The Unseen Posted February 19, 2021 Share Posted February 19, 2021 (edited) So, came up with a new chapter after Devastation of Baal basically killed off my previously chosen named successor, but I can't be too mad, as starting from scratch has been kinda fun.Still quite a bit of work left to do, but it's not a bad start. Chapter: Crimson Oracles Erythrean Prognosticators Chapter Heraldry: Blue/white winged blood drop, on black Codex: Blood Angels Colour Scheme: Crimson Armor; Bone Right Shoulders, Black Right shoulders with alternate knees Allegiance: Fidelitas Totalis Extremis Battle Cry: In Morte, Sumus Victorius (In Death, We Bring Victory) Noted Excellence In: High Intensity Warfare, Strategic Decapitation Strikes, Planetfall Insertions , Multi-Vector and Sub-Orbital Attack, Void Warfare Homeworld: Nimloth Bordering Segmentum Obscurus and Ultima Segmentum Sector Arboreteum, Sub-sector Nimloth {The Arboreteum sector is so named for having several worlds tentatively identified as Maiden Worlds of the Aeldari, with many life-sustaining but otherwise barren and uninhabited worlds in the region, filled with riotous variations of xeno-form life. These worlds have remained empty on the writ of the Martyred Primarch Sanguinius at the birth of the Imperium to this day, under penalty of execution by successor chapters of his bloodline; With the exception of scattered Imperial holdings on inhospitable worlds and airless moons in the region, and the few recovered human colonies liberated during the Great Crusade. The Nimloth sub-sector is the location of the Crimson Oracles homeworld of the same name, and whose parent star is the final grave-marker of the shattered craftworld Magc'Sithraal. } Neighboring Regions: Helioret, Cyclops Cluster, Coronid Deeps, Agatheon Domain, The Frost Gyre Founding: 2nd Founding Chapter of the Blood Angels Primarch: Sanguinius Fortress Monastery: Nimlothrin {Nimlothrin’s founding can be traced back to the earliest days of the Imperium, during the great crusade. Originally a frontier outpost for the Ixth legion, established sometime during the war against the mad Craftworld Magc'Sithraal and its army of wraith constructs. Explaining Nimlothrin cannot begin without first explaining the bio-artifact that the fortress is named for. Nimlothrin is an ancient and ill-understood “relic”, a structure that encompasses the entire planet, made of a psychically reactive substance that has no known analogue; that potentially predates even the Aeldari, similar to the wraithbone structures common to that race, but distinct to itself. To date, no other identical structure has been found. This great wraithbone “tree”, for lack of a better term, has roots threaded throughout the entire planet of Nimloth, reaching all the way to the planets core according to the Mechanicus delegation that first mapped the planet prior to occupation by the IXth legion, but it flowers in only one location. In this place, its buried roots come together above ground, and form a trunk the size of a small city. Upon and inside this structure does the Crimson Oracle Chapter reside. Legend, and surviving Mechanicus records, make the claim that Wraith constructs of Magc'Sithraal lay in wait at the heart of the tree for when Sanguinius himself entered the secluded chamber, and attempted to slay him. While their weapons were esoteric and powerful, they of course failed to slay the Great Angel, but they caused a single drop of that most potent and precious of Vitae to spill upon the dormant Nimlothrins heart. Once the last of the wraith constructs lay destroyed, the wicked light of their insanity finally fading after uncountable centuries, Nimlothrin awoke at that taste of blood. From that day onward, it has only ever responded to those of Sanguinius’ bloodline, and most strongly to those who have inherited his latent psychic gifts. The Librarians of the IXth legion quickly realized that the great tree responded to their very wills, but most of all to that of Sanguinius himself, reshaping itself into a home fit for a garrison of redoubtable Angels, its inhuman elegance replaced with a more wholesome, but no less beautiful aesthetic to match that of the Angels themselves. } Non-Standard Organization and Doctrinal Specializations; Quote: Knowledge is a power as lethal as any blade, as much to the wielder as to his foe. Wield it well, in the Emperor’s name. ~ Brother-Oracle Zophiel Specialist Formations: {Oracularum: The Crimson Oracles lend