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The Heros have arrived!

This units has been a long time in the making and went though a refit after the Melta fist was removed.

Ive always wanted a squad so caped terminators, every one a hero in their own right, with rules today terminators having 3 wounds compared to the 1 in 7th makes them mini characters.

Sadly sourcing them was more expensive than I would like but with a bit of converting where needed I now have my squad of 5 in the same mk terminator armour.

Let me know what you think and if you spot anything I may of missed, after this long working on them on and off my eyes are too used to them to spot errors and I hate spotting things once they are on the table, drives me nuts. Lol

These are my Heros, Squad Horthgar:












That is a great looking terminator squad! I like how you painted up the eyes.


I was considering doing a terminator squad at some point... and was also thinking about making them members of strictly first-founding chapters!

That is a great looking terminator squad! I like how you painted up the eyes.


I was considering doing a terminator squad at some point... and was also thinking about making them members of strictly first-founding chapters!

Cheers, with all the extra details they were a pain to paint but I love how they have turned out.

Mine are inadvertently first founding due to ease of sourcing the pads, would love to add a couple less seen though such as carcaradons, etc. 


I would recommend doing at least 1 squad, terminators are still scary when used well and a squad of 10 deep striking can not be ignored.

Edited by Duke Danse Macabre

Would the close combat variant work better than ranged?


Only thing that would concern me about teleporting in a squad of 10 assault terminators would be they would have to sit around and do nothing a turn right? 


Unless you can mix the weapon loadouts of course. 

Would the close combat variant work better than ranged?


Only thing that would concern me about teleporting in a squad of 10 assault terminators would be they would have to sit around and do nothing a turn right? 


Unless you can mix the weapon loadouts of course. 

Personally I love thought but vanguard vets can do combat better due to speed but terminators with fists and Bolters/ 3 heavy weapons in the mix hurts.

Take an chaplain and you can use a strat when deepstriking that lets you use litanies in any turn so you can get plus 2 to charge, 7 inch is easy as your going to get with a reroll, also you can take a nasty combat dread and use wisdom of the ancients so you don’t need a cap for the Reroll 1’s, then if you make the Chaplin a chief you can use two litanies and make him even nastier.

personally For my JP vets I’m running a Ravenguard Chaplin so I can advance and charge with plus 2 to charge, 12 inches on the board, 12 inch move 6 advance max, 14 charge, that’s 44 inches in a turn max with a 3 inch pile in.

That’s why I’m painting 30 vanguard though but terminators are just scary, take teleport homers though if you use them, they come in handy.

Edited by Duke Danse Macabre
  • 3 weeks later...

Not got as much done as I would like of late, been working late shift at work so been trying to avoid painting when home due to eye ache.

So in a mid way effort to avoid painting what I should be I decided to paint my Jump Pack Captain up, plan on running him with teeth of Terra relic, extended his chainsword with a little converting and pinning, used captain Artemis as a base.

The rest of my time I’ve spent building terminators, so many parts and part projects cannibalised later I have a full 10 man squad squad, I do have 3 heavy weapons as well not pictured, only bother now is I’m going to have to do allot of green stuffing…





  • 2 weeks later...

Been even more sidetracked by rounding out the numbers in my force then started thinking, dangerous thinking…

This has led to the decision to try and build a Watch Fortress Company Structure, however this means I’ll need to field roughly 250 marines, maybe 300 across 6 50 man’ish companies which is a pain…

Also this is now what my painting table looks like… it isn’t even all of my DW backlog of almost finished or finished models.

Now if I can just manage to get over the 40 models I do a year or so at a moment and I should be in business. :whistling:


That is an impressive level of dedication! I have seen hobbyists making an entire space marine company before, haven't seen an entire Deathwatch company though. 

Forget company, I have another 2 draws of these to do, this is the full bloody fortress. Lol

always been my problem, I love modelling much more than painting.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just a small modelling update, been getting allot of small bits done on model, finishing some sub assembly, sorting and sourcing parts and planning more on my force as a whole about the overall finish line, it’s structure and the models I have and will need to finish the force.

I have allot of work in terms to do with the graphics but learning photoshop is proving and pain and not easy on a light tablet version with no named labels but figure it out I will.

Working around the current 8th edition pre Primaris watch Fortress Structure I’ve tried to build the force into 5 solid companies with 3 troop choices in each, I realise normally they are are just labels as kill teams but for terms of having to paint squad designations, company heraldry and their assigned captain, transports and flexibility as a force has had to be considered.

This is all on top of over arching background lore, individual character lore, etc though to be honest though every marine will be named only character models, sergeants and dreads will get any serious background.

Now I realise from time to time companies will have to mix but that would be minor in terms redeployment and easily explainable.

This force is a labour of love and as such will take years to complete.

