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One BT player topped a 36 players GT:


++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Adeptus Astartes – Black Templars) [108 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Chapter Selection: Black Templars

+ Stratagems +

Stratagem: Revered Repositories [-1CP]

Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-1CP]: Number of Extra Relics

+ HQ +

High Marshal Helbrecht [8 PL, 160pts]

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts]: 1. Litany of Divine Protection, 4. Fires of Devotion, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Tannhauser’s Bones, Warlord, Wise Orator

+ Troops +

Assault Intercessor Squad [11 PL, 134pts]: Fist of Balthus
. 5x Assault Intercessor: 5x Astartes Chainsword, 5x Frag & Krak grenades, 5x Heavy Bolt Pistol
. Assault Intercessor Sgt: Heavy Bolt Pistol, Power fist

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Initiate: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Initiate: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

+ Elites +

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [11 PL, 230pts]: Icon of Heinmann
. 5x Bladeguard Veteran: 5x Frag & Krak grenades, 5x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 5x Master-crafted power sword, 5x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant: Neo-volkite pistol, Sword of Judgement

Primaris Apothecary [5 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, The Crusader’s Helm

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 185pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Terminator Assault Squad [19 PL, -1CP, 316pts]: The Crux Obsidian
. Assault Terminator Sergeant: Stratagem: Champion of the Feast
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. 6x Assault Terminator w/THSS: 6x Storm shield, 6x Thunder hammer

+ Heavy Support +

Eliminator Squad [5 PL, 75pts]: Bolt sniper rifle
. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle
. 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades

Eradicator Squad [7 PL, 145pts]: Melta rifle
. Eradicator
. Eradicator Sgt
. Eradicator with MM: Multi-melta

Whirlwind [7 PL, 135pts]: Whirlwind vengeance launcher

++ Total: [108 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++

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Looks like the 2 brick, 2 redemptor style is a good one, with the tech units being pretty open. Glad that's pretty much exactly my list and I can play around with what I want to flex in with that last ~340 points.


I'm a little curious what he took the eliminators for, maybe its the cheapest way to hold the middle/screen? I did something similar with an invictor, but the eliminators are both cheaper and don't give up a secondary (at the expense of being niche in their targetting).  

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Eliminators are dirt cheap comparatively speaking for Space Marine units. They can infiltrate and use Guerrilla Tactics to score ROD.

rod not that easy anymore!

I think marine won't pick that secondary anymore, too. Making 5 marine models, no matter of what kind, idle for a whole turn, is too costly. It is for factions like gsc.

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Lost my first game against orks only because of the mission. Killed around 56 orks (bikes, and 4 squads of 10 storm boys, that trike) , Ghazgul and a battle wagon, but only lost because I was overwhelmed by numbers on objectives and lost because a few tanks gave up 


gotta say though, the vindicator is really working for me this last game. Killed a battle wagon, killed a power Nob squad, took wounds off Ghaz before my dreadnaught knocked another 4 wounds off,


NEVER taking thin their tanks again. Killed so many models and got 6 vp for it in the end. Next time just taking Grind them down.


had to charge my vanguard off in a direction they were useless in for a turn, but I needed to protect my backfield objective.


my list only has 20 crusaders in it, and I gotta say I am disappointed I worked so much on putting power fists on so many guys. That minus 1 to hit is killer…Dunno what else I could put on them besides running them naked (had one squad with only Chainsword that also didn’t do too much! Wish I had power weapons on them)

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Lost my first game against orks only because of the mission. Killed around 56 orks (bikes, and 4 squads of 10 storm boys, that trike) , Ghazgul and a battle wagon, but only lost because I was overwhelmed by numbers on objectives and lost because a few tanks gave up 


gotta say though, the vindicator is really working for me this last game. Killed a battle wagon, killed a power Nob squad, took wounds off Ghaz before my dreadnaught knocked another 4 wounds off,


NEVER taking thin their tanks again. Killed so many models and got 6 vp for it in the end. Next time just taking Grind them down.


had to charge my vanguard off in a direction they were useless in for a turn, but I needed to protect my backfield objective.


my list only has 20 crusaders in it, and I gotta say I am disappointed I worked so much on putting power fists on so many guys. That minus 1 to hit is killer…Dunno what else I could put on them besides running them naked (had one squad with only Chainsword that also didn’t do too much! Wish I had power weapons on them)


I was thinking of running a dual fist Crusader squad but I think you almost need full re-rolls to do so. 