great weight to the auguries and council of its assembled Librarians, known as Brother-Oracles individually, or as the Oracularum among the Chapter as a body. Rare indeed is a strike force of Crimson Oracles that are un-aided by bloody rites of divination. This is due in no small part to the Epistolary that had a hand in the founding of the chapter during the Scouring, and gives the Chapter its name. The Mortuorum, or Death Company in low gothic, Battle-Brothers lost to the Black Rage are inducted into this formation of dead men walking; the same madness seeing them sent on suicide missions grant them a resilience and ferocity beyond even their battle-brothers. The deployment of these doomed warriors is only ever granted with the over-sight of a Warden of the chapters Reclusium, and the blessing of a Brother-Oracle. Sanguinary Guard: Named after Sanguinius’ bodyguard during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, and nearly wiped out during its climatic final battle above Terra, these golden-clad warriors are equipped with relic wargear and are paragons of Sanguinius’ bloodline. Perditus (The Lost): Error, Records Expunged } Preferred Enemy: Aeldari Corsairs, Pirates, and Chaos-Aligned Raiders originating from the Frost Gyre and neighboring warp storms in the Coronid Deeps {As a chapter founded upon the extermination of a Craftworld, and dedicated to the study of an Aeldari adjacent bio-artifact of terrifying scale, it is no surprise that the Crimson Oracles are a potent weapon against the perfidious Eldar. That aptitude is forever honed hunting Corsair pirates and Drukhari raiders spilling from hidden webway gates endemic to their region of space. The divination's of the Chapters Oracles joined with the ferocity of Sanguinius bloodline has proven itself more than a match for Xenos trickery. The Chapter does not hesitate to fight the enemies of the Emperor wherever, or whomever, they might be however, the chapters preternatural ability to strike at an enemies vulnerabilities with overwhelming ferocity and blinding speed both in the void and in conventional warfare is just as devastating turned against other foes as it is versus the pirate fleets that haunt their home sector. As such, it is common for the majority of the chapter to be committed to crusades and ongoing conflicts the width and breadth of the Imperium, the divination's of the Oracles sending detachments of battle-brothers where their timely intervention might most help the embattled worlds of the Imperium. } Gene Seed Mutations: While they keep it a secret from all outside their Chapter, the Crimson Oracles suffer the dual gene-curse of Sanguinius; the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. Unique Rituals: { } Oath: {For He that is enthroned on Terra? We Swear Eternal Loyalty, For He is the Master of Mankind For the Angel that is lost to us? We Weep Bitterly, Though his Blood yet flows in us. For Humanity? We Fight, To Preserve that from which we are forsaken. For Ourselves? We Die in Honour, granted the Emperor’s Peace } Allies of Renown: Imperial Knight House Orhlacc: {This macabre and sinister knight house has found common cause with the Crimson Oracles many times since the days of the Horus Heresy when they were but a single chapter in the mighty IXth legion, and the bonds of mutual loyalty, debt, honor, and favor have bound the two bloodlines of warriors ever tighter in the intervening millennia. House Orhlacc is never more deadly than when its volleys of energy weapons are focused on cracking the strongholds and armored vehicles of their mutual enemies, rendering them ripe for assault by squads of crimson-clad killers. } Titanicus Terranic Ordo Sinister: {The Ordo Sinister is known by the informal cognomens "The Left Hand of the Emperor" and the "Nightmare Titans," and is considered one of the most covert and macabre of all the Imperium's agencies of war and political control. The Ordo was involved in the same conflict that ultimately led to the founding of Nimlothrin and the Crimson Oracles themselves, during the final apocalyptic battle that led to complete annihilation of Magc'Sithraal, but if any bond between this most mysterious of Titan Legios and the IXth legion existed, and survived the sundering of the Astartes Legions and the following 10 Millennia, only the Ordo, and perhaps Matraen, know of its existence. Rumor, that most deceptive thing, continues to spread that Astartes warriors in the dark crimson