Please let me know your thoughts on the current fortress structure and if any adjustments should be made, the armoury and higher command are all facilitated by needing one of each type of hq, jump, Primaris, bike, etc, the luietenants however not yet having a place and being smaller in option/number I thought fit well with the Watch Master as his eyes and ears being deployed to advise in his sted where needed.

1st company: 51

Captain Aldrick (Black Templars) / (Make a Termy suit option also)

Vet squad 10

Vet squad 10

Assault squad 10

Heavy Intercessor squad 10

Terminators 10

2nd company: 51

Captain (Termy cap) (Ultramarine)

Vet 10 stalkers

Vet 10 missiles

Vet 10 missiles

Terminators 10

Terminators 10 (missiles)

(Centurions double as vets)

3rd company: 51

Captain Lydorian (Imperial Fist) consider switching to blood angel

Vet squad 10

Vet squad 10

Assault squad 10

Assault squad 10

Heavy Intercessor squad 10

4th company: 58

Captain (biker cap) (White Scar)

Heavy Intercessor exterminator squad 10

Primaris squad 10

Primaris squad 10

6 Outriders

6 Outriders

10 shotgun Vets

5 Bikers

5th company: 51

Captain (Phobos Cap) (Raven Guard)

Primaris Squad 10

Infiltrator squad

Incursor squad

Infiltrator squad / eliminator

Reiver Squad

Watch Command:

Watch Master

2 Lieutenants

The Inner Circle: 5 Hammernators/ Honour Guard

The Strategium:

5 Librarians

5 Chaplains

The Armoury:

Primaris Tech Marine (Iron Hand)

12 Servitors (6 servo/6 heavy Bolter)

2 Tech Marines

2 Redemptors

3 Corvus

4 Razorbacks


2 Venerable Dreadnoughts

2 Mortis Dreadnoughts

12 Centurions: 6 grav, 6 heavy Bolter

2 Invictor Warsuits

2 Thunder Fire Cannons

2 Impulsors


Listening Stations:

No clue why pasted text always goes black, please highlight as I can’t change the colour.

In terms of some modelling though as one thing I’m particularly happy about is one of my two blackshields is built pending painting after I managed to get hold of the power talons, got to get the parts to do one more the same but I think it’s highly worth it.


I like your lightning-claw blackshield, and your list! Not sure why it is posting as black that is weird, but highlighting worked for reading it.


I am working my own list too, you have laid it out differently than me. I am also enjoying figuring out what chapters my captains hail from, and am taking the step to designate who my kill team sergeants are in whatever snapshot-in-time the watch fortress happened to be in when I make my list. I am also enjoying going through lesser known chapters that are either favorites or are neat enough to get a mention in the lore to get added to my deathwatch force, are you going to be exploring more lesser known chapters too? 


Do you plan to add LTs to each company, or just leave them with the watch master? I like the idea of a fortress honor guard, thats a good idea. 


I also like your breakdown in the Armorium, by how many dreadnoughts and vehicles the fortress has on hand. Though I think your number of techmarines and servitors might be a bit low to take care of all those vehicles?


Your final note of "listening stations" doesnt seem to be expanded upon, but I like the idea of coming up with a few for any watch-fortress to oversea, and maybe appoint a marine or two on temporary duty. 

Cheers, I have a huge soft spot of black Templars and night lords, loyalist of course.

Due to the capital planet of the system being a feudal work with a black Templars monastery I’m having allot of Templars in the force and wanting to avoid most chapter I have to free hand there will be some but not allot.

Just having to keep to 100% FW parts as as I can print my own name plate they can kiss my entire posterior on that one.

Certainly some blood ravens and  carcardons, others will certainly crop up as sargents but not higher ranked due to the chapter traits locking by model designation, whole reason I’m considering switching captain lydorian to a blood angel.


The way I see it is with prior lore marine companies doing fine with just a single captain we don’t need more in half strength companies, unless the lore changes I don’t see the reason to get more regardless of how many FW seems to be making atm.

it makes sense to me tha pt the watch master would still have his own little council, Calgar does with his own honour guard, Dante has the sanguinary guard, dark angels have the inner circle, marshals have sword breathern, in essence they are heroes but not commanders, I just think it’s a good place to put units which can’t be folded into kill teams, my hammernators because of how elaborate I made the unit but also I think the ancient with chapter banner and the Bladeguard should go here, justicar likely with the chaplains but not sure on the apothecaries, not sure how big a apothecarium is needed as of yet, for healing in lore a few but in terms of reproducing really it’s just retrieval for the parent chapters and maybe crossing the rubiconprimaris, also been giving some thought to pilot/ driver numbers from a lore perspective.



My thought behind listening stations is to deploy squads of models which have been more designed with rule of cool and better for kill team, this way I could still represent their numbers without having to heavily modify them.

currently I have about 25 bare headed marines which fit the bill perfectly and will only need touch ups once I work though the 250 marines plus tanks backlog…

I’m ambitious.

