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BA and 9th Ed

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Preordered the Sm codex over Ebay. 
That's it for a while, nothing else I really want is up for order yet. 

Veteran assault Intercessors is a thing now. so, a full squad will have more than 50 attacks if the make contact. good by Ork problems. I imagine that's what the PDC will do as well. hopefully better than that. 

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For now. We'd best wait until the Supplement drops before we all run off to buy things like Centurions.

i honestly doubt we'll see further restrictions in the codex, doesn't make much sense, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered including restrictions in the main codex at all.

Perhaps, but we've been burned before. Best wait until things are confirmed.


At least wait for the FAQ when they say 'oops no, we missed the Blood Angels restrictions paragraph...'

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Im not bothered about centurions.. we have enough unique stuff like sanguinary guard


I think Steven box’s last list was




Phobos lib (warlord)

W/master of deceit/icon of the angel


8 sanguinary guard

8 sanguinary guard

10 death company

W/jump packs 5 with hammers

Sanguinary ancient

W/Hero/ standard of sacrifice/ heroic bearing


2 5 man units of incursors

2 5 man units of scouts

2 3 man outrider squads

And a culexus assassin


Which he won an rtt with

Edited by redshadow
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Some interesting stuff so far from the leaks, got my pre order in but already there's some things which will require FAQ ing for specific BA units, so it's hard to build a list without knowing if they will appear in the FAQ


duty eternal now a datasheet rule for dreadnoughts - libby dread

apothecary abilities - sanguinary priest (no apothecary keyword)

sanguinary guard getting 3W

BA cannot take chapter ancient upgrade, but no mention of chapter master / master of sanctity / master apothecary which we already have named characters

I'm assuming we can use the master of the forge upgrade


just what I've picked up on so far. there's probably more

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It's possible we stand to lose more than to gain with the folding into the main codex. With our mighty array of relics, the ones from C:BA might fall away with the supplement so that we're left with the ones from BoB.


Right now, we've already lost the Terminator Ancient with the Archangels Standard as it's no longer listed in the main codex entry, while there's a specific option for a BA(and successor)-only weapon loadout. Now you might say, "Terminator Ancient? What was that?" and you'd be right to ask this since terminators weren't much good until now! Alas, the Archangels standard gave us (old Chapter Master) re-rolls to hit in 6" - for every unit. With the option of taking another relic with him and his versatile loadout, the BA Terminator Ancient was quite a hidden gem in my opinion. No more!

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Are all relics and warlord traits from the previous Dex and blood of Baal no longer valid? We are stuck with the new codex stuff until the supplement arrives?

No, C:BA ceases to be valid by the time the C:SM drops.

Don’t want to be a naysayer, but I’m not too confident we’ll get all of our relics and WLT over to the supplement.


Edit: BoB will most likely still be valid though, as all psychic awakening books still are I think.

Edited by SnorriSnorrison
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Newest Publication always takes precedence, overriding and invalidating previous materials unless specifically stated otherwise by GW.


So Codex: Space Marines (2020) > Codex: Blood Angels (2017).


Blood of Baal *technically* is invalidated as well, but GW had mentioned some sort of holdover FAQ’s/Errata to keep BA/DA/SW/DW somewhat whole until the supplements drop.


In short, it’s an awkward period of time.

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Codex: BA/SW/DA are still for sale on their online portal, so I think that it can be concluded that (Codex: BA + Blood of Baal + FAQs) will service as the supplement in the interregnum before the actual supplement is released.


Pretty much my view on things. We aren't going to get a FAQ populated with all our missing units, nor are we going to have to go without them for X amount of months.

Edited by Jolemai
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tbh, i never much liked the Blood Angels relics, so if we get replacements I may well end up happier.

Wouldn’t hold my breath for much new ones, to be honest. I think we’ll get the ones from BoB and then the marine relics in our supplement...


im guessing we'll get some of the BoB ones and some of our codex ones plus the marine ones.

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To be fair the standard of sacrifice came out of nowhere. As much as I'll miss it, it's only going back where it came from

Well, it came when we lost the feel no pain bubble from sang priests. I always saw it as the replacement.

Anyway, I'm getting quite nervous about or supplement here. Potentially we could get everything we ask for, but I prepare myself for some letdowns here. I guess GW tried to tone down Marines a bit so I don't have much hope for units that needed a buff (Baal pred) to become better. Hopefully they don't mess up the Sang guard.

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I think Blood Angels, if they go the Primaris route with some classic units in support, are big winners from the new book.


The Assault Intercessors are excellent troops for close combat themed armies.


The Bladeguard are very powerful for their points, and durable on top.


Sanguinary Guard will hopefully be updated to 3 wounds.


It's hard to predict how the older units will be affected prior to their supplement coming out, unfortunately.

Edited by Ishagu
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The Assault Intercessors are excellent troops for close combat themed armies.


The Bladeguard are very powerful for their points, and durable on top.

How do you get them into CC? Aren't they movement 6 and without fly or other options to ignore terrain?

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