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And Weekend update



Inquistor Abygayl Selene

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Purgation Squad Everand Des Barres

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Updated Completed Army Group Shot


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paint in progress


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build completed and cockpit painted

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Better Photos take on my Raptors

Back to Badab Kill Team- Raptors Team 7


Completed Group


10th Co Chaplain Arthurus

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Phobos Librarian hes

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Chief Apothecary Chraddas and Apothecary La Rocha

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5th Scout Squad led by Veteran Sgt Helios

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Solid work on the Raptor kill team, all the extra gear and the upgraded boltguns are both thematic and cool. The Chief Apothecary is also really nicely done, I like the way you've mixed the white and green, plus the ever-awesome hazard striped chainsword.

  • 3 months later...

So I have not been idle past few weeks, but I'd gonna say the lack of updates for past 3 months is not all my fault. Dealing with water leak in kitchen, torn up flooring, and living in a construction area has taken a toll on the the hobby time. Perks of Adulting and home ownership... I guess.

So while my last few posts in here focused on Grey Knights and Updated pictures of my Raptors. I have an upcoming game in a few weeks with my Friend Entropmancer, so I had to decide: Play my Grey Knights, Play my Raptors 10th co force, or build/ Play Adepta Sororitas.

I choose to Build, paint and play My Adepta Sororitas. One I havent played Adepta Sororitas since 6th ed (but have not played much from 7th-current), they are my Favorite army in 40k, and I am an old school Sisters of Battle player since their original release. Als hes playing his necrons so it is fitting my 1st game in 9th, is against him (he's been my regular opponent since I started 40k) with my Sisters, and Sancutary 101 is often discussed with us.

Enough talking here's the built models.


From Front Left: Canonness, Celestian Squad, Repetina/ Repentia Superior, Retributors, Dominions, Seraphim, Hospitaller, Imagifier, and Palatine


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Battle Sisters Squads

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I'll get better pics once I get started painting them.

And I had a busy 3 days to get back to modelling this weekend:

Thursday I sent the day Magnetizing my bases with magnets from Magnet Baron and basing the models.

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Friday afternoon I primed the models with Vallejo Surface Primer Gloss Black

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Friday evening I started on the 2 Rhinos I currently have in the army.


Saturday Morning I started on my Flamer immolators and got just need to finish the Turret

  • 3 months later...

So I have not updated this thread in a little bit. I being having some home remodelling done and kept meaning to get around to updating this thread.

July 1- 3 2021- resumed painting Terminiator squad and decided to switch from 7th to 1st Brotherhood due to sheer amount of vehicles I have for my Grey Knights.


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So I started on the banner itself

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I picked up Adeptus Titanicus and more Aeronautic stuff and was distracted with that for a few weeks.

My hobby area was taken down for the remodel and I finally got it back around the end of August and built these models:

Assassins, Dual Falchion Interceptors, Sword and Halbred Interceptors, Crowe, and Purgation squad with Incinerators.

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Well one of the Dual Falchion Interceptors was my free model from the warhammer store.

Last Weekend I built more Grey Knights

Psycannon Purgation squad

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Then I started a test model for my Grey Knight Kill Team (2021 version)

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This past Weekend I completed building my Grey Knight Kill Team:

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And then started on My Adepta Sororitas Kill Team

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I was able to build some more models this weekend:



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Sacresants Celestians

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Kill Team/ 4th Battle Sister Squad

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Start of Zephyrim Squad

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  • 3 weeks later...

And paint (airbrush)

Primed Vallejo Surface Primer Gloss Black




Airbrushed Deathshroud clear on to models that were silver already.




immolator was not sprayed as I ran out of Deathshroud Clear

Edited by war009
  • 4 weeks later...

Well Saturday night after work I retruned to workign on Brother Achaddeus:





Borther Martesias completed (minus name plate). Squad is now at 3 of 5 Completed

Sunday I sat down to work on the last 2 Members of the squad

Brother Drystan




Brother Icanus





Both are almost completed minus name plates and their Servo skulls "Santic Blessing" Markers

Group shots




L to R: Justicar Alaric with truesilver armor, Brother Martesias with Servo Skull "Psybolt Ammunition", Brother Achaddeus, Brother Icanus Servo Skull "Santic Blessing", and Brother Drystan with Servo Skull "Santic Blessing"

Took advantage of the long weekend and got some models primed and finished

First up: Finished Hand of Titan Kill Team's name plates


Primed some Vehicles I have been slacking on (and started mocking up Techmarine Razorback)


I finished my Servitor squad


and started on my Interceptors


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