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1 hour ago, Minigiant said:

In my opinion, it is what we would call Mary Sue, and really how much does that add to the Chapter? plus 2nd Founding also has its own implications. Secretive Imperial Fists is a fine concept. The rest i would classify as unnecessary window dressing.



I don't consider them mary sues for the following reasons:


For one, they aren't special snowflakes who have gene seed from all the primarchs or anything like that, in fact there are some they have necessarily avoided due to the mutations.

They have harvested beneficial gene seed from several chapters perhaps, but even that is enough that they have suffered some very serious consequences as a result.


They are increasingly paranoid and avoidant of other chapters because of their own actions and they fear any prying into their nature or discovery of their actions.

Many would probably suffer regret and internal questioning for their actions, asking if their mission of improvement is really justified or if they have gone too far, but too afraid to stop now.


Their chapter is on the verge of complete extinction due to how unstable and fickle their gene seed has become, and their refusal of primaris marines due to their own selfish fears is likely the nail in the coffin.


They might look sue-ish, but I assure they can be a complicated and thought-out chapter in their own right.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/18/2021 at 9:31 PM, Xin Ceithan said:

„ Thornwatch „ 


Celtic / Druidic themed BA Successor  - Blood /Death Cult, thorns, blood drops, cauldrons, the whole Day of the Dead thing but with ogham runes and woad paintings


“Warp-spasm“ berserker type Death Company

Suggest them doing like the Emperor's Spears' and grouping-together their Librarians, Chaplains, Techmarines and Apothecaries under the term “druids”, and have that they all paint their armour white, and/or dress in white robes as a reference to that druids suposedly wore white. 


Maybe have that Librarians are more like the WS's Stormseers and SW's Rune Priests then the standard SM Librarian when it comes to teaching and powers.


Pop-cultural celts are more often then not depicted with rather minimal armour but with large shields, maybe they use lots of shields?


Human sacrifices to please the Emperor and/or read the future in their hearts/innards.


The "dark Celts" that it feels you are going for here pop-culturally come in two forms in my impression, either boastful and loud (similar to how the SW are often presented, but maybe even more about reciting their own deeds and insulting enemies) or quite and of few words with animalistic grounts more common. Maybe go with one of those concepts, or not, it's your idea (or anybody's that picks it up).


As a reference to the Pair Dadeni maybe have that they use medical sarcophagus to heal their gravely injured that look like primitive cauldrons, superficially at least. Or go another way, the people resurrected by Pair Dadeni (or the cauldron clearly inspired by it) is often depicted as undead, maybe have that they have something that resurrect the dead in some way: maybe their Librarians can "resurrect" their fresh dead to continue fighting for a short time after their death, or they have some kind of "resurrection-tech", maybe something similar to what was used by Autek Mor during the HH, or similar to what House Escher uses to create their Death-maidens. Or maybe the whole chapter is made up by "resurrected" in the form of the chapter recruiting from the young warriors who have fallen on the battlefield. 


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3 hours ago, Gamiel said:

alternativly could you call them "fomorians/fomori"

But then what do they call the mutants and warp-spawn?! :cool:


But I really enjoy  the input.  :biggrin:

And maybe they are descendants of the Atlanteans, er, the Atlantean Spears while we are going beyond the Ninth Wave? They certainly should a have a mystic vein! 

For my two pence, I think the trick would be not just having them “Emperor’s Spears but with Blood Angels” ? 

I feel ADB’s Spears have a very well researched “british isles” / Arturo- celts vibe to them.  I also like to involve a bit more cultural drift / mishmash to invoke more of the “ vibe” and strangeness of 40 K and set it several  thousand years apart.

That and “rule of cool” - so they should totally have specialist “Druids” :biggrin:

So my - very broad - idea  at this point would be to go for the more Tribal Irish” side of  things.  Which  also mixes well with the more Michelangelo / Roman-Catholic side of the whole Angels thing - which then gets a hefty dose of mesoamerican “Mueros” with a hefty dose of Blanchitsu skulls and blood and things for the design aesthetics.



I also think there’d be a way to reflect at the BA geneseed allegedly lends itself to some sort of artistic expression, so there’d be ample room for elaborate Deathmasks and armor/ body painting, charms, chants, etc. 