of the Oracles have been sighted at the feet of Titans bearing the colors of the Ordo Sinister, but the truth of such matters lie locked behind the Ordo’s continuing secrecy. } Forge-Moon of Valnex {When the IXth legion first garrisoned Nimloth, the planet itself was given over in perpetuity to the IXth legion, and later the Crimson Oracles, but one of Nimloths three satellites, Valnex, was given over to a detachment of Mechanicus who had loyally followed Sanguinius throughout the great crusade, who desired a base of operations to study the Aeldari artifacts Magc'Sithraal had left behind. Sanguinius, in his beneficence, granted them Valnex for this purpose. The moon held vast mineral wealth, veins of priceless adamantium, and hidden underground lakes of raw promethium, airless and inhospitable though it was; under the condition it supply the IXth legion, and more specifically the Nimloth garrison, with necessary war material as part of its output, and would be granted salvage rights to the entire sub-sector. While nominally still a Mechanicus holding, the loyalty of the original Mechanicus founders lay more closely with lord Sanguinius, who inspired loyalty and awe even from the machine-men of the Mechanicum than it did to distant Mars, and over the centuries the Forge-Moon has become little more than an industrious chapter forge thanks to its long periods of isolation and close ties to their Astartes charges. The Chapters techmarines are trained on Valnex, and many of them spend more time on the forge-moon than they do on Nimloth, and are often granted similar status as the full priests. The Forge-Master of the Crimson Oracles is said to have been inducted into some of the Mechanicus’ most closely guarded secrets, such is the esteem Valnex holds him. Such a close brotherhood is ill-favored by the rest of the Mechanicum, but the writ of a Primarch, though ten millennia gone, still holds more weight than grumblings from distant lords. } Chapter Relics: {Custos Memoria: The Crimson Oracles flagship, a battle-barge of ancient and noble lineage, her keel was laid down on Mars during the Great Crusade, and is one of the finest ships to still sail the void at the close of the 41st Millennium. The Custos Memoria is a class of ship that is not often utilized by the Adeptus Astartes, appearing more like a Navy Battleship than a traditional battle-barge, though extensive refit and repair work have led to the ship being much changed compared to its original state, and the Custos Memoria is now a unique chapter relic rather than a purely STC derived battleship. Its name is given thanks to its immense and nigh-indestructible cogitator core, which has survived the Custos Memoria’s crippling several times, and as such the Crimson Oracles use it as repository for their chapters accumulated history and lore, as a back-up to the more esoteric storage of the Nimlothrin. The Chapter claims that the ship records can be traced, whole and undamaged, back to the vessels construction. } Recruitment Process: {During the original garrisoning of Nimlothrin, a sizable number of chapter serfs, primarily of Baalite genetic stock, was left behind, under the watchful gaze of the IXth legion. Under the guidance of Arturo, and with the assistance of Mechanicum Biologis research facility on one of Nimloth’s primary moons, Valnex, this garrison of humanity was quickly reinforced with a robust breeding program, bolstered with the arcane biological knowledge of the Mechanicum, the human population of Nimloth quickly increased well beyond the bounds of Nimlothrin itself, and many small, self-sufficient communities were quickly established and spread across the planet. These communities lacked many of the amenities, and security, of Nimlothrin, and the burgeoning colonies had extreme variations in weather and temperature, hyper-verdant foliage, and a variety of large and lethal mega-fauna to contend with, but compared to Baal, Nimloth was a paradise world despite its still present dangers; and the Baalite serfs turned colonists began to flourish. The descendants of these original Baalites are the primary recruitment source for the Crimson Oracles. Over the centuries, much of the technology available to the Imperium has been neglected and forgotten across much of Nimloth, any technology not robust or useful enough having been discarded, with the farthest outlying city-states having regressed back to a pre-industrial tech base, hunting the mega-fauna with