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State of the Union (Heresy)

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3 hours ago, MegaVolt87 said:

I see a lot of people struggling with IW Tyrants. Please don't make me sad by outranging them with pinning sniper rifles, indirect fire making pin checks from things like  quad launchers, scorpius etc. Pinning stops them from reacting, making them vulnerable to things like dreadnaught bowling, melee vets etc. The intended mechanic is for you to just shoot them normally. :whistling:

Except they're Inexorable, so they ignore the modifiers all those weapons apply.  They're not likely to fail the check if there is a character with them.

The Telepathy Discipline handles them pretty damn easily though.

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6 hours ago, Cruor Vault said:

Except they're Inexorable, so they ignore the modifiers all those weapons apply.  They're not likely to fail the check if there is a character with them.

The Telepathy Discipline handles them pretty damn easily though.

But of those 4 weapons, only 1 applies a modifier lol.  If you want to manage them, the strategy really is either use msu pinning that can't be counter fired, use a kratos with instant death weapons, or use quality melee off the deepstrike/outflank.

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11 hours ago, spessmarine said:

bet having that Teleport is a sweet cherry on top for many people

Yeah it's more than a little bit infuriating that Orbital Assault does not confer Deepstrike to Terminators anymore. Frankly, it's stupid to limit deepstriking TDA to just two legions.

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15 hours ago, newmajorpanic said:

Shhhh, don't tell everyone, or they'll all want one. (I may or may not have already converted one up, ready to go)

Definitely didn’t get a pack of them to outfit three Headhunter squads :ph34r::whistling:.

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Interesting that the Damocles Command Rhino lacks the rule preventing it from carrying bulky models. But, it only has 6 slots so its whatever.

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38 minutes ago, Brofist said:

The Damocles is a big bummer rules wise. So expensive compared to what you get with a cheaper consul or more spendy proteus :( 

Yeah. With no Orbital Bombardment anymore, it's a wonder why it's so much more expensive than its previous incarnation.

Especially when compared to a Master of Signals who gives you better reserves manipulation. Albeit, does also risk screwing your reserve arrivals up too, weirdly; advanced future tech that can scramble signals, but can't differentiate and "not scramble" friendly ones.

Edited by Dark Legionnare
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17 minutes ago, Dark Legionnare said:

Yeah. With no Orbital Bombardment anymore, it's a wonder why it's so much more expensive than its previous incarnation.

Especially when compared to a Master of Signals who gives you better reserves manipulation. Albeit, does also risk screwing your reserve arrivals up too, weirdly; advanced future tech that can scramble signals, but can't differentiate and "not scramble" friendly ones.

There's very much the vibe that some of the strongest units from 1st got harshly nerfed for their sins.

Which would be fine, if we didn't have a whole new array of really strong units and combos. Like oh no, the dread claw gave too much uninteractable turn 2 charging. But we have mass deepstrike charging, from turn 2 onwards...

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1 hour ago, SkimaskMohawk said:

There's very much the vibe that some of the strongest units from 1st got harshly nerfed for their sins.

Which would be fine, if we didn't have a whole new array of really strong units and combos. Like oh no, the dread claw gave too much uninteractable turn 2 charging. But we have mass deepstrike charging, from turn 2 onwards...

The Damocles wasn't even that crazy, which is the weird part. Combined with SoH it was strong for outflanking forces (Arrive on 2 for the damo's +1, re-roll any 1's for legion trait). The no scatter bubble was okay for planes, but those could usually be intercepted to immediate ruin if they were arriving near the damo, instead of zooming to an opposite corner or such. Orbital Bombardmentkilled maybe 20 marines total in the 5+ times I fired it. Aka, not that big of a deal. I digress on the Damo.

The dreadclaw also wasn't bad. Was still easy to knacker with a decent wall of say, autocannons, shatter shells, etc... I'm still assuming its missing "Assault" as a typo. We'll see...

I did play a game last night using "The black reaving" RoW, so I'm totally in line now having experienced executing deepstrike assaults w/Justaerin and warcrimes pals.

I have no idea why they give enough damns to possibly remove Assault from dreadclaws, and up the Damocles, when charging out of DS is very possible now (If not very likely). And your biggest risk to that now is you get put a bit farther away, instead of the bad mishaps from 1.0.

Augery scanners everywhere for 10 pts is the new Vexilla it seems. "You just take it everywhere you can, don't ask questions."

I DO like that the various dreadnought targeting arrays can be used if you're going second now though. That is a great quality of life change I was saying for years should've been FAQ'd.

