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BA and 9th Ed

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Tanks shooting in combat was probably a change that was required, it seems a little silly the minute somebody gets close to a tank it stops shooting. Wil this mean they can shoot units not in combat with them like some heavies already can or shoot the unit they are in combat with needs an answer. 


The bigger worry for balance will be if Knights can shoot in combat as they can bring some strong elements into a list and no longer need the loyal 32 to get a CP boost, indeed the loyal 32 would cost them CP to bring along. 

I’m hopeful it is something like  a vehicle can either fight back against the unit that “tagged” it, or shoot at an enemy it’s not locked in combat with. Idea being that there’s a grot on the hull? Who cares, fire at the deff dread over there. Wait, there’s a grot with a melta bomb on the hull? GET IT OFF!

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What new Aggressors?

The melta-ones. They are wearing Gravis armour. Only their hoods are cut/withdrawn:


Probably should be calling them Meltessors though...

Oh boi, already feeling the headache incoming from remembering all those new trade-marked names :biggrin.:

Edited by Majkhel
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What new Aggressors?

The melta-ones. They are wearing Gravis armour. Only their hoods are cut/withdrawn:


Probably should be calling them Meltessors though...

Oh boi, already feeling the headache incoming from remembering all those new trade-marked names :biggrin.:




Let's see what GW decides to call them.

Maybe I've been too much into 30k, but when I first saw they had melta I laughed and thought "Good luck with all that Armoured Ceramite!" then remembered they're for 8th/8.5th/9th.

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I think they're called hellfuries?


edit : and the vets are called bladeguard veterans

Bladeguard Veterans sounds too close to a WHFB unit to me, to be fair.


I’m digging Burninators though. :D

Not sure there’s a place for them in any of my lists if they work like Aggressors. Gravis armour also looks a bit unfortunate in my opinion...

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I think they're called hellfuries?


edit : and the vets are called bladeguard veterans

Bladeguard Veterans sounds too close to a WHFB unit to me, to be fair.


I’m digging Burninators though. :biggrin.:

Not sure there’s a place for them in any of my lists if they work like Aggressors. Gravis armour also looks a bit unfortunate in my opinion...


gravis armor looks was the thing I liked most about primaris, until I saw those vets.

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Oy vey. I thought I was going to stay clear of Primaris until this happened. Every single reveal looks good and I want: bikes, assault intercessors, hellfuries, everything.

Regarding the copy+paste models for assault intercessors (Images showing two of the same sprue for 10 man A.Intercessors, btw), I think I'm going to buy a box of regular intercessors and mix the second half into an assault bolter squad. Seems easy enough work to chop off the chainsword or just re-use some old bolter arms or something. Should help brake up the same-ness on those "somewhat easy to build" kit.


These guys should have been year one releases, imo.

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I'm almost done stripping my BA primaris army and still need to finish building the jump pack guys from the DI box set.  I have 20 troops with bolt rifles, maybe I should cut the hands off 5 or 10 and give them some extra chainswords/pistols from my bits box?  I can just cut down regular marine bolters into their fancier pistols, that'd be close enough, and I assume their sgt will be able to use a power fist.


I think DC intercessors could be pretty neat jumping out of a hover tank.  

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Yeah me too. I almost regret having to replace half of my Primaris army now. :D


I'm just extremely suspicious of the Assault Intercessors. There are only two ways they could be worth fielding for me. Either the Chainsword is an improved version that also adds strength and/or AP, or they are Troops and the new reserve rules they mentioned offer a way to get them into melee similarly as efficient as regular deep striking right now. I kinda doubt the latter will turn out just like that though since that would mean a huge boost for all kinds of units, not just them.

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I love them all. This is an excellent release.

Don’t care much for the Judiciar right now as the sword is kind of silly to bring to a battlefield and the model reminds me a lot of AoS(which is a bad thing in my book), the Burninators (don’t like Gravis, but let’s wait for close-ups) and the veterans and Intercessors desperately need jump packs.


So I’m really excited about the bikes. :D


All of the releases need to be looked at in context of the new edition, however. Not going to buy a single miniature of those until I know what it’s good at under the new rules. ^^

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I love them all. This is an excellent release.

Don’t care much for the Judiciar right now as the sword is kind of silly to bring to a battlefield and the model reminds me a lot of AoS(which is a bad thing in my book), the Burninators (don’t like Gravis, but let’s wait for close-ups) and the veterans and Intercessors desperately need jump packs.


