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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Are we still thinking that is going to happen? The last video was listed as being the full release so it would seem really odd for them to still have models left to show. If there was going to be any model left until after the full release was revealed I would have thought it was the blanche castellan due to the nostalgia associated with it.


I am still slightly hoping it might be an option in the SB kit similar to the custodes terminators being able to make a captain and banner as well, but I'm not hopeful

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The only reason I’m holding out hope is that people have said they’ve seen the actual model based on the old art work, and they haven’t been wrong or lied once as of yet


That would be cool to be fair, I’m thinking it’ll be a splash release further down the line though as is becoming the trend

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Brothers, Hold on to your zeal.


Because, Next week we will see the Honorable Ancient Holding our Chapter Banner High!


Do Not get in personal glory, for that is the way of the heresy!


Glory belongs to our Chapter, To Sigismund, To Dorn and The Emperor only!


We serve to give it to them! 


No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear!

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Either way, as Fulkes and Reclusiarch Krieg have said, we have had large firstborn before, and if I recall correctly the primaris aren't supposed to be too much taller in-universe. So a firstborn as tall as a primaris marine isn't too much of a stretch

Or older marks of power armour being large enough to fit Primaris sitting in the armoury.

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Alongside a whole host of Battle Traits, Agendas, and Requisitions, the Black Templars have access to Oaths of Crusade, which make up the core hook to build your narrative games around. 
But what exactly is an Oath of Crusade? Well, it goes a little bit like this… 
We recommend that you recite this as you deploy your models on the tabletop to strike fear into your opponents but also to invoke good luck.** 
But what do these mean in gameplay terms? Put simply, you pick up to four segments of an Oath – Deed, Foe, Condition, and Situation – from a bountiful selection of options. Each segment of the Oath has a goal with requirements for you to fulfil over multiple games, and in return for your zealous deeds, you reap powerful rewards.
Before your Crusade begins, you select each segment of your Oath, and you only earn your rewards once you complete all of the goals for all of the segments. For example, the following Oath will net you one ace reward. 

With only one segment, fulfilling this Oath is simple, and it’s a great way of distributing experience across your troops. 
If you’re planning on heading on an eternal crusade, the Black Templars would encourage you to recite a more complete and arduous Oath in order to prove your peerless devotion.
What a tongue-twister. That’s a hefty list of requirements, but your toil will be rewarded as you earn pieces of Reclaimed Relics. This brand new category of Crusade Relics can be bestowed on your Characters once you have gathered all of the required pieces during your campaign.
As we covered in our glimpse into the Reclusiam, the Black Templars are committed to recovering relics that have been scattered across the galaxy or stolen by heretics. These rules allow you to make a lengthy Oath of Crusade solely focused on pursuing one of these artefacts, such as the fearsome pistol Penitent’s Roar. 

Luckily the reward is indeed worth it, as this pistol packs an almighty punch, making it the ideal weapon for a close-combat focused army like the Black Templars.
Black Templars also gain access to a range of predictably overeager Agendas, such as Fulfil Your Vows – an Agenda with conditions that are determined by the Templar Vow your army has taken. So, if you vowed to Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch, your Agenda rewards you for hunting down enemy Psykers, which the Black Templars just so happen to be really good at.
Last but not least, there are also unique Crusade Relics for your Characters to take. Shackles of the Faithful, for example, make your warrior’s attacks even more grievous as their weapon becomes light as a feather.
If a hero reaches Legendary rank, they can wield the Black Sword of Sigismund, the holiest weapon available to the Black Templars. You’ll need to be extra careful with this Legendary Relic, though – make sure the chain is double-shackled to the appropriate wrist.
You can go on Crusade with your shiny new Black Templars soon, as the first wave is available to pre-order this weekend. Inside the Army Set, you’ll get 13 miniatures, a limited edition version of the codex supplement, a deck of datacards, and a sheet for transfers – everything that you need to set out on your quest of faith.
** Perhaps light a tasteful candle or two for extra effect.

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Oh holy emperor we can give a character the original black sword... I only play occasional friendly games so I am sure I can persuade my mates to allow that routinely lol

Sadly that seems to be a Crusade only Relic, but "The Last Crusader" seems to also be a special sword we should be able to use in normal games too.

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Are we still thinking that is going to happen? The last video was listed as being the full release so it would seem really odd for them to still have models left to show. If there was going to be any model left until after the full release was revealed I would have thought it was the blanche castellan due to the nostalgia associated with it.

I am still slightly hoping it might be an option in the SB kit similar to the custodes terminators being able to make a captain and banner as well, but I'm not hopeful

Yes, for what it's worth, I believe 100% that the ancient is happening ;)


Edit: and he should by all accounts be a nostalgia model too, doubt he has any unique rules tho

Edited by Reinhard
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The Separate Castellan has settled the debate over whether he’s just a squad leader too

I must have missed that. Where, and how was it settled?

He's stood on his own right of shot, and there's a 5 member squad left of shot in this image - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/d3C5ZGI1PKDUFKSt.jpg

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The Separate Castellan has settled the debate over whether he’s just a squad leader too

I must have missed that. Where, and how was it settled?
He's stood on his own right of shot, and there's a 5 member squad left of shot in this image - https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/d3C5ZGI1PKDUFKSt.jpg
Thanks for this.. yeh people were saying as he’s pictured with the squad he must just be a squad leader and it’s a GW typo with the whole Primaris/First Born Thiccc boy is the only Castellan mini etc Edited by BladeOfVengeance
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I love the pre order guarantee.

I'm getting a bit too old to hang in front of the screen frantically wainting for a sale booth to open online.


Ben there done that for concert tickets.


I'm definitely going to get me a lunch box!!!

Edited by Brother Carpenter
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What a weird set up.


It makes sense from a this is what GW likes putting in their marine starter boxes point of view but I would have went with 5 assault intercessors given they have provided a 6 model capacity transport unit so you dont end up with an odd situation in which you have to footslog you melee unit and can rapidly move your unit with longer ranged firepower.

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Weird, but I think the optimum move (if buying this box only and assembling/converting things using only the parts in the box) would be to have an Auto Bolt Rifle/Bolt Carbine Crusader squad (there look to be enough parts on the sprue to to this) then a five member Assault Intercessor squad. There also looks to be enough good weapons on the Crusader squad sprues to tool up both Sword Brothers if you wanted.


You'd them have a big close-range shooty blob of ten that wouldn't exactly be slouches in CC, and a squad of five that could buddy up with the Marshal to speed forward in the (capacity six) Impulsor.

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tbh... i am not in crusade system. But It seems (if I would play it) very bad. What are your thoughts?

It’s really good, as it is to be on top of normal rules for units gaining experience. An even distribution of experience after a few games can keep units from falling too far behind if they haven’t been performing well.

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