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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Legionaries complete, Defiler WIP)


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And the Blessed Blades (i.e. two best friends are complete!




I've just about finished up Forgefiend #3 as well. Then I forgot to add the gloss varnish before adding oils and enamels. So that was a fun learning experience, having to gently dab all of it off made cleanup take probably 3x as long haha. I should get it's base finished up and the model matte varnished tomorrow night! 

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Looks good to me - the metallics in front (i.e. left) of the plasma coils in the first image looks great. :smile: 


4 hours ago, Boc said:

Missed Varnish Travesty of 2023

I take it that you forgot to apply a coat of varnish before applying the weathering products? I tend to write out my painting recipes long-hand, and then tick them off as I go through them (something about getting older, and the memory not quite being what it used to be...).



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Yeah, I'm really liking your dark commune - I really don't like the sword guys in the GW colour scheme (they look too much like Nazgul) but in yours they rock.  In particular loving the ambiguous not quite lighting, not quite mystical symbols, not quite faces highlighting on their swords... I'll have to try something similar (in green) if I ever paint the unit... which is a fair bit more likely now, having seen yours.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Thanks guys, glad you like them! 


Got another hour or so down with the Master of Possession tonight, getting most of the bigger chunks knocked out. Need to work on the power pack and another few smaller details to finish up and then it's on to dry brush and washes.



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And another night of work in, think the flames turned out pretty well. After so many vehicles, Knights, and slap chop horde units, it's been refreshing to work on an individual character. 


Hoping I can get him done in the next day or two. 


Edited by Boc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Waiting for the oils and enamels to dry on my 3rd and 4th Obliterators, I had to get sidetracked to finish painting models for the RTT that's strictly adhering to the all or nothing painting requirements. So i cranked through the rest of Cypher in a couple days, so here he is!




Only thing left to finish is my Blue Scribes which, as second hand finecast, is without a doubt just a travesty to even assemble.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New baby was born last week, so I'm sticking to models that can be done with 90% contrast paints so I can make use of random short spots of free time. Working right now on the Changeling (barely a base coat so far) and a Burning Chariot.


Plan is to finish up the Exalted Flamer portion (magnetize so it can be a standalone model as well) of the Burning Chariot first. Thought about kind of a pink/blue flame but opted for the pure fire look. Because I'm lazy and I know how to do it haha



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