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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Legionaries complete, Defiler WIP)


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Sorry to hear you picked up a stomach bug, but good to see you're on the mend. :smile: 


It's surprising to see how vibrant the red is on base coat, and how muted it is in the final model - it's quite a difference! Looking at the debris on the base, I take it you have a regular opponent who plays Imperial Fists?

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On 5/30/2023 at 4:02 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Looking at the debris on the base, I take it you have a regular opponent who plays Imperial Fists?

Oddly enough no lol. I wanted to practice my yellows and conveniently the AoD box has lots of IF decals I can use. Purely laziness and practicality


Made some progress today on Abaddon, since after the Faction focus articles I'm thinking I'll start with CSM for 10th instead of the Knights (how can a S3 non anti-tank weapon auto wound a T12 knight... shenanigans I say).


I'm reminded of why all my dudes have helmets. I've kind of haphazardly started on him, not quite the mechanical and deliverate step by step painting of my normal SoH legionaries, so random airbrush practice all over him. After today's skin and bones, I think I'll just start at the tip top and work my way down. Who knows.


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Abaddon looks like he's coming along nicely, and it looks like you're getting on well with the airbrush :smile: 


7 hours ago, Boc said:

Oddly enough no lol. I wanted to practice my yellows and conveniently the AoD box has lots of IF decals I can use. Purely laziness and practicality

Fair enough - it's as good a reason as any! :smile: 

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Not much of an update, pretty unproductive week due to another visit from family members. I did spray all the conversion bases and was pleasantly surprised to discover I'd actually ordered the right amount! I was waaayy too lazy to count. 


Got all 40 models with the old 25mm custom bases glued in, and added blood effect in the hope that it'll fill the little gap between the old base and the convertor.


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Another night of progress on Abaddon, though looking at my last shot of him maybe i didn't do as much tonight as i thought lol


Should be able to finish up tomorrow 

Dry brush and wash the dirt
Figure out how I want his sword to look 
Weathering everywhere to blend in the mud


Edited by Firedrake Cordova
Swear filter dodge
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Very nice! I’ve always loved the idea of True Sons/post-Heresy SOH still wearing the old colors. Was one of several ideas when I was coming back to the game, actually, along with Guardians of the Covenant, and the World Eaters which I went with because they had their own codex in the pipeline at the time.

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Thanks everyone! Glad you guys liked Abaddon. Probably my favorite individual model I've painted so far.


Been a pretty busy week, so only got around to painting for a few hours tonight. The carapace armor for the Desecrator is done (minus damage + weathering)! Pretty happy with how I was able to add shadow to the left side of the armor with the airbrush to where it's pretty smooth. Think I may have overdone the Apothecary White contrast on the right side, but it meets the dirtier look I like rather than the bright white that I work my way down from.



Tomorrow I'm hoping to finish the last little touches to the torso and at least one of the weapon arms.

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On 6/13/2023 at 4:04 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

I guess you're really liking the airbrush for making these models easier/quicker to paint? :wink:

It's like I've wasted hundreds of hours of my life brushing layers when I could've...I dunno, taken a nap. Probably that




Need some input here, folks. I think I've mentioned I'm colorblind, so I don't stray much from what are essentially my "proven" patterns


I tried guilliman flesh contrast on top of leadbelcher just to see if it helped the Desecrator stand apart more visually from the Abominant. What do you all think of the color? I'm thinking I'll still need to nuln oil the nooks and crannies, but could use feedback on if this color "works"



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I wound up sticking with the flesh contrast them added nightshade wash on top because I can't make up my mind lol


Finally got some more time to work on the Desecrator, and I'm getting super close to being done. But first, a complaint!20230618_201642.thumb.jpg.6ded4172d1897c5cd14d1067d9435406.jpg


This decal is the absolute devil. Every time i do a knight, i tell myself "this is the time you get it off cleanly without it tangling up and ripping." Every time I try, same result. I hate the thing lol


Working on the decals, there's still a good number left to go. Then weathering, basing, varnish and done! I've got to travel a bit this week, so really hoping I can get him done before I hit the road. PSX_20230618_203228.thumb.jpg.a9326694c9cce902a38ed929720001fc.jpg

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1 hour ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

For some reason, it reminds me of a Marvel baddie (Doctor Octopus?) :laugh: Does seem nicely "Chaosy" though :smile: 

Lol you're not wrong, not sure how I didn't even think of that :laugh:

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