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Warhammer Imperium Issue List

Black Knight

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If anyone sees the new issue 12 in the wild, can you verify that the following paints are inside please.


Agrax Earthshade, Screamer Pink and Canoptek Alloy.


Also I have been speaking with a customer service person and they are having to make sure the sprues in 9 and 10 are correct so I am assuming that's the reason for the delays in sending some subs out.

Can confirm those are the three shades with this week

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Not had my issue 11 from forbidden planet yet, thought I'd check the order on the website this morning and it's not been dispatched saying it's awaiting stock.

Bit frustrating as I put the order in on 17th September. Worried now that I'm not gonna get any of my ordered issues

Mine dispatched today - hopefully yours is on route too.

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Not had my issue 11 from forbidden planet yet, thought I'd check the order on the website this morning and it's not been dispatched saying it's awaiting stock.

Bit frustrating as I put the order in on 17th September. Worried now that I'm not gonna get any of my ordered issues

Mine dispatched today - hopefully yours is on route too.


Mine too. 

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19 - Armored Container

20 - Khorne Red and Troll Slayer Orange

21&22 - 10 Skitarri Rangers


Pretty disappointing.


On a side note, Fauxhammer appears to be really milking this deal with Hachette to drive as much interest to his website as he can. Which, I guess, makes sense. Fingers crossed for a full leak soon. Can’t help feeling at this point it’s going to be very heavily weighted towards the back of the run for the really juicy stuff

Edited by AdRoc
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19 - Armored Container

20 - Khorne Red and Troll Slayer Orange

21&22 - 10 Skitarri Rangers


Pretty disappointing.


On a side note, Fauxhammer appears to be really milking this deal with Hachette to drive as much interest to his website as he can. Which, I guess, makes sense. Fingers crossed for a full leak soon. Can’t help feeling at this point it’s going to be very heavily weighted towards the back of the run for the really juicy stuff


A bit disappointing, but also good timing! with xmas and the long haul through January, this selection is good from a financial perspective. 


I may try for the Skitarri rangers as I've got no admech just now, but I won't cry into my pillow if I don't go for them :thumbsup: (but I probably will)

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I have to mirror other people and say I am disappointed. Again another split issue on a 10man troop squad.


Unfortunately if you ever collect Admech you will get the Vanguard and Rangers pretty much for free, as they are always in the box sets. I have never brought any Admech Vanguard and I now have 50 just with what's been within the box sets. This should of been a single issue but it does make you think, as we are now at issue 22 and nothing too large has dropped, that they are running out of issues to put what's left in.


Hopefully this means that some of the better kits will be within smaller sets of issues. Come on single Issue Destroyers, the dream is ALIVE!

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Two issues is nearly £18 (ignoring postage). There are places selling new boxes of them at £22 and lots of auctions for the Skitarii pulled out of those Start Collecting / Combat Patrol or other army bundles for less. So it's a marginal saving at best, and only if you can get them in person postage free.


That said, it's a great kit and packed with fun options.

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Also with regards to Fauxhammer, that site is so hard to actually find what you are looking for. All the articles are interweaved with other article links, etc. Its a shame because it could be a great collection of information for someone like me to read.  Due to all the filler on there all I want to do is get on it it and hopefully find what I need within 10 clicks and get off there as fast as possible.


When I click a link to an article I shouldn't then have to go below the fold five times to get to the content.

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Can’t help feeling at this point it’s going to be very heavily weighted towards the back of the run for the really juicy stuff



This should of been a single issue but it does make you think, as we are now at issue 22 and nothing too large has dropped, that they are running out of issues to put what's left in.


Hopefully this means that some of the better kits will be within smaller sets of issues. Come on single Issue Destroyers, the dream is ALIVE!


 I was about to say the same... The more issues they send out split like this means less issues left for the juicy stuff, which hopefully means some really good deals.

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Depending on how they split the sprues, it might be worth getting one of the issues for the weapon options though they are pretty spread out across all three sprues so actual value/utility will vary for everyone.


I will probably give this one a miss - I only have two squads of these guys but imagine I will end up with more easily enough when I buy something else another time.

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Good Idea with the weapons lhg033, I am not sure how much they cost of Ebay nowadays but definitely a way to do it if you can't use or make Ebay financially viable anymore.


I don't think we will know which sprue is in which issue until it comes out unless those images used for the front covers are the models on the sprues.

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19 - Armored Container

20 - Khorne Red and Troll Slayer Orange

21&22 - 10 Skitarri Rangers


Pretty disappointing.


*Shrug* - these things had to come at some point and frankly I'd rather the Skitarii came on two consecutive issues than be 30 issues apart from each other. Sure it feels like a bit of a dud delivery for the likes of us, but if you're the actual target audience for this product (i.e. brand new to the game/hobby), it's still cool new stuff.


I have to mirror other people and say I am disappointed. Again another split issue on a 10man troop squad ...This should of been a single issue


It was never going to be a single issue, because 3 sprues is more than the physical space the cover of the magazine allows; I even said the Skitarii were an obvious candidate for being split across multiple issues back in March.


Also with regards to Fauxhammer, that site is so hard to actually find what you are looking for. All the articles are interweaved with other article links, etc. Its a shame because it could be a great collection of information for someone like me to read.  Due to all the filler on there all I want to do is get on it it and hopefully find what I need within 10 clicks and get off there as fast as possible.


When I click a link to an article I shouldn't then have to go below the fold five times to get to the content.


100% this. He always uses a thousand words when a hundred will do, new articles about topics (like Imperium) always seem to include the content of previous articles so you have to abuse your scroll wheel to actually get to what you want, and that's assuming you even found it in the first place when multiple articles have similar names and header images. I can only assume it's designed to be intentionally confusing to get you to click more links and load more ads? 


This kind of padding seems to be a thing these days, recipe blogs are exactly the same. Like I don't need to read an excerpt of your life story about the trials and tribulations of how you came up with this dish, just tell me how to make it. Youtubers are the same, stretching 2 minutes of content into a 15-minute video; "lets jump in and let's get started" - mate you've already been waffling on for half the runtime, get on with it.

Edited by Halandaar
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