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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Legionaries complete, Defiler WIP)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback!


After using the Warpsmith in a few matches in a local narrative campaign... I ascribed his dismal performance to the fact he was the only model not fully painted. Hopefully next week he sucks less!







Was also able to, since the family is out of town for the week, finally finish up my March pledge



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Thankya! The Warpsmith was easily the longest I'd spent on a single model in a hot minute, and I was really happy how he turned out.


Not much progress this weekend, wife and kids came back from a trip so quality time and frantic cleaning lol


But the first 30ishk raptor for this month is complete. Opted for shoulder decal instead of using my diminishing SoH shoulder pads (I've got a printer but haven't gotten the hang of not sucking yet)





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Progress update, most of the legionaries for this month's challenge are complete




Started breaking up the monotony of marine models with the forgefiend, so here's some update shots of the WIP there


Head section I think is done except some source lighting from underneath the neck and weathering




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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay finished up the forgefiend, then proceeded to sit on my ass most of the month. 

Really happy with how he turned out though. For the demon flesh, used screaming skull + light earthshade + blood angels contrast + light nuln oil, really turned out exactly like I hoped

Got cracking this weekend on some of the infantry models in my queue, and managed to finish up the totally-not-a-Dark-Apostle and a Mk III Apothecary 








Now, debating what I should do for July


The Land Raider is a definite, since it's been waiting for about 4 months, then either the Kratos or part of the Chaos Knights army box I impulse bought when the new codex came out. Any thoughts?


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Small update, most of the bulk work is done for the Kratos, still have to finish up the sponsons and corner weapons and do weathering galore


Plus blood everywhere


On 4/27/2022 at 4:44 AM, Dosjetka said:

That's quite a rugged, weather-beaten Sons of Horus collection you have here, Boc! Are these supposed to represent late-Heresy Sons?


Also, any plans on painting the Warmaster himself? :)

Eventually I'll either buy or print a Horus model, they were out of stock on my last impulse buy lol

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Woo finally finished on this big chonky boy


I used liquid effect to add texture to the treads then finished up the weathering and gore effects tonight. I then noticed today that the blood pile ups on the armor going across the treads would only build up driving in reverse... woops


Very pumped how it turned out, even though the greenshade wash I can't seem to not get streaky http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/emoticons/censored.gif when applying over big flat panels








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