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  • 1 month later...

Wife decided Holiday decorating was more important then hobby time :down: but I was not going to die on that hill disagreeing with her.  Plus We are going to Warhammer World in April as part of our honeymoon...so it was for sure not worth it. 


But I did get some time to work on Land Raider #4 aka the Redeemer



Don’t know if this is considered a WIP update but started magnetizing bases for next round of Grey Knight terminators…



lower Tray 6 squads of 10 Brotherhood Terminators with ancients and Apothecaries 


upper tray 2 squads of 10 Paladins with ancients


should I add 3rd squad of Paladins? 

That's a great looking collection Terminators. You seem to have a lot on your proverbial plate; I'd say don't add a 3rd squad yet and get those tanks painted!


Especially the Land Raider mkII b (If I'm not mistaken about the designation - haven't seen one of those in ages). That'd have to be my favourite LR hull ever; minus the WW1 bulky sponsons. Regardless, keep up the good Emperor's work!



53 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

That's a great looking collection Terminators. You seem to have a lot on your proverbial plate; I'd say don't add a 3rd squad yet and get those tanks painted!


Especially the Land Raider mkII b (If I'm not mistaken about the designation - haven't seen one of those in ages). That'd have to be my favourite LR hull ever; minus the WW1 bulky sponsons. Regardless, keep up the good Emperor's work!




Correct the Mk IIb plus the Blood and Skulls  land raider upgrade and tracks.  It is actually for my Purifiers as I wanted a different look for their Land Raider.  Main delay on tanks  is waiting on decals to come from Sweden and Netherlands via Etsy. 


45 minutes ago, Antarius said:

Nice looking GK! Good job on the nemesis weapons :smile:


Thanks it is the Army Painter Fanatic Plasma glow. 

3 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Now we can see your secret to getting so much done - those empty orange bottles of caffeine pills! :tongue: 


Seriously though, that's a good amount of Grey Knights :thumbsup:


lol, Cheap and easy paint handles.....just throw some double sided tape on it 

Started the process of building terminators to fill out my squads to 10 man. Here is the first 5 of 23.  Halbreds and sword guys were last 2 need for my 2 Psycannon squads and Apothecary is the first of four for one of psilencer squads



I feel tat this might be a bit of an odd question but don't you feel tired of painting these firstborn Grey Knights? You have a seizable collection already and you appear not to be daunted by tackling even more of 'the same models.' I don't want to sound as if I think that's something bad or that you're not doing the right thing. Quite the contrary.


I'm asking this question out of curiosity about your mindset. Personally, I let GW and people on the Internet 'get to me.' I'm determined to finish my firstborn Templars out of a sense of obligation - it's the right thing to do for my past self; but I'd much rather move on to other projects. Generally, when I get about painting my models, I'm really enjoying it. However, I struggle to get started because of the nagging, intrusive, negative feeling that it's all futile since I'm working on the same old models over and over again and, even though they are my models, I can't shake the feeling that they're slowly but definitely becoming obsolete by external forces. Luckily, you seem to be immune to such nonsense thoughts.

44 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

I feel tat this might be a bit of an odd question but don't you feel tired of painting these firstborn Grey Knights? You have a seizable collection already and you appear not to be daunted by tackling even more of 'the same models.' I don't want to sound as if I think that's something bad or that you're not doing the right thing. Quite the contrary.


I'm asking this question out of curiosity about your mindset. Personally, I let GW and people on the Internet 'get to me.' I'm determined to finish my firstborn Templars out of a sense of obligation - it's the right thing to do for my past self; but I'd much rather move on to other projects. Generally, when I get about painting my models, I'm really enjoying it. However, I struggle to get started because of the nagging, intrusive, negative feeling that it's all futile since I'm working on the same old models over and over again and, even though they are my models, I can't shake the feeling that they're slowly but definitely becoming obsolete by external forces. Luckily, you seem to be immune to such nonsense thoughts.


So I have been a fan of Grey Knights for a long time. I tried and failed to build Grey Knight Armies in the past but when Covid hit it gave me the opportunity to build them as it was limited color pallet and I could paint them. Plus I was watching a lot shows and movies about Knights, like Kingdom of Heaven and Knightfall. I had a lot of Grey Knights laying around unbuilt. So I went about building an army around power armor. And now I am maxing out my Terminators.


