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State of the Union (Heresy)

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Its almost like theres a learning curve to learning a new/different/changed rules system. IDK what to tell you dude other than the more you play the game the less problems youll have remembering things.

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I don't mind some added complexity as long as it serves a purpose. Adding reactions for countermoves adds something to the tactical aspect of the game. Turning melta bombs and fury of the legion into 8E/9E strategems would not add anything. That said, other than the reaction system, nothing really strikes me as more complex, just different. A couple added weapon special rules isn't going to make the sky fall.


MK VI I've definitely grown on, it matches a lot of the original Heresy art, especially for the original Titanicus, of which I was not around for. For me, just looking at the box art though, they clearly wanted to pay homage to that, and the trailer to me is especially inspired by that. So I think there's quite a bit in that trailer, and it was a bit more thought out than just 'for the box'.

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Honestly a lot of what I've read seems to be making the rules system more consistent across the board in terms of how it operates, with rules being formatted in a similar way to avoid having to effectively duplicate rules for very similar effects (see bulky, very bulky & extremely bulky being merged into a single Bulky[x] USR), and making them easier to parse at a glance due to said consistency of formatting. Plus some of the changes to Legion traits and unit type structures seem to be doing a decent amount of streamlining over the current system (not to mention the introduction of a movement stat). Certainly feels like it'd be more intuitive to introduce to completely new players than the current ruleset from what we've seen so far.




AFAIK, Concussive has changed from dropping the target to I1 after taking a wound to -WS per number in brackets; so that Perturabo leak that has Forgebreaker at Concussive (5) means a -5WS penalty if hit if Im not mistaken. 


Which makes Astartes Shotguns who have Concussive (1) a bit tastier.


Thunderhammers are also changing to having Sunder instead of concussive?


huh, I hadn't seen that anywhere, I'd been operating on the assumption that the value in brackets was what the wounded unit/ model's initiative would be reduced by, meaning a unit firing with shotguns and then charging would get a nice buff from striking first, making shotgun recon marines with just bolt pistols as melee weapons more interesting, as they could be used to mock up small units without getting butchered in melee


Reducing Weapon skill kinda does that by making the unit charging harder to hit and making it easier for them to hit with the change to the Weapon Skill chart.



Very true, it's gonna be fascinating to see how rules adjustments and wargear changes change the way different units operate, I'm extremely excited to dissect the new lists.

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Its almost like theres a learning curve to learning a new/different/changed rules system. IDK what to tell you dude other than the more you play the game the less problems youll have remembering things.

Training is key that's for sure. And reading the rules. At least once. I don't know how many times I've told my guys that they have to read the rules. 30k is not some boardgame which you can pick up on the fly. You have to read the rules.
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To be taken with a pinch of salt as this may have been a mistake, however I received this notifcation from the Warhammer World Eventbrite page about an event:




If I remember correctly, these events are usually on the Edition release days (they were for 9th ed and AoS 3.0 releases). This might be a good indicator of when the box may drop

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It's probably not too far after that event in May. If they're trying to instruct/teach people how to play, they'd want you to take that home to teach other people. If there's too much time after that, they'll just forget everything.

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Its almost like theres a learning curve to learning a new/different/changed rules system. IDK what to tell you dude other than the more you play the game the less problems youll have remembering things.

You can always do a cheat Sheet for your army for fast reference to the rules you use.



This is genuinely the best tip for any game like this: flashcards are not just for revision, but are perfect to have the key information down on - things not to forget etc.! I usually have a one per unit type, and any 'mechanics' I need to remember or aspects I might easily fail to remember.


Naturally, over time you become so used to everything you then don't forget after all - but really handy for anything to check on the fly with a handy reference card.


Suffice to say, it Is a practice I'll very likely continue with! 

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Seen this posted on a discord I'm in:




Reliable Rumor source says....(GW does like dropping big sales items in June as that is when their financial calendar resets) Preorders for the first content are planned for May, release then in June.

Releases for June:

  • "Heta-Gladius" Launch Box: - £240
  • Rulebook - £43
  • Three Codex like compilation Books - £32.50 each
    • Loyalists
    • Traitors
    • Other Age of Darkness Armies - Loyalists and Traitors

Releases for July:

  • Three different Starter Sets - £180 /£100 / £40 each
  • Space Marine Legionary + Paints Sets (A + :cool.: - £23 each 3 Space Marines 7 paints
  • Getting Started with Horus Heresy Magazine - £10 Includes 2 Space Marine Legionaries

Releases for August:

  • Space Marine Legion Tactical Squad - £36 10 Models multipart in the same fashion like the Chaos Space Marines Common weapon options
  • Daimos Pattern Rhino - £31
  • Space Marine Legion Praetor - £22 Not the same Model than was already shown (So the IF painted one in the box?)

Releases for September:

  • Daimos Pattern Predator - £39
  • Upgrade Spue Sons of Horus - £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue Imperial Fists - £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue Blood Angels - £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue Emperors Children - £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue White Scras - £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue World Eaters - £9.50

Releases without date:

  • Daimos Pattern Vindicator - £39
  • Kratos Battle Tank - £52.50
  • Land Raider - £52.50
  • Land Raider Spartan - £60
  • Contemptor Dreadnought - £35
  • Space Marine Tactical Squad + Rhino - £57
  • Daimos Pattern Rhino Suqadron - £87
  • Daimos Pattern Predator Squadron - £107

Rumor from another thread and solid source, but tied into the Horus Heresy release: GW is working on an expansion / rework of their paint range. It seems like they will introduce dropper bottles. Possible we will see this with starter paint sets for Horus Heresy As always, watch for salt."


