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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Gotta remember that a lot of people aren't remotely interested in tournament play, so there's really no point in arguing about "good" or "bad" without clarification.

I think it's fantastic because it's a super fluffy rule with practical use for most people. It may well not be broken/OP for the tournament scene, but honestly I don't want a super-powered codex, I just want thematic and average-tier.

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Unless the other two are very good, why would you not take it? It adds consistency because you have the same amount of attacks whether it was a turn with charges or not. Falling back in a melee army is usually more bad than good, because you can't do anything, where at least if you stay in combat you can shoot pistols and swing again with an extra attack. 


with devout push you can do.


And the main thing is that if you want to leave - then normally because it is the better option. dont forget staying in melee means that you loose one unit which is normally on the table, the enemye get additional movement.


Especially the one last remaining dude is a initaite which have OBsec. He alone can deny the marker next round for the enemy WHICH IS THAT important. 

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Can someone clarify the passion for abhor the witch for me? Haven't really played this addition but if an enemy psyker is withing 18" the unit can't take any actions? I'm assuming that is either a typo or I am misunderstanding it because it sounds like the unit will just sit there and do nothing until the psyker moves...
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you can "perform" actions when doing secoundaries in missions.


funnywise - BT have to do this often. Oct. Data or Raise banners are Secoundaries which are often taken. But for this lists maybe we can take a bit more servitor units. I dont think they get vows. But even more funny - we usually use often our servitors for it. Maybe thats possible again.

Edited by Medjugorje
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Ah that makes sense thank you. I didn't know actions were a thing.


I have no interest in tournament play and on the rare occasions I do game it is for fun, so regardless of the mission my objective is always extermination anyway!!

I am very different. I am on 5th place in tournament ranking germany (t3). But i often play fungames - and for that case the supplement will be exciting - especially because our current index rules are great for that.

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I actually see some potential for this, but it is dependent on strats. At the moment our rules give us one of the only counter-interrupt strats for multi-charging, letting you charge 2 units in and punish your opponent interrupting you by activating the 6+ save mortal wound bounce on top of having a banner near by. It makes units like Bladeguard actually deadly as door stops if properly supported. Being in assault with +1 attack will make that a lot more efficient when using Divine Push, so you can Divine Push some bladeguard out of an Impulser turn 1 and use Will to get vanguard vets a charge turn 1.


But that's assuming we keep those strats to stack with this, which is not a sure thing. Either way, at the very least it might make fight first a smidge more valuable as an aura buff.

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At the moment I expect the "Blood Angels" Treatment. 


Everything gets better except the most important things which hold us competitive... And because of those nerfs we are out of competitive play.

Sword Brethren will be very good but not that outstanding to handle top tier lists.

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Every day, I thank God that I didn't fall for the competitive 40k meme and can actually enjoy the game for what it is.


To me, the showcased abilities are H Y P E for the sole reason that they exist in the first place, to give some nice spice to my matches.

Edited by Palmu
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The hate against AAC already, lol, lack of imagination is real. 

I don't know about your games, but in mine, most of my army is in combat by turn 2. Most Obj's are mid board, and if you aren't moving to score on them, you are losing the game, T2 is where my army thrives, and NOW, I don't have to worry about just have ONE unit in the assault doctrine, my whole army has it from the get go for when it matters. (Presumably, there might be unit restrictions we don't know about yet).

This also makes sitting in the tac doctrine for 2 turns completely viable, as you'll have the assault doctrine up if / when you need it anyway, meaning you could make autobolter armed intercessor / crusader squads a thing of beauty. 2 Turns of ap -1 assault 3 bolters, and then that same unit can charge, switch to the assault doctrine, and have all of their attacks always be at ap-1 and +1A while they are in combat? To me that sounds like a DEVASTATING amount of ap-1 dakka you can get from relatively cheap units (Intercessors)

And that is ONLY considering how that vow works and basic marine weaponry, we have NO IDEA how this can / will combo with anything else in the book to make it even better (maybe a way to make the army move faster so you have more options to get into combat earlier in the game?). 

We simply do not know yet. 

Very surprising hearing this complaining about rules from people who claim to play this game competitively, coulda swore that effort took critical thinking skills.

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Against TS we can use the Stratagem (SM codex) to get rerolls to hit and then rerolls to wound of 1 seems pretty nice. 

I am very eager to see the other two. Especially Uphold the honor of the emperor. It used to be a 6++ - I hope we will get something better. Like light cover even if we are not in cover or FNP or Obsec for all units.... something like that.

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The hate against AAC already, lol, lack of imagination is real. 


