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Right, what's done;

Sabre and jetbike from last month. The Herald is awaiting a fancy sword. 

Volkite squad (these need a coat of matte varnish), Cenobium, interemptors & Marduk Sedras all done from this month. plus a load of Rhinos from my plodding along vow (these have has decals, battle damage and weathering). My plodding along is nearly done too!! Just some swords to finish off once they arrive.  










I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 4 apothecaries, 5 Tartaros Terms, My take on Farith Redloss for the heresy era Dark Angels by month's end. There will likely be a few more added on to this once I have an idea of what i want to do next. 20220606_193603.thumb.jpg.afc95102ac961a1a4e36692b00e6a086.jpg






Due to the weather basically forcing one to stay indoors and enjoy the warmth of the painting desk next to the heater, hot tea and some nice exciting audiobooks, I finished my converted Inquisition Kill Team (so far, maybe I will think of more operatives in the future).



This was great, I loved doing these unique characters. I also for the first time tried out painting clothing with a sponge. And what can I say, I like it! I also love my new wet palette.

I really try to experiment with new techniques and widening my horizon, to keep things interesting.

Next, I will try out some ideas for my terrain on the measuring devices that came in the Kill Team box, before I go wild on the terrain.

And there is a whole of two more Kill Teams (Navy and Kroot) to paint.

Got side-tracked during the weekend, but managed to push through yesterday night and my final Cataphractii squad member (and September vow)  is ready:



 And the full squad:

With the purchase of a slightly less potato cam phone I have got shots of the Aggressors and Captain complete from September:



Not the best pics I know but I am working after day light hours.  Not hugely happy and the fact that it took me nearly an extra week to finish the bases and final touch up on the Aggressors, wiping out the week I had got ahead but no matter, the Imperium Train drives ever on:

For the next vow we have:

A Necron Overlord


Well ended up with a bunch of time at the weekend... so October Pledge:

Grey Knights - Librarian and 5 Purifiers

Thousand Sons - 10 Tzaangor and a sorcerer (30k Ahriman)

Ad mech - Tech Priest, TechnoArchiologist and 3 Kataphrons

HH - 5 Cataphracts



I'm gearing up for another Goliath, but as I seem to be knocking off neophytes pretty efficiently at the moment, here are the two bonus crewmen as stand-alone models, set to join the ranks of the uprising.

I, Rogue, vow to complete two neophytes by month's end.

The chap with dynamite is destined to be the squad leader for a second group of autogun neophytes. The other one is just a spare body - I'm wanting to try out a more shooty approach for a bit, just for variety, so the more guns the better, I guess.


Edited by Rogue

Going to do a speed painting comp tonight, so I'll vow it for  Speed Daemon. 

I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of October one Horus Heresy Word Bearer.



So, two hours later and I managed to place 1st out of 13th! My stuff might not be the most detailed, but apparently I can paint it fast and decent within two hours- first time in a speed painting comp so I'm very happy. 





Update on my Plodding along vow, I finished the first trio of scouts.


I think I'm getting a lot better at painting up to white (especially since I bought them secondhand primed black), I really like how it turned out here.

Next up from my vow, the Armor of the Ages. I laid down a layer of Leadbelcher tonight to get the ball rolling--there's not a lot of layer colors I need here, thankfully, so they shouldn't take nearly as long. (my paint scheme for them is under the spoiler, and is my version of a Lost Legion, the Celestial Axes.


Despite being quarterd, I think this will be much less time consuming than my main paint scheme.

36/39 to go. 13 weeks left. Appx 3 models per week to do, we'll see how things go. Planning on alternating between a Dawn Blades 'block' and a non-Dawn Blades 'block' (other Space Marine chapters or necron models) so I don't go insane painting another 14 models majority-bright-white-and-red colors.

I, Majkhel of the Blood Angels, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 3 Intercessors for the glory of the Angel by month's end.


Color blocking done for my Celestial Axes Armour Through The Ages. Quite pleased with how this looks on a model, actually—translated well from the mock-up.

Really pleased with how the MkIII Marine turned out, too. 



Edit: I have no earthly idea why those are upside down but it’s too late for me to try and fix that tonight.

Edited by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch
On 9/15/2022 at 5:12 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of September pledge to complete 5 Intercessors and a Sons of Medusa Terminator (Mental Health Challenge) by month's end.


I wonder what flavour said Intercessors will be :dry:






Right all done...  A little late for some of my vows... Mainly the 5 Inters. (Shakes fist at TWW3).

I will have a new vow up today.

Vow complete early doors. 

I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 10 Breachers and a Moritat (a Cypher proxy) for the heresy era Dark Angels by month's end. 





Right, since it was a nice sunny day, I got some painting done sitting on the balcony.

I painted the first pieces of Gallowdark terrain for my pledge to paint up the Into the Dark box (plus a bit of extra terrain).

I actually love doing this- it is quite forgiving when you do painting mistakes if you drench the piece in dirt, grime and rust at the end! And it still looks nice at the end- oozing character!



I, Reclusiarch Jolemai , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 1x Astorath, 4x Infantry by month's end.



To do:

~ Astorath: Fix, finish shades, detail, base

~ Death Company: Everything

~ Tactical Marines: Everything

Painted up some more terrain (broken fuel pipes of a derelict Imperial space ship, to go along with my Gallowdark terrain)-

I am enjoying this more than I thought I would. Also, you get a nice sense of accomplishment since you can do this so fast!


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