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It looks like guessed nonsense @slips - the prices for the vehicles are just stupid (although infantry prices looks ok).


But a current (2000/2001?) rhino is £30, while newer transports like the impulsor or the mechanicus hover craft are £47, and the castigstor (essentially a new predator) is £52.50.


The Spartan is eye-raising too - a land raider crusader is now £65(!). I'd love a new rhino to be cheaper than a current one, and a Spartan less than a lrc, but I'd doubt that very much.


Also no sicaran?


It's also just a rehash of a post Natfka put up in November - http://natfka.blogspot.com/2021/11/rumors-additional-horus-heresy-details.html?m=1 - with new silly prices for guess releases.

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It looks like guessed nonsense @slips - the prices for the vehicles are just stupid (although infantry prices looks ok).


But a current (2000/2001?) rhino is £30, while newer transports like the impulsor or the mechanicus hover craft are £47, and the castigstor (essentially a new predator) is £52.50.


The Spartan is eye-raising too - a land raider crusader is now £65(!). I'd love a new rhino to be cheaper than a current one, and a Spartan less than a lrc, but I'd doubt that very much.


Also no sicaran?


It's also just a rehash of a post Natfka put up in November - http://natfka.blogspot.com/2021/11/rumors-additional-horus-heresy-details.html?m=1 - with new silly prices for guess releases.

Yeah thats what I felt too like it was a "this makes sense" guess for the stuff we'd see but just wild assumptions on price.


For me being in Canada, whenever I see prices in GBP I automatically double them to get a rough estimate of what it'll cost and I was skeptical; then you had a few items on the list like the Tac + Rhino or Rhino Squadrons that had savings in them despite being sold by GW (only FW every really gave small savings for buying bundles).

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In defense of the rhino+squad combo, a few years ago GW had basic infantry squad + transport sets that offered a bit of a discount which I think became quite popular then, and while unlikely it would be a good strategy to have small discounted bundles to make it more attractive for people to buy in.


I'm not gonna hold my breath over this, but since we're bot yet on the 41st millennium over here, I'm going to allow a small flame of hope to remain for the moment being :D

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I like the amount of releases in that list, it’s the kind of support I’m hoping for! The prices are all over the place though and don’t make sense. The upgrade sprue is interesting as I wonder how they’ll do this going forward. With the rumours of every armour mark getting a kit is every legion getting an upgrade sprue for every kit? I just want a plastic kit road map really! What generic units are coming and when!
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It depends on what all is in the upgrade sprue. It would be fantastic if there was some stylized chest plates for a sergeant in them. I'm not so interested in shoulderpads, as I mainly use decals, so I'm quite interested in the rest of the components.

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With the MK VI, Space Wolves could make some pretty cool looking Grey Slayers by crossing with bits from their Blood Claw/Grey Hunter kit.


I want to see what those arms look like next to them, but I'm thinking that could look great. Their current upgrade sprue has some nice bits on it as well for that, the backpack, the axe and the sword would all look good.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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More leaks for UM, IF, and IH on 4chan, thanks to Deus Vult in the main thread in N&R: https://imgur.com/a/1uFHWWz


There are a few pages of stuff missing such as the Phalanx Warders options (they are pretty much unchanged from what I know) and the IF armory/consul page.


First impressions for IF:

  • +1BS to bolt and auto weapons is neat but it seems we lost the re-rolls in challenges for our character
  • Stone Gauntlet got better
  • Hammerfall Strikeforce is useable
  • New Templar RoW is neat
  • Stormshields can now be taken on non-TDA ICs
  • Templar flat 2W across the board and any of them can take a Plasma Pistol if you want but otherwise no big changes
  • Phalanx Warders have Power Axe, bolter, bolt pistol as baseline, sick, and are generally improved
  • Polux got buffed to 2+/3++ from 3+/3++ and has a Sol Glove instead of regular power fist. Meaning he has S10 Ap1 attacks in melee but his WLT was nerfed
  • Sigismund got better - always on instant death now
  • Dorn got more expensive but also got better; always swinging at S8 Ap2 but instant death isn't always on; his armor got improved to being wounded on a 4+ or worse instead of 3+ or worse his bolter is also assault instead of Salvo may have lost Aetos Dios as a unique option though, sadly. He also lost Rampage so he cant get 9 attacks anymore but retained WS8 (which can still go to WS9 with Phalanx Warders) and 6A base is still better than before. Although if reaping blow is unchanged from its current form then he can get +2 attacks for 9 on a charge.

If this is what we're getting - more or less - at launch, then I am a happy camper.

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It depends on what all is in the upgrade sprue. It would be fantastic if there was some stylized chest plates for a sergeant in them. I'm not so interested in shoulderpads, as I mainly use decals, so I'm quite interested in the rest of the components.

I hope it includes weapons. Every legion has unique wargear according to leaks.

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