory somewhere down the line.

Necrons side of the box hopefully including refreshed Warriors, Scarab swarms, Flayed Ones, Pariahs and Destroyers, perhaps new Triarch units - Replacements for the old resin Cryptek with Chrono [Possibly in the box] and updates for the named lords down the line such as Anrakyr, Imotekh and Trazyn.


I am hoping that digital versions of the datasheets and rules are made free and updateable on the fly while we still get our Codex's for the fluff and such so I don't have to carry 4 books around to stay up to date [and neither of my PA books are out yet...].


Catachan redux announcement or tease for the future would be nice.


A release date for the 40k animations?


Pure wishlist stuff:


Another named Tech Priest Magos, maybe from Metalica, to counter Cawl's Tech-Heresy in the books and so people who don't play Mars can have a Magos.


The other Eldar Aspect Warriors and key characters getting updates.


Emperors Children.


New Imperial Armour announced for the new edition including Ordo Reductor units for Admech.

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