Here's my two cents... I've been running a solo crusader squad and it's only 10 men and it's big, and a bit awkward. I get why some successful lists are running 3 squads. But in my case, even with a LOT of terrain, I lose almost the entire squad every time. I think even if they were 20 dudes large, I would have these heavy losses. 


Believe it or not this is why I don't regret the shotguns I put on my Initiates. They run, they die, they shot gun. They almost never make close contact. It would have to be against a VERY aggressive opponent but I play a lot of shooty armies here lately. (AdMech, Sisters, etc,) 


As I hit double digits with the army I am still unsure what to do with Crusaders but I do know that I don't regret putting... nothing on them essentially. They draw a LOT of attention. I'm not even sure if it's worth having a 20 man...? I don't know if it's worth building a second squad of 10? I seem to do alright with the points elsewhere.


It is good to hear about the Vindicator now but with Tau around the corner (I just hate the no invuln idea on a gun.) We have a few local Tau players that will be chomping at the bit to get those greasy Tau out. 

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Lost my first game against orks only because of the mission. Killed around 56 orks (bikes, and 4 squads of 10 storm boys, that trike) , Ghazgul and a battle wagon, but only lost because I was overwhelmed by numbers on objectives and lost because a few tanks gave up 


gotta say though, the vindicator is really working for me this last game. Killed a battle wagon, killed a power Nob squad, took wounds off Ghaz before my dreadnaught knocked another 4 wounds off,


NEVER taking thin their tanks again. Killed so many models and got 6 vp for it in the end. Next time just taking Grind them down.


had to charge my vanguard off in a direction they were useless in for a turn, but I needed to protect my backfield objective.


my list only has 20 crusaders in it, and I gotta say I am disappointed I worked so much on putting power fists on so many guys. That minus 1 to hit is killer…Dunno what else I could put on them besides running them naked (had one squad with only Chainsword that also didn’t do too much! Wish I had power weapons on them)


I was thinking of running a dual fist Crusader squad but I think you almost need full re-rolls to do so. 


Here's my two cents... I've been running a solo crusader squad and it's only 10 men and it's big, and a bit awkward. I get why some successful lists are running 3 squads. But in my case, even with a LOT of terrain, I lose almost the entire squad every time. I think even if they were 20 dudes large, I would have these heavy losses. 


Believe it or not this is why I don't regret the shotguns I put on my Initiates Neophytes. They run, they die, they shot gun. They almost never make close contact. It would have to be against a VERY aggressive opponent but I play a lot of shooty armies here lately. (AdMech, Sisters, etc,) 


As I hit double digits with the army I am still unsure what to do with Crusaders but I do know that I don't regret putting... nothing on them essentially. They draw a LOT of attention. I'm not even sure if it's worth having a 20 man...? I don't know if it's worth building a second squad of 10? I seem to do alright with the points elsewhere.


It is good to hear about the Vindicator now but with Tau around the corner (I just hate the no invuln idea on a gun.) We have a few local Tau players that will be chomping at the bit to get those greasy Tau out. 


Oh whoops! forgot primaris crusaders are the main crusaders now (boooooo)


I am using x3 firstborn crusaders with 2 power fists each, and x1 squad of chainsword crusaders. Had bads charging priority I admit on some turns (a power fist crusader squad should have charged three bikes instead of chainswords.) but I am actually spending 160 points on rhinos. I'm loving transports for the most part this edition, and putting them in rhinos ensures they are not getting blasted as they move up the board! plus they get 3 extra inches when disembarking.


I gotta come up with a better way to deploy and get my VVets out on the board too. last game I almost couldn't deploy everyone because other models they were so close together. captain had to go off on his own and almost got killed by a single mob of orks.


