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Upcoming BL Stuff - 2022

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The Only War stories are:


The Taste of Fire by Steven B Fischer
Refuge by Steve Lyons
Redemption Through Sacrifice by Justin Woolley
The Price of Duty by Matt Smith
Anarchy's End by Rob J Hayes
The Jagged Edge by Maria Haskins
The Place of Pain and Healing by Justin D Hill
The Labyrinth of Lost Souls by Graham McNeill
Faith in Iron by Cameron Johnston
A Coin for the Carrion Thieves by John French
Da Big Mouf by Danie Ware
Warsphere by Darius Hinks
Path of Grief by Adrian Southin
Voice of Experience by J C Stearns
Road Rage by Mike Brooks
Mad Dok by Nate Crowley
His Will by Guy Haley
Celestine: Revelation by Andy Clark
The Moon-Mines of Sciara Lone by Danie Ware
Martyr's End by Alec Worley
Ghosts of Iron by Marc Collins
Last Flight by Edoardo Albert
Night Shriekers by Justin Woolley
The Shapers of Scars by Marc Collins


The Inferno anthology stories are:


Blighted Sun by Marc Collins
Fidelis Ad Mortem by Jude Reid
Cargo by Chris Wraight
The Last Word by Phil Kelly
In The Name of Victory by J S Collyer
Recriminant by R S Wilt
Reconsecration by Amanda Bridgeman
Knife's Edge by Breanna Teintze
Suffer Not a Human to Live by Gavin G Smith
Wings of Faith by Victoria Hayward
Blood Legacy by J C Stearns
Song of the Mother by Boman Modine

Edited by Orwell84
Adding both book contents in one post
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12 minutes ago, cheywood said:

Inferno Presents: The Emperor’s Finest is up for preorder on the 5th: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a17457941/Marc-Collins-Inferno-Presents-The-Emperor-s-Finest#omnsearchpos=13


Only War, another 40k anthology, is also up for preorder: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a17457941/Marc-Collins-Inferno-Presents-The-Emperor-s-Finest#omnsearchpos=13

Not sure if the individual short stories are listed anywhere on the Fnac pages yet, I’m region locked.


I'm glad somebody lists the individual stories. To add to your other criticisms, one would think publicizing the contents of an upcoming anthology (like, say, in the coming soon page - when they bother to update it) would be a way to generate interest in it. Not doing so kind of makes it seem like they have little faith in their own product and are hoping you'll buy on trust. If they didn't charge a ridiculously high price in Aus $ I might be more willing to buy more ebooks from them and not other publishers, but, like Cheywood said, what would I know :rolleyes:

Edited by Orwell84
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Super excited for the Inferno. I'm a big fan of short stories and Inferno are one of the best anthologies BL produces. It looks there are 4 R S Wilt, Amanda Bridgeman, Breanna Teintze, Boman Modine brand new authors.


I wish BL would do a better job at introducing the writers. Remember when they actually had Bio section on BL.com with info about individual authors?

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Excited for both these anthologies, having seen the breakdowns. It appears 10 of 12 of the stories in Emperor's Finest are brand new and, although only 2 of the 24 in Only War appear new, 19 more have only previously been released digitally (2019 - 2021) so it's great for those of us who have no interest in ebooks and just want physical copies to finally get these in print!


[One more was only released in a hard-to-get store annviversary collection (Last Flight in Serpents of Ardemis and Other Stories); the remaining two were previously released in The Rose at War HB (Da Big Mouf) and the Black Library Celebration 2022 PB (The Shapers of Scars).]

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Can you link the AoS anthology? I have the suspicion that these are the new anthologies to follow on from Crusade / Nexus / Hammerhal / Sacrosanct / Thunderstrike & Other Stories. Horus Heresy already got one too via Lupercal's War this year.


It would make sense here because most or even all the shorts listed have previously been published digitally, some last advent. The Ware story was also kept out of the Bloody Rose omnibus for no good reason.