So, their Dreadnaught sarcophagi are these massive funeral vault things with angelic art and thorns and skulls and flower and blood drop motive, full of festive candles and their aspirants go through visions of the underworld as the Sanguinary Druid-Priests pump them full of BA blood/ gene seed. They probably go heavy on the whole Death-Rebirth thing- maybe to the point where they are indeed pushing the envelope there with the use of resurrection tech in the creation of “cauldron-born” inductees in times of need, while the truly deserving get the full Dreadnaught package,


Like wise, their version of the Imperial Cult is on the Death/ Blood Cult side, bu maybe they not only gather it in cauldrons, but maybe they plant groves of holy trees and string up sacrifices to bleed for nourishment of the trees / the Emperor on sites / worlds where they have battled ( a bloodier version of the Iron Snakes “Rite of Water “)? If they have worlds under their protection, these groves might be places of worship by the populace - and might lead to conflict with Eclessiarchy and such? 

Their fortress monastery might be a huge temple city, a wild mix of ancient trees and overgrown mesoamericam pyramids.

And you better believe that post-Circatrix, they bleed an awful lot of people to reestablish connection with the Astronomican! :devil:






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The best way to survive a fight is to avoid it. But if you cannot avoid a fight, then give whoever started it hell on earth.

This kind of philosophy is what drives the Black Cobras. They hide away in their fortress monastery, a vast installation build on an asteroid travelling through the void.

They hoard the vilest weapons they can find: alchemical weapons that reduce organic matter to a putrid slurry; Atomic weapons that blight life with their deleterious glow; they even have a limited supply of phosphex deep within their vaults.

And should they feel the need to enter into combat, they don't save the best for last, rather they march in and bring the worst experience they can for the enemy.

In that way, they endeavor to discourage any attack or intrusion against the people they protect, such that only a fool would dare to risk their ire.


Outside of combat, they are often cold but always twitchy; cautious, but never unprepared or untrained. They don't pride themselves on their reputation of being fearsome, so much as they are indifferent to it. They just protect the Imperium's people, and if they need to use ordinarily reserved and reprehensible tactics and devices to do so, so be it.


Their numbers are of any ordinary chapter strength, but rarely grow or shrink, given that they don't go into battle often, nor do they recruit often.


Their armor paintjob is very similar to that of the Black Templars, although instead of wearing black with white, they wear black with green, and their symbol is a red serpent.

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20 hours ago, 40k_fan said:

The best way to survive a fight is to avoid it. But if you cannot avoid a fight, then give whoever started it hell on earth.


That is an interesting phrase, especially when you consider the design philosophy of 'Who are they, not what are they'. I would be very interested in exploring the first sentence.

- The Unnamed Chapter were founded by a group of exceptional warriors who had experienced the horrors of war firsthand. Their initial battles and encounters shaped their belief system, emphasizing the importance of avoiding unnecessary conflict whenever possible. What would happen if a Chapter were founded by Tyranic War Veterans for example, when they want nothing more than peace.
- 'Si vis pacem, para bellum' is another apt quote to draw inspiration from
excel in the art of negotiation and conflict resolution. They dedicate significant resources to developing skills in diplomacy, mediation, and persuasive communication. Their reputation as skilled negotiators precedes them, and they actively seek to diffuse tensions and prevent conflicts from escalating. They are frequently used to arbitrate disputes between Chapters
- Guardians of Peace: The chapter sees itself as guardians of peace, rather than traditional warriors seeking glory in battle. They strive to maintain stability, protect civilian populations, and uphold justice throughout the galaxy.

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2 hours ago, Minigiant said:


That is an interesting phrase, especially when you consider the design philosophy of 'Who are they, not what are they'. I would be very interested in exploring the first sentence.

- The Unnamed Chapter were founded by a group of exceptional warriors who had experienced the horrors of war firsthand. Their initial battles and encounters shaped their belief system, emphasizing the importance of avoiding unnecessary conflict whenever possible. What would happen if a Chapter were founded by Tyranic War Veterans for example, when they want nothing more than peace.
- 'Si vis pacem, para bellum' is another apt quote to draw inspiration from
excel in the art of negotiation and conflict resolution. They dedicate significant resources to developing skills in diplomacy, mediation, and persuasive communication. Their reputation as skilled negotiators precedes them, and they actively seek to diffuse tensions and prevent conflicts from escalating. They are frequently used to arbitrate disputes between Chapters
- Guardians of Peace: The chapter sees itself as guardians of peace, rather than traditional warriors seeking glory in battle. They strive to maintain stability, protect civilian populations, and uphold justice throughout the galaxy.