A Small update, along with my musings I did manage to finish my Terminator Chaplain Belathor and my Lord Inquisitor Mortdecai of the Sector, Still need a Ordo Inquisitor for each of the 3 main Branches.

Also with the new company structure plan for my DW I’ve laid out the full force of the first company to work out what I need to paint and work through in which order, currently finishing the jump marines but I think the Heavy intercessors/aggressors will need to be next.

Feels a little bare with just the one HQ however but I know there’s 5 companies and 5 of each libby and chaplain just not pre designated companies in the strategium.

One thought though, do people think blackshields should be attached to squads as normal or mission depending, unsure wether to build a squad of 10 plus a blackshield to swap in or not.









Excellent works. As you're obviously using the old Mephiston model to represent the Lord Inquisitor, does this mean "Mortdecai" is also a powerful psyker?

Damn right he is a powerful psyker. Lol

Ironically the model is Astorath the grim which is why legs over robes I converted into Mephiston, my first space marine army was the joint angels of death codex and I loved BA but now knowing more about the universe my tastes have settled into inquisition and black Templars.

As I don’t own a BA army any more I recovered the model and repainted to become a Inquisitor, I did consider as a libby but he’s metal so removing the should is a huge pain and I don’t want to damage the cloak as it’s entirely greenstuff and miliput.

Happy you spotted the Mephiston conversion though, love the model too much to leave him behind.


Just worked out as well the company is 1823 (not including the blackshield upgrade cost and lightning claws as unsure they would fall in normal units as of yet) points without the transports and one hq, talk about perfect deployment size or what? Lol

Edited by Duke Danse Macabre

Excellent work on building a full first company! 


Love your transports still of course... and that chaplain terminator! I appreciate the healthy blood splatter on his crozius. 

I always find a wet Crozius is a happy Crozius. Lol


Im going to have to do a few more transports once the company is finished, the third and fourth are next, not sure in which order as I have nearly all the models for both where as my second company is about 50% and 5fifth is 20%.

Im going to add some names to the Razorbacks still and grab some assault cannons as turret options.

So much to do it’s going to kill me but it will be worth it in the long run and if I go really nuts I can always 3D print my own battle fleet gothic scale custom watch fortress…

A quick update is in order, been getting about a hours painting done a night after work, managed to put the near finishing touches on another vanguard with auspex, I hate repetitive posing so it had to be done.

Got the second blackshield with lighting talons built, going to be a pair of pre heresy night lords out of time but still need to come up with names and a backstory.

Started the Sargent and final member of the squad, getting his base coats down, tbh my paintings a mess and I just have to do allot of tidying as I go but it seems to work. Lol




Great work on the lightning-claw buddies, and pretty awesome how thin those lines are on the auspex screen. I always attempt doing those but it is hard work!

Thank you, I find the easiest way is to swear loudly and shake your fist at the model between colours. Lol

  • 3 weeks later...

Overdue a update, been working late shifts so hard to get any painting done when getting home after 9pm, also I really need to get myself a white light for painting, just harder by bulb over natural light.

More progress on my vanguard, namely the Sargent, guys took a while due to having to green stuff his torso together and fill gaps, the Sargent deathwatch back and vanguard vet kits don’t line up well, think he’s turned out a treat, still playing with names and have to do his purity seals, armour text and splatter yet.

thinking of doing the weathering after I have everyone based so I can kick that can down the road. Lol

I managed to get another batch of purity seals painted ready to go and some good progress on my chaplain, not sure if I need more detail to the head yet, still need to finish his weapon, add damage, splatter but not 100%.







Edited by Duke Danse Macabre

Nice work!

Very efficient method of painting purity seals. I am thinking to attempt making some out of miliput but they often come out a tad derpy when I try.

Cheers, I tried the same with greenstuff and I could get it to work either, I think I needed to leave it to cure longer before I tried to move and apply them.

tbh though they break easier when they do and I prefer plastic ones.

Next batch of seals is ready to go, all 58 of them…

It sucks but it works well as I can get to them to paint and not worry about the models posing etc, from there I just dip the wax seal part in some glue and apply with tweezers.

Finished the jump chaplain and the text and blood today, just need to base him, I’ll weather the company all at the same time as some are already based.

Any name suggestions for a suitably Grim Ravenguard chaplain?







Finished the jump chaplain and the text and blood today, just need to base him, I’ll weather the company all at the same time as some are already based.

Any name suggestions for a suitably Grim Ravenguard chaplain?



Edgar Allen? or Poe? Amontillado, as in the Casket of? :biggrin.:


I have been using a name generator to get some ideas for my marines at times, found this one for Raven Guard that could help out here. 

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