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So in preparation for this next game it has multiple rules that have made me rethink my normal list structure. There are 2 terrain pieces to hold and bonus points for units comming from reserves.  So for now this is the list im running with. 


ironwarriors (995 points)

Chaos Space Marines
Incursion (1000 points)
Fellhammer Siege-host


Chaos Lord (100 points)
  • Warlord
  • 1x Accursed weapon
    1x Power fist
  • Enhancement: Bastion Plate

Cypher (90 points)

Sorcerer (80 points)
  • Enhancement: Warp Tracer


Legionaries (170 points)
  • 1x Aspiring Champion
      1x Heavy melee weapon icon
  • 9x Legionary
    • 1x Balefire tome1x Heavy bolter 1x Heavy melee weapon 1x Plasma gun

Legionaries (90 points)
  • 1x Aspiring Champion
    • 1x Accursed weapon
  • 4x Legionary
    • 1x Balefire tome1x Chaos Icon 1x Heavy melee weapon1x Lascannon


Chaos Predator Desttructor (140 points) 

1x Combi-bolter1x Havoc launcherpredator autocannon 1x Predator twin lascannon


Raptors (90 points)
  • 1x Raptor Champion
    • 1x Plasma pistol
      1x Power fist
  • 4x Raptor

Venomcrawler (120 points)

Warp Talons (125 points)

Edited by Brother Nathan

Seems like a nice little list.  Is it a "take all comers" or do you have any specific enemies you might face?


Personally, 3 characters seems like way too many for the point level and its really difficult to protect Cypher and have him be useful (due to the short range of his pistols and lone operative "turning off" at short range).  I would take him out (and 1 of your enhancements) and put in 2 minimum sized cultist squads for more numbers and sticky objectives - having objectives an opponent can't just kill you off of to keep you from scoring (and actually needs to get his own models to) is very powerful, even if your cultists all die quickly thereafter.


Otherwise, its just quibbling over wargear, which gets us into the territory of models you may not have. 


Personally, unless you plan on using your legionaires to just sit on objectives (as opposed to having to try take objectives with enemies on them), the pistol/chainsword variant is much better and works better with their special rules.  So I would at least swap out the larger squad to that configuration, if you have the models.  In terms of their upgrade weapons, you should give the large squad leader a plasma rather than a bolt pistol (you don't have to shoot it high power, and even low power is much better than the bolt) and on the small squad too if you go pistols with it.  Personally, I prefer the rotor cannon to the heavy bolter (the more than double shots makes up for it being only D1) given that the squad is unlikely to be hanging out more than 24" from the enemy, and I think a lascannon is better than a plasmagun, though that may depend on what you are facing.  


As for the raptors, how do you intend to use them?  If you plan to use them as objective grabbers (rather than a bullying unit to engage small enemy squads) you might want to give them 2 plasmaguns.  2 flamers isn't a bad loadout either if you are having trouble with mob clearing, and it makes a decent target to use overwatch on (basically, on overwatch, a flamer is about the same value as 10 bolters).


I'm assuming you are putting the Lord with the big legionaires and the sorcerer with the small squad?

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

so now im on pc ill explain better. so for this round of the tournament i have a grudge match against my ex ally who betrayed me in the boarding actions game.  there are extra rules in play that will explain some choices better. 





++MY LORD, BARBOROUS HAS FAILED- he bid to trade info with the treacherous votan. they allied briefly lord as they were attacked by a force of grey knights and thousand sons somehow working together in some twisted way in the hulk. he is badly beaten lord and will be out of the next fight lord. we have significant casualty and most will be unable to rejoin the fight on the planet. what would you have us do my lord++

 the pitiful screeching of some flesh thrall came through

the vox reply to this was a clear cold calculation  of intolerance.