I think these ideas are all very good evolutions of my original idea, and they make a lot sense.

Why would a chapter avoid combat? Because they know the horrors of war and they seek to prevent them and protect peace.

How does this chapter avoid combat? Diplomacy makes a lot of sense.

Both of these two traits are also well compatible with the weapons stockpiling of my Black Cobras.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." - TR

One can prevent a lot of altercation if they can remind the other side of the fact that any fight between the two will end in the destruction of said enemy side.


Edit: Black Cobras Armor Design


"this is an imperialcult minecraft server no swearing pls i dont want to have to abn you"

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The Legaciers

A very old chapter, dating back to the 3rd Founding, likely Imperial Fists, but who's counting.

From the outside view, this chapter looks very ordinary, they are just a fleet-based chapter of standard strength, purpose, and equipment.

That is until you look closer and realize that no chapter member has 'died' in 10,000 years.

Of course the bodies behind the armor will grow old and get wounded, but the roster of this chapter is wholly static.

When a battle brother in this chapter is 'wounded', they take a temporary leave of service, during which will be replaced by a recruit, who will take the name of the fallen, as well as their mannerisms. It's effectively a chapter of LARPers with real boltguns and real training who take on the identity of those who took on the identity of those who took on the identity of those before them and so on...

They still maintain and field weapons from the beginning of their chapter, and when one of their weapons finally reaches its terminus, and it cannot be repaired by even the most experienced techpriests, it is with great sorrow that it must be replaced. Their armor is an off-white color inscribed with black numerals, with golden-yellow eyes. Their go-to model of armor is still the MkII, though they do have several suits of MkIII and even a few suits of MkIV armor, which was new when they were first founded. The fact that they would still maintain equipment a decamillenium old, so notoriously difficult to maintain, should tell you a lot about who they are, and what kind of attention to detail they put into their work.

The Legaciers are one of the few to reject the Primaris marines program, as they fear it will mean the end of their legacy as a chapter.


Angels of the Forge

A chapter of uncertain founding, but suspected to be either Salamanders or Iron Hands. This chapter is a non-codex compliant chapter of sub-standard strength (<1000)

It is unusual, in that it has no techmarines or masters of the forge in its ranks. Instead, members of this chapter must fulfill that role for themselves.

When a new recruit joins the AotF, as part of their journey into becoming a space marine, they must forge their own weapons and armor from raw materials.

This chapter is based on the volcanic world of Ferrucian, where their great fortress sits surrounded by a molten moat, and their forges are heated with magma from the planet's core.

Angels of the Forge see initiative and creativity as noble traits.

When they aren't making their own power armor and bolters, they do regular space marine things.

Their highly individualistic nature has proven to be a challenge however. While one battle brother might seek to save civilians and their way of life before accomplishing a mission, another would focus solely on the objective for the sake of efficiency. This has led on many occasions to conflict between brothers, and rarely has it been resolved without in some way diminishing the results of the mission.

While each set of armor and weapons is unique, the Angels of the Forge all unite under one color. A crimson red. Their symbol is of a winged hammer.

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  • 1 month later...

A list of alternative ways of showing Company belonging:

