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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Legionaries complete, Defiler WIP)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a bit slow to end the month, but here's some progress shots on the Eldritch Omens Chaos Chosen

I not sure I'm happy with the bone spine/power pack. I painted it with my standard gold (screaming bell - gehennas - runefang dry) and then applied Blood Angels Red contrast over the top. I thought it'd look very different than the red for the cloak, but it doesn't seem to. What do you guys think? I'm pretty colorblind (seriously lol) so not sure if they really look the same or I just can't tell the difference because weaksauce eyeballs





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  • 4 weeks later...

Took a bit of a break when one of our dogs died, she was 12 so lived a long and good life, pic below for "aww"

Got over the light depression funk this past weekend and finally made some decent progress on the land raider I've been procrastinating. Really not happy with how the greenshade went on (my worst so far imo), but fuggit, we'll get 'er cranked out one way or another. Have to wait for the white water effect to dry, then will be coloring the normal bloodsmears everywhere, some dust and soot, and hopefully done tomorrow!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of a change of pace this month. Had gotten the Chaos Knights army box when it was released, and this little guy has been patiently waiting his turn. 


Really like the Huntsman variant, but realized a bit too late that the claws were not, in fact, the chain talon. Because pictures are hard haha. Thank goodness for magnets! The Daemonbreath Spear is done apart from weathering powders, as I'm trying to finish this one by kind of quadrants instead of my "uh this color then this color" madness. We'll see how it goes.




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  • 1 month later...

And here I was thinking I'd moved at a decent pace on these last ones... guess not lol


Finished up another raptor squad, thinking I'll need another 2 as pistol/chainsword options to meet my list options for 40k, but we'll see


Next up is my first leviathan dread. In the queue is my first Chaos Knight (unbuilt), 8-10 warp spiders, and then maybe Horus


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