I just put it out of mind, honestly. I used to worry that others thought about my army, play style, listen to what others said about how to play my army and what I should field. But some of the voices were speaking of things they did not know about.  I played Pewter Sisters of Battle from 1997 until the plastics were released. During a game against another local, he was telling me what I should do as he had been playing sisters for a few months, I proceeded to eliminate all his units and take little losses with hyper aggressive play style with my sisters.  While he was raging about how bad the tactic he was using was, I explained to him that changing out the transports was not how the tactic was devised and not moving forward was foolish with an all mounted army.  He said what did I know and shop owner told him it was my tactic I had created and I changed how I played because it boring for me.  Plus many bad experiences with tournies I have been in. At the end of the day it is my army, I want to play for fun, win or lose. 


I think of each of them as their own heroes. They may not be named, but each one has their own Heraldry which is done last to solidify their individuality. I would name them all but I am waiting for the naming charts we have in the 10th edition books.  My long time Gaming opponent @The_Oni_of_Hindsight and I have always looked at our armies as a Task force that are constantly in conflict with each other.  One reason I have a Militarum Tempestus, multiple Imperial agents armies in progress and an Ad Mech army being purchased, as they are all part of my Task Force and to break up the painting tedium of all that silver.  


When they are eventually upscaled, will I rebuild them, no. I'll focus on my Adepta Sororitas or my other armies. 

That is a very reasonable approach. I see your points. I think you have the added bonus of having an actual person (or local community) to interact with and the gaming aspect that most certainly help you keep 'on track.'


13 hours ago, WAR said:

So I have been a fan of Grey Knights for a long time. I tried and failed to build Grey Knight Armies in the past but when Covid hit it gave me the opportunity to build them as it was limited color pallet and I could paint them. Plus I was watching a lot shows and movies about Knights, like Kingdom of Heaven and Knightfall. I had a lot of Grey Knights laying around unbuilt. So I went about building an army around power armor. And now I am maxing out my Terminators.


Yeah, GK were cool - I used to consider them when I began at the onset of 5th edition but before their range refresh. Back then, I also felt the knightly vibes but opted for some Templars. I can only say that I'm glad you went ahead with the project - it's very refreshing to see people still working on models that I remember from my youth (not that I'm particularly old but I'm definitely a different person than 15 years ago). Especially models that are executed as good asa yours. I really like the style and how uniform your force appears to be.


13 hours ago, WAR said:

I think of each of them as their own heroes. They may not be named, but each one has their own Heraldry which is done last to solidify their individuality. I would name them all but I am waiting for the naming charts we have in the 10th edition books. 


I think that this is a really good approach. After all, each Marine is a veteran and models deserve special treatment, even if they're often underwhelming gaming pieces on the tabletop. While I didn't ever feel like naming the bulk of my guys, from the very naive beginning of my hobby I tried to customise my guys and looking back at them, I don't regret that.


13 hours ago, WAR said:

When they are eventually upscaled, will I rebuild them, no. I'll focus on my Adepta Sororitas or my other armies. 


I think that's a good plan, too. I've learnt the hard way that pursuing GW's hotness isn't good for me and, even worse, it's an impossible ask.


Regardless, since I don't want to derail this thread, keep up the good work! I like following your projects.

With my Ad Mech, I am seeking advice from knight and Ad Mech players to see how I can build my forces to deal with knights as it is 2 armies I have never fought with or against.  Grey Knights, Sisters, or Space Marines (Chaos or loyalist) I can play, Guard, nids, tau, orks probably as I have seen them played enough. Ad Mech and knights, my group has played them but I am looking for help from the community. 


I am a fan of Descendants of Dorn and played Templars in 3rd ed.  Yours look great. 


I name all my sisters of battle models.....one of my Repentia is named Karen cause of hair style/ color and the fact she took on multiple dreadnoughts and survived and killed them 


 Center model in pic


I got really burned from another miniature company and gaming system when they rescaled their models, made the old models obsolete, and then didn't update that sub factions rules, then killed them off only to redo them years later and all the precious models that were rescaled are now obsolete.  I am still bitter.

More Terminators added (10 of 23 to max out the 6 Brotherhood Squads and 2 Paladin squads)




Missing Hand is for squad Ancient.  Last 2 squads missing 4 members each and a Paladin squad missing 5

  • 2 weeks later...

Well my friend @HeiYu13 wanted to play Deathwatch years ago, so I gave him my Deathwatch I had sitting around unbuilt. He gave them to our friend @The_Oni_of_Hindsight recently and he built a squad for his army and the weekend I was given the rest of the stuff including my many Artemis models....


Furor Shield Watch Captain Rey Rojo of the Crimson Fists (My Count as Artemis load out)






He will have 2 more load outs: Helmeted, Xenos phase blade, and Bolter and Plasma Pistol/ Power fist for Kill Team.....

Edited by WAR

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