I may bite the bullet and start bringing power axes and swords on my units. I'm used to them not doing too well, so I was hesitant to bring them! how things change...


Also.... holy crap are my to wound rolls bad. The amount of times I failed a 3+ is just depressing. 

Edited by Tiger9gamer
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This sounds crazy because I know how popular and powerful Chappies are, but in reference to your wound rolls.... I have been using a Castellan LT for my third HQ and it's actually been probably more potent and reliable. I love using the Dread strats, but this guy is actually doing some work for me too.

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This sounds crazy because I know how popular and powerful Chappies are, but in reference to your wound rolls.... I have been using a Castellan LT for my third HQ and it's actually been probably more potent and reliable. I love using the Dread strats, but this guy is actually doing some work for me too.

yea, I have an apothecary for my third character with the works on him, but I do wish I had something to help with wounds. Gotta think about it in the future, but so far the apothecary has helped bring people back more than anything


I am just happy that even with abysmal rolls, my opponent only had a dakka jet and 4 commandos left on the board after everything was done.

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When the supplement first came out I joked around to my gaming group that I was gonna flood the table with a righteous black tide of infantry. After reading the rumors about tau and eldar , but really those filthy tau and their filth weapons, I’m gonna try to do the foot slog list in reality.


What’s everyone else opinion on these rumors and how it may or may not effect our Army?

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When the supplement first came out I joked around to my gaming group that I was gonna flood the table with a righteous black tide of infantry. After reading the rumors about tau and eldar , but really those filthy tau and their filth weapons, I’m gonna try to do the foot slog list in reality.


What’s everyone else opinion on these rumors and how it may or may not effect our Army?


it's hard to analyze with very limited information. 


They're both going to be stronger, so expect to have to deal with the things they bring that have been missing; heavy shooting and overwatch for tau and...usually everything from eldar. Depending on the ap and strength saturation of eldar, maybe get ready to use abhor more to cheese them with movement. 

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This sounds crazy because I know how popular and powerful Chappies are, but in reference to your wound rolls.... I have been using a Castellan LT for my third HQ and it's actually been probably more potent and reliable. I love using the Dread strats, but this guy is actually doing some work for me too.

yea, I have an apothecary for my third character with the works on him, but I do wish I had something to help with wounds. Gotta think about it in the future, but so far the apothecary has helped bring people back more than anything


I am just happy that even with abysmal rolls, my opponent only had a dakka jet and 4 commandos left on the board after everything was done.



I also use the Apothecary. The LT is my third HQ, but fourth character. I know some people have had good times with the Judiciar but he doesn't fit for me. 


So I'm typically playing: HQ: Helbrecht, Chap on Bike, LT. (fourth character being Apothecary). In fun games, I'm swapping out the LT for the Champion (who in my opinion should be an Elite choice).


I know Grimaldus is very popular too. Some claiming his aura extends to the relic bearers (but I'm not too sure). However as good as Grimaldus is, I like the Bike chappy for speed, and relic choice.

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When the supplement first came out I joked around to my gaming group that I was gonna flood the table with a righteous black tide of infantry. After reading the rumors about tau and eldar , but really those filthy tau and their filth weapons, I’m gonna try to do the foot slog list in reality.


What’s everyone else opinion on these rumors and how it may or may not effect our Army?


Honestly it doesn't affect my selections because I play shooty opponents frequently. This includes AdMech which can easily take down a Crusader squad a turn. For this reason I don't fully commit to infantry or vehicles. I actually use Impulsors, and if I used firstborn, I'd use a Rhino or two.


Though denying an invuln for Tau is certainly a head shaker. I hate that idea creeping into ranged weapons. (Knights must be estatic about this idea!) 


Although that makes me second guess my transport ideas, I hate having to foot slog against stuff like Admech.

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Some claiming his aura extends to the relic bearers (but I'm not too sure). However as good as Grimaldus is, I like the Bike chappy for speed, and relic choice.



What's not to be sure about? 