So I’m really excited about the bikes. :biggrin.:


All of the releases need to be looked at in context of the new edition, however. Not going to buy a single miniature of those until I know what it’s good at under the new rules. ^^



To be fair, bringing swords in general to the battlefield when you have guns like that is kind of silly. At least as main weapon. However this is 40k so kind of silly is just right. ;) 


You say the model reminds you a lot of AoS but to be honest it should be the other way around. Lots of heavily armored AoS models should be reminding us of 40k since Stormcasts and Co all came after Marines and got immediately titled fantasy Marines by the community for a reason. The only thing 40k was behind was the quality of the models produced because GW decided to use their improved technology on the new system first for obvious reasons.

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I love them all. This is an excellent release.


Don’t care much for the Judiciar right now as the sword is kind of silly to bring to a battlefield and the model reminds me a lot of AoS(which is a bad thing in my book), the Burninators (don’t like Gravis, but let’s wait for close-ups) and the veterans and Intercessors desperately need jump packs.

So I’m really excited about the bikes. :D

All of the releases need to be looked at in context of the new edition, however. Not going to buy a single miniature of those until I know what it’s good at under the new rules. ^^


To be fair, bringing swords in general to the battlefield when you have guns like that is kind of silly. At least as main weapon. However this is 40k so kind of silly is just right. ;) 


You say the model reminds you a lot of AoS but to be honest it should be the other way around. Lots of heavily armored AoS models should be reminding us of 40k since Stormcasts and Co all came after Marines and got immediately titled fantasy Marines by the community for a reason. The only thing 40k was behind was the quality of the models produced because GW decided to use their improved technology on the new system first for obvious reasons.

Inclined to agree, and the disruptor(?) field of the weapon would still pierce/disintegrate armour even without an actual tip. Still, not a fan of the blade and the bloody swinging hourglass in his hands. Also, the robe hanging from his hip looks a bit like a not-fully put-on bathrobe after stepping out of the shower. :D


Yes, it does. The blade and the hourglass being the most defining factors. Writing on the blade is very Sigmar-esque, and even with “uh yeah it’s archeo-tec” as the underlying reasoning, the hourglass takes the cake. Not a fan of the overall model so far, but let’s see what the rules for this guy are, could be something. Doubt it though since he can’t have a JP. :P

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I love them all. This is an excellent release.

Don’t care much for the Judiciar right now as the sword is kind of silly to bring to a battlefield and the model reminds me a lot of AoS(which is a bad thing in my book), the Burninators (don’t like Gravis, but let’s wait for close-ups) and the veterans and Intercessors desperately need jump packs.

So I’m really excited about the bikes. :biggrin.:

All of the releases need to be looked at in context of the new edition, however. Not going to buy a single miniature of those until I know what it’s good at under the new rules. ^^


To be fair, bringing swords in general to the battlefield when you have guns like that is kind of silly. At least as main weapon. However this is 40k so kind of silly is just right. :wink: 


You say the model reminds you a lot of AoS but to be honest it should be the other way around. Lots of heavily armored AoS models should be reminding us of 40k since Stormcasts and Co all came after Marines and got immediately titled fantasy Marines by the community for a reason. The only thing 40k was behind was the quality of the models produced because GW decided to use their improved technology on the new system first for obvious reasons.

Inclined to agree, and the disruptor(?) field of the weapon would still pierce/disintegrate armour even without an actual tip. Still, not a fan of the blade and the bloody swinging hourglass in his hands. Also, the robe hanging from his hip looks a bit like a not-fully put-on bathrobe after stepping out of the shower. :biggrin.:


Yes, it does. The blade and the hourglass being the most defining factors. Writing on the blade is very Sigmar-esque, and even with “uh yeah it’s archeo-tec” as the underlying reasoning, the hourglass takes the cake. Not a fan of the overall model so far, but let’s see what the rules for this guy are, could be something. Doubt it though since he can’t have a JP. :tongue.:



We have plenty swords with letters on the blade already in 40k as well though and reliquies like the hourglass aren't exactly uncommon on Marines either. :huh:

Ultimately though, they are the same designers making models for 40k and for AoS. As I said it just so happened that AoS was the first system to get new stuff because ... well it was new and needed models. ^^

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What new Aggressors?

The melta-ones. They are wearing Gravis armour. Only their hoods are cut/withdrawn:


Probably should be calling them Meltessors though...