 my forces i lost on the hulk im trying not to use(everyone is trying to use surviving forces again in each round sort of thing) so i get a fresh roster. story wise the surviving forces use escape pods or such to get out and land on the planet below. and joined but more forces on arrival. survive establish beach head  regroup then move towards a central fortress.  what does that mean for additional rules. deepstrikers / out-flankers  gives 5 vp per use and first round has - 2 movement to everyone. so fast reserve stuff is good. but we are also using a white dwarf rule set  that both players pick a terrain piece and holding it gives 10 vp per turn... 10  man legionares with lord unit on one should hold a wee bit and thinking 5 man with sorcerer and cypher the other. everything else to attempt to kill/ clear my opponents terrain one at a time. there are a lot of objectives but the only real gain is CP so useful not vital. 


i do need to go though and update some as i forgot raptors loadouts which are model limited and metal.


as for my legionaries, so far ive convinced my opponents they are a ranged unit. model dependant i do need to change some loadouts on them  but ive not prioritised swapping over to chain swords just yet. not ideal though i rather try to touch up the stuff ive somewhat sorted for this game.  i do think my opponent will go infantry heavy but i want the las just in case. i dont expect to nessiarily do well or win but hopefully i can keep it fun and fluffy. hoping the fell hammer buffs help to slow down the votan a bit... 









Battle complete. success to be measured in time. in short i lost in points but as this is league... i did not. as  i figured the points game for this scenario was a rich taking and i managed to claw back a chunk from the last round. and my new lord survived new model in game death. he actually did fairly well in game smashing out a unit of votan termy equivalents i looking back should have built a bit better for a few situations and removed cypher.  as well as played a few situations a bit differently.


cypher didnt get doing anything. neatly avoided death t1 but got smashed by votan termys t2. . the termy sorceror squad did their best to avenge but got eventually beaten by a champion. i think i should have dropped cypher to take 10 men and hold better.  did manage to hold til t4 though so gave me a good points return


lord squad- heavy bolter did nothing but plasma did wound with 3 shots on high mode before melting... smashed termy unit and champion then held all game.  was the strongest unit on the board at the end and my last unit.


venom crawler- outflanked took objective killed a squad and tried to help my sorcerer squad and ultimately killed votan champion who then revived to kill it and take an objective. 


predator- scared my opponent but didnt really shine much. missed a lot of key shots failing to kill transports  and not doing enough damage to infantry. was disappointing but distracted a lot of firepower before eventual death. wish i brought more tanks. 


talons... bad placement got them knocked down to low numbers(my fault entirely)  they  tried to kill some heavy gunners but didnt have the punch and got shot to pieces eventually.


raptors. worse placement but did a few secondary's and took an opponents main objective off them. a few risky plays from them eventually led them to eventually trying for an objective and getting gunned down. . 


final scored was 116 - 136. im now only a few points behind the next player and only half of us have done this round so im happy enough.  i think if i was to try it again id have dropped cypher and upgraded the second squad. i even want a lascannon in both squads too. warp talons was poor play on my behalf. then again id be tempted to go mechanized for this rule set too. 


next game will be 2k points with a active bombardment set of rules... will update as get closer.  for now pics. 

Thanks for sharing your experience - its great to hear how your list did.  I'm not surprised Cypher underperformed - he looks great on paper, but I suspect not so much in practice, and he's a big chunk of points in a low points level game.  I think growing your second squad is a good idea, or (as I'm always a fan of, especially against enemies that don't have an easy way to get into your back field) getting 2x10 man cultist mobs, though the later would also require ditching a piece of wargear.


BTW, how did your raptors end up being armed?  Your previous post seemed to suggest they might have a upgrade weapon (or weapons) but wasn't clear and didn't indicate which one(s).

I like cultists though not having the benifit of the wounding resistance in fell hammer is a point of concern too. They are in my next list though may change opponent deprndant. 


My raptors ended up being meltas and then the champion was fist and plasma. His plasma did more than the meltas. Id rather plasma but going wysiwyg  on the day as i forgot what they had. I also forgot  but iv a few pics too.













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