Edited by Dark Legionnare
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16 hours ago, Dark Legionnare said:

The Damocles wasn't even that crazy, which is the weird part. Combined with SoH it was strong for outflanking forces (Arrive on 2 for the damo's +1, re-roll any 1's for legion trait). The no scatter bubble was okay for planes, but those could usually be intercepted to immediate ruin if they were arriving near the damo, instead of zooming to an opposite corner or such. Orbital Bombardmentkilled maybe 20 marines total in the 5+ times I fired it. Aka, not that big of a deal. I digress on the Damo.

The dreadclaw also wasn't bad. Was still easy to knacker with a decent wall of say, autocannons, shatter shells, etc... I'm still assuming its missing "Assault" as a typo. We'll see...

I did play a game last night using "The black reaving" RoW, so I'm totally in line now having experienced executing deepstrike assaults w/Justaerin and warcrimes pals.

I have no idea why they give enough damns to possibly remove Assault from dreadclaws, and up the Damocles, when charging out of DS is very possible now (If not very likely). And your biggest risk to that now is you get put a bit farther away, instead of the bad mishaps from 1.0.

Augery scanners everywhere for 10 pts is the new Vexilla it seems. "You just take it everywhere you can, don't ask questions."

I DO like that the various dreadnought targeting arrays can be used if you're going second now though. That is a great quality of life change I was saying for years should've been FAQ'd.

Ehhh the Damocles was bad for any legion that could abuse deepstrike without having to use drop pod assault. Night Lords, blood angels, iron warriors, Raven guard, thousand sons, Imperial fists, and sons of Horus all got some huge utility out of it. Maybe toss in scars, wolves and alpha legion for outflank stuff. It cost very little and was a no brainer if you wanted a couple units in reserve.

The dreadclaws absolutely was that bad when combined with other turn 1 deepstrike. Pert and his unit coming in turn 1 with a dread claw and drill to support it; night lords with the 2+ cover leviathan with contemptor dread claws in the wings all on turn 1; soh and Raven guard similar drop pod assault manipulation. They also didn't die to a "decent wall" of shatter or autocannons as they could arrive in flyer mode and just be hit on 6s and would require 6 quads or 27 autocannons to kill it on average.

Agree on the augury scanners; between night fight and intercept it's foolish not to have it.




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20 minutes ago, Astartes Consul said:

Has anyone had experience of the Kratos on the tabletop yet? I will obviously cave and get one at some point regardless, but interested to see if they're any good.

Don't own one and my friends didn't buy it, but my prediction is that it's going to be a unit that you can start your shooting turn with. As in, you can target almost any unit and not worry about the return fire reaction coring it through. It can chip down things like the unit of siege tyrants to the point where maybe the other player doesn't feel like reacting with them on follow up shooting.


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2 hours ago, Astartes Consul said:

Has anyone had experience of the Kratos on the tabletop yet? I will obviously cave and get one at some point regardless, but interested to see if they're any good.

I'm a sucker and bought two Kratos for my Ultramarines, I've had one match where I fielded one. My first impressions are overall solid, I used the battlecannon/volkite loadout for eliminating my opponent's scoring units. It filled that roll pretty well, though it did struggle to make its points back. For Ultramarines specifically it is great for activating Strength of Wisdom (especially since I ran Logos, where vehicles don't suffer the -1 ballistic skill penalty for the various doctrines). I'm planning to field full anti-tank next and see how that performs. I think 4 melts shots and 4 lascannon shots should also put a meaty dent into enemy heavy infantry as well.

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10 hours ago, Brofist said:

Yeah the Damocles, like the Stormbird and probably the T-Hawk, are some examples of poor balance. Damocles inexplicably so for a non compulsory HQ.

Glaive is atrocious considering ap3 and heavy beam rules tbh. Salt on the wound is it's more expensive than falchion and fellblade while at the same time being worse than both,lol...not sure who wrote rules for it but they did piss poor job.

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2 hours ago, Fallen11 said:

Glaive is atrocious considering ap3 and heavy beam rules tbh. Salt on the wound is it's more expensive than falchion and fellblade while at the same time being worse than both,lol...not sure who wrote rules for it but they did piss poor job.

The Glaive... Volkites aren't famously good at armour penetration, so it being 2 steps higher than any other weapon of its type is pretty good.... 

Also, can you imagine how bad it would be if high ticket Stormbirds and Thunderhawks were actually GOOD? People would complain that it was "pay to win". 

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6 hours ago, Fallen11 said:

Glaive is atrocious considering ap3 and heavy beam rules tbh. Salt on the wound is it's more expensive than falchion and fellblade while at the same time being worse than both,lol...not sure who wrote rules for it but they did piss poor job.

AP3 is actually better than i expected on the Glaive beam, the vast majority of support weapons are down to ap4

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