1. Don't show company belonging

2. Pauldron trims colour

3. Single pauldron trim colour - 50/50 which

4. Imperialis colour

5. Knee colour - 50/50 which

6. Helmet colour

7. Faceplate colour

8. White Scars system

9. Dark Angels system

10. Blood Angels system

11. Salamanders system

12. Wolfspear system

13. Number on right pauldron, over the icon for battlefield role

14. Number on right pauldron, beside the icon for battlefield role

15. Number on left pauldron, beside the chapter symbol

16. Battlefield role marking colour

17. Arm colour - 50/50 which

18. Arm stripe colour - 50/50 which

19. Right pauldron colour

20. Wrists colour

21. Helmet stripe colour

22. Officers crest/similar colour

23. Symbol/rune/glyph on right pauldron, over the icon for battlefield role if one

24. Symbol/rune/glyph on right pauldron, beside the icon for battlefield role if one

25. Symbol/rune/glyph on knee - 50/50 which

26. Officers tilting shield colour

27. Officers tilting shield symbol

28. The BA system but placed on the knee - 50/50 which

29. The Dark Angels system but on right pauldron, over the icon for battlefield role if one

30. The Dark Angels system but on right pauldron, beside the icon for battlefield role if one

31. The Dark Angels system but on right pauldron, taking up the whole pauldron

32. The BA system but on the greave - 50/50 which

33. Number on the greave - 50/50 which

34. Symbol/rune/glyph on the greave - 50/50 which

35. Greave flame colour

36. Number on knee - 50/50 which

37. Squad marking colour

38. Coloured hair or fur that hang from the armour (WS or SW bits)

39. The White Scars system but on right pauldron, over the icon for battlefield role if one

40. The White Scars system but on right pauldron, beside the icon for battlefield role if one

41. The White Scars system but on right pauldron, taking up the whole pauldron

42. The Wolfspear system but on right pauldron, over the icon for battlefield role if one

43. The Wolfspear system but on right pauldron, beside the icon for battlefield role if one

44. The Wolfspear system but on right pauldron, taking up the whole pauldron

45. Backpack top colour

46. Roll again but only squad leaders and other officers have it - or if WS: all have it not just officers

47. Roll again but only the captain (and possibly other high officers) have it

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Playing with some ideas for chapter concepts based around reusing existing chapter transfers and and sculptured pauldrons. One of the ideas is using the BA transfer for a chapter called Black Rain and I'm a bit uncertain about what background colour to use, been thinking about sky-blue or white (as in clouds) or Fenrisian Grey (as in grey clouds), but can't decide. Neither can I decide if the background colour should be the full armour colour or if only the pauldron should be in that colour with the rest of the armour in some other colour or if the armour should be over all multi-coloured. 


What do people think and suggest? 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/14/2023 at 10:28 PM, 40k_fan said:

Phoenix Knights

 Quick take concepts: Colours are red upwards going to blue (like the Celebrants), show company by the colour of the flame on their right pauldron, battlefield role is also shown on the right pauldron, number on left knee shows squad.

Scholar-warriors of DA stock, know for spreading knowledge they think useful or needed to planets they came to and allies they fight alongside. Also known for sifting through any libraries or archives they find, sometimes leaving helpful comments in the margins or telling the caretakers that some books/documents should be shared, sometimes they confiscated some documents, pages or whole collection without explanation.

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Some more quick take concepts: 

10 hours ago, 40k_fan said:


Colours are red with green left pauldron and arm, and right leg, show company the WS way (using white), squads are shown by number on battlefield symbol on right pauldron.
Focus on large scale conflicts (like multisystem wars) and seldom send anything less than a full company. Have a philosophy that if any conflict needs them the enemy have forfeited any reason to be spared, have a tradition of creating pyramids of decapitate heads. If fighting against humans that are just rebelling (without any Chaos or xeno taint) they usually give the rebels a chance to give up and hand over their leaders and don't kill them all, they usually do this at each great conflict area.


11 hours ago, 40k_fan said:

- Cyclopes

Colours are blue with yellow pauldrons, imperialis and boots. Show company with number on lift knee, battlefield role on right pauldron, squad with number beside the battlefield role icon.
Named after mythological chthonic giants that served the forge/factory god of pre-M3 Mediterranean, and like them they are underground dwelling craftsmen. The natives of their φλ-class homeworld trade young boys for master-crafted weapons, armour and equipment, the more boys gifted the greater the item in return. 



12 hours ago, 40k_fan said:

Serpent Swords

Colours: Ochre pink, with copper pauldron trim, show company, squad and battlefield role using the DA system. Their Ravenwing and Deathwing analogue are marked out by black armour (ignoring their pauldrons and trim, which are standard colours), 1th company and company veterans have silver helmets. Dreadnoughts have their "coffin" in silver.
Endocannibalistic death cultists of DA stock. Go to war bearing the silver overlayed skulls of their forbearers, so they can witness their deeds and wispier advises. 


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21 hours ago, 40k_fan said:


Colours: white - show company, squad and battlefield role marking the RG way. Symbol is a black crescent moon. Armour decorations in the form of swirling patterns in silver common.

