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And with some good refinement to my list, I'm also going to funnel it into the meme-zone. The apothecary is going to lose his crusaders helm for the honour vehement; I'm fully intending of locking Accept Any Challenge and having the terminators blast anything that they can get their hands on. 


Gooood. :laugh.: Remember to chuck Fires on them too. 41 TH attacks from the full squad of eight!

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And with some good refinement to my list, I'm also going to funnel it into the meme-zone. The apothecary is going to lose his crusaders helm for the honour vehement; I'm fully intending of locking Accept Any Challenge and having the terminators blast anything that they can get their hands on.

Gooood. :laugh.: Remember to chuck Fires on them too. 41 TH attacks from the full squad of eight!

It's be 42, I put champion in the seargent lol

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As of now I've only played two games with the new supplement (but I've painted oh so many new models). I had one crushing defeat against Snakebite Beast Snaggas and just had a crushing victory against the new GSC.


Admittedly, we did a narrative mission that made the cultists deployment a little less reliable (we had to a reinforcement roll anytime we brought in reserves and he failed to bring in any of his reserves turn two, although I also failed to bring in most of mine). A properly buffed crusader squad with uphold can really absorb a lot of punishment from their heavy weapons and can fly up the board with Grimaldus advance buff. I'm also pretty proud of Grimaldus. Not only did he shut down a good chunk of my opponent's psychic powers but he also took a charge from a patriarch and survived with one wound. Some intercessors helped plink a few more wounds off the patriarch and in my next turn Grimaldus finished him off. Again, the mission we played didn't do my opponent any favors and he was using a new army and new codex for the first time so I don't think it's the best indicator but he's a good player and very meticulous with his movement so I at least feel more confident that we have the tools necessary to blunt a GSC attack and then respond in kind.

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didnt read the no relics part!

That is so lame. I could make a better phobos list by taking interceptors and scouts to represent stealthy crusader squads!

Also, side note; has anyone tried a 5 man vvet squad with minimal gear? basically  a crusader squad with more attacks, using chainswords or maybe power weapons and a serge with LC's?  comes out to around 111pts with bones of mordred. I would try but I dont have enough LCs

Edited by Tiger9gamer
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I got my game in with my meme-distorted competitive list. My opponent was my usual one; last time I played him was at the mini-tournament with his thousand sons and he was using them again in a time+duplicity list. Despite taking Grimaldus with acclamation, I figured going Accept would make this much tougher than the first match; he surely remembered multiple turn 1 charges and would position better.


Our mission was vital...something. Wedge deployment, 6 objectives, and scouring scoring (aka the worst scoring that makes for one sided games). Wonder of wonders, I actually took first turn after going second for something like 8 games in a row. I took abhor, oath and stranglehold as secondaries.


My turn 1 was pretty underwhelming. I moved onto 4 objectives (really 5, but we'll get to that) with my chaplain and bladeguard leading, my terminators were solidly half way up the board thanks to acclamation and Grimaldus, and an attack bike and both redemptors shooting had taken 3 wounds from a Vindicator. His turn 1, Ahriman burned down my bike chaplain, his scarabs gunned and chopped my blade guard and a maulerfiend took my impulsor off its objective. My attack bike got vidicatord.


Turn 2 is where it got spicy. My eliminators had been behind a wall outside of scoring an objective; my ostensible 5th. If I had moved into it, they would have been blasted by a Vindicator or two so my plan was to push them onto it. My opponent had ended up duplicity-porting a 5 man rubric to toe that objective anyways, so in the end I pushed and then obsec'd to score. Because of that, I managed to hold 3 for primary, important on the skewed primary scoring in this mission. I went to powering up my assault terminators with acclamation and devotion (strat to guarantee)...and failed reroll aura. Kind of important when hitting on 4s lol; I ran my chapter master to provide token aura support. My dreadnoughts just barely managed to kill the maulerfiend on its objective and I charged my terminators into his 10 scarabs with -1 to hit and 4++.


So, how did the combo work out? The scarabs exploded. I rolled quite well and forced 26 saves, but that wasn't even at full combo power.


That meant he only had 1 objective going into his turn and couldn't score primary. He tried his best to split my focus with redeploy shenanigans, but I countered by killing abandoned characters holding objectives and doing another great push play to contest and left him getting 0 on primary for the second turn in a row. He called it.


So thoughts. Obviously the Accept+honour combo works on the terminators. It's nuts. But I was very lucky that thousand sons let me not worry about Uphold; realistically I should have taken abhor and acclaimed accept, but I told myself I was picking accept and that's what I did. Secondly, the scoring format works very well for my army; it bullies and is fast enough to force uncomfortable reactions. That let me pull some really good plays with push and conviction that let me lock him out. I was so pleased by them, that it honestly overshadowed the terminators, which was the entire point of the game lol.

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When the supplement first came out I joked around to my gaming group that I was gonna flood the table with a righteous black tide of infantry. After reading the rumors about tau and eldar , but really those filthy tau and their filth weapons, I’m gonna try to do the foot slog list in reality.


