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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Legionaries complete, Defiler WIP)


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That's an impressive display and a lot of painted minis - well done! :biggrin: 


7 hours ago, Boc said:

Only 3 legionaries missing since their arms broke off while moving them.

They shouldn't have turned to Chaos - such are the wages of the traitor! :tongue: :laugh: 


Seriously though, sorry to hear it and hopefully they're easily fixed! :smile: 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a very slow couple of weeks. Old painting area has been cleared out for the pending baby and I've got it all set back up in the basement. I'm a basement dweller in my own basement. Success? 


Got a few hours of work in on the Tyrant that I I'm still plugging away on for the Call to Arms. I'd thought, initially, that I'd finish my whole pledge before August. Ah, misguided optimism. 


Got most of the first two weapon arms finished up. Going to lighten up the plasma coils to try to make them glow, but had to wait for the washes to dry so didn't have a chance to work on it tonight. 




Started initial red trim on the top carapace. should be able to mostly finish it up i think by the weekend. Fall schedule with the kids gets pretty hectic though, so we'll see how I'm able to progress

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1 hour ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Nice work! :smile: 


For such large models, the force is coming together quite rapidly :smile: 



Also I keep seeing that you're having to fix my formatting. What are you having to do? I use mobile so not sure if there's a display difference between that and desktop 

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10 minutes ago, Boc said:

Also I keep seeing that you're having to fix my formatting. What are you having to do? I use mobile so not sure if there's a display difference between that and desktop 

The image was on the same line as the last line of text, so the text appeared half-way up the image, and the image appears bumped over to the right, so I've basically been putting the cursor at the end of the text and hitting "enter". :smile: 

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Well... I finally have to paint some Cultists. I've resisted the meta as long as I can simply because I don't especially like the concept of running lost and the damned alongside Astartes. Since I wanted to get them over with quickly, I opted for a basecoat of grey seer and then some contrast paints. Hopefully I'll finish them up tomorrow night. 



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Not my best models by a long shot, but they'll die quickly enough for me to not care!


I'll still apply some more layers of mud to build up the bases more, then apply blood wash to make it fit in more with the skull bases.


Maybe dry brush some runefang if I feel like it. Otherwise, box checked, unit ready, on to the Obliterators 



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4 hours ago, Boc said:

Not my best models by a long shot, but they'll die quickly enough for me to not care!

Spoken like a true follower of the dark gods! :laugh: 



4 hours ago, Boc said:

Maybe dry brush some runefang if I feel like it. 

Sponge-based weathering (chipping) can add a surprising amount of detail for very little effort :smile: 

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About 90 minutes in on these fine, fine gentlemen. First time using Vallejo instead of Citadel for the plating. It's always been Mechanicum Standard Grey (yes, mechanicUM, lackeys of the false Omnissiah) and found a chart that said Vallejo Heavy Grey is the same thing. 




Nope, don't think it is! But I'll leave as is for these guys, because colorblindness is always a solid excuse.


Hoping to get the metallics done tomorrow. I've gotten a few Vallejo airbrush metallics in (I'm trying to replace empty paints with Vallejo on the recommendation of local players that paint better than me), so hopefully the steel looking ones aren't actually orange or something haha

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It looks like that's from the Dakka Dakka equivalency chart - if you look at the subscript, it's marked as "approximate", although I think they mean very approximate (Heavy Grey has more green in it).


I'm not sure there's a great match for Mechanicus Standard Grey, as it is a little bit of an odd colour due to having a slight green cast to it. From what I can see, German Grey and Dark Grey are close in brightness (one's lighter, one's darker), but they both lack the green tinge. According to the RedGrim equivalency chart, there isn't a great match for it. :sad: 


P.S. I don't know if you know, but Vallejo re-formulated the Game Colour line (the new pots have more coverage, and a matte finish - you can identify them by the clear pots and tamper-proof cap seal), which has resulted in the Extra Opaque sub-line being dropped (although they're keeping Charcoal as a standard colour).

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Decided tonight to switch gears from the forgefiend and Obliterators in favor of getting Accursed Cultists assembled. And then I got distracted.


How many Accursed Cultists you ask?


All of them.




I'm optimistic that maybe I can finish them up by Sunday, but just the two layers of contrasts on all of them still took a hot minute. 

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Slow weekend, but was able to do a tiny bit more tonight. Some of the brown contrasts added to pants, each cloak is colored in. Used different colors on the cloaks so I could differentiate if I ever split them down to single unit size, so I can still horde them and know which is which. Hopefully more progress to follow, but the boys' fall schedules are nuts with sports and other stuff throughout the week. 



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There... are... so... many...



I'm actually putting some decent effort into the detailing on these after the initial slap chop contrast applications. Right now in the middle of black washes on the red fleshy bits to help accent the red, then I'll be dry brushing either with blood red or Word bearer red, haven't quite decided yet. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/6/2023 at 7:04 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

That's quite the horde of cultists and assorted nasties! :biggrin: 

Far too many to ever want to do in one go ever again lol


Got started on my October vows a little bit with my 2nd of 3 forgefiends. I'm planning on finishing a 3rd, some oblits, and I forget what else in a baselessly optimistic vow. I've got the grey+green wash applied on all of the models... but good lord there's a lot of trim everywhere!


I'm thinking another two nights dedicated work on this guy, before adding gloss varnish and going to town on weathering. I've got a few new Abteilung 502 oils that one of the local guys has been raving about (rust, sepia, starship filth, black) that I'm looking forward to trying out on this dude.



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Finished everything up, so glossed him and added all of the weathering.




Figured I'd get cracking on the Dark commune while waiting for the oils and enamels to dry, so knocked out the Demagogue in one go.





And after some cleaning up. Tomorrow I'll be applying matte varnish to take the shine away and basing.




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