Fatalistic and paranoid towards anybody not of their gene-line. Masters of fighting using ambushes, traps, strike-and-fadeaway tactics, snipers, and similar - its unknown if at the cost of their ability regarding standard Astartes warfare.



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/8/2023 at 12:22 PM, Gamiel said:

some more:

On 8/14/2023 at 10:28 PM, 40k_fan said:

Names for loyal chapters of 100% loyalist genetic stock:

and more:

Silver Blade


Heart of Darkness

Red Malakim

Death Lords

Warriors of Wotan

Khonsu's Sons

Golden Illuminators  

Alpha Strike





Some quicktakes:

On 10/8/2023 at 12:22 PM, Gamiel said:

Blood of the Emperor

Colours: Green with blue pauldrons and head. Use the DA heraldic system. Symbol is three blood drops.

Of unknown founding and lineage, the Chapter holds the Emperor as the ultimate object of its devotions.


On 10/8/2023 at 12:22 PM, Gamiel said:

Iron Skulls

Colours: Steel with purple pauldrons and arms. Symbol is a tylised iron skull (use the IW transfer).

Raiders and harriers, their enemies are wounded many times before the Iron Skulls attack in full. 


On 10/8/2023 at 12:22 PM, Gamiel said:


Colours: Blue with brazen faceplate, white pauldrons, and red right arm and left leg. Symbol is the HH-era WE symbol in bronze.

Raven Guard successors and bear their pale skin and black eyes. Recruit from a Water World and known for their mastery of fighting under water and on boats.



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  • 1 month later...

Morally Indefensible Space Marine Chapters:


The Orphaners AKA The Child Stealers

Unknown founding. Fleet based. When they find a planet with promising recruits, they just take them. Like, they won't take no for an answer; They are very selective because their gene seed only works on so few, so those who their scans indicate are capable of receiving it will be abducted.


Colors: White, Red Trim, Red Eyes, Blue Teardrop Symbol 


The Bloodbathers (Alt. Spelling Blood-Bathers)

Unknown founding. They believe that the machine spirits in their weapons and armour must be bathed in the blood of their enemies to maintain its function. It's legitimately hard to tell if they are really technophilic Blood Angels or really bloodthirsty Iron Hands. Nobody knows for sure. Nobody's sticking around to find out, because they are sticky, crusty, and always smell of stale iron.


Colors: They don't bother painting their armour; They'll let the blood do that. Just slapchop them grey, add some of the metallic or leather details, and then splatter some bloodred paint all over them, and add some beady white eyes. 


The Victors

For each batch of hundreds of potential marines, they are all thrown into a fighting pit. Only one can survive. Sometimes nobody survives at all. And this is before they even get any gene seed implants. The actual gene seed this chapter uses actually has a very high success rate, they could recruit hundreds of marines in each recruitment, but they are picky by choice, they won't settle for anything less than the best. This practice is, of course, considered incredibly wasteful by most other chapters and the Imperium at large, but the result is that despite the chapter's exceedingly slow rate of recovery after battle, the marines it does produce are really good at what they do. Who cares about such silly things as lifelong psychological damages.


Colors: As it turns out, there's already a chapter called "The Victors"  who don't have lore. Just paint them like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wrath of Caliban

Symbol: A red skull on green

Colours: Blue with green pauldrons, use the DA heraldic system.

Exemplar names: Daniil, Emmanuil, Gavriil, Mikhail, Rafail, Samuil, Faddey, Zakhariy, Asmodii, Dmitrii

An insular chapter without known homeworld or recruitment world, it has been speculated that they share their parent chapter’s recruitment worlds but nothing have been proven. Seldom seen in larger warzone, instead they seem to prefer to patrol the imperium’s boarder worlds, hunting for xenos and chaos forces that prey on those worlds often overlooked by the imperial administration.


Winter’s Hand

Symbol: An ice-blue gauntlet on red [use the IH pauldron]

Colours: Ice-blue with red pauldrons. Show company belonging by gothic number on the battlefield role symbol on the right pauldron.

Recruit from the sons of the court-warriors that serve the boyars and khans that rule the taiga covered equator of their homeworld. Masters of winter warfare and expert siegecraftsmen (for both sides of a siege).