What’s everyone else opinion on these rumors and how it may or may not effect our Army?

In 5th i managed to win a local tournament with black tide. Had 65 marnines dread and a predator destructor on the board with 1500 points. Chappy and ec as hq. But that was in fifth but great fun nonetheless.


When the supplement first came out I joked around to my gaming group that I was gonna flood the table with a righteous black tide of infantry. After reading the rumors about tau and eldar , but really those filthy tau and their filth weapons, I’m gonna try to do the foot slog list in reality.


What’s everyone else opinion on these rumors and how it may or may not effect our Army?

In 5th i managed to win a local tournament with black tide. Had 65 marnines dread and a predator destructor on the board with 1500 points. Chappy and ec as hq. But that was in fifth but great fun nonetheless. And those filthy tau had just emefrged with their stingwings and broadsides

Edited by Brother Carpenter
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Our mission was vital...something. Wedge deployment, 6 objectives, and scouring scoring (aka the worst scoring that makes for one sided games). Wonder of wonders, I actually took first turn after going second for something like 8 games in a row. I took abhor, oath and stranglehold as secondaries.



oh man, same mission as my last game. It was terrible. I made the mistake of putting objectives in buildings too, which my rhinos couldn't sit on or get to. Which is a big pain in a mechanized list like mine!

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But you can't have terrain over the objective marker, so rhinos should be able to get in the objective from some angles.

I meant it being on top of buildings, but I see your point. next time it will be on the ground, but I'm still mostly new to how missions work in 9th

It's how urkh mentioned. You set objectives first and then place terrain, which can't cross over the 40mm objective markers. All the objectives will be on the ground floor and theoretically accessible by any unit type as a result.

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But you can't have terrain over the objective marker, so rhinos should be able to get in the objective from some angles.

I meant it being on top of buildings, but I see your point. next time it will be on the ground, but I'm still mostly new to how missions work in 9th

It's how urkh mentioned. You set objectives first and then place terrain, which can't cross over the 40mm objective markers. All the objectives will be on the ground floor and theoretically accessible by any unit type as a result.


Whelp, that is me not knowing how the hell missions work. I know about the game up to that point lol.


good to know! next time my rhinos will be way more involved!

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Can objectives be inside area terrain? We started playing on the GW layouts, and basically every time some end up within terrain.

Raw, no. The GW layouts are terrible because there's...3 and they don't work properly with their own objective placement and you have to nudge the terrain to maintain the clearance over the objective. WTC actually has layouts for specific missions and has better terrain coverage as well.

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close combat vs shooting


If I look into 40k statcentre and hear from our WTC team - Templars are a shooting army.


5 Eradicators + 5 Plasmainceptors, both eqipped with Icon of Heinman and Crux Obisdian for being tanky and shoot everything to death.

Thats exactly what I feared when I read that codex. SB suck, no real buff for melee with good stratagems and the the vows ( should not talk about that).



Its time for a new Marine book to fix that mess. I am still not over this book. 

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close combat vs shooting


If I look into 40k statcentre and hear from our WTC team - Templars are a shooting army.


5 Eradicators + 5 Plasmainceptors, both eqipped with Icon of Heinman and Crux Obisdian for being tanky and shoot everything to death.

Thats exactly what I feared when I read that codex. SB suck, no real buff for melee with good stratagems and the the vows ( should not talk about that).



Its time for a new Marine book to fix that mess. I am still not over this book.

It's really weird then, how all the winning BT lists seem to have the core of their army be melee. Shooting support is in every single marine list regardless of chapter, and the relic bearers are mandatory for getting success out of the supplement. Putting them on the durable units that can't be covered by Aurelian shroud in that style of list is a no brainer. But that doesn't make the list a shooty list, and ignores the 150+ chainsword attacks it pumps out.


You're also ignoring the list that's won a tournament and placed at others with basically all melee units outside 3, non-relic eradicators.


Like what do you honestly think a Templar list should look like? A 100% melee list? And it should still be competitively viable? Unlike any other faction or subfaction in the game, as even crusher stampede takes hive guard.

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close combat vs shooting


If I look into 40k statcentre and hear from our WTC team - Templars are a shooting army.




Like what do you honestly think a Templar list should look like? A 100% melee list? And it should still be competitively viable? Unlike any other faction or subfaction in the game, as even crusher stampede takes hive guard.



I personally think this is going to be even more true with Tau and Eldar on deck. Even now with Custodes (to a lesser degree), pure CC isn't the way, however it's clearly evident CC is an element in the last GT winners that I am aware of.


The thing is, even with my White Scars which are arguably locked into a speed+assault build as much as any army, they need to lean into those very same units as well. Those units are just solid marine units.


Marine wise I think BT sit in the realm of White Scars, Blood Angels and Space Wolves. All four feature CC themed armies yet quite a bit of difference in execution, but even so, all of them often feature similar shooting aspects.

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