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5 minutes ago, DarkChaplain said:

Can you link the AoS anthology? I have the suspicion that these are the new anthologies to follow on from Crusade / Nexus / Hammerhal / Sacrosanct / Thunderstrike & Other Stories. Horus Heresy already got one too via Lupercal's War this year.


It would make sense here because most or even all the shorts listed have previously been published digitally, some last advent. The Ware story was also kept out of the Bloody Rose omnibus for no good reason.

Of course! Here ya go: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a17457854/Gav-Thorpe-Conquest-Unbound-Stories-from-the-Mortal-Realms#omnsearchpos=15

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Huh. I think the anthologies may in part be collecting fiction pieces from White Dwarf magazine issues. 


The fnac entry for Conquest Unbound includes A Taste of Lightning by Adrian Tchaikovsky. That story was in White Dwarf 478. I don't regularly pick the magazine up, but I'm aware that the current format regularly has a "Black Library" section with short stories.

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1 hour ago, cheywood said:



Looks pretty similar in what it contains. However, there's overlap with Thunderstrike & Other Stories (both Strong Bones (which was a great ogre pov story!) and Buyer Beware were in Thunderstrike). Then again, that's happened before; Thunderstrike's Shiprats was already in Sacrosanct, and Sacrosanct's Prisoner of the Black Sun and Great Red (audio dramas in prose, which were actually an 8-part novel) were previously in Hammerhal.


Checking out both covers, I think it's pretty clear that they're going for the same parallel deal across IPs that the previous starter anthologies were trying for - just that this time, they're apparently not commissioning a novella to spearhead the book.


The bulk, though, hasn't been in anthologies yet, and has been dangling for a good while. I seriously hope Only War and Conquest Unbound will be receiving audiobooks (like Crusade, Nexus, Hammerhal, Sacrosanct, Thunderstrike and Lupercal's War did) because there's quite a bit in there that I haven't gotten to before. The "Stories from the 41st Millennium / Mortal Realms" subtitle is pretty obvious, and they're sticking with the factions too; each 40k book had an Ultramarine starring up front, while AoS had Stormcasts from [current chamber]. Though the not finalized strike cruiser cover they had for Nexus on Amazon back then was way better than what they ended up picking in the end...


Either way, I'm glad for every collecting anthology they release. Way cheaper than buying individual shorts, and no clutter on the e-reader!

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On 10/19/2022 at 12:07 AM, Ubiquitous1984 said:

It seems that the Sunday article has been updated and it has now been confirmed that an mp3 version will also be available to pre-order on Saturday.  


And now it turns out there's no audiobook listing on BL after all. Ebook and hardback only for now. Or rather: Ebook only, because the hardcover is already sold out, as per usual.


Leave it to GW/BL to mess things up, I suppose.

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12 minutes ago, fire golem said:

Apparently Harrowmaster in the UK sold out by 9:57, before the special edition Dark Imperium set. Loving this current ‘every book is limited edition’ era of Black Library. 

Even the AoS Grombridal: Chronicles of the Wanderer sold out almost instantly. Luckily, there are other ways to get BL books

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58 minutes ago, fire golem said:

Apparently Harrowmaster in the UK sold out by 9:57, before the special edition Dark Imperium set. Loving this current ‘every book is limited edition’ era of Black Library. 

We now have Limited Editions (Stardart HB), Limited Limited Editions, Special Editions and Mega Editions. 


You know what's the difference between them all? None. They're all overpriced and sell out in 3 minutes...


I'm glad that I switched to ebooks years ago. At least I don't have to worry about this bull:cuss: every Saturday.

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18 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

I’d love an actual explanation from BL about why their hardback books sell out so quickly.  If it’s paper related fine, but please tell us.


I wonder if they're actually producing less than before, or if it's just scalpers now knowing a lot of people will spend a lot of money to get a copy combined with FOMO from people who would otherwise shrug and "I've got a backlog, I'll just wait a few months."