sharpened steel, fire, and ballistae; while the cities closest to Nimlothrin itself remain in a state similar the original colonists, relying on durable forms of renewable energy. Open conflict between the city-states is uncommon but not unheard of, skirmishes over prime hunting ground and valuable resources are a matter of rote. The Oracles, rather than fight this state, seem to have deliberately sponsored it, presumably so as to provide a suitable testing ground for their recruits. The chapter is quick to intervene if any conflict seems primed to destabilize the delicate structure of the city-states politics, or that of Nimloths ecosystem, which to this day is temperamental and prone to violent outbursts if abused, but otherwise remain aloof from the affairs of the mortals under their care. The Crimson Oracles hold close to the rituals of Insanguination laid down by Sanguinius himself during the Great Crusade, and therefore the process of converting a mortal into one of the Astartes for the Crimson Oracles is nigh-identical to that of the remaining Blood Angels Chapter, aspirants, once passing the trials of induction, drink from a chalice containing the mixed blood of all the chapters Sanguinary Priests, and are led to a sarcophagus. There they will sleep for a Terran year, fed intravenously with nutrients, and Astartes vitae. Those that survive the process emerge as paragons of war, echoing Sanguinius in form, and ready to begin their training as chapter initiates. } Successor Chapters: None Known Notable Engagments: This is a compilation of what records could be found of the Crimson Oracles Chapter of Astartes in the Imperial Archives. Defence of Helioret c.967-969.M30 {The Helioret Sector had, since the opening years of the 960s.M30, been under escalating attack from eldar corsairs and marauder forces based upon a half-shattered craftworld known as Mac’Sithraal. These eldar were by any example of their species who had been encountered insane, tortured creatures, still reeling from the fall of their ancient power, driven by grief and suicidal with bitter hatred for all other races. They had fallen upon the worlds of Helioret with merciless violence, burning planet after planet, unleashing strange synthetic plagues that fused flesh into bloodied crystal, and fractured moons and orbital stations to tumble down upon the worlds below. The Imperium’s response to the onslaught soon escalated until scores of regiments of the Auxilia Imperialis had been mobilised against it, with them Taghmata forces from Anvilus and Incaladion, supported by a demi-legio of the Tiger Eyes titans who tried bitterly to hold the line against the splinter-bone Wraith Titans of Mac’Sithraal at Luxor and Ratep. Utter loss of those key worlds was only averted when a full third of the IXth Legion took to the fray with their primarch Sanguinius at the fore. Not even this apocalyptic force could win outright victory, but instead saw the Eldar forced back to a defensive ring around their sundered and debris-trailing craftworld. It was as the angelic primarch girded his forces for an all-out attack against Mac’Sithraal that he was unexpectedly joined by a squadron bearing the Seal and Writ of Terra and the Imperial Household. With it were a dozen Black Ships carrying within them cohorts of the Silent Sisterhood and a trio of unmarked titan conveyors with the warlords of the Ordo Sinister in their holds. The battle which followed was shocking in its intensity, with the barbed, swift hulls of eldar warships set burning across the void as they fought both the steel-grey war-barques of Anvilus as well as the proud, white-hulled battleships of the Armada Ultima. As the void battle raged, the sleek Black Ships and the crimson predators of the Blood Angels’ fleet dove straight on to their quarry. Crashing through the decaying spires and force-domed atmosphere of the desolate craftworld, the invaders were met by Mac’Sithraal’s army of the dead - thousands of wraith-constructs ranging from swift-footed assassins to towering warriors and titan-walkers, all powered and animated by the vengeful souls of that haunted realm. Reality rippled and shuddered as the eldar distortion weaponry rent the air, tearing crimson gunships from the skies, while below, ancient colonnades and towers toppled, hammered by remorseless shellfire - and as missiles rained down in detonating waves, the landing was forced. A score of eldar titans rose up from the depths of their