Both the banner and the temple piece say "within 6" of the unit", and the unit comprises of 4 models. If they didn't want the aura to spread from the unit, then there would be a clause like the one found under Grimaldus' Priest rule that says "For the purposes of Litanies, measure all distances from this unit's Chaplain Grimaldus model". 

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Some claiming his aura extends to the relic bearers (but I'm not too sure). However as good as Grimaldus is, I like the Bike chappy for speed, and relic choice.



What's not to be sure about? 


Both the banner and the temple piece say "within 6" of the unit", and the unit comprises of 4 models. If they didn't want the aura to spread from the unit, then there would be a clause like the one found under Grimaldus' Priest rule that says "For the purposes of Litanies, measure all distances from this unit's Chaplain Grimaldus model". 



Agreed. Or even his Spiritual Leaders aura which specifies 'this unit's Grimaldus model'. 

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This sounds crazy because I know how popular and powerful Chappies are, but in reference to your wound rolls.... I have been using a Castellan LT for my third HQ and it's actually been probably more potent and reliable. I love using the Dread strats, but this guy is actually doing some work for me too.

yea, I have an apothecary for my third character with the works on him, but I do wish I had something to help with wounds. Gotta think about it in the future, but so far the apothecary has helped bring people back more than anything


I am just happy that even with abysmal rolls, my opponent only had a dakka jet and 4 commandos left on the board after everything was done.



I also use the Apothecary. The LT is my third HQ, but fourth character. I know some people have had good times with the Judiciar but he doesn't fit for me. 


So I'm typically playing: HQ: Helbrecht, Chap on Bike, LT. (fourth character being Apothecary). In fun games, I'm swapping out the LT for the Champion (who in my opinion should be an Elite choice).


I know Grimaldus is very popular too. Some claiming his aura extends to the relic bearers (but I'm not too sure). However as good as Grimaldus is, I like the Bike chappy for speed, and relic choice.


my choices are a tanhauser bones captain w/ THSS and 2 warlord traits, a biker MoS chaplain with wise orator and Adamantine mantle, and a chief apothecary with selfless healer and crusader helm. I spend 6 cps before the game counting for my VVet squad. So far it has been pretty worth it, tho the apothecary didn’t have much to do last game. Still, I like the set up, but when I go jump packs I may bring a lieutenant… dunno.

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The rules wording of "you can pick up to 1 faction exclusive secondary" is changed to "pick at least two from universal secondaries".


Bad news: marine player can't pick one marine secondary, one chapter secondary.


Good news: BT secondaries are not popular so it doesn't hurt us.

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So I'm hoping to score a game this weekend where I can put my newly tweaked list into play.


The core of the list is the elite-city style with 2 redemptors, 6 bgv and 6 thss termies to be the main damage dealers. It has its tännhausers bike chaplain, chapter master (but not helbrecht), apothecary and main caster chaplain to provide support, as per usual. The flex area I had an impulsor, invictor and attack bike with orb to add some extra board control and spike damage.


After thinking about the eliminators in one of the 1st place lists recently, I'm going to drop the invictor for a unit of three, as the invictor just got targetted down anyways and gives up 2 for bring it down; I'll bulk up the terminators to 8 with the spare points.


And with some good refinement to my list, I'm also going to funnel it into the meme-zone. The apothecary is going to lose his crusaders helm for the honour vehement; I'm fully intending of locking Accept Any Challenge and having the terminators blast anything that they can get their hands on. Theoretically, the list has enough durability on its core units, and the elite infantry wants to grind stuff down anyways, but we'll see how/if it goes.


Edit: I'm considering swapping the foot chaplain w/breviary and a bladeguard out for Grimaldus.



-save a cp

-help add durability back to the dreads

-help get to the mid-field with 3+d3 advance.

-can deny a psychic power



- praying on a 2+ is more unreliable than a 3+ on two dice

- I lose a bladeguard

- I put an eye watering 9 more vp on the table


I'm also considering throwing all common sense away and taking acclamation instead litany of protection. Just in case I needed to really one-round something like belakor/impossible chicken.

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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