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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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I think there will be support coming, but 8 new kits? That seems a bit unlikely to me. Some of those must be dual build characters.

Would have chalked it up as a literal impossibility if it haven't been for the second community survey results, which have been mentioned more than once in conjunction with these rumors.

I'm pretty sure that's just fan conjecture at this point, fans hearing the rumour and trying to think of a reason why so much could appear.


Doesn't mean it won't be proven true though.

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I do hope they bring back Grimaldus's ability to either regenerate a wound or just keep on fighting if he has lost all wounds. It's a massive part of his character.


Old Grimmy was basically a leadership test each turn he had lost all wounds to see if he kept on going, or later a 5+ wound regeneration roll.


GW please?




And he was the first one with a fearless aura as nobody else had a aura. 



The Argent Shroud Order has a stratagem "Faith is our shield" that pretty much mimics "It will not die" the 6th Ed. Grimaldus had. You basically roll to see if a mortal wound happens.


Noteworthy; That's the order who fought alongside Grimaldus in the Cathedral in Helsreach. The precedent is there.

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I think there will be support coming, but 8 new kits? That seems a bit unlikely to me. Some of those must be dual build characters.

Would have chalked it up as a literal impossibility if it haven't been for the second community survey results, which have been mentioned more than once in conjunction with these rumors.

I'm pretty sure that's just fan conjecture at this point,

Would've agreed, except I think Laeroth chimed in with an "oh yeah". Which sure, that could've just been conjecture on his part...

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I think there will be support coming, but 8 new kits? That seems a bit unlikely to me. Some of those must be dual build characters.

Would have chalked it up as a literal impossibility if it haven't been for the second community survey results, which have been mentioned more than once in conjunction with these rumors.
I'm pretty sure that's just fan conjecture at this point,
Would've agreed, except I think Laeroth chimed in with an "oh yeah". Which sure, that could've just been conjecture on his part...

It wasn't.

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Abhor the witch, destroy the witch on Tuesdays, brother

Really? I recite Suffer Not the Unclean to Live while purging myself in the scalding waters of the emperor's wrath (showering), Abhor the witch. Destroy the Witch while resisting the psyker powers of Slaanesh's demoness (wife's mind games), Uphold the Honour of the Emperor while protecting the feeble and weak mortal men (my children) and Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds every time I fearlessly confront the mighty beast (my dog). if I didn't recite all 4 daily I'd probably have fallen to Chaos by now.

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I can already imagine the insane demand to buy up crusader boxes just for the neophytes as better scale scouts.

I don't know about this, it seems like Scouts are very much out of style at the moment; what with their high points cost relative to power armoured marines and their restriction to the Elites slot. Unless Crusader Squads became a baseline unit for all SM sub-factions, then I can't see GW going to the trouble of re-working them so soon after the new SM codex. Personally, I'm imagining that Neophytes in a Primaris Crusader Squad will operate somewhat differently to their firstborn brethren, it fits the pattern of Primaris units being analogues to firstborn units, but fulfilling their role in at least a slightly different manner. (think Inceptors being like Assault Squads, but close range fire support rather than CQC specialists, or Hellblasters being like Devastators, but with completely homogenous loadouts, trading flexibility for a good gun on the sergeant)


What I'd like to see, would be the Neophytes taking up a combination of meat-shield and support role, where they would be significantly less well armed and armoured than their Initiate tutor, but carrying spare weapons or ammunition to fulfil a more squire-like role. Perhaps add a rule that for every Neophyte that doesn't make an attack, an Initiate can add +1AP to their attacks, or something similar, to represent equipping a fresh chainsword, or using hand-crafted bolter shells, or something else that suggests the Neophyte's role in helping to maintain the Initiate's equipment and armour. (I like to imagine that with the extra help they would be able to do so to a higher standard than most other chapters)



Realistically, I think we'll see 5 Reivers packed in with 5 Assault Intercessors, because GW wants to shift Reivers, although they will probably get some good rules to make their use more worthwhile. 

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It's not gonna be phobos neophytes.

Yeah I don't know why people think this lol, scouts are still a thing. Also, it doesn't matter if scouts for vanilla chapters are in the elites slot, BT don't even have a scout company, they are just additions to crusader squads, and I feel like there is a 99.99% chance this is not changing. Scouts will be neophytes.

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Most likely option is its for AoS anyway.


But if it were a Templar model, I just think it'll be Helbrecht before anything else... he'll be shown as the one character model we were supposed to get when the other chapters each got a character each.

Think we have seen enough AoS so far, time to see some of our boys.

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I'm pretty sure the Stormcast and Orruk releases should be done, the dragon cavalry seemed like the bottom of the barrel. I'm not certain that it's BT because they've only given us a tiny teaser and a couple rumour engines so far but I wouldn't be surprised.


I'm much more excited (and nervous) for the codex roadmap on Friday. I will be signing out of YT and forums and doing a full media blackout to avoid spoilers.

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