ancient vaults, and at their head was a warlock titan, filled with the souls of Mac’Sithraal’s fallen seers. The Imperium had encountered it before and named it the ‘Witch-Idol’. Where it had walked, no Imperial victory had yet been won. Against this massing of force, the Imperial assault first faltered and was checked as even the titans of the Legio Fureans landing with the second wave were swiftly torn apart by the Witch-Idol and its kinsmen, though the Angel Sangunius destroyed one of their number himself, tearing open its head with his bare hands and sending it crashing to destruction before being struck a grievous blow by the Warlock’s psi-lance which none other would have survived. It was then that the three titans of the Ordo Sinister made their landing,and at their footfalls the very fabric of the craftworld shuddered in revulsion. From their carapace weapons poured volleys of rocket fire and searing turbo-laser blasts as might have been expected from any battle titan, while their right hands were vast power claws which twitched in expectation of the close-quarters kill, but from the baroque and strange weapons that served as their left arms, there spat a silent darkness. These bolts of black nothingness slammed through the ranks of the wraith-constructs, devouring everything they touched. While in the aftershock of their detonation, scores more wraith-kind simply fell like severed marionettes, never again to stir. Howling a great chorus of grief and outrage, the eldar titans rounded on the newly arrived giants and let fly, pulse lasers cutting the sky apart between them while the Witch-Idol conjured a tempest of eldritch warp-lightning, its coruscating wave of destruction suddenly met by an ice-white blaze of force emanating from the god-engines of the Ordo Sinsiter and shattered. The backlash of the negated forces shook the craftworld like an earthquake, tumbling space marine and wraithguard alike to the ground like toys. Empyreal force had been met with empyreal force and it was clear to every spectator how: the god-engines of the Ordo Sinister were psi-titans. The conflict that followed was a true battle of the gods, and the recovering primarch Sanguinius had wisdom enough to give the titans a wide berth for what was to follow. For three standard hours the titans fought, unleashing destructive forces on a scale enough to break a dozen cities. Pulse laser slashed metre-thick ceramite armour, only to have it melt and reform in the wake of the destruction, though not even such occult protections could hold back the lethal strike of a gigantic eldar power blade plunged deep into the reactor at the heart of one of the Ordo Sinister’s number. Ghostlike holo-fields flickered and shuddered as the eldar titans danced the dance of death with impossible grace, and fusillades of screaming rockets found only empty air, but not even such mastery of speed and confusion could stop the ravaging darkness of the warlords-sinister’s primary weapons. Slowly but surely for the eldar titans, four became three, became two, became only the wounded Witch-Idol beset still by two of the Ordo Sinister’s warlords, although both were damaged. Its lance shattered by a blast of ravening emptiness, it sang its defiance across the empyrean, but was answered by prisoning hurricanes of psychic force against which its superior manoeuvrability became nothing more than the struggle of a battered scarecrow caught in a storm. One of the warlords-sinister then seized the Witch-Idol’s broken shoulder, holding it captive while its darkcompanion tore off the warlock titan’s head. With the Witch-Idol’s destruction, it was as if the soul of Mac’Sithraal had died as well. Lights flickered and died across the ruined craftworld, systems failed and the end began. The last remnants of the eldar who had not already fled their dying homes came on in a suicidal frenzy, but found only the fury of the Blood Angels and the cool savagery of the Silent Sisterhood waiting for them.The psi-titans of the Ordo Sinister did not wait, instead they bore up the remains of their fallen comrade and departed the battlefield without further communication. The last of the slaughter was not long in coming, and the final act of the Defence of Helioret was for the wreckage of the broken craftworld to be hurled into a nearby sun to die its final death. } The Scouring: (~M32) { } The Pentarchy of Blood (860-940.M33) {During the War of the False Primarch, a dark and bloody episode