I don't know about your games, but in mine, most of my army is in combat by turn 2. Most Obj's are mid board, and if you aren't moving to score on them, you are losing the game, T2 is where my army thrives, and NOW, I don't have to worry about just have ONE unit in the assault doctrine, my whole army has it from the get go for when it matters. (Presumably, there might be unit restrictions we don't know about yet).


This also makes sitting in the tac doctrine for 2 turns completely viable, as you'll have the assault doctrine up if / when you need it anyway, meaning you could make autobolter armed intercessor / crusader squads a thing of beauty. 2 Turns of ap -1 assault 3 bolters, and then that same unit can charge, switch to the assault doctrine, and have all of their attacks always be at ap-1 and +1A while they are in combat? To me that sounds like a DEVASTATING amount of ap-1 dakka you can get from relatively cheap units (Intercessors)


And that is ONLY considering how that vow works and basic marine weaponry, we have NO IDEA how this can / will combo with anything else in the book to make it even better (maybe a way to make the army move faster so you have more options to get into combat earlier in the game?). 


We simply do not know yet. 


Very surprising hearing this complaining about rules from people who claim to play this game competitively, coulda swore that effort took critical thinking skills.

They could also have been clever and have stratagems linked to having a certain vow that gives buffs in a more limited duration/area when the vow is active (like the combat buff from the space wolf or blood super doctrine for one unit for a round)

Edited by Banjulhu
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At the moment I expect the "Blood Angels" Treatment. 


Everything gets better except the most important things which hold us competitive... And because of those nerfs we are out of competitive play.

Sword Brethren will be very good but not that outstanding to handle top tier lists.


Stop being such a negative nancy. 

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I watched some of John Lennon's games during the NOGT coverage over the weekend. He seemed to do well with them. I think AAC would have benefited his strategy. I can't find his exact list, but the earlier version of it he tested on Art of War did not have Crusader's Helm.

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For some of us that Blanche Templar art defined Warhammer 40k for us.


Indeed. Mr. Chonky Chest here is something that I never thought would ever materialize itself. It's SO 40k. I don't care what it is, the skull pauldrons, the tubes EVERYWHERE. It sings to all the notes that brought me here in the first place.

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For some of us that Blanche Templar art defined Warhammer 40k for us.

Indeed. Mr. Chonky Chest here is something that I never thought would ever materialize itself. It's SO 40k. I don't care what it is, the skull pauldrons, the tubes EVERYWHERE. It sings to all the notes that brought me here in the first place.

It’s literally 40K in a model… and I want 10 of them

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Hmmm just being realistic (and at the risk of being called negative!), those two vows in isolation are hot garbage. What we don’t know is how they interact with other rules in the army and what the other two vows look like.


If these vows do replace super doctrine then it feels a bit on the weak side but plenty more things to be revealed before we get a feel for BTs overall rule set.


Amazingly, there have been very few rules leaks, so we actually have no idea what Templars will be like when the supplement drops

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I think our competitive brethren have over looked a couple of powerful applications of the Vows.

Firstly, you get to choose your Vow at the start of every game adding crazy tactical flexibility! I actually removed that from my homegrown rules for a while because I was worried it wasn’t balanced.

Secondly, AAC only kicks in once you’re in Engagaement Range. Your Terminators can rapid fire with their stormbolters in the Tactical doctrine then charge in and fight in the Assault doctrine. Our relics and stratagems couldn’t do that!


Edit: And no way this is our Super Doctrine. This is going to be our Inner Circle

Edited by Brother Sidonius
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While I don't have the distinction of being the 5th ranked player in all of Germany, my own humble opinion is that these are fine. Certainly better than army-wide reroll 1s to hit, which is a worse buff for pure math reasons and boring besides. In fact, the more I look at these, the more intrigued I am.


Speed 8 terminators?

Permanent AP 2 chainswords?
Speed 9 crusaders before advance?


Like, setting aside the obvious turn 1 charge from Outriders that everyone immediately thought about, or the speed 15 Vanguard vets, +3" across the board makes the army faster than Aeldar with a space marine cstat sheet. That means less need to advance, more time to shoot, and that rule doesn't keep us from retreating. To put it in another way, Crusade squads are now getting the same turn one movement as old Orks rolling a 4 to advance. If you think of it in that light it starts seeming a little more intriguing. Especially with Ork advance and charge getting changed to their WAAAGH ability.


Do I think these buffs are going to shoot us to the top of the cheese list? No. Not in a vacuum. But depending on other abilities they might make us as broken or more than Drakari. We just don't know. And in a vacuum they seem to easily put us on par with the new Ork codex, which is a fun place to be.

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