Oh boi, already feeling the headache incoming from remembering all those new trade-marked names :biggrin.:

I really like these guys. Kinda looks like a combi-weapon, which would be nice. Though it might be a primaris variant melta with slightly longer range. I wonder if they'll follow the hellblaster squad model and have 3 variants when purchased as a multi-part kit a few months after the starter box set release.

Anyway, It might be nice to see a comeback for melta. Though, to temper my expectations, many primaris units have been lukewarm upon release. Intercessors are a lot better after chapter approved points changes. Reivers still lack that special something. Looks like las talon agressors (sternguard?) will wait for 9.5/10th edition in 2022. Melta hasn't been terribly reliable or desired over plasma these past three years. But, if tanks/vehicles get a big boost in 9th (though maybe it's just a toning down of the strength of the FLY keyword), it stands to reason that melta might be the rules/meta counterweight. In 5th or 6th edition I used assault squads (I think as troops) with melta as a great little distraction unit. I usually kept a couple of inferno pistols in the sanguinary guard as well. I was never really sold on the idea of multi-meltas in drop pods.

I suppose I'm very happy to see great new models, hopeful that all armies get usable rules, suspicious of 'perfection' in the new rule set, somewhat reluctant on replacing old models with roughly the same things/structure as before, and ready to get back in the fight!

So, for newer folks, the ways to address the change of editions for BA (my two cents for whatever it's worth)... saving money is kinda not going to happen much in this hobby. I don't know that you can predict what unit will be good. And even if you did, the rules change. Still, save where you can. Maybe magnetizing arms and backpacks will be worthwhile... I'd hold off buying multiple starter boxsets off Ebay if you anticipate you'll want multi-part variant kits in a few months. Try to be intentional with creating a list and painting it. Aim for a 'take all comers' list--you can always join the hype train later and add cool stuff once you have a solid army. Don't create a huge painting backlog of models that you never use (read as: don't do what I always do). Get cheap brushes (base coating and metallics) and nice brushes (faces and detailing). Order some paint. Clean your paint station. Get organized. Set reasonable and attainable goals. Prepare for battle. Use the forums to ask questions so you don't paint up 1000 points of a bad idea with a hard counter. And, to our glorious moderator, I vote we keep the 'unit a week' series in 9th--and perhaps even consider expanding to 'BA & the core/special rule of the week' or something like that as well.

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I love how the Gravis Melta guys look but it'll be very interesting to see their rules.

Can they really compete with cheap Las-fusil Eliminators who have 36", fix 3 damage, get +1 to wound and hit, can infiltrate and get a 1+ save in cover? :sweat:

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So, for newer folks, the ways to address the change of editions for BA (my two cents for whatever it's worth)... saving money is kinda not going to happen much in this hobby. I don't know that you can predict what unit will be good. And even if you did, the rules change. Still, save where you can. Maybe magnetizing arms and backpacks will be worthwhile... I'd hold off buying multiple starter boxsets off Ebay if you anticipate you'll want multi-part variant kits in a few months. Try to be intentional with creating a list and painting it. Aim for a 'take all comers' list--you can always join the hype train later and add cool stuff once you have a solid army. Don't create a huge painting backlog of models that you never use (read as: don't do what I always do). Get cheap brushes (base coating and metallics) and nice brushes (faces and detailing). Order some paint. Clean your paint station. Get organized. Set reasonable and attainable goals. Prepare for battle. Use the forums to ask questions so you don't paint up 1000 points of a bad idea with a hard counter. And, to our glorious moderator, I vote we keep the 'unit a week' series in 9th--and perhaps even consider expanding to 'BA & the core/special rule of the week' or something like that as well.



Spot on, @Caine!


Just the sort of advice I'm hoping to in part.


I think all of us who have been in this hobby have gone through the cycle of new shiny comes out > hype > over-hype > over-buying > painting debt > new shiny comes out enough that to impart some friendly advice, I strongly recommend that you wait for rules and such to percolate before going crazy buying stuff. With the rapid-fire pace of releases from GW since 8th, the model you buy Monday could be FAQ'd and invalidated by Tuesday, so proceed with caution. 


...of course if you love the models and just want to collect things, then of course that's entirely your call. 


Just trying to impart some caution and a measured approach to things. 

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For me, I'll be buying all the new toys, just makes sense. I might abandon some of my existing unpainted intercessors as there will only be so many i need and I for sure will need some running melee ones. I imagine a multi part kit for them will have worse poses - much as the multipart intercessors are generally worse than the dark imperium ones.

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