of the Imperium's history, now largely lost to myth and purged from the record, which plunged the Segmentum Pacificus into anarchy, the Pentarchy of Blood was convened by the High Lords of Terra to enact their judgement. Five Chapters; the Crimson Oracles, the Carcharodons, the Death Eagles, the Flesh Eaters and the Red Talons are used to systematically destroy eleven Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes judged Traitoris Perdita and lay waste to their home worlds, finally drawing the eight decade conflict to a close. } Great Malagantine Purge (770-791.M38) {The Great Malagantine Purge was an Imperial military operation carried out by 5 Space Marine Chapters collectively termed the Manus Irae ("Hands of Wrath" in High Gothic) who unleashed the Emperor of Mankind's wrath upon the heretical Malagant Sector in the Segmentum Tempestus. The details of this operation have been kept secret from the Imperial Adepta, including the Inquisition, with the records of the campaign sealed deep within the Celarno Vaults on Terra. What is recorded in fragmentary Imperial records is that the Manus Irae were charged by the High Lords of Terra of that era to "spare none and set a bloody, fearful example to the realm of Mankind." The death toll unleashed by the Manus Irae during the course of this 21-year long campaign is believed to have been enormous and to have reached hundreds of billions of lives. Whole worlds were put to the sword by the Astartes or were wiped clean of all life by Exterminatus orders that unleashed a hideous, flesh-dissolving virus upon their inhabitants. The Black Fragments of Cardinal Bloch the Reviled, one of the few remaining heretical sources which contain information concerning the Purge of Malagant, explains that the Manus Irae consisted of 5 Chapters, but listed only three by name, including the Fire Hawks, Silver Skulls and the Charnel Guard. Close examination of the Crimson Oracles chapter archives of this time period show an unusual gap in the normally meticulously recorded history of the Crimson Oracles, but only the Emperor knows the truth of the matter. } Angevin Crusade (322-384.M39) {Praetor Golgenna Angevin, a powerful noble from the Terran Court is raised to the rank of Lord Militant and granted a writ from the High Lords to persecute the Angevin Crusade to liberate and dominate the area of space designated as the Calyx Expanse. His Crusade forces were drawn principally from the Segmentum Solar and numbered over 17 million levied troops divided into four battle groups and a strategic reserve, re-enforced by Titans drawn from the Legio Venator and Legio Magna, as well as the Charnel Guard, Crimson Oracles, Black Templars, Tigers Argent, and Sons of Medusa Chapters of Adeptus Astartes and a significant naval deployment from the Battlefleets Solar and Obscurus. A score of Rogue Trader and Explorator fleets ranged ahead of the main forces identifying targets and providing active reconnaissance in this dangerous region of space. Swelling the Imperial forces' already vast ranks were tens of thousands of "pauper warriors" of the Frateris Militia whipped up into a frenzy of holy zeal by the Ecclesiarchy and innumerable petty hangers-on, opportunists and logistical transports, with supply trains leading back whole sectors away from the front. With their final victory achieved in 384.M39, the Angevin Crusade officially ended, giving rise to the birth of the Imperium's Calixis Sector. } Downfall of the Heretic Priests of Syrinx (~590.M41) {During what is now known as part of the build-up to the Cicatrix Maledictum opening, a previously stable warp storm blocking travel to the Syrinx system, located very near the Nimloth sub-sector, suddenly; and without warning or portent even to the Oracles of the chapter, dissolved. The chapter responded in force to a faint psychic distress signal coming from a hitherto undiscovered human world, left undisturbed since the Age of Darkness. Its ruling caste; the so-called Priests of Syrinx; were a heretical mockery of the Tech-Priests of Mars, and refused the Crimson Oracles offer of compliance with Imperial rule, hid the source of the distress call, and were discovered to unfailing follow the commands of an ancient Silica Animus program installed many thousands of years ago before mankind’s fall into darkness, and finally opened fire upon the Crimson Oracle's diplomatic envoy Captain Vergil at the machines behest. Such heresy could not go unpunished, and