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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Warpsmith, BoN 2, Nurglings complete)


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On 2/14/2024 at 3:49 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

There's such a big difference between the last two images

AK Streaking Grime is my best friend lol


I'm glad you all liked that one! Because his brother is being feverishly worked on (RTT this coming weekend and I've paused on my CSM playing) 





Should be able (I hope) to finish him up tomorrow and then get back to the Dark Angels. Or maybe finish the other 10 half painted things on my desk. 

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Okay enough of those gross loyalists. I have been cranking this week, courtesy of a very mild case of covid leaving me quarantined in my basement. Where my painting station is. Oh noooooo...


Cult Demagogue is obnoxiously painted because I was like "I wonder if these go together" and just went with it. And with her, 2nd Dark Commune is finished.






Also finished up the layers, gloss + wash + clean steps on my Chaos Lord. Thinking he looks suitably grungy.




Tomorrow for him will be matte coat and basing (hopefully).


Last up, finally made good progress on Haarken, getting his layer step completed. Tomorrow is gloss + wash + clean, then waiting for the next day to matte and base. He's a little brighter than I'd expected, but the washes should darken him up pretty substantially. 




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The mad sprint is nearing an end for the sake of the February vow. The MoE is all finished up, and just the Possessed remain (though will realistically not be until March no matter what). Once they're finished up, that generally empties my assembled Chaos backlog (... don't ask me about unassembled...)


So here is the MoE, in all of his skin draped glory




I've painted all of the armor panels with the normal green (MoE has a new color combo that the local guy who painted my Chosen used that I tried to copy here), then gone back over all of the exposed flesh/bone with a pale gray for easy speed paint afterwards. Then a day of trim, a day of wash drying, and by the means of a miracle I may be able to get them finished by Saturday.




Also, to toot my own horn a little bit, February has been a HUGELY productive month. Got all of these done + Skullmaster (PS Express can only combine 9 lol) in February! 



Edited by Boc
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