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Speaking of which, here is last group photo 

Built part of the upcoming Call to Arms event 


The built and completed armored company 


Laser destroyer vindicators 



Plus managed to get this built last night 




build back log is just down to 1 more predator, Cerebus, and Kratos 

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I clean it up regularly it usually a disaster.


Yeah 5, 2 squads of 2 and single predator for 3 troop choices (Predators are Troops and Heavy)  in the armored company

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If I was still playing Raptors for 40K I would have one for them but covered in sandbags, stowage, fuel, supplies and camo netting. I still feel like I should do one for them but I got rid of that army 

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@WAR that sounds awesome and I would love to see that done! Shame about getting rid of rid Raptors. I wanted to make a Badab force for each chapter involved but never got passed the planning phase, thats thr closest ive come to seeing a Raptors army.

@INKS you can never have enough tanks, win efficiency be damned, a full tank army is awesome! I remember seeing Stuart Hill 42 tanks in WD 274(?) And that made me want lots of armour.

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20 minutes ago, calgar101 said:

@WAR that sounds awesome and I would love to see that done! Shame about getting rid of rid Raptors. I wanted to make a Badab force for each chapter involved but never got passed the planning phase, thats thr closest ive come to seeing a Raptors army.

@INKS you can never have enough tanks, win efficiency be damned, a full tank army is awesome! I remember seeing Stuart Hill 42 tanks in WD 274(?) And that made me want lots of armour.

Yes I think I know the WD you are talking about. felt the same way. can't get enough tanks!

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I do love the mug ... it sounds like it's borne out of experience :laugh: 


8 hours ago, INKS said:

@INKS you can never have enough tanks, win efficiency be damned, a full tank army is awesome! I remember seeing Stuart Hill 42 tanks in WD 274(?) And that made me want lots of armour.

For the really old amongst us, there was also the multi-player Space Marines vs Imperial Guard battle report with Adi Wood and co, where a rogue psyker (Lord Varlak) had taken over the guard contingent.  More info on on someone's blog

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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10 hours ago, INKS said:

Always love tanks. That is a lot of them. A long long time ago I had an Imperial guard armored company. I never won a lot of games with it but I did have fun


I always wanted a Tank Company never built one, I had a lot of Armored Cav armies back in the day. All Praise the Immolator/ Repressor/ Rhino Rush Sisters army!


10 hours ago, calgar101 said:

@WAR that sounds awesome and I would love to see that done! Shame about getting rid of rid Raptors. I wanted to make a Badab force for each chapter involved but never got passed the planning phase, thats thr closest ive come to seeing a Raptors army.

@INKS you can never have enough tanks, win efficiency be damned, a full tank army is awesome! I remember seeing Stuart Hill 42 tanks in WD 274(?) And that made me want lots of armour.


I honestly blame GW for forcing me to get rid of my Raptors. It was originally a 10th Company list- Scouts and armored support. Then Scouts became elites and I was forced to take Phobos as troops...Ok not so bad Phobos commanders were decent (Librarian).  Then 10th Ed happened and I had no Battle line because Phobos was not battle line. Done. 


Was that the Issue with the Staff game were it showed him building Tanks?  If it was he worked a LGS here cool guy. 


9 hours ago, INKS said:

Yes I think I know the WD you are talking about. felt the same way. can't get enough tanks!




55 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

I do love the mug ... it sounds like it's borne out of experience :laugh: 


For the really old amongst us, there was also the multi-player Space Marines vs Imperial Guard battle report with Adi Wood and co, where a rogue psyker (Lord Varlak) had taken over the guard contingent.  More info on on someone's blog


Lol actually not for a while but I needed a new mug on my desk for Sanding sticks so "not paint water" was a must .  Then kiddos got my a "It's Dad Thing" for me for Father's day so I switched out my Adepta Sororitas Coffee mug.   

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1 hour ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

I do love the mug ... it sounds like it's borne out of experience :laugh: 


For the really old amongst us, there was also the multi-player Space Marines vs Imperial Guard battle report with Adi Wood and co, where a rogue psyker (Lord Varlak) had taken over the guard contingent.  More info on on someone's blog

I do remember this, man that was a long long time ago. lol

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@WAR that is a shame, always annoyed me when rule/edition changes affected a unit badly or an army composition becomes harder to run. I was buying the codexs and rule books as more of a collecting thing, I haven't played a game since 7th and they were largely narrative, apocalypse games.

The article I am thinking about is just a guy who had 42 tanks, 1 of which was a baneblade, which back then was FW only. I'll dig it out later and upload a picture. 

No matter what, any mass armour army is awesome. 

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