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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Warpsmith, BoN 2, Nurglings complete)


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That looks really nice :thumbsup:


Are you planning on leaving the white sections of flame as they are? It might just be being washed out in the photo, but I'm wondering if they could benefit from a little bit of colour to add a bit of definition?

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6 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

It might just be being washed out in the photo, but I'm wondering if they could benefit from a little bit of colour to add a bit of definition?


5 hours ago, Pearson73 said:

the white could do with a little more of a gradient into the colours.

Yeah I definitely agree. Are you guys thinking a yellow wash would suffice? Or perhaps a watered down blue to show that portion of the heat spectrum?

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Finally got around to finishing the Burning Chariot! The blood on the base still needs to dry and I'm thinking of adding a contrast yellow and red under the flames, but if I don't it's good enough for me haha





I made some progress on the Changeling but not really enough to post, I'm thinking another two nights of work and I should be able to wrap it up. 

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Yeah That's a "Hot" paintjob :tongue:...:thumbsup: jokes aside, very nice !! the base would make lord Invocatus jealous even !!! :laugh:


This reminds me I should get around to doing my Brimstone Horrors... now that you've supplied that handy video !!


Cheers, M 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was able to get some work done on my Dark Apostle and finished up his Disciples this week. Need to apply silvers next to hide the lazy contrast applications on the DA.




I feel like I've got a ton of red cloaks, any idea what else may go well on him? Reminder I'm colorblind so that's a legit question haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished up a 3d print proxy for Skullmaster one of my buddies made for me. Not really pleased with how it came out (not to mention breaking and losing the chain he's holding onto lol), but the face lost some detail on the print that I was fine with. 





Will likely try to finish up the remaining 3 models for the Dark Commune next

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