Every mega, limited, collector, super-special-uber-amazing edition and hardback now sells out in actual minutes, but it was only a couple of years ago you could hang around for a year in some cases to get these. 


Does make me think from BL's perspective they might see it as a good thing. Stock isn't sat in a warehouse for well over a year gathering dust, it looks good on a report that "every hardback sells out in minutes", far more people are desperately F5'ing on the webpage at 09:55 than would be otherwise. 


Edited by Lord Marshal
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1 hour ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

I’d love an actual explanation from BL about why their hardback books sell out so quickly.  If it’s paper related fine, but please tell us.

Can't be paper shortage. Definitely not the main reason. This started happening way before covid. Other publishers are still managing to print tens of thousands copies and somehow BL would struggle to print 5K (I doubt hardbacks are more than that at this point). Also, if the reason was paper shortage then why would they "waste" paper on special editions of 10+ years novel (Cadian Blood) or series that recently was reprinted (Dark Imperium) instead of ensuring their current offering is available in stock?


I suspect it's a strategy to force people into overpriced ebooks. The profit GW makes on books is laughable compared to plastic crack they produce. It's too much work to handle thousands of physical copies of books for very little profit. Makes me feel bad for authors who already are not paid that well by BL and it's usually life long fans who end up writing for them.

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I am collector by heart but this development is just depressing. I guess I stop buying physical copies as soon as the Horus novel and the last books of Siege of Terra are released

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Grombrindal sold out for the NA region as well. This is absolutely insane. I've never seen an AoS book selling out during pre-order, even months later they are usually still available in the US. The print run of regular hardbacks must be incredibly limited. Why do they even bother at this point.

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Denny Flowers - Da Gobbo's Demise

Redsnot was once Runtherd Killaskun's least-worst grot, a position held by guile and treachery. But now Killaskun lies dead, and the leaderless herd are poised to tear each other apart. Besieged on all sides by bloodthirsty worshippers of the Dark Gods, only one grot can rally the cowering runts to victory. And that grot should have been Redsnot. Instead, in swooped Da Red Gobbo, greatest hero of grot-kind, and the runts fell in behind the git like simpering pups. But Redsnot is patient. He knows that when bullets start flying, all sorts of unfortunate accidents can happen, and even Da Red Gobbo is susceptible to a knife in the back...


I'm a big fan of Denny Flowers since his first Necromunda short stories. I'm glad they are giving the character to someone else than Brooks.



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Not sure how I feel about passing the character on.


Anyhow, Ciaphas Cain's Greater Good is out in audio in two weeks. Figured it'd drop sooner rather than later, after we had Gotrek & Felix in last week's preview. Just missing Gaunt's Ghosts to round up the three long-running classics for the time being. Although we only just had His Last Command in September, so it might be a while.


Also: Horror Week, at last. The only cover I don't like is the one with the Talos. Sure, yes, that's the titular Pain Engine, but it's not at all stylized, it's simply the model's silhouette. It's too detailed next to the rest. King of Pigs meanwhile has me interested by its cover alone. Also looks like this might be the turnout from a past submission window, which is cool.


The Eisenhorn omnibus cover still looks way off for my tastes. Bring back Clint Langley's art. But at least it's an up to date omnibus with all four books included.


And finally, The Successors gets its paperback. This is the moment if you've been unwilling to buy the hardback during its 5 minutes on sale, just for a single Fehervari story!

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I wonder when the Sanguinius Primarch LE drops. 

The regular hardback is still listed for Dec 6 on all the retailer sites so.... I hope it comes out then at least, maybe it will be the first simultaneous release.


The coming soon page has not been updated for December, or even November, which surely they must have noticed, starts next week already.

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1 hour ago, Taliesin said:

The coming soon page has not been updated for December, or even November, which surely they must have noticed, starts next week already.

The intern that is supposed to do it, is probably on sick leave. Hence no one else bothers. That's the only way I can explain it.

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