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Jimbos PLOG - armies of all shapes and sizes.

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Hi folks.


I’ve never had a plog before and my hobby activity tends to be in ebbs and flows. I’ve recently had a surge of activity with my primaris sons of orar army so thought I would share that first. I’m also revamping the bases on my Alaitoc army and getting to grips with deathwatch at the mo so will aim to share pics from that shortly too.









Above shows my original test model in the pre-primaris age as well as WIP shots of my batch armies for what is now a full primaris army. I’m working my way through finished test pieces for each of the types of squad.

Well for a first time project log you are off to a great start! These are really nice, I've always had a soft spot for the Sons of Orar and these look great. I really like the weathering, it ties them nicely to the bases. The Assault guys look especially nice. :tu:

Thanks. I’ve had a blog for years that’s been neglected for the past 2. I thought a plog on here may be a better way to do quick updates of progress on various things. I’m new to weathering so still practicing if anyone has any tips.

I admire your skills and efforts.



Excellent work. Is this a CAPT, or a Chapter Master?
Cheers. He was originally envisioned as a captain but he doesn’t really have a place in the all primaris army anymore so he just sits on my desk gathering dust. I realised some of the above pics didn’t show finished versions of the models (not all weathering applied and aggressor needed some work to the ammo hoppers) so here is a group shot.





I’ve got plans to paint test models for every squad type in batches of 3 - currently an outrider / eliminator / inceptor are being worked on - pics soon.

Edited by jimbo1701



The sons seem to follow the codex in that the line troopers have the same colour helm as the majority of the armour and the veteran company has white helms. (When I initially started spraying the base colours I made an error as can be seen above by painting all the helms white, not just the veterans)


I’m trying to decide how to paint squad leader and officer helms. I like the white helm for the captain I. The test model above so will go pure white for captains like with the veterans. I’m thinking the following:


Sergeant - red helm with white stripe

Veteran sergeant - white helm with red stripe as per codex

Lieutenant - white helm with the typical white and red stripes


The one I’m struggling with is the sergeant. Should I go white helm and red stripe like with veteran sergeants to make them stand out a bit more from the rest of the squad or red with white stripe to distinguish from veteran sarges?



Edited by jimbo1701

Update. Fell one short of the target for this week (outrider still on the table) but hit all my other hobby targets as well as finishing these chaps. They need a quick spray with some Matt varnish to take the shine off but done other than that.



Not much sons of orar progress (tho I’ve picked up some bladeguard, eradicators, heavy intercessors, gravis captain and storm speeder as the final parts to the collection) but I’ve been swapping out my freehand blood ravens insignia for decals and converting some stuff for deathwatch. See how the regular and converted gravis captain compare below.





  • 3 weeks later...

Been busy assembling some more primaris but also adding decals to these chaps over the past few months. Not as straightforward as it may seem as the first lot of custom decals I bought were very thick and hard to work with. The second lot were fine though. I also had to strip freehand off practically every shoulderpad and build the layers back up again. All done now though with a box full of future projects.








  • 4 months later...

Few updates of what I’ve been working on. Finished my hobby target for the sons of orar and now onto the next target - one squad a month. Got my other hobby targets met by end of June and now moving on to the next phase. July / august is to paint some death guard in simple contrast scheme and assembling a load of tyranids.








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the Sons of Orar look great, nice and clean, great contrast with the red/white. If i was to knit pick the red line on the captains cloak needs a touch up (4th pic down) but thats the OCD in me lol 


The DG colour scheme looks really great too, look forward to seeing more!

the Sons of Orar look great, nice and clean, great contrast with the red/white. If i was to knit pick the red line on the captains cloak needs a touch up (4th pic down) but thats the OCD in me lol


The DG colour scheme looks really great too, look forward to seeing more!

Thanks and good spot with the cloak. Shall be remedied! I’m hoping to have massively expanded the death guard by the end of this month to 2000 points painted so will post an update on that soon.

  • 3 weeks later...

That is a beautiful batch of the mighty Sons of Orar, I love how crisp that white helmet on the eradicator looks

Cheers. It was definitely worth spending time doing a test piece for each of the squads so that now I’m filling the squads out I can batch paint them. The white is pretty straightforward and I paint it after the red layer. corax white hides any mistakes after that or battle damage worst case. (When I screwed up the white on the outrider frontage I just covered it in gore)

Edited by jimbo1701
  • 1 year later...

Hi all. Sorry for the threadomancy but New Years = new pledge. (And the new file upload format makes things a lot easier. Thought I would recap my hobby shenanigans in 2022 and what lies ahead. 

The sons of orar got a huge boost throughout as I maintained my monthly unit hobby pledge. I managed to achieve all the individual hobby pledges for 2022 save for painting a few units of sisters. On the other hand I did manage a few unexpected hobby achievements too so more than balanced out. 

a brief summary:


Paint 500 points sisters of battle - FAILED 

Paint 2000 points sons of orar

Paint deathwing army to tabletop 

Paint black Templar starter set fully and rest of army to tabletop. 

2500pt Saimm hann army assembled / base sprayed. 

3000pt word bearers army assembled 

Chaos knights army assembled / magnetised 

Thousand sons army assembled / base sprayed. 

Paint 2000 points death guard 

Leman Russ tank company assembled / base sprayed. 

Baneblade assembled / magnetised / base sprayed. 

2500pt Iyanden army assembled / base sprayed. 

1/3 ork army assembled / base sprayed. 

Tyranid army assembled and base sprayed. 









So that’s it for 2022. Very happy with the hobby progress I made as it put a significant dent in the backlog. What’s on the cards for 2023 you may ask. 

- continue to paint one unit a month for sons of orar focussing on new releases where possible. 
- assemble cadian infantry and put on bases. 
- spray word bearers and put onto bases. 
- paint 500 points of sisters 

- base paint chaos knights. 
- add beast snaggas and terrain to ork collection. 
- add more crusaders to black Templars and paint some more characters. 
- paint another 1000 points death guard. 
- assemble a few Necron stragglers and paint 2000 points to a basic standard. 

- assemble Ulthwé force. 
- paint votann starter set. 

quite an ambitious year again that should leave me with very little plastic crack to assemble left in the pile, although 10th Ed will undoubtedly bring plenty of glorious new models. 

so far I’ve managed most of januarys pledge for the sons of orar and started a test piece for word bearers:






  • 2 weeks later...

Stunning. Absolutely stunning - the balance between the quality of the paint jobs, the sheer number of models and the pace you're working leaves me green with envy. It is both demotivating and inspiring.


In short - it was a pleasure discovering your thread and browsing through it. Keep up the good work!

4 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:

Stunning. Absolutely stunning - the balance between the quality of the paint jobs, the sheer number of models and the pace you're working leaves me green with envy. It is both demotivating and inspiring.


In short - it was a pleasure discovering your thread and browsing through it. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the kind words. I know an impossible task lay ahead with my schemes, but seeing whole army shots of projects is good motivation for me to keep trying. 

I find that setting achievable goals and having multiple projects to switch between is key. Achievable so that you have enough incentive to make progress but not overload yourself and make it oppressive rather than fun. Multiple projects helps to keep things entertaining if one project is becoming tedious. It all works out in the end. 

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