Angels Abyssal

Symbol: On dark-blue a winged sword in red

Colours: Dark-blue, follow the WS heraldic system except the veterans are marked out with silver laurels

A nomadic chapter that recruit from the sons of the renegades, rebels and pirates they have vanquished. Highly monastic in their ways. [Use DA and BT parts to give them a monk-ish, religious-ish look, maybe with some angel-ish stuff from the BA boxes]

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  • 2 weeks later...

More generic chapter names, because lord knows we need to reach some quotas:


Angelic Names:

Angels of Destruction

Angels of Diasaster

Angels of Punishment

Angels of Retribution

Angels of Sagittarius

Angels of Silence

Angels of Solitude

Angels of Thunder

Angels of Wrath


Verb Names:

Death Drinkers








Soul Weighers


Storm of the Emperor

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some colour concepts based on that most of the BA and DA successors have variants of their "dad's" colours but we don't see that in the other chapter-lines, so here are some colour schemes  based on variants of the WS colours:

(all suggestiens are based on that they use the WS system to show company and squad, refered to as "markings" here)

White with blue pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


White with green pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


White with purple pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


White with black pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


Red with white pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


Red with yellow pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


Red with blue pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


Silver with red pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


Black with red pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


Black with rwhite pauldron trim, imperialis and markings


Split with right side being white with red pauldron trim, imperialis and markings, and the left side being inversed


Split with right side being red with white pauldron trim, imperialis and markings, and the left side being inversed

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From a chapter symbol (or other typs of markings) perspective have GW rereleased some of their "old" Adeptus Titanicus transfer sheets:

Adeptus Titanicus: Legio Solaria Transfer Sheet (warhammer.com)

Adeptus Titanicus: Legio Vulpa Transfer Sheet (warhammer.com)

Adeptus Titanicus: Legio Atarus Transfer Sheet (warhammer.com)

Adeptus Titanicus: Legio Astorum Transfer Sheet (warhammer.com)

Adeptus Titanicus: Legio Metalica Transfer Sheet (warhammer.com)


Was thinking that some of the Vulpa transfers could be used for the Hound Skull chapter  - or you could use some of the Space Wolves wolf-skull transfers, or maybe use both for different things?

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  • 1 month later...

Obsidian Sentinels


Black armor, right arm + pauldron in sand/ golden colour


Based on Sardaukar and Fremen, House Corrino emblem as chapter symbol


Could either go with Ultima Founding and replacing a lost chapter (mayhaps the Obsidian Blades, who were basically extinguished during the Red Waaagh) or with an earlier founding and just treat them as a regular chapter.


The emergence and addition of Primaris vanguard forces created a shift in their combat doctrine and culture. While the vanguard focus way more on hit and run tactics and flanking manoeuvres, they're taking inspiration from their homeworlds desert people while the majority of the chapter continues to be the unrelenting warriors of the Emperor. 


The chapter creation table also gave me: animal companions and don't make use of Devastor marines which would fit the infantry based source material quite well

Animal companions could be eagles or lion-esque creatures (no wolfrider equivalents!)


Geneseed officially via Ultramarines but I think Iron Warriors would be quite fitting, as well


An alternative concept I'd have liked to explore instead of the Knight Household of Toho. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/26/2024 at 11:53 AM, Kelborn said:

Obsidian Sentinels


Black armor, right arm + pauldron in sand/ golden colour


Based on Sardaukar and Fremen, House Corrino emblem as chapter symbol


Could either go with Ultima Founding and replacing a lost chapter (mayhaps the Obsidian Blades, who were basically extinguished during the Red Waaagh) or with an earlier founding and just treat them as a regular chapter.

Great ideas! Do the Marines use crysknife analogs? If the Chapter planet lacks sandworms, the knives may be made from the fangs of Laza tigers or lions (the House Corrino heraldic beast) they fight as a rite of entry into the Chapter.

An alternative concept I'd have liked to explore instead of the Knight Household of Toho.

Named after the film studio behind Godzilla? Will you kitbash a Space Marine Stormhawk interceptor's wings and engines onto a Knight warsuit, and name the result "Mothra"? Or kitbash the wings and engines with THREE laser destroyers- one in each arm, and one replacing the head- decorating each mount with a golden dragon's jaws framing the laser destroyer, and name the result "King Ghidorah"?

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