after Vergil and his bodyguard had slaughtered the supposed welcoming party of Priest’s for their treachery. Vergil relayed a single designation to the Crimson Oracle fleet in orbit; Hereticus Extremis. In a single Terran day, the great temples of Syrinx were razed to the ground, its ancient and heretical thinking logic-engines were purged, its data-banks plundered of all information and then destroyed, and the populations in thrall to the Priests were put to the sword. As the Priest’s world died to the Crimson Oracle's fury, it is reported that only a single Psyker, believed to be the source of the distress call, along with a relic of un-guessed purpose, was spared. } The Devastation of Baal: { } Notable Members: { Matraen: Master of an Angelic Host Little is known about the Chapter Master of the Crimson Oracles, but what few reports exist on his actions are officially classified as nigh-heretically exaggerated rumors. What is known for certain is that he personally commands the Crimson Oracles’s Flagship, the Custos Memoria, and is well-regarded by other Astartes factions that have had contact with him. Gabriel: The Favored Son, Shining Exemplar Captain of the 5th Company, and Matraen’s heir apparent, as it seems that the master of the Crimson Oracles sees vast potential within this young captain. Gabriel takes to the field wielding the relic hammer Malleus Mortis as if it weighed nothing at all, and directs his brothers with consummate skill. Kharon: The Shepard, Warden of the Lost The High Chaplain of the Crimson Oracles, responsible for safeguarding the members of the Mortuorum, until they are granted the Emperor’s Peace. Zophiel: The Tempted, Fury Unbound A senior Brother-Oracle attachd to the 5th company, sent to advise and guide Gabriel by Matraen himself; Zophiel is a fearsomely powerful psyker, with a seemingly inexhaustible reserve of rage-fueled strength. Zophiel’s foresight is not as developed as some of his brethren, or the Chief Librarian himself, but more than makes up for it with raw battlefield aptitude. Bastiano: The Duty Bound, Custos Captain of the vaunted first company of the Crimson Oracles, and is given the honor, and burden, of ensuring the security of Nimlothrin itself, Bastiano is the Shield-Arm of Matraen. Stubborn and intractable to a fault, it is said in jest that he missed his calling as an Imperial Fist. Alucarde: The Accursed Eye, Unbridled Thirst This mysterious figure is said to lead a small force of Crimson Oracles outside of the normal command structure, and eye-witness testimony from surviving Imperial Guardsman #1266753F, Battlegroup Gamma states that... Testimony Redacted by order of inquisitorial authority: Security Level Sigma++ Arturo: Honored Founder, He of Far Sight Arturo was the Epistolary Librarian given custodianship of the IXth legion garrison upon Nimloth, and whose foresight and wise council eventually led to the founding of the Crimson Oracles, and who served as its first Chief Oracle. Though long dead, his philosophy guides the chapter to this day. } Edited February 19, 2021 by The Unseen Knight Brother Arthur, KBA and Bjorn Firewalker 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 19, 2021 Share Posted February 19, 2021 You really hit the ground running. I appreciate your imagination, organization (so the IA is easy to read), and restraint (so the IA doesn't come off as one of Matt Ward-style "Mary Sue Marines"). I advise adding blank lines between paragraphs, as the tabs used to differentiate them are automatically omitted when copying and pasting text from *.txt and *.doc files to *.html (webpages), rendering much of the IA a difficult-to-read "wall of text". The Unseen 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Unseen Posted February 19, 2021 Author Share Posted February 19, 2021 Will do I had it nicely segmented on the original document, but yeah, the BBCode ate it And thank you I agree in that too often a decent idea is ruined by people insisting that their dudes are just the best at everything always Wanted one "weird" thing, and one major distinction, so archeotech "tree" and a reliance on Oracles KBA 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted March 18, 2021 Share Posted March 18, 2021 Very unique quirk, that tree-fortress. Really enjoyed the background on it, and how the Primarc’s blood awoken it. Great job so far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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